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// ADLPARSE.HPP - Definitions for Architecture Description Language Parser
// Authors: Chris Vick and Mike Paleczny
// Class List
class Form;
// ***** Top Level, 1, classes *****
class InstructForm;
class OperandForm;
class OpClassForm;
class AttributeForm;
class RegisterForm;
class PipelineForm;
class SourceForm;
class Peephole;
// ***** Level 2 classes *****
class Component;
class Predicate;
class MatchRule;
class Encode;
class Attribute;
class Effect;
class ExpandRule;
class RewriteRule;
class Constraint;
class ConstructRule;
// ***** Register Section *****
class RegDef;
class RegClass;
class CodeSnippetRegClass;
class ConditionalRegClass;
class AllocClass;
class ResourceForm;
// ***** Pipeline Section *****
class PipeDesc;
class PipeClass;
class RegList;
// ***** Peephole Section *****
class PeepPredicate;
class PeepMatch;
class PeepProcedure;
class PeepConstraint;
class PeepReplace;
extern char *toUpper(const char *str);
class ADLParser {
char *_curline; // Start of current line
char *_ptr; // Pointer into current location in File Buffer
char _curchar; // Current character from buffer
FormDict &_globalNames; // Global names
enum { _preproc_limit = 20 };
int _preproc_depth; // How deep are we into ifdefs?
int _preproc_not_taken; // How deep in not-taken ifdefs?
bool _preproc_taken[_preproc_limit]; // Are we taking this ifdef level?
bool _preproc_else[_preproc_limit]; // Did this level have an else yet?
// ***** Level 1 Parse functions *****
void instr_parse(void); // Parse instruction definitions
void oper_parse(void); // Parse operand definitions
void opclass_parse(void); // Parse operand class definitions
void ins_attr_parse(void); // Parse instruction attribute definitions
void op_attr_parse(void); // Parse operand attribute definitions
void source_parse(void); // Parse source section
void source_hpp_parse(void); // Parse source_hpp section
void reg_parse(void); // Parse register section
void encode_parse(void); // Parse encoding section
void frame_parse(void); // Parse frame section
void pipe_parse(void); // Parse pipeline section
void definitions_parse(void); // Parse definitions section
void peep_parse(void); // Parse peephole rule definitions
void preproc_line(void); // Parse a #line statement
void preproc_define(void); // Parse a #define statement
void preproc_undef(void); // Parse an #undef statement
// Helper functions for instr_parse().
void adjust_set_rule(InstructForm *instr);
void matchrule_clone_and_swap(MatchRule *rule, const char* instr_ident, int& match_rules_cnt);
// ***** Level 2 Parse functions *****
// Parse the components of the encode section
void enc_class_parse(void); // Parse encoding class definition
void enc_class_parse_block(EncClass* encoding, char* ec_name);
// Parse the components of the frame section
void sync_stack_slots_parse(FrameForm *frame);
void frame_pointer_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void interpreter_frame_pointer_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void inline_cache_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void interpreter_arg_ptr_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void interpreter_method_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void cisc_spilling_operand_name_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
void stack_alignment_parse(FrameForm *frame);
void return_addr_parse(FrameForm *frame, bool native);
char *return_value_parse();
// Parse components of the register section
void reg_def_parse(void); // Parse register definition
void reg_class_parse(void); // Parse register class definition
void reg_class_dynamic_parse(void); // Parse dynamic register class definition
void alloc_class_parse(void); // Parse allocation class definition
// Parse components of the definition section
void int_def_parse(void); // Parse an integer definition
// Parse components of a pipeline rule
void resource_parse(PipelineForm &pipe); // Parse resource definition
void pipe_desc_parse(PipelineForm &pipe); // Parse pipeline description definition
void pipe_class_parse(PipelineForm &pipe); // Parse pipeline class definition
// Parse components of a peephole rule
void peep_predicate_parse(Peephole &peep); // Parse the peephole predicate
void peep_match_parse(Peephole &peep); // Parse the peephole match rule
void peep_procedure_parse(Peephole &peep); // Parse the peephole procedure
void peep_constraint_parse(Peephole &peep);// Parse the peephole constraints
void peep_replace_parse(Peephole &peep); // Parse peephole replacement rule
// Parse the peep match rule tree
InstructForm *peep_match_child_parse(PeepMatch &match, int parent, int &position, int input);
// Parse components of an operand and/or instruction form
Predicate *pred_parse(void); // Parse predicate rule
// Parse match rule, and internal nodes
MatchRule *match_parse(FormDict &operands);
MatchNode *matchNode_parse(FormDict &operands, int &depth,
int &numleaves, bool atroot);
MatchNode *matchChild_parse(FormDict &operands, int &depth,
int &numleaves, bool atroot);
Attribute *attr_parse(char *ident);// Parse instr/operand attribute rule
// Parse instruction encode rule
void ins_encode_parse(InstructForm &inst);
void ins_encode_parse_block(InstructForm &inst);
void ins_encode_parse_block_impl(InstructForm& inst, EncClass* encoding, char* ec_name);
// Parse instruction postalloc expand rule.
void postalloc_expand_parse(InstructForm &inst);
void constant_parse(InstructForm& inst);
void constant_parse_expression(EncClass* encoding, char* ec_name);
Opcode *opcode_parse(InstructForm *insr); // Parse instruction opcode
char *size_parse(InstructForm *insr); // Parse instruction size
Interface *interface_parse(); // Parse operand interface rule
Interface *mem_interface_parse(); // Parse memory interface rule
Interface *cond_interface_parse(); // Parse conditional interface rule
char *interface_field_parse(const char** format = NULL);// Parse field contents
FormatRule *format_parse(void); // Parse format rule
FormatRule *template_parse(void); // Parse format rule
void effect_parse(InstructForm *instr); // Parse effect rule
ExpandRule *expand_parse(InstructForm *instr); // Parse expand rule
RewriteRule *rewrite_parse(void); // Parse rewrite rule
Constraint *constraint_parse(void); // Parse constraint rule
ConstructRule *construct_parse(void); // Parse construct rule
void ins_pipe_parse(InstructForm &instr); // Parse ins_pipe rule
// ***** Preprocessor functions *****
void begin_if_def(bool taken) {
assert(_preproc_depth < _preproc_limit, "#ifdef nesting limit");
int ppn = _preproc_depth++;
_preproc_taken[ppn] = taken;
// Invariant: _preproc_not_taken = SUM !_preproc_taken[0.._preproc_depth)
if (!_preproc_taken[ppn]) _preproc_not_taken += 1;
_preproc_else[ppn] = false;
void invert_if_def() {
assert(_preproc_depth > 0, "#ifdef matching");
int ppn = _preproc_depth - 1;
assert(!_preproc_else[ppn], "multiple #else lines");
_preproc_else[ppn] = true;
if (!_preproc_taken[ppn]) _preproc_not_taken -= 1;
_preproc_taken[ppn] = !_preproc_taken[ppn];
if (!_preproc_taken[ppn]) _preproc_not_taken += 1;
void end_if_def() {
assert(_preproc_depth > 0, "#ifdef matching");
int ppn = --_preproc_depth;
if (!_preproc_taken[ppn]) _preproc_not_taken -= 1;
bool preproc_taken() {
// Return true only if there is no directive hiding this text position.
return _preproc_not_taken == 0;
// Handle a '#' token. Return true if it disappeared.
bool handle_preproc_token();
// ***** Utility Functions for ADL Parser ******
// Parse one string argument inside parens: '(' string ')' ';'
char *parse_one_arg(const char *description);
// Return the next identifier given a pointer into a line of the buffer.
char *get_ident() { return get_ident_common(true); }
char *get_ident_no_preproc() { return get_ident_common(false); }
char *get_ident_common(bool do_preproc); // Grab it from the file buffer
char *get_ident_dup(void); // Grab a duplicate of the identifier
char *get_ident_or_literal_constant(const char* description);
// Grab unique identifier from file buffer
char *get_unique_ident(FormDict &dict, const char *nameDescription);
// Return the next replacement variable identifier
char *get_rep_var_ident(void);
// Skip first '$' and make a duplicate of the string
char *get_rep_var_ident_dup(void);
// Return the next token given as a signed integer.
int get_int(void);
// Return the next token, a relational operator { ==, !=, <=, >= }
char *get_relation_dup(void);
void get_oplist(NameList ¶meters, FormDict &operands);// Parse type-operand pairs
void get_effectlist(FormDict &effects, FormDict &operands, bool& has_call); // Parse effect-operand pairs
// Return the contents of a parenthesized expression.
// Requires initial '(' and consumes final ')', which is replaced by '\0'.
char *get_paren_expr(const char *description, bool include_location = false);
// Return expression up to next stop-char, which terminator replaces.
// Does not require initial '('. Does not consume final stop-char.
// Final stop-char is left in _curchar, but is also is replaced by '\0'.
char *get_expr(const char *description, const char *stop_chars);
char *find_cpp_block(const char *description); // Parse a C++ code block
// Issue parser error message & go to EOL
void parse_err(int flag, const char *fmt, ...);
// Create a location marker for this file and line.
char *get_line_string(int linenum = 0);
// Return a location marker which tells the C preprocessor to
// forget the previous location marker. (Requires awk postprocessing.)
char *end_line_marker() { return (char*)"\n#line 999999\n"; }
// Return pointer to current character
inline char cur_char(void);
// Advance to next character, assign this to _curchar
inline void next_char(void);
inline void next_char_or_line(void);
// Advance File Buffer to next line, updating _curline
inline void next_line(void);
// Issue an error if we are not at the beginning of a line (exc. whitespace).
void ensure_start_of_line(void);
// Issue an error if we are not at the end of a line (exc. whitespace).
void ensure_end_of_line(void);
// Skip whitespace, leaving ptr pointing to first non-whitespace character
// Also handle preprocessor constructs like "#ifdef".
void skipws() { skipws_common(true); }
// Skip comments and spaces but not newlines or preprocessor constructs.
void skipws_no_preproc() { skipws_common(false); }
void skipws_common(bool do_preproc);
FileBuff &_buf; // File buffer to be parsed
ArchDesc &_AD; // Architecture Description being built
ADLParser(FileBuff &buf, ArchDesc &archDesc); // Create new ADLParser object
~ADLParser(); // Destroy ADLParser object
void parse(void); // Do the parsing & build forms lists
int linenum() { return _buf.linenum(); }
static bool is_literal_constant(const char *hex_string);
static bool is_hex_digit(char digit);
static bool is_int_token(const char* token, int& intval);
static bool equivalent_expressions(const char* str1, const char* str2);
static void trim(char* &token); // trim leading & trailing spaces
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