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// FORMSOPT.HPP - ADL Parser Target Specific Optimization Forms Classes
// Class List
class Form;
class InstructForm;
class OperandForm;
class OpClassForm;
class AttributeForm;
class RegisterForm;
class PipelineForm;
class SourceForm;
class EncodeForm;
class Component;
class Constraint;
class Predicate;
class MatchRule;
class Attribute;
class Effect;
class ExpandRule;
class RewriteRule;
class ConstructRule;
class FormatRule;
class EncClass;
class Interface;
class RegInterface;
class ConstInterface;
class MemInterface;
class CondInterface;
class Opcode;
class InsEncode;
class RegDef;
class RegClass;
class CodeSnippetRegClass;
class ConditionalRegClass;
class AllocClass;
class ResourceForm;
class PipeClassForm;
class PipeClassOperandForm;
class PipeClassResourceForm;
class Peephole;
class PeepPredicate;
class PeepMatch;
class PeepProcedure;
class PeepConstraint;
class PeepReplace;
class MatchList;
class ArchDesc;
//==============================Register Allocation============================
class RegisterForm : public Form {
AllocClass *_current_ac; // State used by iter_RegDefs()
// Public Data
NameList _rdefs; // List of register definition names
Dict _regDef; // map register name to RegDef*
NameList _rclasses; // List of register class names
Dict _regClass; // map register class name to RegClass*
NameList _aclasses; // List of allocation class names
Dict _allocClass; // Dictionary of allocation classes
static int _reg_ctr; // Register counter
static int RegMask_Size(); // Compute RegMask size
// Public Methods
void addRegDef(char *regName, char *callingConv, char *c_conv,
char * idealtype, char *encoding, char* concreteName);
template<typename T> T* addRegClass(const char* className);
AllocClass *addAllocClass(char *allocName);
void addSpillRegClass();
void addDynamicRegClass();
// Provide iteration over all register definitions
// in the order used by the register allocator
void reset_RegDefs();
RegDef *iter_RegDefs();
RegDef *getRegDef (const char *regName);
RegClass *getRegClass(const char *className);
// Return register mask, compressed chunk and register #
uint reg_mask(char *register_class);
// Check that register classes are compatible with chunks
bool verify();
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class RegDef : public Form {
// Public Data
const char *_regname; // ADLC (Opto) Register name
const char *_callconv; // Calling convention
const char *_c_conv; // Native calling convention, 'C'
const char *_idealtype; // Ideal Type for register save/restore
const char *_concrete; // concrete register name
const char *_register_encode; // The register encoding
// The chunk and register mask bits define info for register allocation
uint32 _register_num; // Which register am I
// Public Methods
RegDef(char *regname, char *callconv, char *c_conv,
char *idealtype, char *encoding, char *concrete);
~RegDef(); // Destructor
// Interface to define/redefine the register number
void set_register_num(uint32 new_register_num);
// Bit pattern used for generating machine code
const char *register_encode() const;
// Register number used in machine-independent code
uint32 register_num() const;
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
// Generic register class. This register class is the internal representation
// for the following .ad file format:
// reg_class ptr(RAX, RBX, ...);
// where ptr is the name of the register class, RAX and RBX are registers.
// This register class allows registers to be spilled onto the stack. Spilling
// is allowed is field _stack_or_reg is true.
class RegClass : public Form {
// Public Data
const char *_classid; // Name of class
NameList _regDefs; // List of registers in class
Dict _regDef; // Dictionary of registers in class
bool _stack_or_reg; // Allowed on any stack slot
// Public Methods
RegClass(const char *classid);// Constructor
virtual ~RegClass();
void addReg(RegDef *regDef); // Add a register to this class
uint size() const; // Number of registers in class
int regs_in_word( int wordnum, bool stack_also );
const RegDef *get_RegDef(const char *regDef_name) const;
// Returns the lowest numbered register in the mask.
const RegDef* find_first_elem();
// Iteration support
void reset(); // Reset the following two iterators
RegDef *RegDef_iter(); // which move jointly,
const char *rd_name_iter(); // invoking either advances both.
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
virtual bool has_stack_version() {
return _stack_or_reg;
virtual void set_stack_version(bool flag) {
_stack_or_reg = flag;
virtual void declare_register_masks(FILE* fp);
virtual void build_register_masks(FILE* fp);
// Register class that has an user-defined C++ code snippet attached to it
// to determine at runtime which register class to use. This register class is
// the internal representation for the following .ad file format:
// reg_class actual_dflt_reg %{
// if (VM_Version::has_vfp3_32()) {
// return DFLT_REG_mask();
// } else {
// return DFLT_LOW_REG_mask();
// }
// %}
// where DFLT_REG_mask() and DFLT_LOW_REG_mask() are the internal names of the
// masks of register classes dflt_reg and dflt_low_reg.
// The attached code snippet can select also between more than two register classes.
// This register class can be, however, used only if the register class is not
// cisc-spillable (i.e., the registers of this class are not allowed on the stack,
// which is equivalent with _stack_or_reg being false).
class CodeSnippetRegClass : public RegClass {
char* _code_snippet;
CodeSnippetRegClass(const char* classid);// Constructor
void set_code_snippet(char* code) {
_code_snippet = code;
char* code_snippet() {
return _code_snippet;
void declare_register_masks(FILE* fp);
void build_register_masks(FILE* fp) {
// We do not need to generate register masks because we select at runtime
// between register masks generated for other register classes.
// Register class that has two register classes and a runtime condition attached
// to it. The condition is evaluated at runtime and either one of the register
// attached register classes is selected. This register class is the internal
// representation for the following .ad format:
// reg_class_dynamic actual_dflt_reg(dflt_reg, low_reg,
// %{ VM_Version::has_vfp3_32() }%
// );
// This example is equivalent to the example used with the CodeSnippetRegClass
// register class. A ConditionalRegClass works also if a register class is cisc-spillable
// (i.e., _stack_or_reg is true), but if can select only between two register classes.
class ConditionalRegClass : public RegClass {
// reference to condition code
char* _condition_code; // C++ condition code to dynamically determine which register class to use.
// Example syntax (equivalent to previous example):
// reg_class actual_dflt_reg(dflt_reg, low_reg,
// %{ VM_Version::has_vfp3_32() }%
// );
// reference to conditional register classes
RegClass* _rclasses[2]; // 0 is the register class selected if the condition code returns true
// 1 is the register class selected if the condition code returns false
ConditionalRegClass(const char* classid);// Constructor
virtual void set_stack_version(bool flag) {
assert((_rclasses[0] != NULL), "Register class NULL for condition code == true");
assert((_rclasses[1] != NULL), "Register class NULL for condition code == false");
void declare_register_masks(FILE* fp);
void build_register_masks(FILE* fp) {
// We do not need to generate register masks because we select at runtime
// between register masks generated for other register classes.
void set_rclass_at_index(int index, RegClass* rclass) {
assert((0 <= index && index < 2), "Condition code can select only between two register classes");
_rclasses[index] = rclass;
void set_condition_code(char* code) {
_condition_code = code;
char* condition_code() {
return _condition_code;
class AllocClass : public Form {
// Public Data
char *_classid; // Name of class
NameList _regDefs; // List of registers in class
Dict _regDef; // Dictionary of registers in class
// Public Methods
AllocClass(char *classid); // Constructor
void addReg(RegDef *regDef); // Add a register to this class
uint size() {return _regDef.Size();} // Number of registers in class
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
//==============================Frame Handling================================
class FrameForm : public Form {
// Public Data
char *_sync_stack_slots;
char *_inline_cache_reg;
char *_interpreter_frame_pointer_reg;
char *_cisc_spilling_operand_name;
char *_frame_pointer;
char *_c_frame_pointer;
char *_alignment;
bool _return_addr_loc;
bool _c_return_addr_loc;
char *_return_addr;
char *_c_return_addr;
char *_varargs_C_out_slots_killed;
char *_return_value;
char *_c_return_value;
// Public Methods
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class PipelineForm : public Form {
// Public Data
NameList _reslist; // List of pipeline resources
FormDict _resdict; // Resource Name -> ResourceForm mapping
int _rescount; // Number of resources (ignores OR cases)
int _maxcycleused; // Largest cycle used relative to beginning of instruction
NameList _stages; // List of pipeline stages on architecture
int _stagecnt; // Number of stages listed
NameList _classlist; // List of pipeline classes
FormDict _classdict; // Class Name -> PipeClassForm mapping
int _classcnt; // Number of classes
NameList _noplist; // List of NOP instructions
int _nopcnt; // Number of nop instructions
bool _variableSizeInstrs; // Indicates if this architecture has variable sized instructions
bool _branchHasDelaySlot; // Indicates that branches have delay slot instructions
int _maxInstrsPerBundle; // Indicates the maximum number of instructions for ILP
int _maxBundlesPerCycle; // Indicates the maximum number of bundles for ILP
int _instrUnitSize; // The minimum instruction unit size, in bytes
int _bundleUnitSize; // The bundle unit size, in bytes
int _instrFetchUnitSize; // The size of the I-fetch unit, in bytes [must be power of 2]
int _instrFetchUnits; // The number of I-fetch units processed per cycle
// Public Methods
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class ResourceForm : public Form {
unsigned mask() const { return _resmask; };
// Public Data
unsigned _resmask; // Resource Mask (OR of resource specifier bits)
// Virtual Methods
virtual ResourceForm *is_resource() const;
// Public Methods
ResourceForm(unsigned resmask); // Constructor
~ResourceForm(); // Destructor
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class PipeClassOperandForm : public Form {
// Public Data
const char *_stage; // Name of Stage
unsigned _iswrite; // Read or Write
unsigned _more_instrs; // Additional Instructions
// Public Methods
PipeClassOperandForm(const char *stage, unsigned iswrite, unsigned more_instrs)
: _stage(stage)
, _iswrite(iswrite)
, _more_instrs(more_instrs)
~PipeClassOperandForm() {}; // Destructor
bool isWrite() const { return _iswrite != 0; }
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class PipeClassResourceForm : public Form {
// Public Data
const char *_resource; // Resource
const char *_stage; // Stage the resource is used in
int _cycles; // Number of cycles the resource is used
// Public Methods
PipeClassResourceForm(const char *resource, const char *stage, int cycles)
// Constructor
: _resource(resource)
, _stage(stage)
, _cycles(cycles)
~PipeClassResourceForm() {}; // Destructor
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class PipeClassForm : public Form {
// Public Data
const char *_ident; // Name of class
int _num; // Used in name of MachNode subclass
NameList _parameters; // Locally defined names
FormDict _localNames; // Table of operands & their types
FormDict _localUsage; // Table of operand usage
FormList _resUsage; // List of resource usage
NameList _instructs; // List of instructions and machine nodes that use this pipeline class
bool _has_fixed_latency; // Always takes this number of cycles
int _fixed_latency; // Always takes this number of cycles
int _instruction_count; // Number of instructions in first bundle
bool _has_multiple_bundles; // Indicates if 1 or multiple bundles
bool _has_branch_delay_slot; // Has branch delay slot as last instruction
bool _force_serialization; // This node serializes relative to surrounding nodes
bool _may_have_no_code; // This node may generate no code based on register allocation
// Virtual Methods
virtual PipeClassForm *is_pipeclass() const;
// Public Methods
PipeClassForm(const char *id, int num);
// Constructor
~PipeClassForm(); // Destructor
bool hasFixedLatency() { return _has_fixed_latency; }
int fixedLatency() { return _fixed_latency; }
void setFixedLatency(int fixed_latency) { _has_fixed_latency = 1; _fixed_latency = fixed_latency; }
void setInstructionCount(int i) { _instruction_count = i; }
void setMultipleBundles(bool b) { _has_multiple_bundles = b; }
void setBranchDelay(bool s) { _has_branch_delay_slot = s; }
void setForceSerialization(bool s) { _force_serialization = s; }
void setMayHaveNoCode(bool s) { _may_have_no_code = s; }
int InstructionCount() const { return _instruction_count; }
bool hasMultipleBundles() const { return _has_multiple_bundles; }
bool hasBranchDelay() const { return _has_branch_delay_slot; }
bool forceSerialization() const { return _force_serialization; }
bool mayHaveNoCode() const { return _may_have_no_code; }
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
//==============================Peephole Optimization==========================
class Peephole : public Form {
static int _peephole_counter;// Incremented by each peephole rule parsed
int _peephole_number;// Remember my order in architecture description
PeepPredicate *_predicate; // Predicate to apply peep rule
PeepMatch *_match; // Instruction pattern to match
PeepProcedure *_procedure; // The detailed procedure to perform the rule
PeepConstraint *_constraint; // List of additional constraints
PeepReplace *_replace; // Instruction pattern to substitute in
Peephole *_next;
// Public Methods
// Append a peephole rule with the same root instruction
void append_peephole(Peephole *next_peephole);
// Store the components of this peephole rule
void add_predicate(PeepPredicate *only_one_predicate);
void add_match(PeepMatch *only_one_match);
void add_procedure(PeepProcedure *only_one_procedure);
void append_constraint(PeepConstraint *next_constraint);
void add_replace(PeepReplace *only_one_replacement);
// Access the components of this peephole rule
int peephole_number() { return _peephole_number; }
PeepPredicate *predicate() { return _predicate; }
PeepMatch *match() { return _match; }
PeepProcedure *procedure() { return _procedure; }
PeepConstraint *constraints() { return _constraint; }
PeepReplace *replacement() { return _replace; }
Peephole *next() { return _next; }
void dump(); // Debug printer
void output(FILE *fp); // Write info to output files
class PeepPredicate : public Form {
const char* _rule;
// Public Methods
PeepPredicate(const char* rule);
const char* rule() const;
void dump();
void output(FILE* fp);
class PeepMatch : public Form {
char *_rule;
// NameList _depth; // Depth of this instruction
NameList _parent;
NameList _position;
NameList _instrs; // List of instructions in match rule
NameList _input; // input position in parent's instruction
int _max_position;
// Public Methods
PeepMatch(char *rule);
// Insert info into the match-rule
void add_instruction(int parent, int position, const char *name, int input);
// Access info about instructions in the peep-match rule
int max_position();
const char *instruction_name(int position);
// Iterate through all info on matched instructions
void reset();
void next_instruction(int &parent, int &position, const char* &name, int &input);
// 'true' if current position in iteration is a placeholder, not matched.
bool is_placeholder();
void dump();
void output(FILE *fp);
class PeepProcedure : public Form {
const char* _name;
// Public Methods
PeepProcedure(const char* name);
const char* name() const;
void dump();
void output(FILE* fp);
class PeepConstraint : public Form {
PeepConstraint *_next; // Additional constraints ANDed together
const int _left_inst;
const char* _left_op;
const char* _relation;
const int _right_inst;
const char* _right_op;
// Public Methods
PeepConstraint(int left_inst, char* left_op, char* relation,
int right_inst, char* right_op);
// Check if constraints use instruction at position
bool constrains_instruction(int position);
// Add another constraint
void append(PeepConstraint *next_peep_constraint);
// Access the next constraint in the list
PeepConstraint *next();
void dump();
void output(FILE *fp);
class PeepReplace : public Form {
char *_rule;
NameList _instruction;
NameList _operand_inst_num;
NameList _operand_op_name;
// Public Methods
PeepReplace(char *rule);
// Add contents of peepreplace
void add_instruction(char *root);
void add_operand( int inst_num, char *inst_operand );
// Access contents of peepreplace
void reset();
void next_instruction(const char * &root);
void next_operand(int &inst_num, const char * &inst_operand );
// Utilities
void dump();
void output(FILE *fp);
class PeepChild : public Form {
const int _inst_num; // Number of instruction (-1 if only named)
const char *_inst_op; // Instruction's operand, NULL if number == -1
const char *_inst_name; // Name of the instruction
PeepChild(char *inst_name)
: _inst_num(-1), _inst_op(NULL), _inst_name(inst_name) {};
PeepChild(int inst_num, char *inst_op, char *inst_name)
: _inst_num(inst_num), _inst_op(inst_op), _inst_name(inst_name) {};
bool use_leaf_operand() { return _inst_num != -1; };
bool generate_an_instruction() { return _inst_num == -1; }
void dump();
void output(FILE *fp);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.28 Sekunden
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