* Copyright (c) 2018, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "cds/dumpTimeClassInfo.hpp"
#include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
#include "classfile/compactHashtable.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/allStatic.hpp"
#include "oops/compressedOops.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.hpp"
#include "oops/oopHandle.hpp"
#include "oops/oopsHierarchy.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
class DumpedInternedStrings;
class FileMapInfo;
class KlassSubGraphInfo;
class ResourceBitMap;
struct ArchivableStaticFieldInfo;
// A dump time sub-graph info for Klass _k. It includes the entry points
// (static fields in _k's mirror) of the archived sub-graphs reachable
// from _k's mirror. It also contains a list of Klasses of the objects
// within the sub-graphs.
class KlassSubGraphInfo: public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
// The class that contains the static field(s) as the entry point(s)
// of archived object sub-graph(s).
Klass* _k;
// A list of classes need to be loaded and initialized before the archived
// object sub-graphs can be accessed at runtime.
GrowableArray<Klass*>* _subgraph_object_klasses;
// A list of _k's static fields as the entry points of archived sub-graphs.
// For each entry field, it is a tuple of field_offset, field_value and
// is_closed_archive flag.
GrowableArray<int>* _subgraph_entry_fields;
// Does this KlassSubGraphInfo belong to the archived full module graph
bool _is_full_module_graph;
// Does this KlassSubGraphInfo references any classes that were loaded while
// JvmtiExport::is_early_phase()!=true. If so, this KlassSubGraphInfo cannot be
// used at runtime if JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook is enabled.
bool _has_non_early_klasses;
static bool is_non_early_klass(Klass* k);
static void check_allowed_klass(InstanceKlass* ik);
KlassSubGraphInfo(Klass* k, bool is_full_module_graph) :
_k(k), _subgraph_object_klasses(NULL),
_has_non_early_klasses(false) {}
~KlassSubGraphInfo() {
if (_subgraph_object_klasses != NULL) {
delete _subgraph_object_klasses;
if (_subgraph_entry_fields != NULL) {
delete _subgraph_entry_fields;
Klass* klass() { return _k; }
GrowableArray<Klass*>* subgraph_object_klasses() {
return _subgraph_object_klasses;
GrowableArray<int>* subgraph_entry_fields() {
return _subgraph_entry_fields;
void add_subgraph_entry_field(int static_field_offset, oop v,
bool is_closed_archive);
void add_subgraph_object_klass(Klass *orig_k);
int num_subgraph_object_klasses() {
return _subgraph_object_klasses == NULL ? 0 :
bool is_full_module_graph() const { return _is_full_module_graph; }
bool has_non_early_klasses() const { return _has_non_early_klasses; }
// An archived record of object sub-graphs reachable from static
// fields within _k's mirror. The record is reloaded from the archive
// at runtime.
class ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord {
Klass* _k;
bool _is_full_module_graph;
bool _has_non_early_klasses;
// contains pairs of field offset and value for each subgraph entry field
Array<int>* _entry_field_records;
// klasses of objects in archived sub-graphs referenced from the entry points
// (static fields) in the containing class
Array<Klass*>* _subgraph_object_klasses;
ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord() :
_k(NULL), _entry_field_records(NULL), _subgraph_object_klasses(NULL) {}
void init(KlassSubGraphInfo* info);
Klass* klass() const { return _k; }
Array<int>* entry_field_records() const { return _entry_field_records; }
Array<Klass*>* subgraph_object_klasses() const { return _subgraph_object_klasses; }
bool is_full_module_graph() const { return _is_full_module_graph; }
bool has_non_early_klasses() const { return _has_non_early_klasses; }
struct LoadedArchiveHeapRegion;
class HeapShared: AllStatic {
friend class VerifySharedOopClosure;
// Can this VM write heap regions into the CDS archive? Currently only G1+compressed{oops,cp}
static bool can_write() {
if (_disable_writing) {
return false;
return (UseG1GC && UseCompressedClassPointers);
NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP(return false;)
static void disable_writing() {
CDS_JAVA_HEAP_ONLY(_disable_writing = true;)
static bool is_subgraph_root_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
static bool _disable_writing;
static DumpedInternedStrings *_dumped_interned_strings;
static GrowableArrayCHeap<Metadata**, mtClassShared>* _native_pointers;
static unsigned oop_hash(oop const& p);
static unsigned string_oop_hash(oop const& string) {
return java_lang_String::hash_code(string);
struct CachedOopInfo {
KlassSubGraphInfo* _subgraph_info;
oop _referrer;
oop _obj;
CachedOopInfo() :_subgraph_info(), _referrer(), _obj() {}
static void check_enum_obj(int level,
KlassSubGraphInfo* subgraph_info,
oop orig_obj,
bool is_closed_archive);
typedef ResourceHashtable<oop, CachedOopInfo,
36137, // prime number
HeapShared::oop_hash> ArchivedObjectCache;
static ArchivedObjectCache* _archived_object_cache;
typedef ResourceHashtable<oop, oop,
36137, // prime number
HeapShared::oop_hash> OriginalObjectTable;
static OriginalObjectTable* _original_object_table;
class DumpTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable
: public ResourceHashtable<Klass*, KlassSubGraphInfo,
137, // prime number
DumpTimeSharedClassTable_hash> {
int _count;
public: // solaris compiler wants this for RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable
inline static bool record_equals_compact_hashtable_entry(
const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* value, const Klass* key, int len_unused) {
return (value->klass() == key);
typedef OffsetCompactHashtable<
const Klass*,
const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord*,
> RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable;
static DumpTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable* _dump_time_subgraph_info_table;
static RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable _run_time_subgraph_info_table;
static void check_closed_region_object(InstanceKlass* k);
static CachedOopInfo make_cached_oop_info(oop orig_obj);
static void archive_object_subgraphs(ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[],
bool is_closed_archive,
bool is_full_module_graph);
// Archive object sub-graph starting from the given static field
// in Klass k's mirror.
static void archive_reachable_objects_from_static_field(
InstanceKlass* k, const char* klass_name,
int field_offset, const char* field_name,
bool is_closed_archive);
static void verify_subgraph_from_static_field(
InstanceKlass* k, int field_offset) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static void verify_reachable_objects_from(oop obj, bool is_archived) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static void verify_subgraph_from(oop orig_obj) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static KlassSubGraphInfo* init_subgraph_info(Klass *k, bool is_full_module_graph);
static KlassSubGraphInfo* get_subgraph_info(Klass *k);
static void init_subgraph_entry_fields(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_subgraph_entry_fields(ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[], TRAPS);
// UseCompressedOops only: Used by decode_from_archive
static address _narrow_oop_base;
static int _narrow_oop_shift;
// !UseCompressedOops only: used to relocate pointers to the archived objects
static ptrdiff_t _runtime_delta;
typedef ResourceHashtable<oop, bool,
15889, // prime number
HeapShared::oop_hash> SeenObjectsTable;
static SeenObjectsTable *_seen_objects_table;
static GrowableArrayCHeap<oop, mtClassShared>* _pending_roots;
static OopHandle _roots;
static void init_seen_objects_table() {
assert(_seen_objects_table == NULL, "must be");
_seen_objects_table = new (mtClass)SeenObjectsTable();
static void delete_seen_objects_table() {
assert(_seen_objects_table != NULL, "must be");
delete _seen_objects_table;
_seen_objects_table = NULL;
// Statistics (for one round of start_recording_subgraph ... done_recording_subgraph)
static int _num_new_walked_objs;
static int _num_new_archived_objs;
static int _num_old_recorded_klasses;
// Statistics (for all archived subgraphs)
static int _num_total_subgraph_recordings;
static int _num_total_walked_objs;
static int _num_total_archived_objs;
static int _num_total_recorded_klasses;
static int _num_total_verifications;
static void start_recording_subgraph(InstanceKlass *k, const char* klass_name,
bool is_full_module_graph);
static void done_recording_subgraph(InstanceKlass *k, const char* klass_name);
static bool has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
static void set_has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
static void check_module_oop(oop orig_module_obj);
static void copy_roots();
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraphs(JavaThread* current, ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[]);
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraph_of(JavaThread* current, Klass* k);
static void clear_archived_roots_of(Klass* k);
static const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord*
resolve_or_init_classes_for_subgraph_of(Klass* k, bool do_init, TRAPS);
static void resolve_or_init(Klass* k, bool do_init, TRAPS);
static void init_archived_fields_for(Klass* k, const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* record);
static int init_loaded_regions(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_regions,
MemRegion& archive_space);
static void sort_loaded_regions(LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_regions, int num_loaded_regions,
uintptr_t buffer);
static bool load_regions(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_regions,
int num_loaded_regions, uintptr_t buffer);
static void init_loaded_heap_relocation(LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* reloc_info,
int num_loaded_regions);
static void fill_failed_loaded_region();
static void mark_native_pointers(oop orig_obj, oop archived_obj);
static void mark_one_native_pointer(oop archived_obj, int offset);
static void reset_archived_object_states(TRAPS);
static void create_archived_object_cache(bool create_orig_table) {
_archived_object_cache =
new (mtClass)ArchivedObjectCache();
if (create_orig_table) {
_original_object_table =
new (mtClass)OriginalObjectTable();
} else {
_original_object_table = NULL;
static void destroy_archived_object_cache() {
delete _archived_object_cache;
_archived_object_cache = NULL;
if (_original_object_table != NULL) {
delete _original_object_table;
_original_object_table = NULL;
static ArchivedObjectCache* archived_object_cache() {
return _archived_object_cache;
static oop get_original_object(oop archived_object) {
assert(_original_object_table != NULL, "sanity");
oop* r = _original_object_table->get(archived_object);
if (r == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return *r;
static oop find_archived_heap_object(oop obj);
static oop archive_object(oop obj);
static void archive_klass_objects();
static void archive_objects(GrowableArray<MemRegion>* closed_regions,
GrowableArray<MemRegion>* open_regions);
static void copy_closed_objects(GrowableArray<MemRegion>* closed_regions);
static void copy_open_objects(GrowableArray<MemRegion>* open_regions);
static oop archive_reachable_objects_from(int level,
KlassSubGraphInfo* subgraph_info,
oop orig_obj,
bool is_closed_archive);
static ResourceBitMap calculate_oopmap(MemRegion region); // marks all the oop pointers
static ResourceBitMap calculate_ptrmap(MemRegion region); // marks all the native pointers
static void add_to_dumped_interned_strings(oop string);
// We use the HeapShared::roots() array to make sure that objects stored in the
// archived heap regions are not prematurely collected. These roots include:
// - mirrors of classes that have not yet been loaded.
// - ConstantPool::resolved_references() of classes that have not yet been loaded.
// - ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecords that have not been initialized
// - java.lang.Module objects that have not yet been added to the module graph
// When a mirror M becomes referenced by a newly loaded class K, M will be removed
// from HeapShared::roots() via clear_root(), and K will be responsible for
// keeping M alive.
// Other types of roots are also cleared similarly when they become referenced.
// Dump-time only. Returns the index of the root, which can be used at run time to read
// the root using get_root(index, ...).
static int append_root(oop obj);
// Dump-time and runtime
static objArrayOop roots();
static oop get_root(int index, bool clear=false);
// Run-time only
static void clear_root(int index);
static void setup_test_class(const char* test_class_name) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static void run_full_gc_in_vm_thread() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static bool is_heap_region(int idx) {
CDS_JAVA_HEAP_ONLY(return (idx >= MetaspaceShared::first_closed_heap_region &&
idx <= MetaspaceShared::last_open_heap_region);)
static bool is_archived_object_during_dumptime(oop p) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
static void resolve_classes(JavaThread* current) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void initialize_from_archived_subgraph(JavaThread* current, Klass* k) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_for_dumping(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void write_subgraph_info_table() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void serialize_root(SerializeClosure* soc) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void serialize_tables(SerializeClosure* soc) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static bool initialize_enum_klass(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
// Returns the address of a heap object when it's mapped at the
// runtime requested address. See comments in archiveBuilder.hpp.
static address to_requested_address(address dumptime_addr) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(NULL);
static oop to_requested_address(oop dumptime_oop) {
return cast_to_oop(to_requested_address(cast_from_oop<address>(dumptime_oop)));
static bool is_a_test_class_in_unnamed_module(Klass* ik) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
class DumpedInternedStrings :
public ResourceHashtable<oop, bool,
15889, // prime number
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