* Copyright (c) 1998, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
#include "code/codeCache.hpp"
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "logging/logStream.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/iterator.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "oops/compressedOops.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackWatermarkSet.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/lockFreeStack.hpp"
#ifdef COMPILER1
#include "c1/c1_Defs.hpp"
#ifdef COMPILER2
#include "opto/optoreg.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmci_globals.hpp"
static_assert(sizeof(oop) == sizeof(intptr_t), "Derived pointer sanity check");
static inline intptr_t derived_pointer_value(derived_pointer p) {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(p);
static inline derived_pointer to_derived_pointer(oop obj) {
return static_cast<derived_pointer>(cast_from_oop<intptr_t>(obj));
static inline intptr_t operator-(derived_pointer p, derived_pointer p1) {
return derived_pointer_value(p) - derived_pointer_value(p1);
static inline derived_pointer operator+(derived_pointer p, intptr_t offset) {
return static_cast<derived_pointer>(derived_pointer_value(p) + offset);
// OopMapStream
OopMapStream::OopMapStream(const OopMap* oop_map)
: _stream(oop_map->write_stream()->buffer()) {
_size = oop_map->omv_count();
_position = 0;
_valid_omv = false;
OopMapStream::OopMapStream(const ImmutableOopMap* oop_map)
: _stream(oop_map->data_addr()) {
_size = oop_map->count();
_position = 0;
_valid_omv = false;
void OopMapStream::find_next() {
if (_position++ < _size) {
_valid_omv = true;
_valid_omv = false;
// OopMap
// frame_size units are stack-slots (4 bytes) NOT intptr_t; we can name odd
// slots to hold 4-byte values like ints and floats in the LP64 build.
OopMap::OopMap(int frame_size, int arg_count) {
// OopMaps are usually quite so small, so pick a small initial size
set_write_stream(new CompressedWriteStream(32));
_num_oops = 0;
_has_derived_oops = false;
_index = -1;
#ifdef ASSERT
_locs_length = VMRegImpl::stack2reg(0)->value() + frame_size + arg_count;
_locs_used = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(OopMapValue::oop_types, _locs_length);
for(int i = 0; i < _locs_length; i++) _locs_used[i] = OopMapValue::unused_value;
OopMap::OopMap(OopMap::DeepCopyToken, OopMap* source) {
// This constructor does a deep copy
// of the source OopMap.
set_write_stream(new CompressedWriteStream(source->omv_count() * 2));
_num_oops = source->num_oops();
_has_derived_oops = source->has_derived_oops();
_index = -1;
#ifdef ASSERT
_locs_length = source->_locs_length;
_locs_used = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(OopMapValue::oop_types, _locs_length);
for(int i = 0; i < _locs_length; i++) _locs_used[i] = OopMapValue::unused_value;
// We need to copy the entries too.
for (OopMapStream oms(source); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
OopMap* OopMap::deep_copy() {
return new OopMap(_deep_copy_token, this);
void OopMap::copy_data_to(address addr) const {
memcpy(addr, write_stream()->buffer(), write_stream()->position());
class OopMapSort {
const OopMap* _map;
OopMapValue* _values;
int _count;
OopMapSort(const OopMap* map) : _map(map), _count(0) {
_values = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(OopMapValue, _map->omv_count());
void sort();
void print();
void write(CompressedWriteStream* stream) {
for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) {
int find_derived_position(OopMapValue omv, int start) {
assert(omv.type() == OopMapValue::derived_oop_value, "");
VMReg base = omv.content_reg();
int i = start;
for (; i < _count; ++i) {
if (base == _values[i].reg()) {
for (int n = i + 1; n < _count; ++n) {
if (_values[i].type() != OopMapValue::derived_oop_value || _values[i].content_reg() != base) {
return n;
if (derived_cost(_values[i]) > derived_cost(omv)) {
return n;
return _count;
assert(false, "failed to find base");
return -1;
int find_position(OopMapValue omv, int start) {
assert(omv.type() != OopMapValue::derived_oop_value, "");
int i = start;
for (; i < _count; ++i) {
if (omv_cost(_values[i]) > omv_cost(omv)) {
return i;
assert(i < _map->omv_count(), "bounds check");
return i;
void insert(OopMapValue value, int pos) {
assert(pos >= 0 && pos < _map->omv_count(), "bounds check");
assert(pos <= _count, "sanity");
if (pos < _count) {
OopMapValue prev = _values[pos];
for (int i = pos; i < _count; ++i) {
OopMapValue tmp = _values[i+1];
_values[i+1] = prev;
prev = tmp;
_values[pos] = value;
int omv_cost(OopMapValue omv) {
assert(omv.type() == OopMapValue::oop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value, "");
return reg_cost(omv.reg());
int reg_cost(VMReg reg) {
if (reg->is_reg()) {
return 0;
return reg->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size;
int derived_cost(OopMapValue omv) {
return reg_cost(omv.reg());
void OopMapSort::sort() {
for (OopMapStream oms(_map); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
assert(omv.type() == OopMapValue::oop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::derived_oop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::callee_saved_value, "");
for (OopMapStream oms(_map); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
if (oms.current().type() == OopMapValue::callee_saved_value) {
insert(oms.current(), _count);
int start = _count;
for (OopMapStream oms(_map); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
if (omv.type() == OopMapValue::oop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value) {
int pos = find_position(omv, start);
insert(omv, pos);
for (OopMapStream oms(_map); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
if (omv.type() == OopMapValue::derived_oop_value) {
int pos = find_derived_position(omv, start);
assert(pos > 0, "");
insert(omv, pos);
void OopMapSort::print() {
for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) {
OopMapValue omv = _values[i];
if (omv.type() == OopMapValue::oop_value || omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value) {
if (omv.reg()->is_reg()) {
tty->print_cr("[%c][%d] -> reg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value ? 'n' : 'o', i, omv.reg()->value());
} else {
tty->print_cr("[%c][%d] -> stack (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", omv.type() == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value ? 'n' : 'o', i, omv.reg()->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size);
} else {
if (omv.content_reg()->is_reg()) {
tty->print_cr("[d][%d] -> reg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") stack (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", i, omv.content_reg()->value(), omv.reg()->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size);
} else if (omv.reg()->is_reg()) {
tty->print_cr("[d][%d] -> stack (" INTPTR_FORMAT ") reg (" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", i, omv.content_reg()->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size, omv.reg()->value());
} else {
int derived_offset = omv.reg()->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size;
int base_offset = omv.content_reg()->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size;
tty->print_cr("[d][%d] -> stack (%x) stack (%x)", i, base_offset, derived_offset);
void OopMap::copy_and_sort_data_to(address addr) const {
OopMapSort sort(this);
CompressedWriteStream* stream = new CompressedWriteStream(_write_stream->position());
assert(stream->position() == write_stream()->position(), "");
memcpy(addr, stream->buffer(), stream->position());
int OopMap::heap_size() const {
int size = sizeof(OopMap);
int align = sizeof(void *) - 1;
size += write_stream()->position();
// Align to a reasonable ending point
size = ((size+align) & ~align);
return size;
// frame_size units are stack-slots (4 bytes) NOT intptr_t; we can name odd
// slots to hold 4-byte values like ints and floats in the LP64 build.
void OopMap::set_xxx(VMReg reg, OopMapValue::oop_types x, VMReg optional) {
assert(reg->value() < _locs_length, "too big reg value for stack size");
assert( _locs_used[reg->value()] == OopMapValue::unused_value, "cannot insert twice" );
debug_only( _locs_used[reg->value()] = x; )
OopMapValue o(reg, x, optional);
if (x == OopMapValue::oop_value || x == OopMapValue::narrowoop_value) {
} else if (x == OopMapValue::derived_oop_value) {
void OopMap::set_oop(VMReg reg) {
set_xxx(reg, OopMapValue::oop_value, VMRegImpl::Bad());
void OopMap::set_narrowoop(VMReg reg) {
set_xxx(reg, OopMapValue::narrowoop_value, VMRegImpl::Bad());
void OopMap::set_callee_saved(VMReg reg, VMReg caller_machine_register ) {
set_xxx(reg, OopMapValue::callee_saved_value, caller_machine_register);
void OopMap::set_derived_oop(VMReg reg, VMReg derived_from_local_register ) {
if( reg == derived_from_local_register ) {
// Actually an oop, derived shares storage with base,
} else {
set_xxx(reg, OopMapValue::derived_oop_value, derived_from_local_register);
// OopMapSet
OopMapSet::OopMapSet() : _list(MinOopMapAllocation) {}
int OopMapSet::add_gc_map(int pc_offset, OopMap *map ) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if(_list.length() > 0) {
OopMap* last = _list.last();
if (last->offset() == map->offset() ) {
fatal("OopMap inserted twice");
if (last->offset() > map->offset()) {
tty->print_cr( "WARNING, maps not sorted: pc[%d]=%d, pc[%d]=%d",
#endif // ASSERT
int index = add(map);
map->_index = index;
return index;
class AddDerivedOop : public DerivedOopClosure {
enum {
SkipNull = true, NeedsLock = true
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base, derived_pointer* derived) {
DerivedPointerTable::add(derived, base);
class ProcessDerivedOop : public DerivedOopClosure {
OopClosure* _oop_cl;
ProcessDerivedOop(OopClosure* oop_cl) :
_oop_cl(oop_cl) {}
enum {
SkipNull = true, NeedsLock = true
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base, derived_pointer* derived) {
// All derived pointers must be processed before the base pointer of any derived pointer is processed.
// Otherwise, if two derived pointers use the same base, the second derived pointer will get an obscured
// offset, if the base pointer is processed in the first derived pointer.
derived_pointer derived_base = to_derived_pointer(*base);
intptr_t offset = *derived - derived_base;
*derived = derived_base;
*derived = *derived + offset;
class IgnoreDerivedOop : public DerivedOopClosure {
OopClosure* _oop_cl;
enum {
SkipNull = true, NeedsLock = true
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base, derived_pointer* derived) {}
void OopMapSet::oops_do(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f, DerivedPointerIterationMode mode) {
find_map(fr)->oops_do(fr, reg_map, f, mode);
void OopMapSet::oops_do(const frame *fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f, DerivedOopClosure* df) {
find_map(fr)->oops_do(fr, reg_map, f, df);
void ImmutableOopMap::oops_do(const frame *fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map,
OopClosure* oop_fn, DerivedOopClosure* derived_oop_fn) const {
assert(derived_oop_fn != NULL, "sanity");
OopMapDo<OopClosure, DerivedOopClosure, SkipNullValue> visitor(oop_fn, derived_oop_fn);
visitor.oops_do(fr, reg_map, this);
void ImmutableOopMap::oops_do(const frame *fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map,
OopClosure* oop_fn, DerivedPointerIterationMode derived_mode) const {
ProcessDerivedOop process_cl(oop_fn);
AddDerivedOop add_cl;
IgnoreDerivedOop ignore_cl;
DerivedOopClosure* derived_cl;
switch (derived_mode) {
case DerivedPointerIterationMode::_directly:
derived_cl = &process_cl;
case DerivedPointerIterationMode::_with_table:
derived_cl = &add_cl;
case DerivedPointerIterationMode::_ignore:
derived_cl = &ignore_cl;
guarantee (false, "unreachable");
OopMapDo<OopClosure, DerivedOopClosure, SkipNullValue> visitor(oop_fn, derived_cl);
visitor.oops_do(fr, reg_map, this);
void ImmutableOopMap::all_type_do(const frame *fr, OopMapClosure* fn) const {
OopMapValue omv;
for (OopMapStream oms(this); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
omv = oms.current();
if (fn->handle_type(omv.type())) {
fn->do_value(omv.reg(), omv.type());
void ImmutableOopMap::all_type_do(const frame *fr, OopMapValue::oop_types type, OopMapClosure* fn) const {
OopMapValue omv;
for (OopMapStream oms(this); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
omv = oms.current();
if (omv.type() == type) {
fn->do_value(omv.reg(), omv.type());
static void update_register_map1(const ImmutableOopMap* oopmap, const frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map) {
for (OopMapStream oms(oopmap); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
if (omv.type() == OopMapValue::callee_saved_value) {
VMReg reg = omv.content_reg();
address loc = fr->oopmapreg_to_location(omv.reg(), reg_map);
reg_map->set_location(reg, loc);
// Update callee-saved register info for the following frame
void ImmutableOopMap::update_register_map(const frame *fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) const {
CodeBlob* cb = fr->cb();
assert(cb != NULL, "no codeblob");
// Any reg might be saved by a safepoint handler (see generate_handler_blob).
assert( reg_map->_update_for_id == NULL || fr->is_older(reg_map->_update_for_id),
"already updated this map; do not 'update' it twice!" );
debug_only(reg_map->_update_for_id = fr->id());
// Check if caller must update oop argument
assert((reg_map->include_argument_oops() ||
"include_argument_oops should already be set");
// Scan through oopmap and find location of all callee-saved registers
// (we do not do update in place, since info could be overwritten)
DEBUG_ONLY(int nof_callee = 0;)
update_register_map1(this, fr, reg_map);
// Check that runtime stubs save all callee-saved registers
#ifdef COMPILER2
assert(cb == NULL || cb->is_compiled_by_c1() || cb->is_compiled_by_jvmci() || !cb->is_runtime_stub() ||
(nof_callee >= SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT || nof_callee >= C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT),
"must save all");
#endif // COMPILER2
const ImmutableOopMap* OopMapSet::find_map(const frame *fr) {
return find_map(fr->cb(), fr->pc());
const ImmutableOopMap* OopMapSet::find_map(const CodeBlob* cb, address pc) {
assert(cb != NULL, "no codeblob");
const ImmutableOopMap* map = cb->oop_map_for_return_address(pc);
assert(map != NULL, "no ptr map found");
return map;
// Update callee-saved register info for the following frame
void OopMapSet::update_register_map(const frame *fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) {
find_map(fr)->update_register_map(fr, reg_map);
// Non-Product code
#ifndef PRODUCT
void OopMapSet::trace_codeblob_maps(const frame *fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map) {
// Print oopmap and regmap
tty->print_cr("------ ");
CodeBlob* cb = fr->cb();
const ImmutableOopMapSet* maps = cb->oop_maps();
const ImmutableOopMap* map = cb->oop_map_for_return_address(fr->pc());
if( cb->is_nmethod() ) {
nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)cb;
// native wrappers have no scope data, it is implied
if (nm->is_native_method()) {
tty->print("bci: 0 (native)");
} else {
ScopeDesc* scope = nm->scope_desc_at(fr->pc());
tty->print("bci: %d ",scope->bci());
tty->print(" ");
cb->print_value_on(tty); tty->cr();
if (reg_map != NULL) {
tty->print_cr("------ ");
#endif // PRODUCT
// Printing code is present in product build for -XX:+PrintAssembly.
void print_register_type(OopMapValue::oop_types x, VMReg optional,
outputStream* st) {
switch( x ) {
case OopMapValue::oop_value:
case OopMapValue::narrowoop_value:
case OopMapValue::callee_saved_value:
case OopMapValue::derived_oop_value:
void OopMapValue::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print(" ");
void OopMapValue::print() const { print_on(tty); }
void ImmutableOopMap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
OopMapValue omv;
st->print("ImmutableOopMap {");
for(OopMapStream oms(this); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
omv = oms.current();
void ImmutableOopMap::print() const { print_on(tty); }
void OopMap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
OopMapValue omv;
st->print("OopMap {");
for(OopMapStream oms((OopMap*)this); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
omv = oms.current();
// Print hex offset in addition.
st->print("off=%d/0x%x}", (int) offset(), (int) offset());
void OopMap::print() const { print_on(tty); }
void ImmutableOopMapSet::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
const ImmutableOopMap* last = NULL;
const int len = count();
st->print_cr("ImmutableOopMapSet contains %d OopMaps", len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const ImmutableOopMapPair* pair = pair_at(i);
const ImmutableOopMap* map = pair->get_from(this);
if (map != last) {
st->print(" pc offsets: ");
last = map;
st->print("%d ", pair->pc_offset());
void ImmutableOopMapSet::print() const { print_on(tty); }
void OopMapSet::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
const int len = _list.length();
st->print_cr("OopMapSet contains %d OopMaps", len);
for( int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
OopMap* m = at(i);
st->print_cr("#%d ",i);
void OopMapSet::print() const { print_on(tty); }
bool OopMap::equals(const OopMap* other) const {
if (other->_omv_count != _omv_count) {
return false;
if (other->write_stream()->position() != write_stream()->position()) {
return false;
if (memcmp(other->write_stream()->buffer(), write_stream()->buffer(), write_stream()->position()) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
int ImmutableOopMapSet::find_slot_for_offset(int pc_offset) const {
// we might not have an oopmap at asynchronous (non-safepoint) stackwalks
ImmutableOopMapPair* pairs = get_pairs();
for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) {
if (pairs[i].pc_offset() >= pc_offset) {
ImmutableOopMapPair* last = &pairs[i];
return last->pc_offset() == pc_offset ? i : -1;
return -1;
const ImmutableOopMap* ImmutableOopMapSet::find_map_at_offset(int pc_offset) const {
ImmutableOopMapPair* pairs = get_pairs();
ImmutableOopMapPair* last = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) {
if (pairs[i].pc_offset() >= pc_offset) {
last = &pairs[i];
// Heal Coverity issue: potential index out of bounds access.
guarantee(last != NULL, "last may not be null");
assert(last->pc_offset() == pc_offset, "oopmap not found");
return last->get_from(this);
ImmutableOopMap::ImmutableOopMap(const OopMap* oopmap)
: _count(oopmap->count()), _num_oops(oopmap->num_oops()) {
_num_oops = oopmap->num_oops();
_has_derived_oops = oopmap->has_derived_oops();
address addr = data_addr();
bool ImmutableOopMap::has_any(OopMapValue::oop_types type) const {
for (OopMapStream oms(this); !oms.is_done(); oms.next()) {
if (oms.current().type() == type) {
return true;
return false;
#ifdef ASSERT
int ImmutableOopMap::nr_of_bytes() const {
OopMapStream oms(this);
while (!oms.is_done()) {
return sizeof(ImmutableOopMap) + oms.stream_position();
ImmutableOopMapBuilder::ImmutableOopMapBuilder(const OopMapSet* set) : _set(set), _empty(NULL), _last(NULL), _empty_offset(-1), _last_offset(-1), _offset(0), _required(-1), _new_set(NULL) {
_mapping = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(Mapping, _set->size());
int ImmutableOopMapBuilder::size_for(const OopMap* map) const {
return align_up((int)sizeof(ImmutableOopMap) + map->data_size(), 8);
int ImmutableOopMapBuilder::heap_size() {
int base = sizeof(ImmutableOopMapSet);
base = align_up(base, 8);
// all of ours pc / offset pairs
int pairs = _set->size() * sizeof(ImmutableOopMapPair);
pairs = align_up(pairs, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < _set->size(); ++i) {
int size = 0;
OopMap* map = _set->at(i);
if (is_empty(map)) {
/* only keep a single empty map in the set */
if (has_empty()) {
_mapping[i].set(Mapping::OOPMAP_EMPTY, _empty_offset, 0, map, _empty);
} else {
_empty_offset = _offset;
_empty = map;
size = size_for(map);
_mapping[i].set(Mapping::OOPMAP_NEW, _offset, size, map);
} else if (is_last_duplicate(map)) {
/* if this entry is identical to the previous one, just point it there */
_mapping[i].set(Mapping::OOPMAP_DUPLICATE, _last_offset, 0, map, _last);
} else {
/* not empty, not an identical copy of the previous entry */
size = size_for(map);
_mapping[i].set(Mapping::OOPMAP_NEW, _offset, size, map);
_last_offset = _offset;
_last = map;
assert(_mapping[i]._map == map, "check");
_offset += size;
int total = base + pairs + _offset;
DEBUG_ONLY(total += 8);
_required = total;
return total;
void ImmutableOopMapBuilder::fill_pair(ImmutableOopMapPair* pair, const OopMap* map, int offset, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set) {
assert(offset < set->nr_of_bytes(), "check");
new ((address) pair) ImmutableOopMapPair(map->offset(), offset);
int ImmutableOopMapBuilder::fill_map(ImmutableOopMapPair* pair, const OopMap* map, int offset, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set) {
fill_pair(pair, map, offset, set);
address addr = (address) pair->get_from(_new_set); // location of the ImmutableOopMap
new (addr) ImmutableOopMap(map);
return size_for(map);
void ImmutableOopMapBuilder::fill(ImmutableOopMapSet* set, int sz) {
ImmutableOopMapPair* pairs = set->get_pairs();
for (int i = 0; i < set->count(); ++i) {
const OopMap* map = _mapping[i]._map;
ImmutableOopMapPair* pair = NULL;
int size = 0;
if (_mapping[i]._kind == Mapping::OOPMAP_NEW) {
size = fill_map(&pairs[i], map, _mapping[i]._offset, set);
} else if (_mapping[i]._kind == Mapping::OOPMAP_DUPLICATE || _mapping[i]._kind == Mapping::OOPMAP_EMPTY) {
fill_pair(&pairs[i], map, _mapping[i]._offset, set);
//const ImmutableOopMap* nv = set->find_map_at_offset(map->offset());
//assert(memcmp(map->data(), nv->data_addr(), map->data_size()) == 0, "check identity");
#ifdef ASSERT
void ImmutableOopMapBuilder::verify(address buffer, int size, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
assert(buffer[size - 8 + i] == (unsigned char) 0xff, "overwritten memory check");
for (int i = 0; i < set->count(); ++i) {
const ImmutableOopMapPair* pair = set->pair_at(i);
assert(pair->oopmap_offset() < set->nr_of_bytes(), "check size");
const ImmutableOopMap* map = pair->get_from(set);
int nr_of_bytes = map->nr_of_bytes();
assert(pair->oopmap_offset() + nr_of_bytes <= set->nr_of_bytes(), "check size + size");
ImmutableOopMapSet* ImmutableOopMapBuilder::generate_into(address buffer) {
DEBUG_ONLY(memset(&buffer[_required-8], 0xff, 8));
_new_set = new (buffer) ImmutableOopMapSet(_set, _required);
fill(_new_set, _required);
DEBUG_ONLY(verify(buffer, _required, _new_set));
return _new_set;
ImmutableOopMapSet* ImmutableOopMapBuilder::build() {
_required = heap_size();
// We need to allocate a chunk big enough to hold the ImmutableOopMapSet and all of its ImmutableOopMaps
address buffer = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, _required, mtCode);
return generate_into(buffer);
ImmutableOopMapSet* ImmutableOopMapSet::build_from(const OopMapSet* oopmap_set) {
ResourceMark mark;
ImmutableOopMapBuilder builder(oopmap_set);
return builder.build();
class DerivedPointerTable::Entry : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
derived_pointer* _location; // Location of derived pointer, also pointing to base
intptr_t _offset; // Offset from base pointer
Entry* volatile _next;
static Entry* volatile* next_ptr(Entry& entry) { return &entry._next; }
Entry(derived_pointer* location, intptr_t offset) :
_location(location), _offset(offset), _next(NULL) {}
derived_pointer* location() const { return _location; }
intptr_t offset() const { return _offset; }
Entry* next() const { return _next; }
typedef LockFreeStack<Entry, &next_ptr> List;
static List* _list;
DerivedPointerTable::Entry::List* DerivedPointerTable::Entry::_list = NULL;
bool DerivedPointerTable::_active = false;
bool DerivedPointerTable::is_empty() {
return Entry::_list == NULL || Entry::_list->empty();
void DerivedPointerTable::clear() {
// The first time, we create the list. Otherwise it should be
// empty. If not, then we have probably forgotton to call
// update_pointers after last GC/Scavenge.
assert (!_active, "should not be active");
assert(is_empty(), "table not empty");
if (Entry::_list == NULL) {
void* mem = NEW_C_HEAP_OBJ(Entry::List, mtCompiler);
Entry::_list = ::new (mem) Entry::List();
_active = true;
void DerivedPointerTable::add(derived_pointer* derived_loc, oop *base_loc) {
assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(*base_loc), "not an oop");
assert(derived_loc != (void*)base_loc, "Base and derived in same location");
derived_pointer base_loc_as_derived_pointer =
assert(*derived_loc != base_loc_as_derived_pointer, "location already added");
assert(Entry::_list != NULL, "list must exist");
assert(is_active(), "table must be active here");
intptr_t offset = *derived_loc - to_derived_pointer(*base_loc);
// This assert is invalid because derived pointers can be
// arbitrarily far away from their base.
// assert(offset >= -1000000, "wrong derived pointer info");
if (TraceDerivedPointers) {
"Add derived pointer@" INTPTR_FORMAT
" - Derived: " INTPTR_FORMAT
" Base: " INTPTR_FORMAT " (@" INTPTR_FORMAT ") (Offset: " INTX_FORMAT ")",
p2i(derived_loc), derived_pointer_value(*derived_loc), p2i(*base_loc), p2i(base_loc), offset
// Set derived oop location to point to base.
*derived_loc = base_loc_as_derived_pointer;
Entry* entry = new Entry(derived_loc, offset);
void DerivedPointerTable::update_pointers() {
assert(Entry::_list != NULL, "list must exist");
Entry* entries = Entry::_list->pop_all();
while (entries != NULL) {
Entry* entry = entries;
entries = entry->next();
derived_pointer* derived_loc = entry->location();
intptr_t offset = entry->offset();
// The derived oop was setup to point to location of base
oop base = **reinterpret_cast<oop**>(derived_loc);
assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(base), "must be an oop");
derived_pointer derived_base = to_derived_pointer(base);
*derived_loc = derived_base + offset;
assert(*derived_loc - derived_base == offset, "sanity check");
// assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (intptr_t)(base->size() << LogHeapWordSize), "offset: %ld base->size: %zu relative: %d", offset, base->size() << LogHeapWordSize, *(intptr_t*)derived_loc <= 0);
if (TraceDerivedPointers) {
tty->print_cr("Updating derived pointer@" INTPTR_FORMAT
" - Derived: " INTPTR_FORMAT " Base: " INTPTR_FORMAT " (Offset: " INTX_FORMAT ")",
p2i(derived_loc), derived_pointer_value(*derived_loc), p2i(base), offset);
// Delete entry
delete entry;
assert(Entry::_list->empty(), "invariant");
_active = false;
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