* Copyright (c) 1998, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "code/compressedStream.hpp"
#include "code/vmreg.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/iterator.hpp"
#include "oops/oopsHierarchy.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
// Interface for generating the frame map for compiled code. A frame map
// describes for a specific pc whether each register and frame stack slot is:
// Oop - A GC root for current frame
// Dead - Dead; can be Zapped for debugging
// CalleeXX - Callee saved; also describes which caller register is saved
// DerivedXX - A derived oop; original oop is described.
// OopMapValue describes a single OopMap entry
enum class DerivedPointerIterationMode;
class frame;
class RegisterMap;
class OopClosure;
class CodeBlob;
class ImmutableOopMap;
enum class derived_pointer : intptr_t {};
class OopMapValue: public StackObj {
friend class VMStructs;
short _value;
int value() const { return _value; }
void set_value(int value) { _value = value; }
short _content_reg;
// Constants
enum { type_bits = 2,
register_bits = BitsPerShort - type_bits };
enum { type_shift = 0,
register_shift = type_bits };
enum { type_mask = right_n_bits(type_bits),
type_mask_in_place = type_mask << type_shift,
register_mask = right_n_bits(register_bits),
register_mask_in_place = register_mask << register_shift };
enum oop_types {
unused_value = -1 // Only used as a sentinel value
// Constructors
OopMapValue () { set_value(0); set_content_reg(VMRegImpl::Bad()); }
OopMapValue (VMReg reg, oop_types t, VMReg reg2) {
set_reg_type(reg, t);
void set_reg_type(VMReg p, oop_types t) {
set_value((p->value() << register_shift) | t);
assert(reg() == p, "sanity check" );
assert(type() == t, "sanity check" );
void set_content_reg(VMReg r) {
if (is_callee_saved()) {
// This can never be a stack location, so we don't need to transform it.
assert(r->is_reg(), "Trying to callee save a stack location");
} else if (is_derived_oop()) {
assert (r->is_valid(), "must have a valid VMReg");
} else {
assert (!r->is_valid(), "valid VMReg not allowed");
_content_reg = r->value();
// Archiving
void write_on(CompressedWriteStream* stream) {
if(is_callee_saved() || is_derived_oop()) {
void read_from(CompressedReadStream* stream) {
if (is_callee_saved() || is_derived_oop()) {
set_content_reg(VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(stream->read_int(), true));
// Querying
bool is_oop() { return mask_bits(value(), type_mask_in_place) == oop_value; }
bool is_narrowoop() { return mask_bits(value(), type_mask_in_place) == narrowoop_value; }
bool is_callee_saved() { return mask_bits(value(), type_mask_in_place) == callee_saved_value; }
bool is_derived_oop() { return mask_bits(value(), type_mask_in_place) == derived_oop_value; }
VMReg reg() const { return VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(mask_bits(value(), register_mask_in_place) >> register_shift); }
oop_types type() const { return (oop_types)mask_bits(value(), type_mask_in_place); }
static bool legal_vm_reg_name(VMReg p) {
return (p->value() == (p->value() & register_mask));
VMReg content_reg() const { return VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(_content_reg, true); }
// Returns offset from sp.
int stack_offset() {
assert(reg()->is_stack(), "must be stack location");
return reg()->reg2stack();
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
class OopMap: public ResourceObj {
friend class OopMapStream;
friend class VMStructs;
friend class OopMapSet;
friend class OopMapSort;
int _pc_offset; // offset in the code that this OopMap corresponds to
int _omv_count; // number of OopMapValues in the stream
int _num_oops; // number of oops
int _index; // index in OopMapSet
bool _has_derived_oops;
CompressedWriteStream* _write_stream;
debug_only( OopMapValue::oop_types* _locs_used; int _locs_length;)
// Accessors
int omv_count() const { return _omv_count; }
void set_omv_count(int value) { _omv_count = value; }
void increment_count() { _omv_count++; }
void increment_num_oops() { _num_oops++; }
void set_has_derived_oops(bool value) { _has_derived_oops = value; }
CompressedWriteStream* write_stream() const { return _write_stream; }
void set_write_stream(CompressedWriteStream* value) { _write_stream = value; }
enum DeepCopyToken { _deep_copy_token };
OopMap(DeepCopyToken, OopMap* source); // used only by deep_copy
void set_xxx(VMReg reg, OopMapValue::oop_types x, VMReg optional);
OopMap(int frame_size, int arg_count);
// pc-offset handling
int offset() const { return _pc_offset; }
void set_offset(int o) { _pc_offset = o; }
int count() const { return _omv_count; }
int data_size() const { return write_stream()->position(); }
address data() const { return write_stream()->buffer(); }
int num_oops() const { return _num_oops; }
bool has_derived_oops() const { return _has_derived_oops; }
int index() const { return _index; }
// Construction
// frame_size units are stack-slots (4 bytes) NOT intptr_t; we can name odd
// slots to hold 4-byte values like ints and floats in the LP64 build.
void set_oop ( VMReg local);
void set_narrowoop(VMReg local);
void set_callee_saved( VMReg local, VMReg caller_machine_register );
void set_derived_oop ( VMReg local, VMReg derived_from_local_register );
int heap_size() const;
void copy_data_to(address addr) const;
void copy_and_sort_data_to(address addr) const;
OopMap* deep_copy();
bool legal_vm_reg_name(VMReg local) {
return OopMapValue::legal_vm_reg_name(local);
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
bool equals(const OopMap* other) const;
class OopMapSet : public ResourceObj {
friend class VMStructs;
GrowableArray<OopMap*> _list;
int add(OopMap* value) { return _list.append(value); }
// returns the number of OopMaps in this OopMapSet
int size() const { return _list.length(); }
// returns the OopMap at a given index
OopMap* at(int index) const { return _list.at(index); }
// Collect OopMaps.
int add_gc_map(int pc, OopMap* map);
// Methods oops_do() and all_do() filter out NULL oops and
// oop == CompressedOops::base() before passing oops
// to closures.
static const ImmutableOopMap* find_map(const CodeBlob* cb, address pc);
static const ImmutableOopMap* find_map(const frame *fr);
// Iterates through frame for a compiled method
static void oops_do (const frame* fr,
const RegisterMap* reg_map,
OopClosure* f,
DerivedOopClosure* df);
static void oops_do (const frame* fr,
const RegisterMap* reg_map,
OopClosure* f,
DerivedPointerIterationMode mode);
static void update_register_map(const frame* fr, RegisterMap *reg_map);
#ifndef PRODUCT
static void trace_codeblob_maps(const frame *fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map);
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
class ImmutableOopMapBuilder;
class OopMapClosure : public Closure {
virtual bool handle_type(OopMapValue::oop_types type) { return true; }
virtual void do_value(VMReg reg, OopMapValue::oop_types type) = 0;
template <typename OopFnT, typename DerivedOopFnT, typename ValueFilterT>
class OopMapDo;
class ImmutableOopMap {
friend class OopMapStream;
friend class VMStructs;
template <typename OopFnT, typename DerivedOopFnT, typename ValueFilterT>
friend class OopMapDo;
#ifdef ASSERT
friend class ImmutableOopMapBuilder;
int _count; // contains the number of entries in this OopMap
int _num_oops;
bool _has_derived_oops;
address data_addr() const { return (address) this + sizeof(ImmutableOopMap); }
ImmutableOopMap(const OopMap* oopmap);
int count() const { return _count; }
int num_oops() const { return _num_oops; }
bool has_derived_oops() const { return _has_derived_oops; }
bool has_any(OopMapValue::oop_types type) const;
#ifdef ASSERT
int nr_of_bytes() const; // this is an expensive operation, only used in debug builds
void oops_do(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f, DerivedOopClosure* df) const;
void oops_do(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f, DerivedPointerIterationMode derived_mode) const;
void all_type_do(const frame *fr, OopMapValue::oop_types type, OopMapClosure* fn) const;
void all_type_do(const frame *fr, OopMapClosure* fn) const;
void update_register_map(const frame* fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) const;
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
class ImmutableOopMapSet;
class ImmutableOopMap;
class OopMapSet;
class ImmutableOopMapPair {
friend class VMStructs;
int _pc_offset; // program counter offset from the beginning of the method
int _oopmap_offset; // offset in the data in the ImmutableOopMapSet where the ImmutableOopMap is located
ImmutableOopMapPair(int pc_offset, int oopmap_offset) : _pc_offset(pc_offset), _oopmap_offset(oopmap_offset) {
assert(pc_offset >= 0 && oopmap_offset >= 0, "check");
const ImmutableOopMap* get_from(const ImmutableOopMapSet* set) const;
int pc_offset() const { return _pc_offset; }
int oopmap_offset() const { return _oopmap_offset; }
class ImmutableOopMapSet {
friend class VMStructs;
int _count; // nr of ImmutableOopMapPairs in the Set
int _size; // nr of bytes including ImmutableOopMapSet itself
address data() const { return (address) this + sizeof(*this) + sizeof(ImmutableOopMapPair) * _count; }
ImmutableOopMapSet(const OopMapSet* oopmap_set, int size) : _count(oopmap_set->size()), _size(size) {}
ImmutableOopMap* oopmap_at_offset(int offset) const {
assert(offset >= 0 && offset < _size, "must be within boundaries");
address addr = data() + offset;
return (ImmutableOopMap*) addr;
ImmutableOopMapPair* get_pairs() const { return (ImmutableOopMapPair*) ((address) this + sizeof(*this)); }
static ImmutableOopMapSet* build_from(const OopMapSet* oopmap_set);
int find_slot_for_offset(int pc_offset) const;
const ImmutableOopMap* find_map_at_offset(int pc_offset) const;
const ImmutableOopMap* find_map_at_slot(int slot, int pc_offset) const;
const ImmutableOopMapPair* pair_at(int index) const { assert(index >= 0 && index < _count, "check"); return &get_pairs()[index]; }
int count() const { return _count; }
int nr_of_bytes() const { return _size; }
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
class OopMapStream : public StackObj {
CompressedReadStream _stream;
int _size;
int _position;
bool _valid_omv;
OopMapValue _omv;
void find_next();
OopMapStream(const OopMap* oop_map);
OopMapStream(const ImmutableOopMap* oop_map);
bool is_done() { if(!_valid_omv) { find_next(); } return !_valid_omv; }
void next() { find_next(); }
OopMapValue current() { return _omv; }
#ifdef ASSERT
int stream_position() const { return _stream.position(); }
class ImmutableOopMapBuilder {
class Mapping;
const OopMapSet* _set;
const OopMap* _empty;
const OopMap* _last;
int _empty_offset;
int _last_offset;
int _offset;
int _required;
Mapping* _mapping;
ImmutableOopMapSet* _new_set;
/* Used for bookkeeping when building ImmutableOopMaps */
class Mapping : public ResourceObj {
kind_t _kind;
int _offset;
int _size;
const OopMap* _map;
const OopMap* _other;
Mapping() : _kind(OOPMAP_UNKNOWN), _offset(-1), _size(-1), _map(NULL) {}
void set(kind_t kind, int offset, int size, const OopMap* map = 0, const OopMap* other = 0) {
_kind = kind;
_offset = offset;
_size = size;
_map = map;
_other = other;
ImmutableOopMapBuilder(const OopMapSet* set);
int heap_size();
ImmutableOopMapSet* build();
ImmutableOopMapSet* generate_into(address buffer);
bool is_empty(const OopMap* map) const {
return map->count() == 0;
bool is_last_duplicate(const OopMap* map) {
if (_last != NULL && _last->count() > 0 && _last->equals(map)) {
return true;
return false;
#ifdef ASSERT
void verify(address buffer, int size, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set);
bool has_empty() const {
return _empty_offset != -1;
int size_for(const OopMap* map) const;
void fill_pair(ImmutableOopMapPair* pair, const OopMap* map, int offset, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set);
int fill_map(ImmutableOopMapPair* pair, const OopMap* map, int offset, const ImmutableOopMapSet* set);
void fill(ImmutableOopMapSet* set, int size);
class SkipNullValue {
static inline bool should_skip(oop val);
class IncludeAllValues {
static bool should_skip(oop value) { return false; }
template <typename OopFnT, typename DerivedOopFnT, typename ValueFilterT>
class OopMapDo {
OopFnT* _oop_fn;
DerivedOopFnT* _derived_oop_fn;
OopMapDo(OopFnT* oop_fn, DerivedOopFnT* derived_oop_fn) : _oop_fn(oop_fn), _derived_oop_fn(derived_oop_fn) {}
template <typename RegisterMapT>
void oops_do(const frame* fr, const RegisterMapT* reg_map, const ImmutableOopMap* oopmap);
template <typename RegisterMapT>
void iterate_oops_do(const frame *fr, const RegisterMapT *reg_map, const ImmutableOopMap* oopmap);
// Derived pointer support. This table keeps track of all derived points on a
// stack. It is cleared before each scavenge/GC. During the traversal of all
// oops, it is filled in with references to all locations that contains a
// derived oop (assumed to be very few). When the GC is complete, the derived
// pointers are updated based on their base pointers new value and an offset.
class DerivedPointerTable : public AllStatic {
friend class VMStructs;
class Entry;
static bool _active; // do not record pointers for verify pass etc.
static void clear(); // Called before scavenge/GC
static void add(derived_pointer* derived, oop *base); // Called during scavenge/GC
static void update_pointers(); // Called after scavenge/GC
static bool is_empty();
static bool is_active() { return _active; }
static void set_active(bool value) { _active = value; }
// A utility class to temporarily "deactivate" the DerivedPointerTable.
// (Note: clients are responsible for any MT-safety issues)
class DerivedPointerTableDeactivate: public StackObj {
bool _active;
DerivedPointerTableDeactivate() {
_active = DerivedPointerTable::is_active();
if (_active) {
~DerivedPointerTableDeactivate() {
"Inconsistency: not MT-safe");
if (_active) {
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