* Copyright (c) 1999, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmciJavaClasses.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/jniHandles.hpp"
class CompileTask;
class JVMCIObject;
class JVMCIObjectArray;
class JVMCIPrimitiveArray;
class JVMCICompiler;
class JVMCIRuntime;
JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current(); \
JavaThread* THREAD = thread; // For exception macros.
// Helper to log more context on a JNI exception
#define JVMCI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(env, ...) \
do { \
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { \
if (env != JavaThread::current()->jni_environment()) { \
char* sl_path; \
if (::JVMCI::get_shared_library(sl_path, false) != NULL) { \
tty->print_cr("In JVMCI shared library (%s):", sl_path); \
} \
} \
tty->print_cr(__VA_ARGS__); \
return; \
} \
} while(0)
// Helper class to ensure that references to Klass* are kept alive for G1
class JVMCIKlassHandle : public StackObj {
Klass* _klass;
Handle _holder;
Thread* _thread;
Klass* klass() const { return _klass; }
Klass* non_null_klass() const { assert(_klass != NULL, "resolving NULL _klass"); return _klass; }
/* Constructors */
JVMCIKlassHandle (Thread* thread) : _klass(NULL), _thread(thread) {}
JVMCIKlassHandle (Thread* thread, Klass* klass);
JVMCIKlassHandle (const JVMCIKlassHandle &h): _klass(h._klass), _holder(h._holder), _thread(h._thread) {}
JVMCIKlassHandle& operator=(const JVMCIKlassHandle &s);
JVMCIKlassHandle& operator=(Klass* klass);
/* Operators for ease of use */
Klass* operator () () const { return klass(); }
Klass* operator -> () const { return non_null_klass(); }
bool operator == (Klass* o) const { return klass() == o; }
bool operator == (const JVMCIKlassHandle& h) const { return klass() == h.klass(); }
/* Null checks */
bool is_null() const { return _klass == NULL; }
bool not_null() const { return _klass != NULL; }
// A class that maintains the state needed for compilations requested
// by the CompileBroker. It is created in the broker and passed through
// into the code installation step.
class JVMCICompileState : public ResourceObj {
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
CompileTask* _task;
JVMCICompiler* _compiler;
// Cache JVMTI state. Defined as bytes so that reading them from Java
// via Unsafe is well defined (the C++ type for bool is implementation
// defined and may not be the same as a Java boolean).
uint64_t _jvmti_redefinition_count;
jbyte _jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint;
jbyte _jvmti_can_access_local_variables;
jbyte _jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions;
jbyte _jvmti_can_pop_frame;
bool _target_method_is_old;
// Compilation result values.
bool _retryable;
const char* _failure_reason;
// Specifies if _failure_reason is on the C heap. If so, it is allocated
// with the mtJVMCI NMT flag.
bool _failure_reason_on_C_heap;
// A value indicating compilation activity during the compilation.
// If successive calls to this method return a different value, then
// some degree of JVMCI compilation occurred between the calls.
jint _compilation_ticks;
JVMCICompileState(CompileTask* task, JVMCICompiler* compiler);
CompileTask* task() { return _task; }
bool jvmti_state_changed() const;
uint64_t jvmti_redefinition_count() const { return _jvmti_redefinition_count; }
bool jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint() const { return _jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint != 0; }
bool jvmti_can_access_local_variables() const { return _jvmti_can_access_local_variables != 0; }
bool jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions() const { return _jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions != 0; }
bool jvmti_can_pop_frame() const { return _jvmti_can_pop_frame != 0; }
bool target_method_is_old() const { return _target_method_is_old; }
const char* failure_reason() { return _failure_reason; }
bool failure_reason_on_C_heap() { return _failure_reason_on_C_heap; }
bool retryable() { return _retryable; }
void set_failure(bool retryable, const char* reason, bool reason_on_C_heap = false) {
_failure_reason = reason;
_failure_reason_on_C_heap = reason_on_C_heap;
_retryable = retryable;
jint compilation_ticks() const { return _compilation_ticks; }
void inc_compilation_ticks();
// This class is a top level wrapper around interactions between HotSpot
// and the JVMCI Java code. It supports both a HotSpot heap based
// runtime with HotSpot oop based accessors as well as a shared library
// based runtime that is accessed through JNI. It abstracts away all
// interactions with JVMCI objects so that a single version of the
// HotSpot C++ code can can work with either runtime.
class JVMCIEnv : public ResourceObj {
friend class JNIAccessMark;
// Initializes the _env, _mode and _runtime fields.
void init_env_mode_runtime(JavaThread* thread, JNIEnv* parent_env, bool attach_OOME_is_fatal = true);
void init(JavaThread* thread, bool is_hotspot, const char* file, int line);
JNIEnv* _env; // JNI env for calling into shared library
bool _pop_frame_on_close; // Must pop frame on close?
bool _detach_on_close; // Must detach on close?
JVMCIRuntime* _runtime; // Access to a HotSpotJVMCIRuntime
bool _is_hotspot; // Which heap is the HotSpotJVMCIRuntime in
bool _throw_to_caller; // Propagate an exception raised in this env to the caller?
const char* _file; // The file and ...
int _line; // ... line where this JNIEnv was created
bool _attach_threw_OOME; // Failed to attach thread due to OutOfMemoryError, the JVMCIEnv is invalid
// Translates an exception on the HotSpot heap (i.e., hotspot_env) to an exception on
// the shared library heap (i.e., jni_env). The translation includes the stack and cause(s) of `throwable`.
// The translated exception is pending in jni_env upon returning.
static void translate_to_jni_exception(JavaThread* THREAD, const Handle& throwable, JVMCIEnv* hotspot_env, JVMCIEnv* jni_env);
// Translates an exception on the shared library heap (i.e., jni_env) to an exception on
// the HotSpot heap (i.e., hotspot_env). The translation includes the stack and cause(s) of `throwable`.
// The translated exception is pending in hotspot_env upon returning.
static void translate_from_jni_exception(JavaThread* THREAD, jthrowable throwable, JVMCIEnv* hotspot_env, JVMCIEnv* jni_env);
// Used by copy_saved_properties() to avoid OutOfMemoryErrors when
// initializing a libjvmci runtime in low HotSpot heap conditions.
// Must hold JVMCI_lock when initializing.
static jbyte* _serialized_saved_properties;
static int _serialized_saved_properties_len;
// Opens a JVMCIEnv scope for a Java to VM call (e.g., via CompilerToVM).
// An exception occurring within the scope is left pending when the
// scope closes so that it will be propagated back to Java.
// The JVMCIEnv destructor translates the exception object for the
// Java runtime if necessary.
JVMCIEnv(JavaThread* thread, JNIEnv* env, const char* file, int line);
// Opens a JVMCIEnv scope for a compilation scheduled by the CompileBroker.
// An exception occurring within the scope must not be propagated back to
// the CompileBroker.
JVMCIEnv(JavaThread* thread, JVMCICompileState* compile_state, const char* file, int line);
// Opens a JNIEnv scope for a call from within the VM. An exception occurring
// within the scope must not be propagated back to the caller.
JVMCIEnv(JavaThread* env, const char* file, int line);
// Opens a JNIEnv scope for accessing `for_object`. An exception occurring
// within the scope must not be propagated back to the caller.
JVMCIEnv(JavaThread* thread, JVMCIObject for_object, const char* file, int line) {
// A JNI call to access an object in the shared library heap
// can block or take a long time so do not allow such access
// on the VM thread.
assert(for_object.is_hotspot() || !Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(),
"cannot open JVMCIEnv scope when in the VM thread for accessing a shared library heap object");
init(thread, for_object.is_hotspot(), file, line);
// Opens a JNIEnv scope for the HotSpot runtime if `is_hotspot` is true
// otherwise for the shared library runtime. An exception occurring
// within the scope must not be propagated back to the caller.
JVMCIEnv(JavaThread* thread, bool is_hotspot, const char* file, int line) {
init(thread, is_hotspot, file, line);
JVMCIRuntime* runtime() {
return _runtime;
// Gets the serialized saved properties from the HotSpot heap.
// The length of the returned array is saved in `len`.
jbyte* get_serialized_saved_properties(int& len, TRAPS);
// Initializes Services.savedProperties in the shared library from the given
// properties in the format produced by `get_serialized_saved_properties`.
void copy_saved_properties(jbyte* properties, int properties_len, JVMCI_TRAPS);
jboolean has_pending_exception();
void clear_pending_exception();
// If this env has a pending exception, it is translated to be a pending
// exception in `peer_env` and is cleared from this env. Returns true
// if a pending exception was transferred, false otherwise.
jboolean transfer_pending_exception(JavaThread* THREAD, JVMCIEnv* peer_env);
// If there is a pending HotSpot exception, clears it and translates it to the shared library heap.
// The translated exception is pending in the shared library upon returning.
// Returns true if a pending exception was transferred, false otherwise.
static jboolean transfer_pending_exception_to_jni(JavaThread* THREAD, JVMCIEnv* hotspot_env, JVMCIEnv* jni_env);
// Prints an exception and stack trace of a pending exception.
void describe_pending_exception(bool clear);
int get_length(JVMCIArray array);
JVMCIObject get_object_at(JVMCIObjectArray array, int index);
void put_object_at(JVMCIObjectArray array, int index, JVMCIObject value);
jboolean get_bool_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index);
void put_bool_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index, jboolean value);
jbyte get_byte_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index);
void put_byte_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index, jbyte value);
jint get_int_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index);
void put_int_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index, jint value);
jlong get_long_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index);
void put_long_at(JVMCIPrimitiveArray array, int index, jlong value);
void copy_bytes_to(JVMCIPrimitiveArray src, jbyte* dest, int offset, jsize length);
void copy_bytes_from(jbyte* src, JVMCIPrimitiveArray dest, int offset, jsize length);
void copy_longs_from(jlong* src, JVMCIPrimitiveArray dest, int offset, jsize length);
JVMCIObjectArray initialize_intrinsics(JVMCI_TRAPS);
jboolean is_boxing_object(BasicType type, JVMCIObject object);
// Get the primitive value from a Java boxing object. It's hard error to
// pass a non-primitive BasicType.
jvalue get_boxed_value(BasicType type, JVMCIObject object);
// Return the BasicType of the object if it's a boxing object, otherwise return T_ILLEGAL.
BasicType get_box_type(JVMCIObject object);
// Create a boxing object of the appropriate primitive type.
JVMCIObject create_box(BasicType type, jvalue* value, JVMCI_TRAPS);
const char* as_utf8_string(JVMCIObject str);
JVMCIObject create_string(Symbol* str, JVMCI_TRAPS) {
JVMCIObject s = create_string(str->as_C_string(), JVMCI_CHECK_(JVMCIObject()));
return s;
JVMCIObject create_string(const char* str, JVMCI_TRAPS);
bool equals(JVMCIObject a, JVMCIObject b);
// Convert into a JNI handle for the appropriate runtime
jobject get_jobject(JVMCIObject object) { assert(object.as_jobject() == NULL || is_hotspot() == object.is_hotspot(), "mismatch"); return object.as_jobject(); }
jarray get_jarray(JVMCIArray array) { assert(array.as_jobject() == NULL || is_hotspot() == array.is_hotspot(), "mismatch"); return array.as_jobject(); }
jobjectArray get_jobjectArray(JVMCIObjectArray objectArray) { assert(objectArray.as_jobject() == NULL || is_hotspot() == objectArray.is_hotspot(), "mismatch"); return objectArray.as_jobject(); }
jbyteArray get_jbyteArray(JVMCIPrimitiveArray primitiveArray) { assert(primitiveArray.as_jobject() == NULL || is_hotspot() == primitiveArray.is_hotspot(), "mismatch"); return primitiveArray.as_jbyteArray(); }
JVMCIObject wrap(jobject obj);
JVMCIObjectArray wrap(jobjectArray obj) { return (JVMCIObjectArray) wrap((jobject) obj); }
JVMCIPrimitiveArray wrap(jintArray obj) { return (JVMCIPrimitiveArray) wrap((jobject) obj); }
JVMCIPrimitiveArray wrap(jbooleanArray obj) { return (JVMCIPrimitiveArray) wrap((jobject) obj); }
JVMCIPrimitiveArray wrap(jbyteArray obj) { return (JVMCIPrimitiveArray) wrap((jobject) obj); }
JVMCIPrimitiveArray wrap(jlongArray obj) { return (JVMCIPrimitiveArray) wrap((jobject) obj); }
nmethod* lookup_nmethod(address code, jlong compile_id_snapshot);
JVMCIObject wrap(oop obj) { assert(is_hotspot(), "must be"); return wrap(JNIHandles::make_local(obj)); }
JVMCIObjectArray wrap(objArrayOop obj) { assert(is_hotspot(), "must be"); return (JVMCIObjectArray) wrap(JNIHandles::make_local(obj)); }
JVMCIPrimitiveArray wrap(typeArrayOop obj) { assert(is_hotspot(), "must be"); return (JVMCIPrimitiveArray) wrap(JNIHandles::make_local(obj)); }
// Compiles a method with the JVMCI compiler.
// Caller must handle pending exception.
JVMCIObject call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_compileMethod(JVMCIObject runtime, JVMCIObject method, int entry_bci,
jlong compile_state, int id);
void call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_bootstrapFinished(JVMCIObject runtime, JVMCI_TRAPS);
void call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_shutdown(JVMCIObject runtime);
JVMCIObject call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_runtime(JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject call_JVMCI_getRuntime(JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_getCompiler(JVMCIObject runtime, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_callToString(JVMCIObject object, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject call_JavaConstant_forPrimitive(jchar type_char, jlong value, JVMCI_TRAPS);
jboolean call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_isGCSupported(JVMCIObject runtime, jint gcIdentifier);
void call_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_postTranslation(JVMCIObject object, JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Converts the JavaKind.typeChar value in `ch` to a BasicType
BasicType typeCharToBasicType(jchar ch, JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Converts the JavaKind value in `kind` to a BasicType
BasicType kindToBasicType(JVMCIObject kind, JVMCI_TRAPS);
#define DO_THROW(name) \
void throw_##name(const char* msg = NULL);
#undef DO_THROW
void fthrow_error(const char* file, int line, const char* format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(4, 5);
// Given an instance of HotSpotInstalledCode return the corresponding CodeBlob*.
CodeBlob* get_code_blob(JVMCIObject code);
// Given an instance of HotSpotInstalledCode return the corresponding nmethod.
nmethod* get_nmethod(JVMCIObject code);
const char* klass_name(JVMCIObject object);
// Unpack an instance of HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl into the original Method*
Method* asMethod(JVMCIObject jvmci_method);
// Unpack an instance of HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl into the original Klass*
Klass* asKlass(JVMCIObject jvmci_type);
JVMCIObject get_jvmci_method(const methodHandle& method, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject get_jvmci_type(const JVMCIKlassHandle& klass, JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Unpack an instance of HotSpotConstantPool into the original ConstantPool*
ConstantPool* asConstantPool(JVMCIObject constant_pool);
ConstantPool* asConstantPool(jobject constant_pool) { return asConstantPool(wrap(constant_pool)); }
JVMCIObject get_jvmci_constant_pool(const constantPoolHandle& cp, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject get_jvmci_primitive_type(BasicType type);
Handle asConstant(JVMCIObject object, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject get_object_constant(oop objOop, bool compressed = false, bool dont_register = false);
JVMCIPrimitiveArray new_booleanArray(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIPrimitiveArray new_byteArray(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIPrimitiveArray new_intArray(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIPrimitiveArray new_longArray(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObjectArray new_byte_array_array(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_StackTraceElement(const methodHandle& method, int bci, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_HotSpotNmethod(const methodHandle& method, const char* name, jboolean isDefault, jlong compileId, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_VMField(JVMCIObject name, JVMCIObject type, jlong offset, jlong address, JVMCIObject value, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_VMFlag(JVMCIObject name, JVMCIObject type, JVMCIObject value, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_VMIntrinsicMethod(JVMCIObject declaringClass, JVMCIObject name, JVMCIObject descriptor, int id, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCIObject new_HotSpotStackFrameReference(JVMCI_TRAPS);
// Makes a handle to a HotSpot heap object. These handles are
// individually reclaimed by JVMCIRuntime::destroy_oop_handle and
// bulk reclaimed by JVMCIRuntime::release_and_clear_globals.
jlong make_oop_handle(const Handle& obj);
oop resolve_oop_handle(jlong oopHandle);
// These are analogous to the JNI routines
JVMCIObject make_local(JVMCIObject object);
void destroy_local(JVMCIObject object);
// Makes a JNI global handle that is not scoped by the
// lifetime of a JVMCIRuntime (cf JVMCIRuntime::make_global).
// These JNI handles are used when translating an object
// between the HotSpot and JVMCI shared library heap via
// HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.translate(Object) and
// HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.unhand(Class<T>, long). Translation
// can happen in either direction so the referenced object
// can reside in either heap which is why JVMCIRuntime scoped
// handles cannot be used (they are specific to HotSpot heap objects).
JVMCIObject make_global(JVMCIObject object);
// Destroys a JNI global handle created by JVMCIEnv::make_global.
void destroy_global(JVMCIObject object);
// Updates the nmethod (if any) in the HotSpotNmethod.address
// field of `mirror` to prevent it from being called.
// If `deoptimize` is true, the nmethod is immediately deoptimized.
// The HotSpotNmethod.address field is zero upon returning.
void invalidate_nmethod_mirror(JVMCIObject mirror, bool deoptimze, JVMCI_TRAPS);
void initialize_installed_code(JVMCIObject installed_code, CodeBlob* cb, JVMCI_TRAPS);
JVMCICompileState* _compile_state;
// Determines if this is for the JVMCI runtime in the HotSpot
// heap (true) or the shared library heap (false).
bool is_hotspot() { return _is_hotspot; }
JVMCICompileState* compile_state() { return _compile_state; }
void set_compile_state(JVMCICompileState* compile_state) {
assert(_compile_state == NULL, "set only once");
_compile_state = compile_state;
// Generate declarations for the initialize, new, isa, get and set methods for all the types and
// fields declared in the JVMCI_CLASSES_DO macro.
#define START_CLASS(className, fullClassName) \
void className##_initialize(JVMCI_TRAPS); \
JVMCIObjectArray new_##className##_array(int length, JVMCI_TRAPS); \
bool isa_##className(JVMCIObject object);
#define END_CLASS
#define FIELD(className, name, type, accessor) \
type get_ ## className ## _ ## name(JVMCIObject obj); \
void set_ ## className ## _ ## name(JVMCIObject obj, type x);
#define OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, type, hstype, accessor) \
FIELD(className, name, type, accessor)
#define STATIC_FIELD(className, name, type) \
type get_ ## className ## _ ## name(); \
void set_ ## className ## _ ## name(type x);
#define STATIC_OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, type, hstype) \
STATIC_FIELD(className, name, type)
#define EMPTY_CAST
#define CHAR_FIELD(className, name) FIELD(className, name, jchar, char_field)
#define INT_FIELD(className, name) FIELD(className, name, jint, int_field)
#define BOOLEAN_FIELD(className, name) FIELD(className, name, jboolean, bool_field)
#define LONG_FIELD(className, name) FIELD(className, name, jlong, long_field)
#define FLOAT_FIELD(className, name) FIELD(className, name, jfloat, float_field)
#define OBJECT_FIELD(className, name, signature) OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, JVMCIObject, oop, obj_field)
#define OBJECTARRAY_FIELD(className, name, signature) OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, JVMCIObjectArray, objArrayOop, obj_field)
#define PRIMARRAY_FIELD(className, name, signature) OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, JVMCIPrimitiveArray, typeArrayOop, obj_field)
#define STATIC_INT_FIELD(className, name) STATIC_FIELD(className, name, jint)
#define STATIC_BOOLEAN_FIELD(className, name) STATIC_FIELD(className, name, jboolean)
#define STATIC_OBJECT_FIELD(className, name, signature) STATIC_OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, JVMCIObject, oop)
#define STATIC_OBJECTARRAY_FIELD(className, name, signature) STATIC_OOPISH_FIELD(className, name, JVMCIObjectArray, objArrayOop)
#define METHOD(jniCallType, jniGetMethod, hsCallType, returnType, className, methodName, signatureSymbolName, args)
#define CONSTRUCTOR(className, signature)
#undef END_CLASS
#undef METHOD
#undef FIELD
#undef INT_FIELD
#undef FIELD
// End of JVMCIEnv
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