* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
#include "code/codeCache.hpp"
#include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
#include "code/vmreg.inline.hpp"
#include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp"
#include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "memory/universe.hpp"
#include "oops/markWord.hpp"
#include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/methodData.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/stackChunkOop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/verifyOopClosure.hpp"
#include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
#include "runtime/continuation.hpp"
#include "runtime/continuationEntry.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/monitorChunk.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackValue.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/decoder.hpp"
#include "utilities/formatBuffer.hpp"
RegisterMap::RegisterMap(JavaThread *thread, UpdateMap update_map, ProcessFrames process_frames, WalkContinuation walk_cont) {
_thread = thread;
_update_map = update_map == UpdateMap::include;
_process_frames = process_frames == ProcessFrames::include;
_walk_cont = walk_cont == WalkContinuation::include;
DEBUG_ONLY (_update_for_id = NULL;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_skip_missing = false;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_async = false;)
if (walk_cont == WalkContinuation::include && thread != NULL && thread->last_continuation() != NULL) {
_chunk = stackChunkHandle(Thread::current()->handle_area()->allocate_null_handle(), true /* dummy */);
_chunk_index = -1;
#ifndef PRODUCT
for (int i = 0; i < reg_count ; i++ ) _location[i] = NULL;
#endif /* PRODUCT */
RegisterMap::RegisterMap(oop continuation, UpdateMap update_map) {
_thread = NULL;
_update_map = update_map == UpdateMap::include;
_process_frames = false;
_walk_cont = true;
DEBUG_ONLY (_update_for_id = NULL;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_skip_missing = false;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_async = false;)
_chunk = stackChunkHandle(Thread::current()->handle_area()->allocate_null_handle(), true /* dummy */);
_chunk_index = -1;
#ifndef PRODUCT
for (int i = 0; i < reg_count ; i++ ) _location[i] = NULL;
#endif /* PRODUCT */
RegisterMap::RegisterMap(const RegisterMap* map) {
assert(map != this, "bad initialization parameter");
assert(map != NULL, "RegisterMap must be present");
_thread = map->thread();
_update_map = map->update_map();
_process_frames = map->process_frames();
_walk_cont = map->_walk_cont;
_include_argument_oops = map->include_argument_oops();
DEBUG_ONLY (_update_for_id = map->_update_for_id;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_skip_missing = map->_skip_missing;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_async = map->_async;)
// only the original RegisterMap's handle lives long enough for StackWalker; this is bound to cause trouble with nested continuations.
_chunk = map->_chunk;
_chunk_index = map->_chunk_index;
if (update_map()) {
for(int i = 0; i < location_valid_size; i++) {
LocationValidType bits = map->_location_valid[i];
_location_valid[i] = bits;
// for whichever bits are set, pull in the corresponding map->_location
int j = i*location_valid_type_size;
while (bits != 0) {
if ((bits & 1) != 0) {
assert(0 <= j && j < reg_count, "range check");
_location[j] = map->_location[j];
bits >>= 1;
j += 1;
oop RegisterMap::cont() const {
return _chunk() != NULL ? _chunk()->cont() : (oop)NULL;
void RegisterMap::set_stack_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk) {
assert(chunk == NULL || _walk_cont, "");
assert(chunk == NULL || _chunk.not_null(), "");
if (_chunk.is_null()) return;
log_trace(continuations)("set_stack_chunk: " INTPTR_FORMAT " this: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i((oopDesc*)chunk), p2i(this));
_chunk.replace(chunk); // reuse handle. see comment above in the constructor
if (chunk == NULL) {
_chunk_index = -1;
} else {
void RegisterMap::clear() {
if (update_map()) {
for(int i = 0; i < location_valid_size; i++) {
_location_valid[i] = 0;
} else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
VMReg RegisterMap::find_register_spilled_here(void* p, intptr_t* sp) {
for(int i = 0; i < RegisterMap::reg_count; i++) {
VMReg r = VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(i);
if (p == location(r, sp)) return r;
return NULL;
void RegisterMap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print_cr("Register map");
for(int i = 0; i < reg_count; i++) {
VMReg r = VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(i);
intptr_t* src = (intptr_t*) location(r, nullptr);
if (src != NULL) {
st->print(" [" INTPTR_FORMAT "] = ", p2i(src));
if (((uintptr_t)src & (sizeof(*src)-1)) != 0) {
} else {
st->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT, *src);
void RegisterMap::print() const {
// This returns the pc that if you were in the debugger you'd see. Not
// the idealized value in the frame object. This undoes the magic conversion
// that happens for deoptimized frames. In addition it makes the value the
// hardware would want to see in the native frame. The only user (at this point)
// is deoptimization. It likely no one else should ever use it.
address frame::raw_pc() const {
if (is_deoptimized_frame()) {
CompiledMethod* cm = cb()->as_compiled_method_or_null();
if (cm->is_method_handle_return(pc()))
return cm->deopt_mh_handler_begin() - pc_return_offset;
return cm->deopt_handler_begin() - pc_return_offset;
} else {
return (pc() - pc_return_offset);
// Change the pc in a frame object. This does not change the actual pc in
// actual frame. To do that use patch_pc.
void frame::set_pc(address newpc) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (_cb != NULL && _cb->is_nmethod()) {
assert(!((nmethod*)_cb)->is_deopt_pc(_pc), "invariant violation");
#endif // ASSERT
// Unsafe to use the is_deoptimized tester after changing pc
_deopt_state = unknown;
_pc = newpc;
_cb = CodeCache::find_blob(_pc);
// type testers
bool frame::is_ignored_frame() const {
return false; // FIXME: some LambdaForm frames should be ignored
bool frame::is_native_frame() const {
return (_cb != NULL &&
_cb->is_nmethod() &&
bool frame::is_java_frame() const {
if (is_interpreted_frame()) return true;
if (is_compiled_frame()) return true;
return false;
bool frame::is_runtime_frame() const {
return (_cb != NULL && _cb->is_runtime_stub());
bool frame::is_safepoint_blob_frame() const {
return (_cb != NULL && _cb->is_safepoint_stub());
// testers
bool frame::is_first_java_frame() const {
RegisterMap map(JavaThread::current(),
RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip); // No update
frame s;
for (s = sender(&map); !(s.is_java_frame() || s.is_first_frame()); s = s.sender(&map));
return s.is_first_frame();
bool frame::is_first_vthread_frame(JavaThread* thread) const {
return Continuation::is_continuation_enterSpecial(*this)
&& Continuation::get_continuation_entry_for_entry_frame(thread, *this)->is_virtual_thread();
bool frame::entry_frame_is_first() const {
return entry_frame_call_wrapper()->is_first_frame();
JavaCallWrapper* frame::entry_frame_call_wrapper_if_safe(JavaThread* thread) const {
JavaCallWrapper** jcw = entry_frame_call_wrapper_addr();
address addr = (address) jcw;
// addr must be within the usable part of the stack
if (thread->is_in_usable_stack(addr)) {
return *jcw;
return NULL;
bool frame::is_entry_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const {
// Validate the JavaCallWrapper an entry frame must have
address jcw = (address)entry_frame_call_wrapper();
if (!thread->is_in_stack_range_excl(jcw, (address)fp())) {
return false;
// Validate sp saved in the java frame anchor
JavaFrameAnchor* jfa = entry_frame_call_wrapper()->anchor();
return (jfa->last_Java_sp() > sp());
bool frame::should_be_deoptimized() const {
if (_deopt_state == is_deoptimized ||
!is_compiled_frame() ) return false;
assert(_cb != NULL && _cb->is_compiled(), "must be an nmethod");
CompiledMethod* nm = (CompiledMethod *)_cb;
if (TraceDependencies) {
tty->print("checking (%s) ", nm->is_marked_for_deoptimization() ? "true" : "false");
if( !nm->is_marked_for_deoptimization() )
return false;
// If at the return point, then the frame has already been popped, and
// only the return needs to be executed. Don't deoptimize here.
return !nm->is_at_poll_return(pc());
bool frame::can_be_deoptimized() const {
if (!is_compiled_frame()) return false;
CompiledMethod* nm = (CompiledMethod*)_cb;
return false;
return !nm->is_at_poll_return(pc());
void frame::deoptimize(JavaThread* thread) {
assert(thread == NULL
|| (thread->frame_anchor()->has_last_Java_frame() &&
thread->frame_anchor()->walkable()), "must be");
// Schedule deoptimization of an nmethod activation with this frame.
assert(_cb != NULL && _cb->is_compiled(), "must be");
// If the call site is a MethodHandle call site use the MH deopt handler.
CompiledMethod* cm = (CompiledMethod*) _cb;
address deopt = cm->is_method_handle_return(pc()) ?
cm->deopt_mh_handler_begin() :
NativePostCallNop* inst = nativePostCallNop_at(pc());
// Save the original pc before we patch in the new one
cm->set_original_pc(this, pc());
patch_pc(thread, deopt);
assert(is_deoptimized_frame(), "must be");
#ifdef ASSERT
if (thread != NULL) {
frame check = thread->last_frame();
if (is_older(check.id())) {
RegisterMap map(thread,
while (id() != check.id()) {
check = check.sender(&map);
assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame(), "missed deopt");
#endif // ASSERT
frame frame::java_sender() const {
RegisterMap map(JavaThread::current(),
frame s;
for (s = sender(&map); !(s.is_java_frame() || s.is_first_frame()); s = s.sender(&map)) ;
guarantee(s.is_java_frame(), "tried to get caller of first java frame");
return s;
frame frame::real_sender(RegisterMap* map) const {
frame result = sender(map);
while (result.is_runtime_frame() ||
result.is_ignored_frame()) {
result = result.sender(map);
return result;
// Interpreter frames
void frame::interpreter_frame_set_locals(intptr_t* locs) {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
*interpreter_frame_locals_addr() = locs;
Method* frame::interpreter_frame_method() const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
Method* m = *interpreter_frame_method_addr();
assert(m->is_method(), "not a Method*");
return m;
void frame::interpreter_frame_set_method(Method* method) {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
*interpreter_frame_method_addr() = method;
void frame::interpreter_frame_set_mirror(oop mirror) {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
*interpreter_frame_mirror_addr() = mirror;
jint frame::interpreter_frame_bci() const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
address bcp = interpreter_frame_bcp();
return interpreter_frame_method()->bci_from(bcp);
address frame::interpreter_frame_bcp() const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
address bcp = (address)*interpreter_frame_bcp_addr();
return interpreter_frame_method()->bcp_from(bcp);
void frame::interpreter_frame_set_bcp(address bcp) {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
*interpreter_frame_bcp_addr() = (intptr_t)bcp;
address frame::interpreter_frame_mdp() const {
assert(ProfileInterpreter, "must be profiling interpreter");
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
return (address)*interpreter_frame_mdp_addr();
void frame::interpreter_frame_set_mdp(address mdp) {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "interpreted frame expected");
assert(ProfileInterpreter, "must be profiling interpreter");
*interpreter_frame_mdp_addr() = (intptr_t)mdp;
BasicObjectLock* frame::next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(BasicObjectLock* current) const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
#ifdef ASSERT
BasicObjectLock* next = (BasicObjectLock*) (((intptr_t*) current) + interpreter_frame_monitor_size());
return next;
BasicObjectLock* frame::previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(BasicObjectLock* current) const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
#ifdef ASSERT
// // This verification needs to be checked before being enabled
// interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(current);
BasicObjectLock* previous = (BasicObjectLock*) (((intptr_t*) current) - interpreter_frame_monitor_size());
return previous;
// Interpreter locals and expression stack locations.
intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_local_at(int index) const {
const int n = Interpreter::local_offset_in_bytes(index)/wordSize;
intptr_t* first = _on_heap ? fp() + (intptr_t)*interpreter_frame_locals_addr()
: *interpreter_frame_locals_addr();
return &(first[n]);
intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(jint offset) const {
const int i = offset * interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction();
const int n = i * Interpreter::stackElementWords;
return &(interpreter_frame_expression_stack()[n]);
jint frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() const {
// Number of elements on the interpreter expression stack
// Callers should span by stackElementWords
int element_size = Interpreter::stackElementWords;
size_t stack_size = 0;
if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() < 0) {
stack_size = (interpreter_frame_expression_stack() -
interpreter_frame_tos_address() + 1)/element_size;
} else {
stack_size = (interpreter_frame_tos_address() -
interpreter_frame_expression_stack() + 1)/element_size;
assert(stack_size <= (size_t)max_jint, "stack size too big");
return (jint)stack_size;
// (frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp accessor is in frame_<arch>.cpp)
const char* frame::print_name() const {
if (is_native_frame()) return "Native";
if (is_interpreted_frame()) return "Interpreted";
if (is_compiled_frame()) {
if (is_deoptimized_frame()) return "Deoptimized";
return "Compiled";
if (sp() == NULL) return "Empty";
return "C";
void frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st, JavaThread *thread) const {
NOT_PRODUCT(address begin = pc()-40;)
NOT_PRODUCT(address end = NULL;)
st->print("%s frame (sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT " unextended sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT, print_name(), p2i(sp()), p2i(unextended_sp()));
if (sp() != NULL)
st->print(", fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", real_fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
p2i(fp()), p2i(real_fp()), p2i(pc()));
if (StubRoutines::contains(pc())) {
StubCodeDesc* desc = StubCodeDesc::desc_for(pc());
st->print("~Stub::%s", desc->name());
NOT_PRODUCT(begin = desc->begin(); end = desc->end();)
} else if (Interpreter::contains(pc())) {
InterpreterCodelet* desc = Interpreter::codelet_containing(pc());
if (desc != NULL) {
NOT_PRODUCT(begin = desc->code_begin(); end = desc->code_end();)
} else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (_cb != NULL) {
st->print(" ");
if (end == NULL) {
begin = _cb->code_begin();
end = _cb->code_end();
if (WizardMode && Verbose) Disassembler::decode(begin, end);
void frame::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
void frame::interpreter_frame_print_on(outputStream* st) const {
#ifndef PRODUCT
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
jint i;
for (i = 0; i < interpreter_frame_method()->max_locals(); i++ ) {
intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
st->print(" - local [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
for (i = interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
st->print(" - stack [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
// locks for synchronization
for (BasicObjectLock* current = interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
current < interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
current = next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(current)) {
st->print(" - obj [%s", current->obj() == nullptr ? "null" : "");
if (current->obj() != nullptr) current->obj()->print_value_on(st);
st->print(" - lock [");
current->lock()->print_on(st, current->obj());
// monitor
st->print_cr(" - monitor[" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_monitor_begin()));
// bcp
st->print(" - bcp [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_bcp()));
st->print_cr("; @%d", interpreter_frame_bci());
// locals
st->print_cr(" - locals [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_local_at(0)));
// method
st->print(" - method [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_method()));
st->print("; ");
// Print whether the frame is in the VM or OS indicating a HotSpot problem.
// Otherwise, it's likely a bug in the native library that the Java code calls,
// hopefully indicating where to submit bugs.
void frame::print_C_frame(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen, address pc) {
// C/C++ frame
bool in_vm = os::address_is_in_vm(pc);
st->print(in_vm ? "V" : "C");
int offset;
bool found;
if (buf == NULL || buflen < 1) return;
// libname
buf[0] = '\0';
found = os::dll_address_to_library_name(pc, buf, buflen, &offset);
if (found && buf[0] != '\0') {
// skip directory names
const char *p1, *p2;
p1 = buf;
int len = (int)strlen(os::file_separator());
while ((p2 = strstr(p1, os::file_separator())) != NULL) p1 = p2 + len;
st->print(" [%s+0x%x]", p1, offset);
} else {
st->print(" " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc));
found = os::dll_address_to_function_name(pc, buf, buflen, &offset);
if (found) {
st->print(" %s+0x%x", buf, offset);
// frame::print_on_error() is called by fatal error handler. Notice that we may
// crash inside this function if stack frame is corrupted. The fatal error
// handler can catch and handle the crash. Here we assume the frame is valid.
// First letter indicates type of the frame:
// J: Java frame (compiled)
// j: Java frame (interpreted)
// V: VM frame (C/C++)
// v: Other frames running VM generated code (e.g. stubs, adapters, etc.)
// C: C/C++ frame
// We don't need detailed frame type as that in frame::print_name(). "C"
// suggests the problem is in user lib; everything else is likely a VM bug.
void frame::print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen, bool verbose) const {
if (_cb != NULL) {
if (Interpreter::contains(pc())) {
Method* m = this->interpreter_frame_method();
if (m != NULL) {
m->name_and_sig_as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print("j %s", buf);
st->print("+%d", this->interpreter_frame_bci());
ModuleEntry* module = m->method_holder()->module();
if (module->is_named()) {
module->name()->as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print(" %s", buf);
if (module->version() != NULL) {
module->version()->as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print("@%s", buf);
} else {
st->print("j " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (StubRoutines::contains(pc())) {
StubCodeDesc* desc = StubCodeDesc::desc_for(pc());
if (desc != NULL) {
st->print("v ~StubRoutines::%s " PTR_FORMAT, desc->name(), p2i(pc()));
} else {
st->print("v ~StubRoutines::" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_buffer_blob()) {
st->print("v ~BufferBlob::%s " PTR_FORMAT, ((BufferBlob *)_cb)->name(), p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_compiled()) {
CompiledMethod* cm = (CompiledMethod*)_cb;
Method* m = cm->method();
if (m != NULL) {
if (cm->is_nmethod()) {
nmethod* nm = cm->as_nmethod();
st->print("J %d%s", nm->compile_id(), (nm->is_osr_method() ? "%" : ""));
st->print(" %s", nm->compiler_name());
m->name_and_sig_as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print(" %s", buf);
ModuleEntry* module = m->method_holder()->module();
if (module->is_named()) {
module->name()->as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print(" %s", buf);
if (module->version() != NULL) {
module->version()->as_C_string(buf, buflen);
st->print("@%s", buf);
st->print(" (%d bytes) @ " PTR_FORMAT " [" PTR_FORMAT "+" INTPTR_FORMAT "]",
m->code_size(), p2i(_pc), p2i(_cb->code_begin()), _pc - _cb->code_begin());
if (cm->is_nmethod()) {
nmethod* nm = cm->as_nmethod();
const char* jvmciName = nm->jvmci_name();
if (jvmciName != NULL) {
st->print(" (%s)", jvmciName);
} else {
st->print("J " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_runtime_stub()) {
st->print("v ~RuntimeStub::%s " PTR_FORMAT, ((RuntimeStub *)_cb)->name(), p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_deoptimization_stub()) {
st->print("v ~DeoptimizationBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_exception_stub()) {
st->print("v ~ExceptionBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_safepoint_stub()) {
st->print("v ~SafepointBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_adapter_blob()) {
st->print("v ~AdapterBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_vtable_blob()) {
st->print("v ~VtableBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_method_handles_adapter_blob()) {
st->print("v ~MethodHandlesAdapterBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else if (_cb->is_uncommon_trap_stub()) {
st->print("v ~UncommonTrapBlob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else {
st->print("v blob " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc()));
} else {
print_C_frame(st, buf, buflen, pc());
The interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at method in the case of SPARC needs the
max_stack value of the method in order to compute the expression stack address.
It uses the Method* in order to get the max_stack value but during GC this
Method* value saved on the frame is changed by reverse_and_push and hence cannot
be used. So we save the max_stack value in the FrameClosure object and pass it
down to the interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at method
class InterpreterFrameClosure : public OffsetClosure {
const frame* _fr;
OopClosure* _f;
int _max_locals;
int _max_stack;
InterpreterFrameClosure(const frame* fr, int max_locals, int max_stack,
OopClosure* f) {
_fr = fr;
_max_locals = max_locals;
_max_stack = max_stack;
_f = f;
void offset_do(int offset) {
oop* addr;
if (offset < _max_locals) {
addr = (oop*) _fr->interpreter_frame_local_at(offset);
assert((intptr_t*)addr >= _fr->sp(), "must be inside the frame");
} else {
addr = (oop*) _fr->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at((offset - _max_locals));
// In case of exceptions, the expression stack is invalid and the esp will be reset to express
// this condition. Therefore, we call f only if addr is 'inside' the stack (i.e., addr >= esp for Intel).
bool in_stack;
if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() > 0) {
in_stack = (intptr_t*)addr <= _fr->interpreter_frame_tos_address();
} else {
in_stack = (intptr_t*)addr >= _fr->interpreter_frame_tos_address();
if (in_stack) {
class InterpretedArgumentOopFinder: public SignatureIterator {
OopClosure* _f; // Closure to invoke
int _offset; // TOS-relative offset, decremented with each argument
bool _has_receiver; // true if the callee has a receiver
const frame* _fr;
friend class SignatureIterator; // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
void do_type(BasicType type) {
_offset -= parameter_type_word_count(type);
if (is_reference_type(type)) oop_offset_do();
void oop_offset_do() {
oop* addr;
addr = (oop*)_fr->interpreter_frame_tos_at(_offset);
InterpretedArgumentOopFinder(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, const frame* fr, OopClosure* f) : SignatureIterator(signature), _has_receiver(has_receiver) {
// compute size of arguments
int args_size = ArgumentSizeComputer(signature).size() + (has_receiver ? 1 : 0);
assert(!fr->is_interpreted_frame() ||
args_size <= fr->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size(),
"args cannot be on stack anymore");
// initialize InterpretedArgumentOopFinder
_f = f;
_fr = fr;
_offset = args_size;
void oops_do() {
if (_has_receiver) {
// Entry frame has following form (n arguments)
// +-----------+
// sp -> | last arg |
// +-----------+
// : ::: :
// +-----------+
// (sp+n)->| first arg|
// +-----------+
// visits and GC's all the arguments in entry frame
class EntryFrameOopFinder: public SignatureIterator {
bool _is_static;
int _offset;
const frame* _fr;
OopClosure* _f;
friend class SignatureIterator; // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
void do_type(BasicType type) {
// decrement offset before processing the type
_offset -= parameter_type_word_count(type);
assert (_offset >= 0, "illegal offset");
if (is_reference_type(type)) oop_at_offset_do(_offset);
void oop_at_offset_do(int offset) {
assert (offset >= 0, "illegal offset");
oop* addr = (oop*) _fr->entry_frame_argument_at(offset);
EntryFrameOopFinder(const frame* frame, Symbol* signature, bool is_static) : SignatureIterator(signature) {
_f = NULL; // will be set later
_fr = frame;
_is_static = is_static;
_offset = ArgumentSizeComputer(signature).size(); // pre-decremented down to zero
void arguments_do(OopClosure* f) {
_f = f;
if (!_is_static) oop_at_offset_do(_offset); // do the receiver
oop* frame::interpreter_callee_receiver_addr(Symbol* signature) {
ArgumentSizeComputer asc(signature);
int size = asc.size();
return (oop *)interpreter_frame_tos_at(size);
oop frame::interpreter_callee_receiver(Symbol* signature) {
return *interpreter_callee_receiver_addr(signature);
void frame::oops_interpreted_do(OopClosure* f, const RegisterMap* map, bool query_oop_map_cache) const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
Thread *thread = Thread::current();
methodHandle m (thread, interpreter_frame_method());
jint bci = interpreter_frame_bci();
"must be valid oop");
assert(m->is_method(), "checking frame value");
assert((m->is_native() && bci == 0) ||
(!m->is_native() && bci >= 0 && bci < m->code_size()),
"invalid bci value");
// Handle the monitor elements in the activation
for (
BasicObjectLock* current = interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
current < interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
current = next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(current)
) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (m->is_native()) {
// The method pointer in the frame might be the only path to the method's
// klass, and the klass needs to be kept alive while executing. The GCs
// don't trace through method pointers, so the mirror of the method's klass
// is installed as a GC root.
int max_locals = m->is_native() ? m->size_of_parameters() : m->max_locals();
Symbol* signature = NULL;
bool has_receiver = false;
// Process a callee's arguments if we are at a call site
// (i.e., if we are at an invoke bytecode)
// This is used sometimes for calling into the VM, not for another
// interpreted or compiled frame.
if (!m->is_native()) {
Bytecode_invoke call = Bytecode_invoke_check(m, bci);
if (map != nullptr && call.is_valid()) {
signature = call.signature();
has_receiver = call.has_receiver();
if (map->include_argument_oops() &&
interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() > 0) {
ResourceMark rm(thread); // is this right ???
// we are at a call site & the expression stack is not empty
// => process callee's arguments
// Note: The expression stack can be empty if an exception
// occurred during method resolution/execution. In all
// cases we empty the expression stack completely be-
// fore handling the exception (the exception handling
// code in the interpreter calls a blocking runtime
// routine which can cause this code to be executed).
// (was bug gri 7/27/98)
oops_interpreted_arguments_do(signature, has_receiver, f);
InterpreterFrameClosure blk(this, max_locals, m->max_stack(), f);
// process locals & expression stack
InterpreterOopMap mask;
if (query_oop_map_cache) {
m->mask_for(bci, &mask);
} else {
OopMapCache::compute_one_oop_map(m, bci, &mask);
void frame::oops_interpreted_arguments_do(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, OopClosure* f) const {
InterpretedArgumentOopFinder finder(signature, has_receiver, this, f);
void frame::oops_code_blob_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf, DerivedOopClosure* df, DerivedPointerIterationMode derived_mode, const RegisterMap* reg_map) const {
assert(_cb != NULL, "sanity check");
assert((oop_map() == NULL) == (_cb->oop_maps() == NULL), "frame and _cb must agree that oopmap is set or not");
if (oop_map() != NULL) {
if (df != NULL) {
_oop_map->oops_do(this, reg_map, f, df);
} else {
_oop_map->oops_do(this, reg_map, f, derived_mode);
// Preserve potential arguments for a callee. We handle this by dispatching
// on the codeblob. For c2i, we do
if (reg_map->include_argument_oops()) {
_cb->preserve_callee_argument_oops(*this, reg_map, f);
// In cases where perm gen is collected, GC will want to mark
// oops referenced from nmethods active on thread stacks so as to
// prevent them from being collected. However, this visit should be
// restricted to certain phases of the collection only. The
// closure decides how it wants nmethods to be traced.
if (cf != NULL)
class CompiledArgumentOopFinder: public SignatureIterator {
OopClosure* _f;
int _offset; // the current offset, incremented with each argument
bool _has_receiver; // true if the callee has a receiver
bool _has_appendix; // true if the call has an appendix
frame _fr;
RegisterMap* _reg_map;
int _arg_size;
VMRegPair* _regs; // VMReg list of arguments
friend class SignatureIterator; // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
void do_type(BasicType type) {
if (is_reference_type(type)) handle_oop_offset();
_offset += parameter_type_word_count(type);
virtual void handle_oop_offset() {
// Extract low order register number from register array.
// In LP64-land, the high-order bits are valid but unhelpful.
VMReg reg = _regs[_offset].first();
oop *loc = _fr.oopmapreg_to_oop_location(reg, _reg_map);
#ifdef ASSERT
if (loc == NULL) {
if (_reg_map->should_skip_missing()) {
tty->print_cr("Error walking frame oops:");
assert(loc != NULL, "missing register map entry reg: " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s loc: " INTPTR_FORMAT, reg->value(), reg->name(), p2i(loc));
CompiledArgumentOopFinder(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, bool has_appendix, OopClosure* f, frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map)
: SignatureIterator(signature) {
// initialize CompiledArgumentOopFinder
_f = f;
_offset = 0;
_has_receiver = has_receiver;
_has_appendix = has_appendix;
_fr = fr;
_reg_map = (RegisterMap*)reg_map;
_arg_size = ArgumentSizeComputer(signature).size() + (has_receiver ? 1 : 0) + (has_appendix ? 1 : 0);
int arg_size;
_regs = SharedRuntime::find_callee_arguments(signature, has_receiver, has_appendix, &arg_size);
assert(arg_size == _arg_size, "wrong arg size");
void oops_do() {
if (_has_receiver) {
if (_has_appendix) {
void frame::oops_compiled_arguments_do(Symbol* signature, bool has_receiver, bool has_appendix,
const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) const {
// ResourceMark rm;
CompiledArgumentOopFinder finder(signature, has_receiver, has_appendix, f, *this, reg_map);
// Get receiver out of callers frame, i.e. find parameter 0 in callers
// frame. Consult ADLC for where parameter 0 is to be found. Then
// check local reg_map for it being a callee-save register or argument
// register, both of which are saved in the local frame. If not found
// there, it must be an in-stack argument of the caller.
// Note: caller.sp() points to callee-arguments
oop frame::retrieve_receiver(RegisterMap* reg_map) {
frame caller = *this;
// First consult the ADLC on where it puts parameter 0 for this signature.
VMReg reg = SharedRuntime::name_for_receiver();
oop* oop_adr = caller.oopmapreg_to_oop_location(reg, reg_map);
if (oop_adr == NULL) {
guarantee(oop_adr != NULL, "bad register save location");
return NULL;
oop r = *oop_adr;
assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(r), "bad receiver: " INTPTR_FORMAT " (" INTX_FORMAT ")", p2i(r), p2i(r));
return r;
BasicLock* frame::get_native_monitor() {
nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
assert(_cb != NULL && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
"Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_basic_lock_sp_offset());
assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
return (BasicLock*) &sp()[byte_offset / wordSize];
oop frame::get_native_receiver() {
nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
assert(_cb != NULL && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
"Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_receiver_sp_offset());
assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
oop owner = ((oop*) sp())[byte_offset / wordSize];
assert( Universe::heap()->is_in(owner), "bad receiver" );
return owner;
void frame::oops_entry_do(OopClosure* f, const RegisterMap* map) const {
assert(map != NULL, "map must be set");
if (map->include_argument_oops()) {
// must collect argument oops, as nobody else is doing it
Thread *thread = Thread::current();
methodHandle m (thread, entry_frame_call_wrapper()->callee_method());
EntryFrameOopFinder finder(this, m->signature(), m->is_static());
// Traverse the Handle Block saved in the entry frame
bool frame::is_deoptimized_frame() const {
assert(_deopt_state != unknown, "not answerable");
if (_deopt_state == is_deoptimized) {
return true;
/* This method only checks if the frame is deoptimized
* as in return address being patched.
* It doesn't care if the OP that we return to is a
* deopt instruction */
/*if (_cb != NULL && _cb->is_nmethod()) {
return NativeDeoptInstruction::is_deopt_at(_pc);
return false;
void frame::oops_do_internal(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf,
DerivedOopClosure* df, DerivedPointerIterationMode derived_mode,
const RegisterMap* map, bool use_interpreter_oop_map_cache) const {
#ifndef PRODUCT
// simulate GC crash here to dump java thread in error report
if (CrashGCForDumpingJavaThread) {
char *t = NULL;
*t = 'c';
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
oops_interpreted_do(f, map, use_interpreter_oop_map_cache);
} else if (is_entry_frame()) {
oops_entry_do(f, map);
} else if (is_upcall_stub_frame()) {
_cb->as_upcall_stub()->oops_do(f, *this);
} else if (CodeCache::contains(pc())) {
oops_code_blob_do(f, cf, df, derived_mode, map);
} else {
void frame::nmethods_do(CodeBlobClosure* cf) const {
if (_cb != NULL && _cb->is_nmethod()) {
// Call f closure on the interpreted Method*s in the stack.
void frame::metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f) const {
ResourceMark rm;
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
Method* m = this->interpreter_frame_method();
assert(m != NULL, "expecting a method in this frame");
void frame::verify(const RegisterMap* map) const {
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (TraceCodeBlobStacks) {
tty->print_cr("*** verify");
// for now make sure receiver type is correct
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
Method* method = interpreter_frame_method();
guarantee(method->is_method(), "method is wrong in frame::verify");
if (!method->is_static()) {
// fetch the receiver
oop* p = (oop*) interpreter_frame_local_at(0);
// make sure we have the right receiver type
assert(DerivedPointerTable::is_empty(), "must be empty before verify");
if (map->update_map()) { // The map has to be up-to-date for the current frame
oops_do_internal(&VerifyOopClosure::verify_oop, NULL, NULL, DerivedPointerIterationMode::_ignore, map, false);
#ifdef ASSERT
bool frame::verify_return_pc(address x) {
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_aarch64
if (!pauth_ptr_is_raw(x)) {
return false;
if (StubRoutines::returns_to_call_stub(x)) {
return true;
if (CodeCache::contains(x)) {
return true;
if (Interpreter::contains(x)) {
return true;
return false;
#ifdef ASSERT
void frame::interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(BasicObjectLock* value) const {
assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
// verify that the value is in the right part of the frame
address low_mark = (address) interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
address high_mark = (address) interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
address current = (address) value;
const int monitor_size = frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size();
guarantee((high_mark - current) % monitor_size == 0 , "Misaligned top of BasicObjectLock*");
guarantee( high_mark > current , "Current BasicObjectLock* higher than high_mark");
guarantee((current - low_mark) % monitor_size == 0 , "Misaligned bottom of BasicObjectLock*");
guarantee( current >= low_mark , "Current BasicObjectLock* below than low_mark");
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Returns true iff the address p is readable and *(intptr_t*)p != errvalue
extern "C" bool dbg_is_safe(const void* p, intptr_t errvalue);
class FrameValuesOopClosure: public OopClosure, public DerivedOopClosure {
GrowableArray<oop*>* _oops;
GrowableArray<narrowOop*>* _narrow_oops;
GrowableArray<oop*>* _base;
GrowableArray<derived_pointer*>* _derived;
NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
FrameValuesOopClosure() {
_oops = new (mtThread) GrowableArray<oop*>(100, mtThread);
_narrow_oops = new (mtThread) GrowableArray<narrowOop*>(100, mtThread);
_base = new (mtThread) GrowableArray<oop*>(100, mtThread);
_derived = new (mtThread) GrowableArray<derived_pointer*>(100, mtThread);
~FrameValuesOopClosure() {
delete _oops;
delete _narrow_oops;
delete _base;
delete _derived;
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) override { _oops->push(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) override { _narrow_oops->push(p); }
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base_loc, derived_pointer* derived_loc) override {
bool is_good(oop* p) {
return *p == nullptr || (dbg_is_safe(*p, -1) && dbg_is_safe((*p)->klass(), -1) && oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(*p));
void describe(FrameValues& values, int frame_no) {
for (int i = 0; i < _oops->length(); i++) {
oop* p = _oops->at(i);
values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)p, err_msg("oop%s for #%d", is_good(p) ? "" : " (BAD)", frame_no));
for (int i = 0; i < _narrow_oops->length(); i++) {
narrowOop* p = _narrow_oops->at(i);
// we can't check for bad compressed oops, as decoding them might crash
values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)p, err_msg("narrow oop for #%d", frame_no));
assert(_base->length() == _derived->length(), "should be the same");
for (int i = 0; i < _base->length(); i++) {
oop* base = _base->at(i);
derived_pointer* derived = _derived->at(i);
values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)derived, err_msg("derived pointer (base: " INTPTR_FORMAT ") for #%d", p2i(base), frame_no));
class FrameValuesOopMapClosure: public OopMapClosure {
const frame* _fr;
const RegisterMap* _reg_map;
FrameValues& _values;
int _frame_no;
FrameValuesOopMapClosure(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, FrameValues& values, int frame_no)
: _fr(fr), _reg_map(reg_map), _values(values), _frame_no(frame_no) {}
virtual void do_value(VMReg reg, OopMapValue::oop_types type) override {
intptr_t* p = (intptr_t*)_fr->oopmapreg_to_location(reg, _reg_map);
if (p != NULL && (((intptr_t)p & WordAlignmentMask) == 0)) {
const char* type_name = NULL;
switch(type) {
case OopMapValue::oop_value: type_name = "oop"; break;
case OopMapValue::narrowoop_value: type_name = "narrow oop"; break;
case OopMapValue::callee_saved_value: type_name = "callee-saved"; break;
case OopMapValue::derived_oop_value: type_name = "derived"; break;
// case OopMapValue::live_value: type_name = "live"; break;
default: break;
if (type_name != NULL) {
_values.describe(_frame_no, p, err_msg("%s for #%d", type_name, _frame_no));
// callers need a ResourceMark because of name_and_sig_as_C_string() usage,
// RA allocated string is returned to the caller
void frame::describe(FrameValues& values, int frame_no, const RegisterMap* reg_map) {
// boundaries: sp and the 'real' frame pointer
values.describe(-1, sp(), err_msg("sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);
intptr_t* frame_pointer = real_fp(); // Note: may differ from fp()
// print frame info at the highest boundary
intptr_t* info_address = MAX2(sp(), frame_pointer);
if (info_address != frame_pointer) {
// print frame_pointer explicitly if not marked by the frame info
values.describe(-1, frame_pointer, err_msg("frame pointer for #%d", frame_no), 1);
if (is_entry_frame() || is_compiled_frame() || is_interpreted_frame() || is_native_frame()) {
// Label values common to most frames
values.describe(-1, unextended_sp(), err_msg("unextended_sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
Method* m = interpreter_frame_method();
int bci = interpreter_frame_bci();
InterpreterCodelet* desc = Interpreter::codelet_containing(pc());
// Label the method and current bci
values.describe(-1, info_address,
FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d method %s @ %d", frame_no, m->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), bci), 3);
if (desc != NULL) {
values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("- %s codelet: %s",
desc->bytecode() >= 0 ? Bytecodes::name(desc->bytecode()) : "",
desc->description() != NULL ? desc->description() : "?"), 2);
values.describe(-1, info_address,
err_msg("- %d locals %d max stack", m->max_locals(), m->max_stack()), 2);
// return address will be emitted by caller in describe_pd
// values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)sender_pc_addr(), Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry(*sender_pc_addr()) ? "return address (return barrier)" : "return address");
if (m->max_locals() > 0) {
intptr_t* l0 = interpreter_frame_local_at(0);
intptr_t* ln = interpreter_frame_local_at(m->max_locals() - 1);
values.describe(-1, MAX2(l0, ln), err_msg("locals for #%d", frame_no), 2);
// Report each local and mark as owned by this frame
for (int l = 0; l < m->max_locals(); l++) {
intptr_t* l0 = interpreter_frame_local_at(l);
values.describe(frame_no, l0, err_msg("local %d", l), 1);
if (interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() != interpreter_frame_monitor_end()) {
values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)interpreter_frame_monitor_begin(), "monitors begin");
values.describe(frame_no, (intptr_t*)interpreter_frame_monitor_end(), "monitors end");
// Compute the actual expression stack size
InterpreterOopMap mask;
OopMapCache::compute_one_oop_map(methodHandle(Thread::current(), m), bci, &mask);
intptr_t* tos = NULL;
// Report each stack element and mark as owned by this frame
for (int e = 0; e < mask.expression_stack_size(); e++) {
tos = MAX2(tos, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e));
values.describe(frame_no, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e),
err_msg("stack %d", e), 1);
if (tos != NULL) {
values.describe(-1, tos, err_msg("expression stack for #%d", frame_no), 2);
if (reg_map != NULL) {
FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
oops_do(&oopsFn, NULL, &oopsFn, reg_map);
oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
} else if (is_entry_frame()) {
// For now just label the frame
values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d entry frame", frame_no), 2);
} else if (cb()->is_compiled()) {
// For now just label the frame
CompiledMethod* cm = cb()->as_compiled_method();
values.describe(-1, info_address,
FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for method J %s%s", frame_no,
(_deopt_state == is_deoptimized) ?
" (deoptimized)" :
((_deopt_state == unknown) ? " (state unknown)" : "")),
{ // mark arguments (see nmethod::print_nmethod_labels)
Method* m = cm->method();
int stack_slot_offset = cm->frame_size() * wordSize; // offset, in bytes, to caller sp
int sizeargs = m->size_of_parameters();
BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
int sig_index = 0;
if (!m->is_static()) {
sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_OBJECT; // 'this'
for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
BasicType t = ss.type();
assert(type2size[t] == 1 || type2size[t] == 2, "size is 1 or 2");
sig_bt[sig_index++] = t;
if (type2size[t] == 2) {
sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_VOID;
assert(sig_index == sizeargs, "");
int stack_arg_slots = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, sizeargs);
assert(stack_arg_slots == m->num_stack_arg_slots(), "");
int out_preserve = SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots();
int sig_index = 0;
int arg_index = (m->is_static() ? 0 : -1);
for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ) {
bool at_this = (arg_index == -1);
bool at_old_sp = false;
BasicType t = (at_this ? T_OBJECT : ss.type());
assert(t == sig_bt[sig_index], "sigs in sync");
VMReg fst = regs[sig_index].first();
if (fst->is_stack()) {
assert(((int)fst->reg2stack()) >= 0, "reg2stack: " INTPTR_FORMAT, fst->reg2stack());
int offset = (fst->reg2stack() + out_preserve) * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + stack_slot_offset;
intptr_t* stack_address = (intptr_t*)((address)unextended_sp() + offset);
if (at_this) {
values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("this for #%d", frame_no), 1);
} else {
values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("param %d %s for #%d", arg_index, type2name(t), frame_no), 1);
sig_index += type2size[t];
arg_index += 1;
if (!at_this) {
if (reg_map != NULL && is_java_frame()) {
int scope_no = 0;
for (ScopeDesc* scope = cm->scope_desc_at(pc()); scope != NULL; scope = scope->sender(), scope_no++) {
Method* m = scope->method();
int bci = scope->bci();
values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("- #%d scope %s @ %d", scope_no, m->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), bci), 2);
{ // mark locals
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scvs = scope->locals();
int scvs_length = scvs != NULL ? scvs->length() : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < scvs_length; i++) {
intptr_t* stack_address = (intptr_t*)StackValue::stack_value_address(this, reg_map, scvs->at(i));
if (stack_address != NULL) {
values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("local %d for #%d (scope %d)", i, frame_no, scope_no), 1);
{ // mark expression stack
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scvs = scope->expressions();
int scvs_length = scvs != NULL ? scvs->length() : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < scvs_length; i++) {
intptr_t* stack_address = (intptr_t*)StackValue::stack_value_address(this, reg_map, scvs->at(i));
if (stack_address != NULL) {
values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("stack %d for #%d (scope %d)", i, frame_no, scope_no), 1);
FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
oops_do(&oopsFn, NULL, &oopsFn, reg_map);
oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
if (oop_map() != NULL) {
FrameValuesOopMapClosure valuesFn(this, reg_map, values, frame_no);
// also OopMapValue::live_value ??
oop_map()->all_type_do(this, OopMapValue::callee_saved_value, &valuesFn);
if (cm->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic()) {
ContinuationEntry* ce = Continuation::get_continuation_entry_for_entry_frame(reg_map->thread(), *this); // (ContinuationEntry*)unextended_sp();
ce->describe(values, frame_no);
} else if (is_native_frame()) {
// For now just label the frame
nmethod* nm = cb()->as_nmethod_or_null();
values.describe(-1, info_address,
FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for native method %s", frame_no,
p2i(nm), nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string()), 2);
} else {
// provide default info if not handled before
char *info = (char *) "special frame";
if ((_cb != NULL) &&
(_cb->name() != NULL)) {
info = (char *)_cb->name();
values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d <%s>", frame_no, info), 2);
// platform dependent additional data
describe_pd(values, frame_no);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void FrameValues::describe(int owner, intptr_t* location, const char* description, int priority) {
FrameValue fv;
fv.location = location;
fv.owner = owner;
fv.priority = priority;
fv.description = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, strlen(description) + 1);
strcpy(fv.description, description);
#ifdef ASSERT
void FrameValues::validate() {
bool error = false;
FrameValue prev;
prev.owner = -1;
for (int i = _values.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
FrameValue fv = _values.at(i);
if (fv.owner == -1) continue;
if (prev.owner == -1) {
prev = fv;
if (prev.location == fv.location) {
if (fv.owner != prev.owner) {
tty->print_cr("overlapping storage");
tty->print_cr(" " INTPTR_FORMAT ": " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s", p2i(prev.location), *prev.location, prev.description);
tty->print_cr(" " INTPTR_FORMAT ": " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s", p2i(fv.location), *fv.location, fv.description);
error = true;
} else {
prev = fv;
// if (error) { tty->cr(); print_on((JavaThread*)nullptr, tty); }
assert(!error, "invalid layout");
#endif // ASSERT
void FrameValues::print_on(JavaThread* thread, outputStream* st) {
// Sometimes values like the fp can be invalid values if the
// register map wasn't updated during the walk. Trim out values
// that aren't actually in the stack of the thread.
int min_index = 0;
int max_index = _values.length() - 1;
intptr_t* v0 = _values.at(min_index).location;
intptr_t* v1 = _values.at(max_index).location;
if (thread != NULL) {
if (thread == Thread::current()) {
while (!thread->is_in_live_stack((address)v0)) v0 = _values.at(++min_index).location;
while (!thread->is_in_live_stack((address)v1)) v1 = _values.at(--max_index).location;
} else {
while (!thread->is_in_full_stack((address)v0)) v0 = _values.at(++min_index).location;
while (!thread->is_in_full_stack((address)v1)) v1 = _values.at(--max_index).location;
print_on(st, min_index, max_index, v0, v1);
void FrameValues::print_on(stackChunkOop chunk, outputStream* st) {
intptr_t* start = chunk->start_address();
intptr_t* end = chunk->end_address() + 1;
int min_index = 0;
int max_index = _values.length() - 1;
intptr_t* v0 = _values.at(min_index).location;
intptr_t* v1 = _values.at(max_index).location;
while (!(start <= v0 && v0 <= end)) v0 = _values.at(++min_index).location;
while (!(start <= v1 && v1 <= end)) v1 = _values.at(--max_index).location;
print_on(st, min_index, max_index, v0, v1, true /* on_heap */);
void FrameValues::print_on(outputStream* st, int min_index, int max_index, intptr_t* v0, intptr_t* v1, bool on_heap) {
intptr_t* min = MIN2(v0, v1);
intptr_t* max = MAX2(v0, v1);
intptr_t* cur = max;
intptr_t* last = NULL;
for (int i = max_index; i >= min_index; i--) {
FrameValue fv = _values.at(i);
while (cur > fv.location) {
st->print_cr(" " INTPTR_FORMAT ": " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(cur), *cur);
if (last == fv.location) {
const char* spacer = " " LP64_ONLY(" ");
st->print_cr(" %s %s %s", spacer, spacer, fv.description);
} else {
if (on_heap
&& *fv.location != 0 && *fv.location > -100 && *fv.location < 100
#if !defined(PPC64)
&& (strncmp(fv.description, "interpreter_frame_", 18) == 0 || strstr(fv.description, " method "))
#else // !defined(PPC64)
&& (strcmp(fv.description, "sender_sp") == 0 || strcmp(fv.description, "top_frame_sp") == 0 ||
strcmp(fv.description, "esp") == 0 || strcmp(fv.description, "monitors") == 0 ||
strcmp(fv.description, "locals") == 0 || strstr(fv.description, " method "))
#endif //!defined(PPC64)
) {
st->print_cr(" " INTPTR_FORMAT ": %18d %s", p2i(fv.location), (int)*fv.location, fv.description);
} else {
st->print_cr(" " INTPTR_FORMAT ": " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s", p2i(fv.location), *fv.location, fv.description);
last = fv.location;
#endif // ndef PRODUCT
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