* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "compiler/compiler_globals_pd.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals_shared.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#include CPU_HEADER(globals)
#include OS_HEADER(globals)
#include OS_CPU_HEADER(globals)
// develop flags are settable / visible only during development and are constant in the PRODUCT version
// product flags are always settable / visible
// notproduct flags are settable / visible only during development and are not declared in the PRODUCT version
// develop_pd/product_pd flags are the same as develop/product, except that their default values
// are specified in platform-dependent header files.
// Flags must be declared with the following number of parameters:
// non-pd flags:
// (type, name, default_value, doc), or
// (type, name, default_value, extra_attrs, doc)
// pd flags:
// (type, name, doc), or
// (type, name, extra_attrs, doc)
// A flag must be declared with one of the following types:
// bool, int, uint, intx, uintx, size_t, ccstr, ccstrlist, double, or uint64_t.
// The type "ccstr" and "ccstrlist" are an alias for "const char*" and is used
// only in this file, because the macrology requires single-token type names.
// The optional extra_attrs parameter may have one of the following values:
// DIAGNOSTIC, EXPERIMENTAL, or MANAGEABLE. Currently extra_attrs can be used
// only with product/product_pd flags.
// DIAGNOSTIC options are not meant for VM tuning or for product modes.
// They are to be used for VM quality assurance or field diagnosis
// of VM bugs. They are hidden so that users will not be encouraged to
// try them as if they were VM ordinary execution options. However, they
// are available in the product version of the VM. Under instruction
// from support engineers, VM customers can turn them on to collect
// diagnostic information about VM problems. To use a VM diagnostic
// option, you must first specify +UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions.
// (This master switch also affects the behavior of -Xprintflags.)
// EXPERIMENTAL flags are in support of features that are not
// part of the officially supported product, but are available
// for experimenting with. They could, for example, be performance
// features that may not have undergone full or rigorous QA, but which may
// help performance in some cases and released for experimentation
// by the community of users and developers. This flag also allows one to
// be able to build a fully supported product that nonetheless also
// ships with some unsupported, lightly tested, experimental features.
// Like the UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions flag above, there is a corresponding
// UnlockExperimentalVMOptions flag, which allows the control and
// modification of the experimental flags.
// Nota bene: neither diagnostic nor experimental options should be used casually,
// and they are not supported on production loads, except under explicit
// direction from support engineers.
// MANAGEABLE flags are writeable external product flags.
// They are dynamically writeable through the JDK management interface
// (com.sun.management.HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean API) and also through JConsole.
// These flags are external exported interface (see CSR). The list of
// manageable flags can be queried programmatically through the management
// interface.
// A flag can be made as "manageable" only if
// - the flag is defined in a CSR request as an external exported interface.
// - the VM implementation supports dynamic setting of the flag.
// This implies that the VM must *always* query the flag variable
// and not reuse state related to the flag state at any given time.
// - you want the flag to be queried programmatically by the customers.
// range is a macro that will expand to min and max arguments for range
// checking code if provided - see jvmFlagLimit.hpp
// constraint is a macro that will expand to custom function call
// for constraint checking if provided - see jvmFlagLimit.hpp
// Default and minimum StringTable and SymbolTable size values
// Must be powers of 2
const size_t defaultStringTableSize = NOT_LP64(1024) LP64_ONLY(65536);
const size_t minimumStringTableSize = 128;
const size_t defaultSymbolTableSize = 32768; // 2^15
const size_t minimumSymbolTableSize = 1024;
#ifdef _LP64
#define LP64_RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, \
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
constraint) \
product(bool, UseCompressedOops, false, \
"Use 32-bit object references in 64-bit VM. " \
"lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM") \
product(bool, UseCompressedClassPointers, false, \
"Use 32-bit class pointers in 64-bit VM. " \
"lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM") \
product(int, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8, \
"Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum") \
range(8, 256) \
constraint(ObjectAlignmentInBytesConstraintFunc, AtParse)
// !_LP64
#define LP64_RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, \
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
const bool UseCompressedOops = false;
const bool UseCompressedClassPointers = false;
const int ObjectAlignmentInBytes = 8;
#endif // _LP64
#define RUNTIME_FLAGS(develop, \
develop_pd, \
product, \
product_pd, \
notproduct, \
range, \
constraint) \
notproduct(bool, CheckCompressedOops, true, \
"Generate checks in encoding/decoding code in debug VM") \
product(uintx, HeapSearchSteps, 3 PPC64_ONLY(+17), \
"Heap allocation steps through preferred address regions to find" \
" where it can allocate the heap. Number of steps to take per " \
"region.") \
range(1, max_uintx) \
product(uint, HandshakeTimeout, 0, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"If nonzero set a timeout in milliseconds for handshakes") \
product(bool, AlwaysSafeConstructors, false, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Force safe construction, as if all fields are final.") \
product(bool, UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, trueInDebug, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics")\
product(bool, UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, false, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental " \
"features") \
product(bool, JavaMonitorsInStackTrace, true, \
"Print information about Java monitor locks when the stacks are " \
"dumped") \
product_pd(bool, UseLargePages, \
"Use large page memory") \
product_pd(bool, UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation, \
"Allocate large pages individually for better affinity") \
develop(bool, LargePagesIndividualAllocationInjectError, false, \
"Fail large pages individual allocation") \
product(bool, UseNUMA, false, \
"Use NUMA if available") \
product(bool, UseNUMAInterleaving, false, \
"Interleave memory across NUMA nodes if available") \
product(size_t, NUMAInterleaveGranularity, 2*M, \
"Granularity to use for NUMA interleaving on Windows OS") \
constraint(NUMAInterleaveGranularityConstraintFunc, AtParse) \
product(uintx, NUMAChunkResizeWeight, 20, \
"Percentage (0-100) used to weight the current sample when " \
"computing exponentially decaying average for " \
"AdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing") \
range(0, 100) \
product(size_t, NUMASpaceResizeRate, 1*G, \
"Do not reallocate more than this amount per collection") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(bool, UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing, true, \
"Enable adaptive chunk sizing for NUMA") \
product(bool, NUMAStats, false, \
"Print NUMA stats in detailed heap information") \
product(uintx, NUMAPageScanRate, 256, \
"Maximum number of pages to include in the page scan procedure") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(bool, UseAES, false, \
"Control whether AES instructions are used when available") \
product(bool, UseFMA, false, \
"Control whether FMA instructions are used when available") \
product(bool, UseSHA, false, \
"Control whether SHA instructions are used when available") \
product(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto") \
product(bool, UseBASE64Intrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for java.util.Base64") \
product(bool, UsePoly1305Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for sun.security.util.math.intpoly") \
product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0, \
"Maximum large page size used (0 will use the default large " \
"page size for the environment as the maximum)") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(size_t, LargePageHeapSizeThreshold, 128*M, \
"Use large pages if maximum heap is at least this big") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(bool, ForceTimeHighResolution, false, \
"Using high time resolution (for Win32 only)") \
develop(bool, TracePcPatching, false, \
"Trace usage of frame::patch_pc") \
develop(bool, TraceRelocator, false, \
"Trace the bytecode relocator") \
product(bool, SafepointALot, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Generate a lot of safepoints. This works with " \
"GuaranteedSafepointInterval") \
product(bool, HandshakeALot, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Generate a lot of handshakes. This works with " \
"GuaranteedSafepointInterval") \
product_pd(bool, BackgroundCompilation, \
"A thread requesting compilation is not blocked during " \
"compilation") \
product(bool, MethodFlushing, true, \
"Reclamation of compiled methods") \
develop(bool, VerifyStack, false, \
"Verify stack of each thread when it is entering a runtime call") \
product(bool, ForceUnreachable, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Make all non code cache addresses to be unreachable by " \
"forcing use of 64bit literal fixups") \
develop(bool, TraceDerivedPointers, false, \
"Trace traversal of derived pointers on stack") \
notproduct(bool, TraceCodeBlobStacks, false, \
"Trace stack-walk of codeblobs") \
notproduct(bool, PrintRewrites, false, \
"Print methods that are being rewritten") \
product(bool, UseInlineCaches, true, \
"Use Inline Caches for virtual calls ") \
product(bool, InlineArrayCopy, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline arraycopy native that is known to be part of " \
"base library DLL") \
product(bool, InlineObjectHash, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline Object::hashCode() native that is known to be part " \
"of base library DLL") \
product(bool, InlineNatives, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline natives that are known to be part of base library DLL") \
product(bool, InlineMathNatives, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline SinD, CosD, etc.") \
product(bool, InlineClassNatives, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline Class.isInstance, etc") \
product(bool, InlineThreadNatives, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline Thread.currentThread, etc") \
product(bool, InlineUnsafeOps, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Inline memory ops (native methods) from Unsafe") \
product(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for AES versions of crypto") \
product(bool, UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for the paralleled version of AES/CTR crypto") \
product(bool, UseChaCha20Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for the vectorized version of ChaCha20") \
product(bool, UseMD5Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for MD5 crypto hash function") \
product(bool, UseSHA1Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-1 crypto hash function. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseSHA3Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA3 crypto hash function. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32") \
product(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"use intrinsics for java.util.zip.CRC32C") \
product(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"use intrinsics for java.util.zip.Adler32") \
product(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
product(bool, UseCopySignIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enables intrinsification of Math.copySign") \
product(bool, UseSignumIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enables intrinsification of Math.signum") \
product(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "", DIAGNOSTIC, \
"do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here") \
constraint(DisableIntrinsicConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(ccstrlist, ControlIntrinsic, "", DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Control intrinsics using a list of +/- (internal) names, " \
"separated by commas") \
constraint(ControlIntrinsicConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false, \
"Trace all call fixups") \
develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false, \
"Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system") \
notproduct(ccstrlist, DeoptimizeOnlyAt, "", \
"A comma separated list of bcis to deoptimize at") \
develop(bool, DeoptimizeRandom, false, \
"Deoptimize random frames on random exit from the runtime system")\
notproduct(bool, ZombieALot, false, \
"Create non-entrant nmethods at exit from the runtime system") \
notproduct(bool, WalkStackALot, false, \
"Trace stack (no print) at every exit from the runtime system") \
develop(bool, DeoptimizeObjectsALot, false, \
"For testing purposes concurrent threads revert optimizations " \
"based on escape analysis at intervals given with " \
"DeoptimizeObjectsALotInterval=n. The thread count is given " \
"with DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountSingle and " \
"DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll.") \
develop(uint64_t, DeoptimizeObjectsALotInterval, 5, \
"Interval for DeoptimizeObjectsALot.") \
range(0, max_jlong) \
develop(int, DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountSingle, 1, \
"The number of threads that revert optimizations based on " \
"escape analysis for a single thread if DeoptimizeObjectsALot " \
"is enabled. The target thread is selected round robin." ) \
range(0, max_jint) \
develop(int, DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll, 1, \
"The number of threads that revert optimizations based on " \
"escape analysis for all threads if DeoptimizeObjectsALot " \
"is enabled." ) \
range(0, max_jint) \
notproduct(bool, VerifyLastFrame, false, \
"Verify oops on last frame on entry to VM") \
product(bool, SafepointTimeout, false, \
"Time out and warn or fail after SafepointTimeoutDelay " \
"milliseconds if failed to reach safepoint") \
product(bool, AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Abort upon failure to reach safepoint (see SafepointTimeout)") \
product(bool, AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeout, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Abort upon failure to complete VM operation promptly") \
product(intx, AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay, 1000, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Delay in milliseconds for option AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeout") \
range(0, max_intx) \
product(bool, MaxFDLimit, true, \
"Bump the number of file descriptors to maximum (Unix only)") \
product(bool, LogEvents, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enable the various ring buffer event logs") \
product(uintx, LogEventsBufferEntries, 20, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Number of ring buffer event logs") \
range(1, NOT_LP64(1*K) LP64_ONLY(1*M)) \
product(bool, BytecodeVerificationRemote, true, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enable the Java bytecode verifier for remote classes") \
product(bool, BytecodeVerificationLocal, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Enable the Java bytecode verifier for local classes") \
develop(bool, VerifyStackAtCalls, false, \
"Verify that the stack pointer is unchanged after calls") \
develop(bool, TraceJavaAssertions, false, \
"Trace java language assertions") \
notproduct(bool, VerifyCodeCache, false, \
"Verify code cache on memory allocation/deallocation") \
develop(bool, ZapResourceArea, trueInDebug, \
"Zap freed resource/arena space") \
notproduct(bool, ZapVMHandleArea, trueInDebug, \
"Zap freed VM handle space") \
notproduct(bool, ZapStackSegments, trueInDebug, \
"Zap allocated/freed stack segments") \
develop(bool, ZapUnusedHeapArea, trueInDebug, \
"Zap unused heap space") \
develop(bool, CheckZapUnusedHeapArea, false, \
"Check zapping of unused heap space") \
develop(bool, ZapFillerObjects, trueInDebug, \
"Zap filler objects") \
product(bool, ExecutingUnitTests, false, \
"Whether the JVM is running unit tests or not") \
develop(uint, ErrorHandlerTest, 0, \
"If > 0, provokes an error after VM initialization; the value " \
"determines which error to provoke. See controlled_crash() " \
"in vmError.cpp.") \
range(0, 17) \
develop(uint, TestCrashInErrorHandler, 0, \
"If > 0, provokes an error inside VM error handler (a secondary " \
"crash). see controlled_crash() in vmError.cpp") \
range(0, 17) \
develop(bool, TestSafeFetchInErrorHandler, false , \
"If true, tests SafeFetch inside error handler.") \
develop(bool, TestUnresponsiveErrorHandler, false, \
"If true, simulates an unresponsive error handler.") \
develop(bool, Verbose, false, \
"Print additional debugging information from other modes") \
develop(bool, PrintMiscellaneous, false, \
"Print uncategorized debugging information (requires +Verbose)") \
develop(bool, WizardMode, false, \
"Print much more debugging information") \
product(bool, ShowMessageBoxOnError, false, \
"Keep process alive on VM fatal error") \
product(bool, CreateCoredumpOnCrash, true, \
"Create core/mini dump on VM fatal error") \
product(uint64_t, ErrorLogTimeout, 2 * 60, \
"Timeout, in seconds, to limit the time spent on writing an " \
"error log in case of a crash.") \
range(0, (uint64_t)max_jlong/1000) \
product(bool, ErrorLogSecondaryErrorDetails, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"If enabled, show details on secondary crashes in the error log") \
develop(intx, TraceDwarfLevel, 0, \
"Debug levels for the dwarf parser") \
range(0, 4) \
product(bool, SuppressFatalErrorMessage, false, \
"Report NO fatal error message (avoid deadlock)") \
product(ccstrlist, OnError, "", \
"Run user-defined commands on fatal error; see VMError.cpp " \
"for examples") \
product(ccstrlist, OnOutOfMemoryError, "", \
"Run user-defined commands on first java.lang.OutOfMemoryError " \
"thrown from JVM") \
product(bool, HeapDumpBeforeFullGC, false, MANAGEABLE, \
"Dump heap to file before any major stop-the-world GC") \
product(bool, HeapDumpAfterFullGC, false, MANAGEABLE, \
"Dump heap to file after any major stop-the-world GC") \
product(bool, HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, false, MANAGEABLE, \
"Dump heap to file when java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown " \
"from JVM") \
product(ccstr, HeapDumpPath, NULL, MANAGEABLE, \
"When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or " \
"directory) of the dump file (defaults to java_pid.hprof " \
"in the working directory)") \
product(intx, HeapDumpGzipLevel, 0, MANAGEABLE, \
"When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the gzip compression " \
"level of the dump file. 0 (the default) disables gzip " \
"compression. Otherwise the level must be between 1 and 9.") \
range(0, 9) \
product(ccstr, NativeMemoryTracking, DEBUG_ONLY("summary") NOT_DEBUG("off"), \
"Native memory tracking options") \
product(bool, PrintNMTStatistics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print native memory tracking summary data if it is on") \
product(bool, LogCompilation, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Log compilation activity in detail to LogFile") \
product(bool, PrintCompilation, false, \
"Print compilations") \
product(intx, RepeatCompilation, 0, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Repeat compilation without installing code (number of times)") \
range(0, max_jint) \
product(bool, PrintExtendedThreadInfo, false, \
"Print more information in thread dump") \
product(intx, ScavengeRootsInCode, 2, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"0: do not allow scavengable oops in the code cache; " \
"1: allow scavenging from the code cache; " \
"2: emit as many constants as the compiler can see") \
range(0, 2) \
product(bool, AlwaysRestoreFPU, false, \
"Restore the FPU control word after every JNI call (expensive)") \
product(bool, PrintCompilation2, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print additional statistics per compilation") \
product(bool, PrintAdapterHandlers, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print code generated for i2c/c2i adapters") \
product(bool, VerifyAdapterCalls, trueInDebug, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Verify that i2c/c2i adapters are called properly") \
develop(bool, VerifyAdapterSharing, false, \
"Verify that the code for shared adapters is the equivalent") \
product(bool, PrintAssembly, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print assembly code (using external disassembler.so)") \
product(ccstr, PrintAssemblyOptions, NULL, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print options string passed to disassembler.so") \
notproduct(bool, PrintNMethodStatistics, false, \
"Print a summary statistic for the generated nmethods") \
product(bool, PrintNMethods, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print assembly code for nmethods when generated") \
product(bool, PrintNativeNMethods, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print assembly code for native nmethods when generated") \
develop(bool, PrintDebugInfo, false, \
"Print debug information for all nmethods when generated") \
develop(bool, PrintRelocations, false, \
"Print relocation information for all nmethods when generated") \
develop(bool, PrintDependencies, false, \
"Print dependency information for all nmethods when generated") \
develop(bool, PrintExceptionHandlers, false, \
"Print exception handler tables for all nmethods when generated") \
develop(bool, StressCompiledExceptionHandlers, false, \
"Exercise compiled exception handlers") \
develop(bool, InterceptOSException, false, \
"Start debugger when an implicit OS (e.g. NULL) " \
"exception happens") \
product(bool, PrintCodeCache, false, \
"Print the code cache memory usage when exiting") \
develop(bool, PrintCodeCache2, false, \
"Print detailed usage information on the code cache when exiting")\
product(bool, PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation, false, \
"Print the code cache memory usage each time a method is " \
"compiled") \
product(bool, PrintCodeHeapAnalytics, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print code heap usage statistics on exit and on full condition") \
product(bool, PrintStubCode, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Print generated stub code") \
product(bool, StackTraceInThrowable, true, \
"Collect backtrace in throwable when exception happens") \
product(bool, OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, true, \
"Omit backtraces for some 'hot' exceptions in optimized code") \
product(bool, ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, true, MANAGEABLE, \
"Show exception messages from RuntimeExceptions that contain " \
"snippets of the failing code. Disable this to improve privacy.") \
product(bool, PrintWarnings, true, \
"Print JVM warnings to output stream") \
product(bool, RegisterFinalizersAtInit, true, \
"Register finalizable objects at end of Object. or " \
"after allocation") \
develop(bool, RegisterReferences, true, \
"Tell whether the VM should register soft/weak/final/phantom " \
"references") \
develop(bool, PrintCodeCacheExtension, false, \
"Print extension of code cache") \
develop(bool, UsePrivilegedStack, true, \
"Enable the security JVM functions") \
product(bool, ClassUnloading, true, \
"Do unloading of classes") \
product(bool, ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark, true, \
"Do unloading of classes with a concurrent marking cycle") \
notproduct(bool, PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit, false, \
"Print the system dictionary at exit") \
notproduct(bool, PrintClassLoaderDataGraphAtExit, false, \
"Print the class loader data graph at exit") \
product(bool, AllowParallelDefineClass, false, \
"Allow parallel defineClass requests for class loaders " \
"registering as parallel capable") \
product(bool, EnableWaitForParallelLoad, false, \
"(Deprecated) Enable legacy parallel classloading logic for " \
"class loaders not registered as parallel capable") \
product_pd(bool, DontYieldALot, \
"Throw away obvious excess yield calls") \
product(bool, DisablePrimordialThreadGuardPages, false, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Disable the use of stack guard pages if the JVM is loaded " \
"on the primordial process thread") \
product(bool, PostVirtualThreadCompatibleLifecycleEvents, true, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Post virtual thread ThreadStart and ThreadEnd events for " \
"virtual thread unaware agents") \
product(bool, DoJVMTIVirtualThreadTransitions, true, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"Do JVMTI virtual thread mount/unmount transitions " \
"(disabling this flag implies no JVMTI events are posted)") \
/* notice: the max range value here is max_jint, not max_intx */ \
/* because of overflow issue */ \
product(intx, AsyncDeflationInterval, 250, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Async deflate idle monitors every so many milliseconds when " \
"MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold is exceeded (0 is off).") \
range(0, max_jint) \
product(size_t, AvgMonitorsPerThreadEstimate, 1024, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Used to estimate a variable ceiling based on number of threads " \
"for use with MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold (0 is off).") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
/* notice: the max range value here is max_jint, not max_intx */ \
/* because of overflow issue */ \
product(intx, MonitorDeflationMax, 1000000, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"The maximum number of monitors to deflate, unlink and delete " \
"at one time (minimum is 1024).") \
range(1024, max_jint) \
product(intx, MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold, 90, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Percentage of used monitors before triggering deflation (0 is " \
"off). The check is performed on GuaranteedSafepointInterval " \
"or AsyncDeflationInterval.") \
range(0, 100) \
product(uintx, NoAsyncDeflationProgressMax, 3, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Max number of no progress async deflation attempts to tolerate " \
"before adjusting the in_use_list_ceiling up (0 is off).") \
range(0, max_uintx) \
product(intx, hashCode, 5, EXPERIMENTAL, \
"(Unstable) select hashCode generation algorithm") \
product(bool, ReduceSignalUsage, false, \
"Reduce the use of OS signals in Java and/or the VM") \
develop(bool, LoadLineNumberTables, true, \
"Tell whether the class file parser loads line number tables") \
develop(bool, LoadLocalVariableTables, true, \
"Tell whether the class file parser loads local variable tables") \
develop(bool, LoadLocalVariableTypeTables, true, \
"Tell whether the class file parser loads local variable type" \
"tables") \
product(bool, AllowUserSignalHandlers, false, \
"Application will install primary signal handlers for the JVM " \
"(Unix only)") \
product(bool, UseSignalChaining, true, \
"Use signal-chaining to invoke signal handlers installed " \
"by the application (Unix only)") \
product(bool, RestoreMXCSROnJNICalls, false, \
"Restore MXCSR when returning from JNI calls") \
product(bool, CheckJNICalls, false, \
"Verify all arguments to JNI calls") \
product(bool, UseFastJNIAccessors, true, \
"Use optimized versions of GetField") \
product(intx, MaxJNILocalCapacity, 65536, \
"Maximum allowable local JNI handle capacity to " \
"EnsureLocalCapacity() and PushLocalFrame(), " \
"where <= 0 is unlimited, default: 65536") \
range(min_intx, max_intx) \
product(bool, EagerXrunInit, false, \
"Eagerly initialize -Xrun libraries; allows startup profiling, " \
"but not all -Xrun libraries may support the state of the VM " \
"at this time") \
product(bool, PreserveAllAnnotations, false, \
"Preserve RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations as well " \
"as RuntimeVisibleAnnotations") \
develop(uintx, PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount, 4, \
"Number of OutOfMemoryErrors preallocated with backtrace") \
product(bool, UseXMMForArrayCopy, false, \
"Use SSE2 MOVQ instruction for Arraycopy") \
notproduct(bool, PrintFieldLayout, false, \
"Print field layout for each class") \
/* Need to limit the extent of the padding to reasonable size. */\
/* 8K is well beyond the reasonable HW cache line size, even with */\
/* aggressive prefetching, while still leaving the room for segregating */\
/* among the distinct pages. */\
product(intx, ContendedPaddingWidth, 128, \
"How many bytes to pad the fields/classes marked @Contended with")\
range(0, 8192) \
constraint(ContendedPaddingWidthConstraintFunc,AfterErgo) \
product(bool, EnableContended, true, \
"Enable @Contended annotation support") \
product(bool, RestrictContended, true, \
"Restrict @Contended to trusted classes") \
product(int, DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses, 0, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Detect and take action upon identifying synchronization on " \
"value based classes. Modes: " \
"0: off; " \
"1: exit with fatal error; " \
"2: log message to stdout. Output file can be specified with " \
" -Xlog:valuebasedclasses. If JFR is running it will " \
" also generate JFR events.") \
range(0, 2) \
product(bool, ExitOnOutOfMemoryError, false, \
"JVM exits on the first occurrence of an out-of-memory error " \
"thrown from JVM") \
product(bool, CrashOnOutOfMemoryError, false, \
"JVM aborts, producing an error log and core/mini dump, on the " \
"first occurrence of an out-of-memory error thrown from JVM") \
/* tracing */ \
develop(bool, StressRewriter, false, \
"Stress linktime bytecode rewriting") \
product(ccstr, TraceJVMTI, NULL, \
"Trace flags for JVMTI functions and events") \
product(bool, StressLdcRewrite, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
"Force ldc -> ldc_w rewrite during RedefineClasses. " \
"This option can change an EMCP method into an obsolete method " \
"and can affect tests that expect specific methods to be EMCP. " \
"This option should be used with caution.") \
product(bool, AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods, false, \
"(Deprecated) Allow redefinition to add and delete private " \
"static or final methods for compatibility with old releases") \
develop(bool, TraceBytecodes, false, \
"Trace bytecode execution") \
develop(bool, TraceICs, false, \
"Trace inline cache changes") \
notproduct(bool, TraceInvocationCounterOverflow, false, \
"Trace method invocation counter overflow") \
develop(bool, TraceInlineCacheClearing, false, \
"Trace clearing of inline caches in nmethods") \
develop(bool, TraceDependencies, false, \
"Trace dependencies") \
develop(bool, VerifyDependencies, trueInDebug, \
"Exercise and verify the compilation dependency mechanism") \
develop(bool, TraceNewOopMapGeneration, false, \
"Trace OopMapGeneration") \
develop(bool, TraceNewOopMapGenerationDetailed, false, \
"Trace OopMapGeneration: print detailed cell states") \
develop(bool, TimeOopMap, false, \
"Time calls to GenerateOopMap::compute_map() in sum") \
develop(bool, TimeOopMap2, false, \
"Time calls to GenerateOopMap::compute_map() individually") \
develop(bool, TraceOopMapRewrites, false, \
"Trace rewriting of methods during oop map generation") \
develop(bool, TraceICBuffer, false, \
"Trace usage of IC buffer") \
develop(bool, TraceCompiledIC, false, \
"Trace changes of compiled IC") \
develop(bool, FLSVerifyDictionary, false, \
"Do lots of (expensive) FLS dictionary verification") \
notproduct(bool, CheckMemoryInitialization, false, \
"Check memory initialization") \
product(uintx, ProcessDistributionStride, 4, \
"Stride through processors when distributing processes") \
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.60 Sekunden
Fehler beim Verzeichnis:
in der Quellcodebibliothek suchen
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.