* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2021, Azul Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "jni.h"
#include "gc/shared/gcThreadLocalData.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadHeapSampler.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadStatisticalInfo.hpp"
#include "runtime/unhandledOops.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#include "jfr/support/jfrThreadExtension.hpp"
class HandleArea;
class HandleMark;
class ICRefillVerifier;
class JvmtiRawMonitor;
class Metadata;
class OSThread;
class ParkEvent;
class ResourceArea;
class SafeThreadsListPtr;
class ThreadClosure;
class ThreadsList;
class ThreadsSMRSupport;
class OopClosure;
class CodeBlobClosure;
DEBUG_ONLY(class ResourceMark;)
class WorkerThread;
class JavaThread;
// Class hierarchy
// - Thread
// - JavaThread
// - various subclasses eg CompilerThread, ServiceThread
// - NonJavaThread
// - NamedThread
// - VMThread
// - ConcurrentGCThread
// - WorkerThread
// - WatcherThread
// - JfrThreadSampler
// - LogAsyncWriter
// All Thread subclasses must be either JavaThread or NonJavaThread.
// This means !t->is_Java_thread() iff t is a NonJavaThread, or t is
// a partially constructed/destroyed Thread.
// Thread execution sequence and actions:
// All threads:
// - thread_native_entry // per-OS native entry point
// - stack initialization
// - other OS-level initialization (signal masks etc)
// - handshake with creating thread (if not started suspended)
// - this->call_run() // common shared entry point
// - shared common initialization
// - this->pre_run() // virtual per-thread-type initialization
// - this->run() // virtual per-thread-type "main" logic
// - shared common tear-down
// - this->post_run() // virtual per-thread-type tear-down
// - // 'this' no longer referenceable
// - OS-level tear-down (minimal)
// - final logging
// For JavaThread:
// - this->run() // virtual but not normally overridden
// - this->thread_main_inner() // extra call level to ensure correct stack calculations
// - this->entry_point() // set differently for each kind of JavaThread
class Thread: public ThreadShadow {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
// Current thread is maintained as a thread-local variable
static THREAD_LOCAL Thread* _thr_current;
// On AArch64, the high order 32 bits are used by a "patching epoch" number
// which reflects if this thread has executed the required fences, after
// an nmethod gets disarmed. The low order 32 bit denote the disarm value.
uint64_t _nmethod_disarm_value;
void set_nmethod_disarm_value(int value) {
_nmethod_disarm_value = (uint64_t)(uint32_t)value;
static ByteSize nmethod_disarmed_offset() {
ByteSize offset = byte_offset_of(Thread, _nmethod_disarm_value);
// At least on x86_64, nmethod entry barrier encodes disarmed value offset
// in instruction as disp8 immed
assert(in_bytes(offset) < 128, "Offset >= 128");
return offset;
// Thread local data area available to the GC. The internal
// structure and contents of this data area is GC-specific.
// Only GC and GC barrier code should access this data area.
GCThreadLocalData _gc_data;
static ByteSize gc_data_offset() {
return byte_offset_of(Thread, _gc_data);
template <typename T> T* gc_data() {
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(_gc_data));
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&_gc_data);
// Exception handling
// (Note: _pending_exception and friends are in ThreadShadow)
//oop _pending_exception; // pending exception for current thread
// const char* _exception_file; // file information for exception (debugging only)
// int _exception_line; // line information for exception (debugging only)
DEBUG_ONLY(static Thread* _starting_thread;)
// JavaThread lifecycle support:
friend class SafeThreadsListPtr; // for _threads_list_ptr, cmpxchg_threads_hazard_ptr(), {dec_,inc_,}nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt(), {g,s}et_threads_hazard_ptr(), inc_nested_handle_cnt(), tag_hazard_ptr() access
friend class ScanHazardPtrGatherProtectedThreadsClosure; // for cmpxchg_threads_hazard_ptr(), get_threads_hazard_ptr(), is_hazard_ptr_tagged() access
friend class ScanHazardPtrGatherThreadsListClosure; // for get_threads_hazard_ptr(), untag_hazard_ptr() access
friend class ScanHazardPtrPrintMatchingThreadsClosure; // for get_threads_hazard_ptr(), is_hazard_ptr_tagged() access
friend class ThreadsSMRSupport; // for _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt, _threads_hazard_ptr, _threads_list_ptr access
friend class ThreadsListHandleTest; // for _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt, _threads_hazard_ptr, _threads_list_ptr access
friend class ValidateHazardPtrsClosure; // for get_threads_hazard_ptr(), untag_hazard_ptr() access
ThreadsList* volatile _threads_hazard_ptr;
SafeThreadsListPtr* _threads_list_ptr;
ThreadsList* cmpxchg_threads_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* exchange_value, ThreadsList* compare_value);
ThreadsList* get_threads_hazard_ptr() const;
void set_threads_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* new_list);
static bool is_hazard_ptr_tagged(ThreadsList* list) {
return (intptr_t(list) & intptr_t(1)) == intptr_t(1);
static ThreadsList* tag_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* list) {
return (ThreadsList*)(intptr_t(list) | intptr_t(1));
static ThreadsList* untag_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* list) {
return (ThreadsList*)(intptr_t(list) & ~intptr_t(1));
// This field is enabled via -XX:+EnableThreadSMRStatistics:
uint _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt;
void dec_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
assert(_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt != 0, "mismatched {dec,inc}_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt()");
void inc_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
uint nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
return _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt;
// Is the target JavaThread protected by the calling Thread or by some other
// mechanism?
static bool is_JavaThread_protected(const JavaThread* target);
// Is the target JavaThread protected by a ThreadsListHandle (TLH) associated
// with the calling Thread?
static bool is_JavaThread_protected_by_TLH(const JavaThread* target);
void* operator new(size_t size) throw() { return allocate(size, true); }
void* operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) throw() {
return allocate(size, false); }
void operator delete(void* p);
static void* allocate(size_t size, bool throw_excpt, MEMFLAGS flags = mtThread);
DEBUG_ONLY(bool _suspendible_thread;)
// Determines if a heap allocation failure will be retried
// (e.g., by deoptimizing and re-executing in the interpreter).
// In this case, the failed allocation must raise
// Universe::out_of_memory_error_retry() and omit side effects
// such as JVMTI events and handling -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
// and -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError.
virtual bool in_retryable_allocation() const { return false; }
#ifdef ASSERT
void set_suspendible_thread() {
_suspendible_thread = true;
void clear_suspendible_thread() {
_suspendible_thread = false;
bool is_suspendible_thread() { return _suspendible_thread; }
// Point to the last handle mark
HandleMark* _last_handle_mark;
// Claim value for parallel iteration over threads.
uintx _threads_do_token;
// Support for GlobalCounter
volatile uintx _rcu_counter;
volatile uintx* get_rcu_counter() {
return &_rcu_counter;
void set_last_handle_mark(HandleMark* mark) { _last_handle_mark = mark; }
HandleMark* last_handle_mark() const { return _last_handle_mark; }
#ifdef ASSERT
ICRefillVerifier* _missed_ic_stub_refill_verifier;
ICRefillVerifier* missed_ic_stub_refill_verifier() {
return _missed_ic_stub_refill_verifier;
void set_missed_ic_stub_refill_verifier(ICRefillVerifier* verifier) {
_missed_ic_stub_refill_verifier = verifier;
#endif // ASSERT
// Used by SkipGCALot class.
NOT_PRODUCT(bool _skip_gcalot;) // Should we elide gc-a-lot?
friend class GCLocker;
ThreadLocalAllocBuffer _tlab; // Thread-local eden
jlong _allocated_bytes; // Cumulative number of bytes allocated on
// the Java heap
ThreadHeapSampler _heap_sampler; // For use when sampling the memory.
ThreadStatisticalInfo _statistical_info; // Statistics about the thread
JFR_ONLY(DEFINE_THREAD_LOCAL_FIELD_JFR;) // Thread-local data for jfr
JvmtiRawMonitor* _current_pending_raw_monitor; // JvmtiRawMonitor this thread
// is waiting to lock
// Constructor
virtual ~Thread() = 0; // Thread is abstract.
// Manage Thread::current()
void initialize_thread_current();
static void clear_thread_current(); // TLS cleanup needed before threads terminate
// To be implemented by children.
virtual void run() = 0;
virtual void pre_run() = 0;
virtual void post_run() = 0; // Note: Thread must not be deleted prior to calling this!
#ifdef ASSERT
enum RunState {
// POST_CALL_RUN - can't define this one as 'this' may be deleted when we want to set it
RunState _run_state; // for lifecycle checks
// invokes <ChildThreadClass>::run(), with common preparations and cleanups.
void call_run();
// Testers
virtual bool is_VM_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_Java_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_Compiler_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_service_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_hidden_from_external_view() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_jvmti_agent_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_Watcher_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_ConcurrentGC_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_Named_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_Worker_thread() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_JfrSampler_thread() const { return false; }
// Can this thread make Java upcalls
virtual bool can_call_java() const { return false; }
// Is this a JavaThread that is on the VM's current ThreadsList?
// If so it must participate in the safepoint protocol.
virtual bool is_active_Java_thread() const { return false; }
// All threads are given names. For singleton subclasses we can
// just hard-wire the known name of the instance. JavaThreads and
// NamedThreads support multiple named instances, and dynamic
// changing of the name of an instance.
virtual const char* name() const { return "Unknown thread"; }
// A thread's type name is also made available for debugging
// and logging.
virtual const char* type_name() const { return "Thread"; }
// Returns the current thread (ASSERTS if NULL)
static inline Thread* current();
// Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached
static inline Thread* current_or_null();
// Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached, and is
// safe for use from signal-handlers
static inline Thread* current_or_null_safe();
// Common thread operations
#ifdef ASSERT
static void check_for_dangling_thread_pointer(Thread *thread);
static void set_priority(Thread* thread, ThreadPriority priority);
static void start(Thread* thread);
void set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
assert(Thread::current() == this, "set_native_thread_name can only be called on the current thread");
// Support for Unhandled Oop detection
// Add the field for both, fastdebug and debug, builds to keep
// Thread's fields layout the same.
// Note: CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS is defined only for fastdebug build.
UnhandledOops* _unhandled_oops;
#elif defined(ASSERT)
void* _unhandled_oops;
UnhandledOops* unhandled_oops() { return _unhandled_oops; }
// Mark oop safe for gc. It may be stack allocated but won't move.
void allow_unhandled_oop(oop *op) {
if (CheckUnhandledOops) unhandled_oops()->allow_unhandled_oop(op);
// Clear oops at safepoint so crashes point to unhandled oop violator
void clear_unhandled_oops() {
if (CheckUnhandledOops) unhandled_oops()->clear_unhandled_oops();
#ifndef PRODUCT
bool skip_gcalot() { return _skip_gcalot; }
void set_skip_gcalot(bool v) { _skip_gcalot = v; }
// Resource area
ResourceArea* resource_area() const { return _resource_area; }
void set_resource_area(ResourceArea* area) { _resource_area = area; }
OSThread* osthread() const { return _osthread; }
void set_osthread(OSThread* thread) { _osthread = thread; }
// Internal handle support
HandleArea* handle_area() const { return _handle_area; }
void set_handle_area(HandleArea* area) { _handle_area = area; }
GrowableArray<Metadata*>* metadata_handles() const { return _metadata_handles; }
void set_metadata_handles(GrowableArray<Metadata*>* handles){ _metadata_handles = handles; }
// Thread-Local Allocation Buffer (TLAB) support
ThreadLocalAllocBuffer& tlab() { return _tlab; }
void initialize_tlab();
jlong allocated_bytes() { return _allocated_bytes; }
void set_allocated_bytes(jlong value) { _allocated_bytes = value; }
void incr_allocated_bytes(jlong size) { _allocated_bytes += size; }
inline jlong cooked_allocated_bytes();
ThreadHeapSampler& heap_sampler() { return _heap_sampler; }
ThreadStatisticalInfo& statistical_info() { return _statistical_info; }
// For tracking the Jvmti raw monitor the thread is pending on.
JvmtiRawMonitor* current_pending_raw_monitor() {
return _current_pending_raw_monitor;
void set_current_pending_raw_monitor(JvmtiRawMonitor* monitor) {
_current_pending_raw_monitor = monitor;
// GC support
// Apply "f->do_oop" to all root oops in "this".
// Used by JavaThread::oops_do.
// Apply "cf->do_code_blob" (if !NULL) to all code blobs active in frames
virtual void oops_do_no_frames(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf);
virtual void oops_do_frames(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf) {}
void oops_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf);
// Handles the parallel case for claim_threads_do.
bool claim_par_threads_do(uintx claim_token);
// Requires that "claim_token" is that of the current iteration.
// If "is_par" is false, sets the token of "this" to
// "claim_token", and returns "true". If "is_par" is true,
// uses an atomic instruction to set the current thread's token to
// "claim_token", if it is not already. Returns "true" iff the
// calling thread does the update, this indicates that the calling thread
// has claimed the thread in the current iteration.
bool claim_threads_do(bool is_par, uintx claim_token) {
if (!is_par) {
_threads_do_token = claim_token;
return true;
} else {
return claim_par_threads_do(claim_token);
uintx threads_do_token() const { return _threads_do_token; }
// jvmtiRedefineClasses support
void metadata_handles_do(void f(Metadata*));
// Check if address is within the given range of this thread's
// stack: stack_base() > adr >/>= limit
// The check is inclusive of limit if passed true, else exclusive.
bool is_in_stack_range(address adr, address limit, bool inclusive) const {
assert(stack_base() > limit && limit >= stack_end(), "limit is outside of stack");
return stack_base() > adr && (inclusive ? adr >= limit : adr > limit);
// Used by fast lock support
virtual bool is_lock_owned(address adr) const;
// Check if address is within the given range of this thread's
// stack: stack_base() > adr >= limit
bool is_in_stack_range_incl(address adr, address limit) const {
return is_in_stack_range(adr, limit, true);
// Check if address is within the given range of this thread's
// stack: stack_base() > adr > limit
bool is_in_stack_range_excl(address adr, address limit) const {
return is_in_stack_range(adr, limit, false);
// Check if address is in the stack mapped to this thread. Used mainly in
// error reporting (so has to include guard zone) and frame printing.
// Expects _stack_base to be initialized - checked with assert.
bool is_in_full_stack_checked(address adr) const {
return is_in_stack_range_incl(adr, stack_end());
// Like is_in_full_stack_checked but without the assertions as this
// may be called in a thread before _stack_base is initialized.
bool is_in_full_stack(address adr) const {
address stack_end = _stack_base - _stack_size;
return _stack_base > adr && adr >= stack_end;
// Check if address is in the live stack of this thread (not just for locks).
// Warning: can only be called by the current thread on itself.
bool is_in_live_stack(address adr) const {
assert(Thread::current() == this, "is_in_live_stack can only be called from current thread");
return is_in_stack_range_incl(adr, os::current_stack_pointer());
// Sets this thread as starting thread. Returns failure if thread
// creation fails due to lack of memory, too many threads etc.
bool set_as_starting_thread();
// OS data associated with the thread
OSThread* _osthread; // Platform-specific thread information
// Thread local resource area for temporary allocation within the VM
ResourceArea* _resource_area;
DEBUG_ONLY(ResourceMark* _current_resource_mark;)
// Thread local handle area for allocation of handles within the VM
HandleArea* _handle_area;
GrowableArray<Metadata*>* _metadata_handles;
// Support for stack overflow handling, get_thread, etc.
address _stack_base;
size_t _stack_size;
int _lgrp_id;
// Stack overflow support
address stack_base() const { assert(_stack_base != NULL,"Sanity check"); return _stack_base; }
void set_stack_base(address base) { _stack_base = base; }
size_t stack_size() const { return _stack_size; }
void set_stack_size(size_t size) { _stack_size = size; }
address stack_end() const { return stack_base() - stack_size(); }
void record_stack_base_and_size();
void register_thread_stack_with_NMT();
void unregister_thread_stack_with_NMT();
int lgrp_id() const { return _lgrp_id; }
void set_lgrp_id(int value) { _lgrp_id = value; }
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st, bool print_extended_info) const;
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
void print() const;
virtual void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) const;
// Basic, non-virtual, printing support that is simple and always safe.
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
// Debug-only code
#ifdef ASSERT
// Deadlock detection support for Mutex locks. List of locks own by thread.
Mutex* _owned_locks;
// Mutex::set_owner_implementation is the only place where _owned_locks is modified,
// thus the friendship
friend class Mutex;
friend class Monitor;
void print_owned_locks_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print_owned_locks() const { print_owned_locks_on(tty); }
Mutex* owned_locks() const { return _owned_locks; }
bool owns_locks() const { return owned_locks() != NULL; }
// Deadlock detection
ResourceMark* current_resource_mark() { return _current_resource_mark; }
void set_current_resource_mark(ResourceMark* rm) { _current_resource_mark = rm; }
#endif // ASSERT
volatile int _jvmti_env_iteration_count;
void entering_jvmti_env_iteration() { ++_jvmti_env_iteration_count; }
void leaving_jvmti_env_iteration() { --_jvmti_env_iteration_count; }
bool is_inside_jvmti_env_iteration() { return _jvmti_env_iteration_count > 0; }
// Code generation
static ByteSize exception_file_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _exception_file); }
static ByteSize exception_line_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _exception_line); }
static ByteSize stack_base_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _stack_base); }
static ByteSize stack_size_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _stack_size); }
static ByteSize tlab_start_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _tlab) + ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::start_offset(); }
static ByteSize tlab_end_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _tlab) + ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::end_offset(); }
static ByteSize tlab_top_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _tlab) + ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::top_offset(); }
static ByteSize tlab_pf_top_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _tlab) + ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::pf_top_offset(); }
static ByteSize allocated_bytes_offset() { return byte_offset_of(Thread, _allocated_bytes); }
ParkEvent * volatile _ParkEvent; // for Object monitors, JVMTI raw monitors,
// and ObjectSynchronizer::read_stable_mark
// Termination indicator used by the signal handler.
// _ParkEvent is just a convenient field we can NULL out after setting the JavaThread termination state
// (which can't itself be read from the signal handler if a signal hits during the Thread destructor).
bool has_terminated() { return Atomic::load(&_ParkEvent) == NULL; };
jint _hashStateW; // Marsaglia Shift-XOR thread-local RNG
jint _hashStateX; // thread-specific hashCode generator state
jint _hashStateY;
jint _hashStateZ;
// Low-level leaf-lock primitives used to implement synchronization.
// Not for general synchronization use.
static void SpinAcquire(volatile int * Lock, const char * Name);
static void SpinRelease(volatile int * Lock);
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(AARCH64)
DEBUG_ONLY(bool _wx_init);
WXMode _wx_state;
void init_wx();
WXMode enable_wx(WXMode new_state);
void assert_wx_state(WXMode expected) {
assert(_wx_state == expected, "wrong state");
#endif // __APPLE__ && AARCH64
// Inline implementation of Thread::current()
inline Thread* Thread::current() {
Thread* current = current_or_null();
assert(current != NULL, "Thread::current() called on detached thread");
return current;
inline Thread* Thread::current_or_null() {
return _thr_current;
if (ThreadLocalStorage::is_initialized()) {
return ThreadLocalStorage::thread();
return NULL;
inline Thread* Thread::current_or_null_safe() {
if (ThreadLocalStorage::is_initialized()) {
return ThreadLocalStorage::thread();
return NULL;
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