* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaThreadStatus.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
#include "code/codeCache.hpp"
#include "code/debugInfoRec.hpp"
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
#include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/stackChunkOop.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackFrameStream.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
#include "runtime/synchronizer.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframe.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframeArray.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframe_hp.hpp"
vframe::vframe(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, JavaThread* thread)
: _reg_map(reg_map), _thread(thread),
_chunk(Thread::current(), reg_map->stack_chunk()()) {
assert(fr != NULL, "must have frame");
_fr = *fr;
vframe* vframe::new_vframe(const frame* f, const RegisterMap* reg_map, JavaThread* thread) {
// Interpreter frame
if (f->is_interpreted_frame()) {
return new interpretedVFrame(f, reg_map, thread);
// Compiled frame
CodeBlob* cb = f->cb();
if (cb != NULL) {
if (cb->is_compiled()) {
CompiledMethod* nm = (CompiledMethod*)cb;
return new compiledVFrame(f, reg_map, thread, nm);
if (f->is_runtime_frame()) {
// Skip this frame and try again.
RegisterMap temp_map = *reg_map;
frame s = f->sender(&temp_map);
return new_vframe(&s, &temp_map, thread);
// Entry frame
if (f->is_entry_frame()) {
return new entryVFrame(f, reg_map, thread);
// External frame
return new externalVFrame(f, reg_map, thread);
vframe* vframe::sender() const {
RegisterMap temp_map = *register_map();
assert(is_top(), "just checking");
if (_fr.is_empty()) return NULL;
if (_fr.is_entry_frame() && _fr.is_first_frame()) return NULL;
frame s = _fr.real_sender(&temp_map);
if (s.is_first_frame()) return NULL;
return vframe::new_vframe(&s, &temp_map, thread());
bool vframe::is_vthread_entry() const {
return _fr.is_first_vthread_frame(register_map()->thread());
javaVFrame* vframe::java_sender() const {
vframe* f = sender();
while (f != NULL) {
if (f->is_vthread_entry()) break;
if (f->is_java_frame() && !javaVFrame::cast(f)->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic())
return javaVFrame::cast(f);
f = f->sender();
return NULL;
// ------------- javaVFrame --------------
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* javaVFrame::locked_monitors() {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || JavaThread::current() == thread(),
"must be at safepoint or it's a java frame of the current thread");
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* mons = monitors();
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* result = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(mons->length());
if (mons->is_empty()) return result;
bool found_first_monitor = false;
// The ObjectMonitor* can't be async deflated since we are either
// at a safepoint or the calling thread is operating on itself so
// it cannot exit the ObjectMonitor so it remains busy.
ObjectMonitor *waiting_monitor = thread()->current_waiting_monitor();
ObjectMonitor *pending_monitor = NULL;
if (waiting_monitor == NULL) {
pending_monitor = thread()->current_pending_monitor();
oop pending_obj = (pending_monitor != NULL ? pending_monitor->object() : (oop) NULL);
oop waiting_obj = (waiting_monitor != NULL ? waiting_monitor->object() : (oop) NULL);
for (int index = (mons->length()-1); index >= 0; index--) {
MonitorInfo* monitor = mons->at(index);
if (monitor->eliminated() && is_compiled_frame()) continue; // skip eliminated monitor
oop obj = monitor->owner();
if (obj == NULL) continue; // skip unowned monitor
// Skip the monitor that the thread is blocked to enter or waiting on
if (!found_first_monitor && (obj == pending_obj || obj == waiting_obj)) {
found_first_monitor = true;
return result;
void javaVFrame::print_locked_object_class_name(outputStream* st, Handle obj, const char* lock_state) {
if (obj.not_null()) {
st->print("\t- %s <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> ", lock_state, p2i(obj()));
if (obj->klass() == vmClasses::Class_klass()) {
st->print_cr("(a java.lang.Class for %s)", java_lang_Class::as_external_name(obj()));
} else {
Klass* k = obj->klass();
st->print_cr("(a %s)", k->external_name());
void javaVFrame::print_lock_info_on(outputStream* st, int frame_count) {
Thread* current = Thread::current();
ResourceMark rm(current);
HandleMark hm(current);
// If this is the first frame and it is java.lang.Object.wait(...)
// then print out the receiver. Locals are not always available,
// e.g., compiled native frames have no scope so there are no locals.
if (frame_count == 0) {
if (method()->name() == vmSymbols::wait_name() &&
method()->method_holder()->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_Object()) {
const char *wait_state = "waiting on"; // assume we are waiting
// If earlier in the output we reported java.lang.Thread.State ==
// "WAITING (on object monitor)" and now we report "waiting on", then
// we are still waiting for notification or timeout. Otherwise if
// we earlier reported java.lang.Thread.State == "BLOCKED (on object
// monitor)", then we are actually waiting to re-lock the monitor.
StackValueCollection* locs = locals();
if (!locs->is_empty()) {
StackValue* sv = locs->at(0);
if (sv->type() == T_OBJECT) {
Handle o = locs->at(0)->get_obj();
if (java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status(thread()->threadObj()) ==
wait_state = "waiting to re-lock in wait()";
print_locked_object_class_name(st, o, wait_state);
} else {
st->print_cr("\t- %s ", wait_state);
} else if (thread()->current_park_blocker() != NULL) {
oop obj = thread()->current_park_blocker();
Klass* k = obj->klass();
st->print_cr("\t- %s <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> (a %s)", "parking to wait for ", p2i(obj), k->external_name());
else if (thread()->osthread()->get_state() == CONDVAR_WAIT) {
// We are waiting on the native class initialization monitor.
InstanceKlass* k = thread()->class_to_be_initialized();
if (k != NULL) {
st->print_cr("\t- waiting on the Class initialization monitor for %s", k->external_name());
// Print out all monitors that we have locked, or are trying to lock,
// including re-locking after being notified or timing out in a wait().
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* mons = monitors();
if (!mons->is_empty()) {
bool found_first_monitor = false;
for (int index = (mons->length()-1); index >= 0; index--) {
MonitorInfo* monitor = mons->at(index);
if (monitor->eliminated() && is_compiled_frame()) { // Eliminated in compiled code
if (monitor->owner_is_scalar_replaced()) {
Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(monitor->owner_klass());
st->print_cr("\t- eliminated (a %s)", k->external_name());
} else {
Handle obj(current, monitor->owner());
if (obj() != NULL) {
print_locked_object_class_name(st, obj, "eliminated");
if (monitor->owner() != NULL) {
// the monitor is associated with an object, i.e., it is locked
const char *lock_state = "locked"; // assume we have the monitor locked
if (!found_first_monitor && frame_count == 0) {
// If this is the first frame and we haven't found an owned
// monitor before, then we need to see if we have completed
// the lock or if we are blocked trying to acquire it. Only
// an inflated monitor that is first on the monitor list in
// the first frame can block us on a monitor enter.
markWord mark = monitor->owner()->mark();
// The first stage of async deflation does not affect any field
// used by this comparison so the ObjectMonitor* is usable here.
if (mark.has_monitor() &&
( // we have marked ourself as pending on this monitor
mark.monitor() == thread()->current_pending_monitor() ||
// we are not the owner of this monitor
)) {
lock_state = "waiting to lock";
print_locked_object_class_name(st, Handle(current, monitor->owner()), lock_state);
found_first_monitor = true;
// ------------- interpretedVFrame --------------
u_char* interpretedVFrame::bcp() const {
return stack_chunk() == NULL ? fr().interpreter_frame_bcp() : stack_chunk()->interpreter_frame_bcp(fr());
intptr_t* interpretedVFrame::locals_addr_at(int offset) const {
assert(stack_chunk() == NULL, "Not supported for heap frames"); // unsupported for now because seems to be unused
assert(fr().is_interpreted_frame(), "frame should be an interpreted frame");
return fr().interpreter_frame_local_at(offset);
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* interpretedVFrame::monitors() const {
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* result = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(5);
if (stack_chunk() == NULL) { // no monitors in continuations
for (BasicObjectLock* current = (fr().previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(fr().interpreter_frame_monitor_begin()));
current >= fr().interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
current = fr().previous_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(current)) {
result->push(new MonitorInfo(current->obj(), current->lock(), false, false));
return result;
int interpretedVFrame::bci() const {
return method()->bci_from(bcp());
Method* interpretedVFrame::method() const {
return stack_chunk() == NULL ? fr().interpreter_frame_method() : stack_chunk()->interpreter_frame_method(fr());
static StackValue* create_stack_value_from_oop_map(const InterpreterOopMap& oop_mask,
int index,
const intptr_t* const addr,
stackChunkOop chunk) {
assert(index >= 0 && index < oop_mask.number_of_entries(), "invariant");
// categorize using oop_mask
if (oop_mask.is_oop(index)) {
return StackValue::create_stack_value_from_oop_location(chunk, (void*)addr);
// value (integer) "v"
return new StackValue(addr != NULL ? *addr : 0);
static bool is_in_expression_stack(const frame& fr, const intptr_t* const addr) {
assert(addr != NULL, "invariant");
// Ensure to be 'inside' the expression stack (i.e., addr >= sp for Intel).
// In case of exceptions, the expression stack is invalid and the sp
// will be reset to express this condition.
if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() > 0) {
return addr <= fr.interpreter_frame_tos_address();
return addr >= fr.interpreter_frame_tos_address();
static void stack_locals(StackValueCollection* result,
int length,
const InterpreterOopMap& oop_mask,
const frame& fr,
const stackChunkOop chunk) {
assert(result != NULL, "invariant");
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const intptr_t* addr;
if (chunk == NULL) {
addr = fr.interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
assert(addr >= fr.sp(), "must be inside the frame");
} else {
addr = chunk->interpreter_frame_local_at(fr, i);
assert(addr != NULL, "invariant");
StackValue* const sv = create_stack_value_from_oop_map(oop_mask, i, addr, chunk);
assert(sv != NULL, "sanity check");
static void stack_expressions(StackValueCollection* result,
int length,
int max_locals,
const InterpreterOopMap& oop_mask,
const frame& fr,
const stackChunkOop chunk) {
assert(result != NULL, "invariant");
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const intptr_t* addr;
if (chunk == NULL) {
addr = fr.interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
assert(addr != NULL, "invariant");
if (!is_in_expression_stack(fr, addr)) {
// Need to ensure no bogus escapes.
addr = NULL;
} else {
addr = chunk->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(fr, i);
StackValue* const sv = create_stack_value_from_oop_map(oop_mask,
i + max_locals,
assert(sv != NULL, "sanity check");
StackValueCollection* interpretedVFrame::locals() const {
return stack_data(false);
StackValueCollection* interpretedVFrame::expressions() const {
return stack_data(true);
* Worker routine for fetching references and/or values
* for a particular bci in the interpretedVFrame.
* Returns data for either "locals" or "expressions",
* using bci relative oop_map (oop_mask) information.
* @param expressions bool switch controlling what data to return
(false == locals / true == expression)
StackValueCollection* interpretedVFrame::stack_data(bool expressions) const {
InterpreterOopMap oop_mask;
method()->mask_for(bci(), &oop_mask);
const int mask_len = oop_mask.number_of_entries();
// If the method is native, method()->max_locals() is not telling the truth.
// For our purposes, max locals instead equals the size of parameters.
const int max_locals = method()->is_native() ?
method()->size_of_parameters() : method()->max_locals();
assert(mask_len >= max_locals, "invariant");
const int length = expressions ? mask_len - max_locals : max_locals;
assert(length >= 0, "invariant");
StackValueCollection* const result = new StackValueCollection(length);
if (0 == length) {
return result;
if (expressions) {
stack_expressions(result, length, max_locals, oop_mask, fr(), stack_chunk());
} else {
stack_locals(result, length, oop_mask, fr(), stack_chunk());
assert(length == result->size(), "invariant");
return result;
void interpretedVFrame::set_locals(StackValueCollection* values) const {
if (values == NULL || values->size() == 0) return;
// If the method is native, max_locals is not telling the truth.
// maxlocals then equals the size of parameters
const int max_locals = method()->is_native() ?
method()->size_of_parameters() : method()->max_locals();
assert(max_locals == values->size(), "Mismatch between actual stack format and supplied data");
// handle locals
for (int i = 0; i < max_locals; i++) {
// Find stack location
intptr_t *addr = locals_addr_at(i);
// Depending on oop/int put it in the right package
const StackValue* const sv = values->at(i);
assert(sv != NULL, "sanity check");
if (sv->type() == T_OBJECT) {
*(oop *) addr = (sv->get_obj())();
} else { // integer
*addr = sv->get_int();
// ------------- cChunk --------------
entryVFrame::entryVFrame(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, JavaThread* thread)
: externalVFrame(fr, reg_map, thread) {}
MonitorInfo::MonitorInfo(oop owner, BasicLock* lock, bool eliminated, bool owner_is_scalar_replaced) {
Thread* thread = Thread::current();
if (!owner_is_scalar_replaced) {
_owner = Handle(thread, owner);
_owner_klass = Handle();
} else {
assert(eliminated, "monitor should be eliminated for scalar replaced object");
_owner = Handle();
_owner_klass = Handle(thread, owner);
_lock = lock;
_eliminated = eliminated;
_owner_is_scalar_replaced = owner_is_scalar_replaced;
#ifdef ASSERT
void vframeStreamCommon::found_bad_method_frame() const {
// 6379830 Cut point for an assertion that occasionally fires when
// we are using the performance analyzer.
// Disable this assert when testing the analyzer with fastdebug.
// -XX:SuppressErrorAt=vframe.cpp:XXX (XXX=following line number)
fatal("invalid bci or invalid scope desc");
vframeStream::vframeStream(JavaThread* thread, Handle continuation_scope, bool stop_at_java_call_stub)
: vframeStreamCommon(RegisterMap(thread,
RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::include)) {
_stop_at_java_call_stub = stop_at_java_call_stub;
_continuation_scope = continuation_scope;
if (!thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
_mode = at_end_mode;
_frame = _thread->last_frame();
_cont_entry = _thread->last_continuation();
while (!fill_from_frame()) {
_frame = _frame.sender(&_reg_map);
vframeStream::vframeStream(oop continuation, Handle continuation_scope)
: vframeStreamCommon(RegisterMap(continuation, RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include)) {
_stop_at_java_call_stub = false;
_continuation_scope = continuation_scope;
if (!Continuation::has_last_Java_frame(continuation, &_frame, &_reg_map)) {
_mode = at_end_mode;
// _chunk = _reg_map.stack_chunk();
while (!fill_from_frame()) {
_frame = _frame.sender(&_reg_map);
// Step back n frames, skip any pseudo frames in between.
// This function is used in Class.forName, Class.newInstance, Method.Invoke,
// AccessController.doPrivileged.
void vframeStreamCommon::security_get_caller_frame(int depth) {
assert(depth >= 0, "invalid depth: %d", depth);
for (int n = 0; !at_end(); security_next()) {
if (!method()->is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk()) {
if (n == depth) {
// We have reached the desired depth; return.
n++; // this is a non-skipped frame; count it against the depth
// NOTE: At this point there were not enough frames on the stack
// to walk to depth. Callers of this method have to check for at_end.
void vframeStreamCommon::security_next() {
if (method()->is_prefixed_native()) {
skip_prefixed_method_and_wrappers(); // calls next()
} else {
void vframeStreamCommon::skip_prefixed_method_and_wrappers() {
ResourceMark rm;
int method_prefix_count = 0;
char** method_prefixes = JvmtiExport::get_all_native_method_prefixes(&method_prefix_count);
Klass* prefixed_klass = method()->method_holder();
const char* prefixed_name = method()->name()->as_C_string();
size_t prefixed_name_len = strlen(prefixed_name);
int prefix_index = method_prefix_count-1;
while (!at_end()) {
if (method()->method_holder() != prefixed_klass) {
break; // classes don't match, can't be a wrapper
const char* name = method()->name()->as_C_string();
size_t name_len = strlen(name);
size_t prefix_len = prefixed_name_len - name_len;
if (prefix_len <= 0 || strcmp(name, prefixed_name + prefix_len) != 0) {
break; // prefixed name isn't prefixed version of method name, can't be a wrapper
for (; prefix_index >= 0; --prefix_index) {
const char* possible_prefix = method_prefixes[prefix_index];
size_t possible_prefix_len = strlen(possible_prefix);
if (possible_prefix_len == prefix_len &&
strncmp(possible_prefix, prefixed_name, prefix_len) == 0) {
break; // matching prefix found
if (prefix_index < 0) {
break; // didn't find the prefix, can't be a wrapper
prefixed_name = name;
prefixed_name_len = name_len;
javaVFrame* vframeStreamCommon::asJavaVFrame() {
javaVFrame* result = NULL;
// FIXME, need to re-do JDK-8271140 and check is_native_frame?
if (_mode == compiled_mode && _frame.is_compiled_frame()) {
assert(_frame.is_compiled_frame() || _frame.is_native_frame(), "expected compiled Java frame");
guarantee(_reg_map.update_map(), "");
compiledVFrame* cvf = compiledVFrame::cast(vframe::new_vframe(&_frame, &_reg_map, _thread));
guarantee(cvf->cb() == cb(), "wrong code blob");
cvf = cvf->at_scope(_decode_offset, _vframe_id); // get the same scope as this stream
guarantee(cvf->scope()->decode_offset() == _decode_offset, "wrong scope");
guarantee(cvf->scope()->sender_decode_offset() == _sender_decode_offset, "wrong scope");
guarantee(cvf->vframe_id() == _vframe_id, "wrong vframe");
result = cvf;
} else {
result = javaVFrame::cast(vframe::new_vframe(&_frame, &_reg_map, _thread));
assert(result->method() == method(), "wrong method");
return result;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void vframe::print() {
if (WizardMode) _fr.print_value_on(tty,NULL);
void vframe::print_value() const {
void entryVFrame::print_value() const {
void entryVFrame::print() {
tty->print_cr("C Chunk in between Java");
tty->print_cr("C link " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(_fr.link()));
// ------------- javaVFrame --------------
static void print_stack_values(const char* title, StackValueCollection* values) {
if (values->is_empty()) return;
tty->print_cr("\t%s:", title);
void javaVFrame::print() {
Thread* current_thread = Thread::current();
ResourceMark rm(current_thread);
HandleMark hm(current_thread);
tty->print_cr("\tbci: %d", bci());
print_stack_values("locals", locals());
print_stack_values("expressions", expressions());
GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* list = monitors();
if (list->is_empty()) return;
tty->print_cr("\tmonitor list:");
for (int index = (list->length()-1); index >= 0; index--) {
MonitorInfo* monitor = list->at(index);
tty->print("\t obj\t");
if (monitor->owner_is_scalar_replaced()) {
Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(monitor->owner_klass());
tty->print("( is scalar replaced %s)", k->external_name());
} else if (monitor->owner() == NULL) {
tty->print("( null )");
} else {
tty->print("(owner=" INTPTR_FORMAT ")", p2i(monitor->owner()));
if (monitor->eliminated()) {
if(is_compiled_frame()) {
tty->print(" ( lock is eliminated in compiled frame )");
} else {
tty->print(" ( lock is eliminated, frame not compiled )");
tty->print("\t ");
monitor->lock()->print_on(tty, monitor->owner());
void javaVFrame::print_value() const {
Method* m = method();
InstanceKlass* k = m->method_holder();
tty->print_cr("frame( sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", unextended_sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
p2i(_fr.sp()), p2i(_fr.unextended_sp()), p2i(_fr.fp()), p2i(_fr.pc()));
tty->print("%s.%s", k->internal_name(), m->name()->as_C_string());
if (!m->is_native()) {
Symbol* source_name = k->source_file_name();
int line_number = m->line_number_from_bci(bci());
if (source_name != NULL && (line_number != -1)) {
tty->print("(%s:%d)", source_name->as_C_string(), line_number);
} else {
tty->print("(Native Method)");
// Check frame size and print warning if it looks suspiciously large
if (fr().sp() != NULL) {
RegisterMap map = *register_map();
uint size = fr().frame_size();
#ifdef _LP64
if (size > 8*K) warning("SUSPICIOUSLY LARGE FRAME (%d)", size);
if (size > 4*K) warning("SUSPICIOUSLY LARGE FRAME (%d)", size);
void javaVFrame::print_activation(int index) const {
// frame number and method
tty->print("%2d - ", index);
if (WizardMode) {
// ------------- externalVFrame --------------
void externalVFrame::print() {
void externalVFrame::print_value() const {
#endif // PRODUCT
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