* Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceUtils.hpp"
#include "services/mallocTracker.hpp"
#include "services/memReporter.hpp"
#include "services/threadStackTracker.hpp"
#include "services/virtualMemoryTracker.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
size_t MemReporterBase::reserved_total(const MallocMemory* malloc, const VirtualMemory* vm) {
return malloc->malloc_size() + malloc->arena_size() + vm->reserved();
size_t MemReporterBase::committed_total(const MallocMemory* malloc, const VirtualMemory* vm) {
return malloc->malloc_size() + malloc->arena_size() + vm->committed();
void MemReporterBase::print_total(size_t reserved, size_t committed) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
output()->print("reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s, committed=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s",
amount_in_current_scale(reserved), scale, amount_in_current_scale(committed), scale);
void MemReporterBase::print_malloc(const MemoryCounter* c, MEMFLAGS flag) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
outputStream* out = output();
const char* alloc_type = (flag == mtThreadStack) ? "" : "malloc=";
const size_t amount = c->size();
const size_t count = c->count();
if (flag != mtNone) {
out->print("(%s" SIZE_FORMAT "%s type=%s", alloc_type,
amount_in_current_scale(amount), scale, NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flag));
} else {
out->print("(%s" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", alloc_type,
amount_in_current_scale(amount), scale);
// blends out mtChunk count number
if (count > 0) {
out->print(" #" SIZE_FORMAT "", count);
size_t pk_amount = c->peak_size();
if (pk_amount == amount) {
out->print_raw(" (at peak)");
} else if (pk_amount > amount) {
size_t pk_count = c->peak_count();
out->print(" (peak=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s #" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
amount_in_current_scale(pk_amount), scale, pk_count);
void MemReporterBase::print_virtual_memory(size_t reserved, size_t committed) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
output()->print("(mmap: reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s, committed=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s)",
amount_in_current_scale(reserved), scale, amount_in_current_scale(committed), scale);
void MemReporterBase::print_malloc_line(const MemoryCounter* c) const {
output()->print("%28s", " ");
output()->print_cr(" ");
void MemReporterBase::print_virtual_memory_line(size_t reserved, size_t committed) const {
output()->print("%28s", " ");
print_virtual_memory(reserved, committed);
output()->print_cr(" ");
void MemReporterBase::print_arena_line(const MemoryCounter* c) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
outputStream* out = output();
const size_t amount = c->size();
const size_t count = c->count();
out->print("%27s (arena=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s #" SIZE_FORMAT ")", "",
amount_in_current_scale(amount), scale, count);
size_t pk_amount = c->peak_size();
if (pk_amount == amount) {
out->print_raw(" (at peak)");
} else if (pk_amount > amount) {
size_t pk_count = c->peak_count();
out->print(" (peak=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s #" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
amount_in_current_scale(pk_amount), scale, pk_count);
void MemReporterBase::print_virtual_memory_region(const char* type, address base, size_t size) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
output()->print("[" PTR_FORMAT " - " PTR_FORMAT "] %s " SIZE_FORMAT "%s",
p2i(base), p2i(base + size), type, amount_in_current_scale(size), scale);
void MemSummaryReporter::report() {
outputStream* out = output();
const size_t total_malloced_bytes = _malloc_snapshot->total();
const size_t total_mmap_reserved_bytes = _vm_snapshot->total_reserved();
const size_t total_mmap_committed_bytes = _vm_snapshot->total_committed();
size_t total_reserved_amount = total_malloced_bytes + total_mmap_reserved_bytes;
size_t total_committed_amount = total_malloced_bytes + total_mmap_committed_bytes;
// Overall total
out->print_cr("\nNative Memory Tracking:\n");
if (scale() > 1) {
out->print_cr("(Omitting categories weighting less than 1%s)", current_scale());
out->print("Total: ");
print_total(total_reserved_amount, total_committed_amount);
out->print_cr(" malloc: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s #" SIZE_FORMAT,
amount_in_current_scale(total_malloced_bytes), current_scale(),
out->print(" mmap: ");
print_total(total_mmap_reserved_bytes, total_mmap_committed_bytes);
// Summary by memory type
for (int index = 0; index < mt_number_of_types; index ++) {
MEMFLAGS flag = NMTUtil::index_to_flag(index);
// thread stack is reported as part of thread category
if (flag == mtThreadStack) continue;
MallocMemory* malloc_memory = _malloc_snapshot->by_type(flag);
VirtualMemory* virtual_memory = _vm_snapshot->by_type(flag);
report_summary_of_type(flag, malloc_memory, virtual_memory);
void MemSummaryReporter::report_summary_of_type(MEMFLAGS flag,
MallocMemory* malloc_memory, VirtualMemory* virtual_memory) {
size_t reserved_amount = reserved_total (malloc_memory, virtual_memory);
size_t committed_amount = committed_total(malloc_memory, virtual_memory);
// Count thread's native stack in "Thread" category
if (flag == mtThread) {
if (ThreadStackTracker::track_as_vm()) {
const VirtualMemory* thread_stack_usage =
(const VirtualMemory*)_vm_snapshot->by_type(mtThreadStack);
reserved_amount += thread_stack_usage->reserved();
committed_amount += thread_stack_usage->committed();
} else {
const MallocMemory* thread_stack_usage =
(const MallocMemory*)_malloc_snapshot->by_type(mtThreadStack);
reserved_amount += thread_stack_usage->malloc_size();
committed_amount += thread_stack_usage->malloc_size();
} else if (flag == mtNMT) {
// Count malloc headers in "NMT" category
reserved_amount += _malloc_snapshot->malloc_overhead();
committed_amount += _malloc_snapshot->malloc_overhead();
if (amount_in_current_scale(reserved_amount) > 0) {
outputStream* out = output();
const char* scale = current_scale();
out->print("-%26s (", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flag));
print_total(reserved_amount, committed_amount);
if (flag == mtClass) {
// report class count
out->print_cr("%27s (classes #" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
" ", (_instance_class_count + _array_class_count));
out->print_cr("%27s ( instance classes #" SIZE_FORMAT ", array classes #" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
" ", _instance_class_count, _array_class_count);
} else if (flag == mtThread) {
if (ThreadStackTracker::track_as_vm()) {
const VirtualMemory* thread_stack_usage =
// report thread count
out->print_cr("%27s (thread #" SIZE_FORMAT ")", " ", ThreadStackTracker::thread_count());
out->print("%27s (stack: ", " ");
print_total(thread_stack_usage->reserved(), thread_stack_usage->committed());
} else {
MallocMemory* thread_stack_memory = _malloc_snapshot->by_type(mtThreadStack);
const char* scale = current_scale();
// report thread count
assert(ThreadStackTracker::thread_count() == 0, "Not used");
out->print_cr("%27s (thread #" SIZE_FORMAT ")", " ", thread_stack_memory->malloc_count());
out->print("%27s (Stack: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s", " ",
amount_in_current_scale(thread_stack_memory->malloc_size()), scale);
// report malloc'd memory
if (amount_in_current_scale(malloc_memory->malloc_size()) > 0
DEBUG_ONLY(|| amount_in_current_scale(malloc_memory->malloc_peak_size()) > 0)) {
if (amount_in_current_scale(virtual_memory->reserved()) > 0) {
print_virtual_memory_line(virtual_memory->reserved(), virtual_memory->committed());
if (amount_in_current_scale(malloc_memory->arena_size()) > 0
DEBUG_ONLY(|| amount_in_current_scale(malloc_memory->arena_peak_size()) > 0)) {
if (flag == mtNMT &&
amount_in_current_scale(_malloc_snapshot->malloc_overhead()) > 0) {
out->print_cr("%27s (tracking overhead=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s)", " ",
amount_in_current_scale(_malloc_snapshot->malloc_overhead()), scale);
} else if (flag == mtClass) {
// Metadata information
if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
out->print_cr(" ");
void MemSummaryReporter::report_metadata(Metaspace::MetadataType type) const {
assert(type == Metaspace::NonClassType || type == Metaspace::ClassType,
"Invalid metadata type");
const char* name = (type == Metaspace::NonClassType) ?
"Metadata: " : "Class space:";
outputStream* out = output();
const char* scale = current_scale();
const MetaspaceStats stats = MetaspaceUtils::get_statistics(type);
size_t waste = stats.committed() - stats.used();
float waste_percentage = stats.committed() > 0 ? (((float)waste * 100)/stats.committed()) : 0.0f;
out->print_cr("%27s ( %s)", " ", name);
out->print("%27s ( ", " ");
print_total(stats.reserved(), stats.committed());
out->print_cr("%27s ( used=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s)", " ", amount_in_current_scale(stats.used()), scale);
out->print_cr("%27s ( waste=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s =%2.2f%%)", " ", amount_in_current_scale(waste),
scale, waste_percentage);
void MemDetailReporter::report_detail() {
// Start detail report
outputStream* out = output();
int num_omitted =
report_malloc_sites() +
if (num_omitted > 0) {
assert(scale() > 1, "sanity");
out->print_cr("(%d call sites weighting less than 1%s each omitted.)",
num_omitted, current_scale());
int MemDetailReporter::report_malloc_sites() {
MallocSiteIterator malloc_itr = _baseline.malloc_sites(MemBaseline::by_size);
if (malloc_itr.is_empty()) return 0;
outputStream* out = output();
const MallocSite* malloc_site;
int num_omitted = 0;
while ((malloc_site = malloc_itr.next()) != NULL) {
// Don't report if site has never allocated less than one unit of whatever our scale is
if (scale() > 1 && amount_in_current_scale(malloc_site->size()) == 0
DEBUG_ONLY(&& amount_in_current_scale(malloc_site->peak_size()) == 0)) {
num_omitted ++;
const NativeCallStack* stack = malloc_site->call_stack();
out->print("%29s", " ");
MEMFLAGS flag = malloc_site->flag();
assert(NMTUtil::flag_is_valid(flag) && flag != mtNone,
"Must have a valid memory type");
print_malloc(malloc_site->counter(), flag);
return num_omitted;
int MemDetailReporter::report_virtual_memory_allocation_sites() {
VirtualMemorySiteIterator virtual_memory_itr =
if (virtual_memory_itr.is_empty()) return 0;
outputStream* out = output();
const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* virtual_memory_site;
int num_omitted = 0;
while ((virtual_memory_site = virtual_memory_itr.next()) != NULL) {
// Don't report free sites; does not count toward omitted count.
if (virtual_memory_site->reserved() == 0) {
// Don't report if site has reserved less than one unit of whatever our scale is
if (scale() > 1 && amount_in_current_scale(virtual_memory_site->reserved()) == 0) {
const NativeCallStack* stack = virtual_memory_site->call_stack();
out->print("%28s (", " ");
print_total(virtual_memory_site->reserved(), virtual_memory_site->committed());
MEMFLAGS flag = virtual_memory_site->flag();
if (flag != mtNone) {
out->print(" Type=%s", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flag));
return num_omitted;
void MemDetailReporter::report_virtual_memory_map() {
// Virtual memory map always in base address order
VirtualMemoryAllocationIterator itr = _baseline.virtual_memory_allocations();
const ReservedMemoryRegion* rgn;
output()->print_cr("Virtual memory map:");
while ((rgn = itr.next()) != NULL) {
void MemDetailReporter::report_virtual_memory_region(const ReservedMemoryRegion* reserved_rgn) {
assert(reserved_rgn != NULL, "NULL pointer");
// Don't report if size is too small
if (amount_in_current_scale(reserved_rgn->size()) == 0) return;
outputStream* out = output();
const char* scale = current_scale();
const NativeCallStack* stack = reserved_rgn->call_stack();
bool all_committed = reserved_rgn->size() == reserved_rgn->committed_size();
const char* region_type = (all_committed ? "reserved and committed" : "reserved");
out->print_cr(" ");
print_virtual_memory_region(region_type, reserved_rgn->base(), reserved_rgn->size());
out->print(" for %s", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(reserved_rgn->flag()));
if (stack->is_empty()) {
out->print_cr(" ");
} else {
out->print_cr(" from");
stack->print_on(out, 4);
if (all_committed) {
CommittedRegionIterator itr = reserved_rgn->iterate_committed_regions();
const CommittedMemoryRegion* committed_rgn = itr.next();
if (committed_rgn->size() == reserved_rgn->size() && committed_rgn->call_stack()->equals(*stack)) {
// One region spanning the entire reserved region, with the same stack trace.
// Don't print this regions because the "reserved and committed" line above
// already indicates that the region is committed.
assert(itr.next() == NULL, "Unexpectedly more than one regions");
CommittedRegionIterator itr = reserved_rgn->iterate_committed_regions();
const CommittedMemoryRegion* committed_rgn;
while ((committed_rgn = itr.next()) != NULL) {
// Don't report if size is too small
if (amount_in_current_scale(committed_rgn->size()) == 0) continue;
stack = committed_rgn->call_stack();
print_virtual_memory_region("committed", committed_rgn->base(), committed_rgn->size());
if (stack->is_empty()) {
out->print_cr(" ");
} else {
out->print_cr(" from");
stack->print_on(out, 12);
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::report_diff() {
outputStream* out = output();
out->print_cr("\nNative Memory Tracking:\n");
if (scale() > 1) {
out->print_cr("(Omitting categories weighting less than 1%s)", current_scale());
// Overall diff
out->print("Total: ");
_current_baseline.total_committed_memory(), _early_baseline.total_reserved_memory(),
// Summary diff by memory type
for (int index = 0; index < mt_number_of_types; index ++) {
MEMFLAGS flag = NMTUtil::index_to_flag(index);
// thread stack is reported as part of thread category
if (flag == mtThreadStack) continue;
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::print_malloc_diff(size_t current_amount, size_t current_count,
size_t early_amount, size_t early_count, MEMFLAGS flags) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
outputStream* out = output();
const char* alloc_type = (flags == mtThread) ? "" : "malloc=";
out->print("%s" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", alloc_type, amount_in_current_scale(current_amount), scale);
// Report type only if it is valid and not under "thread" category
if (flags != mtNone && flags != mtThread) {
out->print(" type=%s", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flags));
long amount_diff = diff_in_current_scale(current_amount, early_amount);
if (amount_diff != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", amount_diff, scale);
if (current_count > 0) {
out->print(" #" SIZE_FORMAT "", current_count);
if (current_count != early_count) {
out->print(" %+d", (int)(current_count - early_count));
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::print_arena_diff(size_t current_amount, size_t current_count,
size_t early_amount, size_t early_count) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
outputStream* out = output();
out->print("arena=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", amount_in_current_scale(current_amount), scale);
if (diff_in_current_scale(current_amount, early_amount) != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld", diff_in_current_scale(current_amount, early_amount));
out->print(" #" SIZE_FORMAT "", current_count);
if (current_count != early_count) {
out->print(" %+d", (int)(current_count - early_count));
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::print_virtual_memory_diff(size_t current_reserved, size_t current_committed,
size_t early_reserved, size_t early_committed) const {
const char* scale = current_scale();
outputStream* out = output();
out->print("reserved=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", amount_in_current_scale(current_reserved), scale);
long reserved_diff = diff_in_current_scale(current_reserved, early_reserved);
if (reserved_diff != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", reserved_diff, scale);
out->print(", committed=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", amount_in_current_scale(current_committed), scale);
long committed_diff = diff_in_current_scale(current_committed, early_committed);
if (committed_diff != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", committed_diff, scale);
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::diff_summary_of_type(MEMFLAGS flag,
const MallocMemory* early_malloc, const VirtualMemory* early_vm,
const MetaspaceCombinedStats& early_ms,
const MallocMemory* current_malloc, const VirtualMemory* current_vm,
const MetaspaceCombinedStats& current_ms) const {
outputStream* out = output();
const char* scale = current_scale();
// Total reserved and committed memory in current baseline
size_t current_reserved_amount = reserved_total (current_malloc, current_vm);
size_t current_committed_amount = committed_total(current_malloc, current_vm);
// Total reserved and committed memory in early baseline
size_t early_reserved_amount = reserved_total(early_malloc, early_vm);
size_t early_committed_amount = committed_total(early_malloc, early_vm);
// Adjust virtual memory total
if (flag == mtThread) {
const VirtualMemory* early_thread_stack_usage =
const VirtualMemory* current_thread_stack_usage =
early_reserved_amount += early_thread_stack_usage->reserved();
early_committed_amount += early_thread_stack_usage->committed();
current_reserved_amount += current_thread_stack_usage->reserved();
current_committed_amount += current_thread_stack_usage->committed();
} else if (flag == mtNMT) {
early_reserved_amount += _early_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead();
early_committed_amount += _early_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead();
current_reserved_amount += _current_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead();
current_committed_amount += _current_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead();
if (amount_in_current_scale(current_reserved_amount) > 0 ||
diff_in_current_scale(current_reserved_amount, early_reserved_amount) != 0) {
// print summary line
out->print("-%26s (", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flag));
print_virtual_memory_diff(current_reserved_amount, current_committed_amount,
early_reserved_amount, early_committed_amount);
// detail lines
if (flag == mtClass) {
// report class count
out->print("%27s (classes #" SIZE_FORMAT "", " ", _current_baseline.class_count());
int class_count_diff = (int)(_current_baseline.class_count() -
if (_current_baseline.class_count() != _early_baseline.class_count()) {
out->print(" %+d", (int)(_current_baseline.class_count() - _early_baseline.class_count()));
out->print("%27s ( instance classes #" SIZE_FORMAT, " ", _current_baseline.instance_class_count());
if (_current_baseline.instance_class_count() != _early_baseline.instance_class_count()) {
out->print(" %+d", (int)(_current_baseline.instance_class_count() - _early_baseline.instance_class_count()));
out->print(", array classes #" SIZE_FORMAT, _current_baseline.array_class_count());
if (_current_baseline.array_class_count() != _early_baseline.array_class_count()) {
out->print(" %+d", (int)(_current_baseline.array_class_count() - _early_baseline.array_class_count()));
} else if (flag == mtThread) {
// report thread count
out->print("%27s (thread #" SIZE_FORMAT "", " ", _current_baseline.thread_count());
int thread_count_diff = (int)(_current_baseline.thread_count() -
if (thread_count_diff != 0) {
out->print(" %+d", thread_count_diff);
out->print("%27s (stack: ", " ");
if (ThreadStackTracker::track_as_vm()) {
// report thread stack
const VirtualMemory* current_thread_stack =
const VirtualMemory* early_thread_stack =
print_virtual_memory_diff(current_thread_stack->reserved(), current_thread_stack->committed(),
early_thread_stack->reserved(), early_thread_stack->committed());
} else {
const MallocMemory* current_thread_stack =
const MallocMemory* early_thread_stack =
print_malloc_diff(current_thread_stack->malloc_size(), current_thread_stack->malloc_count(),
early_thread_stack->malloc_size(), early_thread_stack->malloc_count(), flag);
// Report malloc'd memory
size_t current_malloc_amount = current_malloc->malloc_size();
size_t early_malloc_amount = early_malloc->malloc_size();
if (amount_in_current_scale(current_malloc_amount) > 0 ||
diff_in_current_scale(current_malloc_amount, early_malloc_amount) != 0) {
out->print("%28s(", " ");
print_malloc_diff(current_malloc_amount, (flag == mtChunk) ? 0 : current_malloc->malloc_count(),
early_malloc_amount, early_malloc->malloc_count(), mtNone);
// Report virtual memory
if (amount_in_current_scale(current_vm->reserved()) > 0 ||
diff_in_current_scale(current_vm->reserved(), early_vm->reserved()) != 0) {
out->print("%27s (mmap: ", " ");
print_virtual_memory_diff(current_vm->reserved(), current_vm->committed(),
early_vm->reserved(), early_vm->committed());
// Report arena memory
if (amount_in_current_scale(current_malloc->arena_size()) > 0 ||
diff_in_current_scale(current_malloc->arena_size(), early_malloc->arena_size()) != 0) {
out->print("%28s(", " ");
print_arena_diff(current_malloc->arena_size(), current_malloc->arena_count(),
early_malloc->arena_size(), early_malloc->arena_count());
// Report native memory tracking overhead
if (flag == mtNMT) {
size_t current_tracking_overhead = amount_in_current_scale(_current_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead());
size_t early_tracking_overhead = amount_in_current_scale(_early_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead());
out->print("%27s (tracking overhead=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", " ",
amount_in_current_scale(_current_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead()), scale);
long overhead_diff = diff_in_current_scale(_current_baseline.malloc_tracking_overhead(),
if (overhead_diff != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", overhead_diff, scale);
} else if (flag == mtClass) {
print_metaspace_diff(current_ms, early_ms);
out->print_cr(" ");
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::print_metaspace_diff(const MetaspaceCombinedStats& current_ms,
const MetaspaceCombinedStats& early_ms) const {
print_metaspace_diff("Metadata", current_ms.non_class_space_stats(), early_ms.non_class_space_stats());
if (Metaspace::using_class_space()) {
print_metaspace_diff("Class space", current_ms.class_space_stats(), early_ms.class_space_stats());
void MemSummaryDiffReporter::print_metaspace_diff(const char* header,
const MetaspaceStats& current_stats,
const MetaspaceStats& early_stats) const {
outputStream* out = output();
const char* scale = current_scale();
out->print_cr("%27s: ( %s)", " ", header);
out->print("%27s ( ", " ");
long diff_used = diff_in_current_scale(current_stats.used(),
size_t current_waste = current_stats.committed() - current_stats.used();
size_t early_waste = early_stats.committed() - early_stats.used();
long diff_waste = diff_in_current_scale(current_waste, early_waste);
// Diff used
out->print("%27s ( used=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s", " ",
amount_in_current_scale(current_stats.used()), scale);
if (diff_used != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", diff_used, scale);
// Diff waste
const float waste_percentage = current_stats.committed() == 0 ? 0.0f :
(current_waste * 100.0f) / current_stats.committed();
out->print("%27s ( waste=" SIZE_FORMAT "%s =%2.2f%%", " ",
amount_in_current_scale(current_waste), scale, waste_percentage);
if (diff_waste != 0) {
out->print(" %+ld%s", diff_waste, scale);
void MemDetailDiffReporter::report_diff() {
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_malloc_sites() const {
MallocSiteIterator early_itr = _early_baseline.malloc_sites(MemBaseline::by_site_and_type);
MallocSiteIterator current_itr = _current_baseline.malloc_sites(MemBaseline::by_site_and_type);
const MallocSite* early_site = early_itr.next();
const MallocSite* current_site = current_itr.next();
while (early_site != NULL || current_site != NULL) {
if (early_site == NULL) {
current_site = current_itr.next();
} else if (current_site == NULL) {
early_site = early_itr.next();
} else {
int compVal = current_site->call_stack()->compare(*early_site->call_stack());
if (compVal < 0) {
current_site = current_itr.next();
} else if (compVal > 0) {
early_site = early_itr.next();
} else {
diff_malloc_site(early_site, current_site);
early_site = early_itr.next();
current_site = current_itr.next();
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_virtual_memory_sites() const {
VirtualMemorySiteIterator early_itr = _early_baseline.virtual_memory_sites(MemBaseline::by_site);
VirtualMemorySiteIterator current_itr = _current_baseline.virtual_memory_sites(MemBaseline::by_site);
const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* early_site = early_itr.next();
const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* current_site = current_itr.next();
while (early_site != NULL || current_site != NULL) {
if (early_site == NULL) {
current_site = current_itr.next();
} else if (current_site == NULL) {
early_site = early_itr.next();
} else {
int compVal = current_site->call_stack()->compare(*early_site->call_stack());
if (compVal < 0) {
current_site = current_itr.next();
} else if (compVal > 0) {
early_site = early_itr.next();
} else {
diff_virtual_memory_site(early_site, current_site);
early_site = early_itr.next();
current_site = current_itr.next();
void MemDetailDiffReporter::new_malloc_site(const MallocSite* malloc_site) const {
diff_malloc_site(malloc_site->call_stack(), malloc_site->size(), malloc_site->count(),
0, 0, malloc_site->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::old_malloc_site(const MallocSite* malloc_site) const {
diff_malloc_site(malloc_site->call_stack(), 0, 0, malloc_site->size(),
malloc_site->count(), malloc_site->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_malloc_site(const MallocSite* early,
const MallocSite* current) const {
if (early->flag() != current->flag()) {
// If malloc site type changed, treat it as deallocation of old type and
// allocation of new type.
} else {
diff_malloc_site(current->call_stack(), current->size(), current->count(),
early->size(), early->count(), early->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_malloc_site(const NativeCallStack* stack, size_t current_size,
size_t current_count, size_t early_size, size_t early_count, MEMFLAGS flags) const {
outputStream* out = output();
assert(stack != NULL, "NULL stack");
if (diff_in_current_scale(current_size, early_size) == 0) {
out->print("%28s (", " ");
print_malloc_diff(current_size, current_count,
early_size, early_count, flags);
void MemDetailDiffReporter::new_virtual_memory_site(const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* site) const {
diff_virtual_memory_site(site->call_stack(), site->reserved(), site->committed(), 0, 0, site->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::old_virtual_memory_site(const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* site) const {
diff_virtual_memory_site(site->call_stack(), 0, 0, site->reserved(), site->committed(), site->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_virtual_memory_site(const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* early,
const VirtualMemoryAllocationSite* current) const {
assert(early->flag() == current->flag() || early->flag() == mtNone,
"Expect the same flag, but %s != %s", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(early->flag()),NMTUtil::flag_to_name(current->flag()));
diff_virtual_memory_site(current->call_stack(), current->reserved(), current->committed(),
early->reserved(), early->committed(), current->flag());
void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_virtual_memory_site(const NativeCallStack* stack, size_t current_reserved,
size_t current_committed, size_t early_reserved, size_t early_committed, MEMFLAGS flag) const {
outputStream* out = output();
// no change
if (diff_in_current_scale(current_reserved, early_reserved) == 0 &&
diff_in_current_scale(current_committed, early_committed) == 0) {
out->print("%28s (mmap: ", " ");
print_virtual_memory_diff(current_reserved, current_committed,
early_reserved, early_committed);
if (flag != mtNone) {
out->print(" Type=%s", NMTUtil::flag_to_name(flag));
¤ Diese beiden folgenden Angebotsgruppen bietet das Unternehmen0.32Angebot
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Die hierunter aufgelisteten Ziele sind für diese Firma wichtig
Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse