* Copyright (c) 2001, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentRefineStats.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentRefineThreadsNeeded.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
// Forward decl
class G1ConcurrentRefine;
class G1ConcurrentRefineThread;
class G1DirtyCardQueueSet;
class G1Policy;
class ThreadClosure;
// Helper class for refinement thread management. Used to start, stop and
// iterate over them.
class G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl {
G1ConcurrentRefine* _cr;
G1ConcurrentRefineThread** _threads;
uint _max_num_threads;
// Create the refinement thread for the given worker id.
// If initializing is true, ignore InjectGCWorkerCreationFailure.
G1ConcurrentRefineThread* create_refinement_thread(uint worker_id, bool initializing);
jint initialize(G1ConcurrentRefine* cr, uint max_num_threads);
void assert_current_thread_is_primary_refinement_thread() const NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
uint max_num_threads() const { return _max_num_threads; }
// Activate the indicated thread. If the thread has not yet been allocated,
// allocate and then activate. If allocation is needed and fails, return
// false. Otherwise return true.
// precondition: worker_id < max_num_threads().
// precondition: current thread is not the designated worker.
bool activate(uint worker_id);
void worker_threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc);
void stop();
// Controls concurrent refinement.
// Mutator threads produce dirty cards, which need to be examined for updates
// to the remembered sets (refinement). There is a pause-time budget for
// processing these dirty cards (see -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent). The
// purpose of concurrent refinement is to (attempt to) ensure the number of
// pending dirty cards at the start of a GC can be processed within that time
// budget.
// Concurrent refinement is performed by a combination of dedicated threads
// and by mutator threads as they produce dirty cards. If configured to not
// have any dedicated threads (-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=0) then all
// concurrent refinement work is performed by mutator threads. When there are
// dedicated threads, they generally do most of the concurrent refinement
// work, to minimize throughput impact of refinement work on mutator threads.
// This class determines the target number of dirty cards pending for the next
// GC. It also owns the dedicated refinement threads and controls their
// activation in order to achieve that target.
// There are two kinds of dedicated refinement threads, a single primary
// thread and some number of secondary threads. When active, all refinement
// threads take buffers of dirty cards from the dirty card queue and process
// them. Between buffers they query this owning object to find out whether
// they should continue running, deactivating themselves if not.
// The primary thread drives the control system that determines how many
// refinement threads should be active. If inactive, it wakes up periodically
// to recalculate the number of active threads needed, and activates
// additional threads as necessary. While active it also periodically
// recalculates the number wanted and activates more threads if needed. It
// also reduces the number of wanted threads when the target has been reached,
// triggering deactivations.
class G1ConcurrentRefine : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
G1Policy* _policy;
volatile uint _threads_wanted;
size_t _pending_cards_target;
Ticks _last_adjust;
Ticks _last_deactivate;
bool _needs_adjust;
G1ConcurrentRefineThreadsNeeded _threads_needed;
G1ConcurrentRefineThreadControl _thread_control;
G1DirtyCardQueueSet& _dcqs;
G1ConcurrentRefine(G1Policy* policy);
static uint worker_id_offset();
jint initialize();
void assert_current_thread_is_primary_refinement_thread() const {
// For the first few collection cycles we don't have a target (and so don't
// do any concurrent refinement), because there hasn't been enough pause
// time refinement work to be done to make useful predictions. We use
// SIZE_MAX as a special marker value to indicate we're in this state.
static const size_t PendingCardsTargetUninitialized = SIZE_MAX;
bool is_pending_cards_target_initialized() const {
return _pending_cards_target != PendingCardsTargetUninitialized;
void update_pending_cards_target(double logged_cards_scan_time_ms,
size_t processed_logged_cards,
size_t predicted_thread_buffer_cards,
double goal_ms);
uint64_t adjust_threads_period_ms() const;
bool is_in_last_adjustment_period() const;
class RemSetSamplingClosure; // Helper class for adjusting young length.
void adjust_young_list_target_length();
void adjust_threads_wanted(size_t available_bytes);
// Returns a G1ConcurrentRefine instance if succeeded to create/initialize the
// G1ConcurrentRefine instance. Otherwise, returns nullptr with error code.
static G1ConcurrentRefine* create(G1Policy* policy, jint* ecode);
// Stop all the refinement threads.
void stop();
// Called at the end of a GC to prepare for refinement during the next
// concurrent phase. Updates the target for the number of pending dirty
// cards. Updates the mutator refinement threshold. Ensures the primary
// refinement thread (if it exists) is active, so it will adjust the number
// of running threads.
void adjust_after_gc(double logged_cards_scan_time_ms,
size_t processed_logged_cards,
size_t predicted_thread_buffer_cards,
double goal_ms);
// Target number of pending dirty cards at the start of the next GC.
size_t pending_cards_target() const { return _pending_cards_target; }
// May recalculate the number of refinement threads that should be active in
// order to meet the pending cards target. Returns true if adjustment was
// performed, and clears any pending request. Returns false if the
// adjustment period has not expired, or because a timed or requested
// adjustment could not be performed immediately and so was deferred.
// precondition: current thread is the primary refinement thread.
bool adjust_threads_periodically();
// The amount of time (in ms) the primary refinement thread should sleep
// when it is inactive. It requests adjustment whenever it is reactivated.
// precondition: current thread is the primary refinement thread.
uint64_t adjust_threads_wait_ms() const;
// Record a request for thread adjustment as soon as possible.
// precondition: current thread is the primary refinement thread.
void record_thread_adjustment_needed();
// Test whether there is a pending request for thread adjustment.
// precondition: current thread is the primary refinement thread.
bool is_thread_adjustment_needed() const;
// Reduce the number of active threads wanted.
// precondition: current thread is the primary refinement thread.
void reduce_threads_wanted();
// Test whether the thread designated by worker_id should be active.
bool is_thread_wanted(uint worker_id) const;
// Return total of concurrent refinement stats for the
// ConcurrentRefineThreads. Also reset the stats for the threads.
G1ConcurrentRefineStats get_and_reset_refinement_stats();
// Perform a single refinement step; called by the refinement
// threads. Returns true if there was refinement work available.
// Updates stats.
bool try_refinement_step(uint worker_id,
size_t stop_at,
G1ConcurrentRefineStats* stats);
// Iterate over all concurrent refinement threads applying the given closure.
void threads_do(ThreadClosure *tc);
// Maximum number of refinement threads.
static uint max_num_threads();
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