* Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* @test
* @bug 8231766
* @summary Test Files::copy and Files::move with Zip FS
* @modules jdk.zipfs
* @run testng/othervm CopyMoveTests
public class CopyMoveTests {
// Enable debugging output
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Path to current directory
private static final Path HERE = Path.of(".");
// Value to use when creating Zip Entries
private static final String ZIP_FILE_VALUE = "US Open 2019";
// Value used to create the OS file to be copied into/from a Zip File
private static final String OS_FILE_VALUE = "Hello World!";
private static final SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
* DataProvider used to verify that a FileAlreadyExistsException is
* thrown with copying a file without the REPLACE_EXISTING option
@DataProvider(name = "zipfsMap")
private Object[][] zipfsMap() {
return new Object[][]{
{Map.of("create", "true"), ZipEntry.DEFLATED},
{Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression", "true"),
{Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression", "false"),
* DataProvider used to verify that an entry may be copied or moved within
* a Zip file system with the correct compression method
@DataProvider(name = "copyMoveMap")
private Object[][] copyMoveMap() {
return new Object[][]{
{Map.of("create", "true"), ZipEntry.DEFLATED, ZipEntry.STORED},
{Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression", "true"),
ZipEntry.STORED, ZipEntry.DEFLATED},
{Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression", "false"),
* Validate that an entry that is copied within a Zip file is copied with
* the correct compression
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when copying the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void copyTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e00 = Entry.of("Entry-00", expectedCompression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
// Create the Zip File with the initial entries
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile,
Map.of("noCompression", expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED))) {
Files.copy(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), zipfs.getPath(e00.name));
// Verify entries e0, e1 and e00 exist
verify(zipFile, e0, e1, e00);
* Validate that an entry that is copied from one Zip file to another,
* is copied with the correct compression
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when copying the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void copyZipToZipTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e00 = Entry.of("Entry-00", expectedCompression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
Path zipFile2 = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, createMap);
FileSystem zipfsTarget = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile2,
Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression",
expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED))) {
Files.copy(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), zipfsTarget.getPath(e00.name));
// Only 1 entry copied to the secondary Zip file
verify(zipFile2, e00);
// Verify entries e0 and e1 remain in the original Zip file
verify(zipFile, e0, e1);
* Validate that an external file copied to a Zip file is copied with
* the correct compression
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when copying the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void copyFromOsTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Path osFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".txt");
Files.writeString(osFile, OS_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e00 = Entry.of("Entry-00", expectedCompression, OS_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile,
Map.of("noCompression", expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED))) {
Files.copy(osFile, zipfs.getPath(e00.name));
verify(zipFile, e0, e1, e00);
* Validate that an entry that is copied from a Zip file to an OS file contains
* the correct bytes and the file remains in the Zip file
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when moving the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void CopyFromZipTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
Path osFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".txt");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, Map.of())) {
Files.copy(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), osFile);
// Entries e0 and e1 should exist
verify(zipFile, e0, e1);
// Check to see if the file exists and the bytes match
assertEquals(Files.readAllBytes(osFile), e0.bytes);
* Validate that an entry that is moved within a Zip file is moved with
* the correct compression
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when moving the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void moveTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e00 = Entry.of("Entry-00", expectedCompression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile,
Map.of("noCompression", expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED))) {
Files.move(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), zipfs.getPath(e00.name));
// Entry e0 should not exist but Entry e00 should
verify(zipFile, e1, e00);
* Validate that an entry that is moved one Zip file to another is moved with
* the correct compression
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when moving the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void moveZipToZipTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e00 = Entry.of("Entry-00", expectedCompression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
Path zipFile2 = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile,
Map.of("noCompression", expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED));
FileSystem zipfsTarget = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile2,
Map.of("create", "true", "noCompression",
expectedCompression == ZipEntry.STORED))) {
Files.move(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), zipfsTarget.getPath(e00.name));
// Only Entry e00 should exist
verify(zipFile2, e00);
// Only Entry e1 should exist
verify(zipFile, e1);
* Validate that an entry that is moved from a Zip file to an OS file contains
* the correct bytes and is removed from the Zip file
* @param createMap Zip FS properties to use when creating the Zip File
* @param compression The compression used when writing the initial entries
* @param expectedCompression The compression to be used when moving the entry
* @throws Exception If an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "copyMoveMap", enabled = true)
public void moveFromZipTest(Map<String, String> createMap, int compression,
int expectedCompression) throws Exception {
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
Path osFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".txt");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, Map.of())) {
Files.move(zipfs.getPath(e0.name), osFile);
// Only Entry e1 should exist
verify(zipFile, e1);
// Check to see if the file exists and the bytes match
assertEquals(Files.readAllBytes(osFile), e0.bytes);
* Validate that a FileAlreadyExistsException is thrown when copying a
* file and not specifying the REPLACE_EXISTING option.
* @param createMap Properties used for creating the ZIP Filesystem
* @throws Exception if an error occurs
@Test(dataProvider = "zipfsMap", enabled = true)
public void testFAEWithCopy(Map<String, String> createMap,
int compression) throws Exception {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.printf("ZIP FS Map = %s%n ", formatMap(createMap));
Entry e0 = Entry.of("Entry-0", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Entry e1 = Entry.of("Entry-1", compression, ZIP_FILE_VALUE);
Path zipFile = generatePath(HERE, "test", ".zip");
createZipFile(zipFile, createMap, e0, e1);
try (FileSystem zipfs =
FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, createMap)) {
assertThrows(FileAlreadyExistsException.class, () ->
* Generate a temporary file Path
* @param dir Directory used to create the path
* @param prefix The prefix string used to create the path
* @param suffix The suffix string used to create the path
* @return Path that was generated
private static Path generatePath(Path dir, String prefix, String suffix) {
long n = random.nextLong();
String s = prefix + Long.toUnsignedString(n) + suffix;
Path name = dir.getFileSystem().getPath(s);
// the generated name should be a simple file name
if (name.getParent() != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid prefix or suffix");
return dir.resolve(name);
* Utility method to return a formatted String of the key:value entries for
* a Map
* @param env Map to format
* @return Formatted string of the Map entries
private static String formatMap(Map<String, String> env) {
return env.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> format("(%s:%s)", e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
.collect(joining(", "));
* Create a Zip file using the Zip File System with the specified
* Zip File System properties
* @param zipFile Path to the Zip File to create
* @param env Properties used for creating the Zip Filesystem
* @param entries The entries to add to the Zip File
* @throws IOException If an error occurs while creating the Zip file
private void createZipFile(Path zipFile, Map<String, String> env,
Entry... entries) throws IOException {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.printf("Creating Zip file: %s with the Properties: %s%n",
zipFile, formatMap(env));
try (FileSystem zipfs =
FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipFile, env)) {
for (Entry e : entries) {
Files.writeString(zipfs.getPath(e.name), new String(e.bytes));
* Represents an entry in a Zip file. An entry encapsulates a name, a
* compression method, and its contents/data.
static class Entry {
private final String name;
private final int method;
private final byte[] bytes;
Entry(String name, int method, String contents) {
this.name = name;
this.method = method;
this.bytes = contents.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
static Entry of(String name, int method, String contents) {
return new Entry(name, method, contents);
* Returns a new Entry with the same name and compression method as this
* Entry but with the given content.
Entry content(String contents) {
return new Entry(name, method, contents);
* Verify that the given path is a Zip file containing exactly the
* given entries.
private static void verify(Path zipfile, Entry... entries) throws IOException {
// check entries with zip API
try (ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(zipfile.toFile())) {
// check entry count
assertEquals(entries.length, zf.size());
// check compression method and content of each entry
for (Entry e : entries) {
ZipEntry ze = zf.getEntry(e.name);
//System.out.printf("Name: %s, method: %s, Expected Method: %s%n", e.name, ze.getMethod(), e.method);
assertEquals(e.method, ze.getMethod());
try (InputStream in = zf.getInputStream(ze)) {
byte[] bytes = in.readAllBytes();
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, e.bytes));
// check entries with FileSystem API
try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zipfile)) {
// check entry count
Path top = fs.getPath("/");
long count = Files.find(top, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
(path, attrs) -> attrs.isRegularFile()).count();
assertEquals(entries.length, count);
// check content of each entry
for (Entry e : entries) {
Path file = fs.getPath(e.name);
byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(file);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, e.bytes));
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