derivatives_def [ T : TYPE FROM real ] : THEORY
% The derivatives library has been generalized to handle a larger class of domains.
% Previously the domain had to be a connected domain defined by the following
% predicate:
% connected_domain : ASSUMPTION
% FORALL (x, y : T), (z : real) :
% x <= z AND z <= y IMPLIES T_pred(z)
% The following more general domain definition is now used
% deriv_domain : ASSUMPTION FORALL (e: posreal, x:T):
% EXISTS (y: {u: nzreal | T_pred(u + x)}): abs(y) < e
% This definition allows unions of closed and open intervals.
% See deriv_domains for more information.
IMPORTING deriv_domain_def
deriv_domain : ASSUMPTION deriv_domain?[T]
not_one_element : ASSUMPTION not_one_element?[T]
IMPORTING % lim_of_functions,
f, f1, f2, fp : VAR [T -> real]
g : VAR [T -> nzreal]
x : VAR T
u : VAR nzreal
b : VAR real
l, l1, l2 : VAR real
% %-------------------
% % Newton Quotient
% %-------------------
% A(x) : setof[nzreal] = { u: nzreal | T_pred(x + u) }
% NQ(f, x)(h : (A(x))) : real = (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
% deriv_TCC : LEMMA FORALL x : adh[(A(x))](fullset[real])(0)
% adh_A_lem : LEMMA adh[(A(x))](fullset[real])(0) %% Butler
% % play: LEMMA (FORALL (x:T): EXISTS (e: posreal):
% % FORALL (y: real): abs(x-y) < e IMPLIES T_pred(y))
% % adh[(A(x))](fullset[real])(0)
% %----------------------------
% % Differentiable functions
% %----------------------------
derivable?(f, x) : bool % = convergent?(NQ(f, x), 0)
%% +++ derivable?(f) : bool = FORALL x : derivable?(f, x)
% Derivable functions are continuous
% continuous_lim : LEMMA convergence(LAMBDA (h : (A(x))) : f(x + h), 0, f(x))
% IFF continuous?(f, x)
% deriv_continuous : LEMMA convergence(NQ(f, x), 0, l)
% IMPLIES continuous?(f, x)
derivable_continuous : AXIOM derivable?(f, x) IMPLIES continuous?(f, x)
%% +++ derivable_cont_fun : LEMMA derivable?(f) IMPLIES continuous?(f)
% Properties of NQ
% sum_NQ : LEMMA NQ(f1 + f2, x) = NQ(f1, x) + NQ(f2, x)
% neg_NQ : LEMMA NQ(- f, x) = - NQ(f, x)
% diff_NQ : LEMMA NQ(f1 - f2, x) = NQ(f1, x) - NQ(f2, x)
% scal_NQ : LEMMA NQ(b * f, x) = b * NQ(f, x)
% const_NQ : LEMMA NQ(const_fun(b), x) = const_fun(0)
% identity_NQ : LEMMA NQ(I[T], x) = const_fun(1)
% prod_NQ : LEMMA FORALL (h : (A(x))): NQ(f1 * f2, x)(h)
% = NQ(f1, x)(h) * f2(x) + NQ(f2, x)(h) * f1(x + h)
% cnv_seq_prod_NQ: LEMMA convergence(NQ(f1, x), 0, l1)
% AND convergence(NQ(f2, x), 0, l2)
% IMPLIES convergence(NQ(f1 * f2, x), 0, f2(x) * l1 + f1(x) * l2)
% inv_NQ : LEMMA FORALL (h : (A(x))) : NQ(1/g, x)(h)
% = - NQ(g, x)(h) / (g(x) * g(x + h))
% cnv_seq_inv_NQ : LEMMA convergence(NQ(g, x), 0, l1)
% IMPLIES convergence(NQ(1/g, x), 0, - l1 / (g(x) * g(x)))
% Operations preserving derivability
sum_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x)
IMPLIES derivable?(f1 + f2, x)
neg_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(f, x) IMPLIES derivable?(- f, x)
diff_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x)
IMPLIES derivable?(f1 - f2, x)
prod_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x)
IMPLIES derivable?(f1 * f2, x)
scal_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(f, x) IMPLIES derivable?(b * f, x)
const_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(const_fun(b), x)
inv_derivable : AXIOM derivable?(g, x) IMPLIES derivable?(1/g, x)
div_derivable : LEMMA derivable?(f, x) AND derivable?(g, x)
IMPLIES derivable?(f / g, x)
identity_derivable: AXIOM derivable?(I, x)
% Derivative
deriv(f, (x0 : { x | derivable?(f, x) })) : real % = lim(NQ(f, x0), 0)
% deriv_def : LEMMA convergence(NQ(f, x), 0, l) IMPLIES
% derivable?(f,x) AND deriv(f,x) = l
deriv_sum : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x) IMPLIES
deriv(f1 + f2, x) = deriv(f1, x) + deriv(f2, x)
deriv_neg : AXIOM derivable?(f, x) IMPLIES
deriv(- f, x) = - deriv(f, x)
deriv_diff : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x) IMPLIES
deriv(f1 - f2, x) = deriv(f1, x) - deriv(f2, x)
deriv_prod : AXIOM derivable?(f1, x) AND derivable?(f2, x) IMPLIES
deriv(f1 * f2, x) = deriv(f1, x) * f2(x)
+ deriv(f2, x) * f1(x)
deriv_const : AXIOM deriv(const_fun(b), x) = 0
deriv_scal : AXIOM derivable?(f, x) IMPLIES deriv(b * f, x) = b * deriv(f, x)
deriv_inv : AXIOM derivable?(g, x) IMPLIES
deriv(1/g, x) = - deriv(g, x) / (g(x) * g(x))
deriv_div : LEMMA derivable?(f, x) AND derivable?(g, x) IMPLIES
deriv(f / g, x) =
(deriv(f,x)*g(x) - deriv(g,x)*f(x))/(g(x)*g(x))
deriv_identity : AXIOM deriv(I[T], x) = 1
END derivatives_def
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