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Datei:   Sprache: Lisp

Original von: PVS©

 (mu_TCC1 0
  (mu_TCC1-1 nil 3502969751
   ("" (typepred "S")
    (("" (expand "sigma_algebra?")
      (("" (flatten)
        (("" (expand "subset_algebra_empty?")
          (("" (expand "member") (("" (propax) nil nil)) nil)) nil))
   ((subset_algebra_empty? const-decl "bool" subset_algebra_def
    (member const-decl "bool" sets nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (T formal-type-decl nil essential_bound_complete_scaf nil)
    (setof type-eq-decl nil defined_types nil)
    (setofsets type-eq-decl nil sets nil)
    (sigma_algebra? const-decl "bool" subset_algebra_def
    (sigma_algebra nonempty-type-eq-decl nil subset_algebra_def
    (S formal-const-decl "sigma_algebra[T]"
     essential_bound_complete_scaf nil))
 (essential_bound_complete_scaf 0
  (essential_bound_complete_scaf-1 nil 3502969847
    (case "FORALL (F: sequence[essentially_bounded]):
               (FORALL n: essential_bound(F(n+1) - F(n)) < 2^(-n))
                (EXISTS f:
                   FORALL r:
                     EXISTS n: FORALL i: i >= n => essential_bound(f - F(i)) < r)")
    (("1" (skosimp)
        (name "NEXT"
              "lambda (n,m:nat): (n+1,choose({k:nat | k > m & FORALL i, j:
                     i >= k AND j >= k => essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2^(-n)}))")
        (("1" (name "SEQ" "lambda n: (iterate(NEXT,n+1)(0,0))`2")
            (case "forall n,i: i >= SEQ(n) => essential_bound(F!1(i) - F!1(SEQ(n))) < 2 ^ (-n)")
            (("1" (case "subseq?(F!1 o SEQ, F!1)")
              (("1" (inst -5 "F!1 o SEQ")
                (("1" (split -5)
                  (("1" (skosimp)
                    (("1" (inst + "f!1")
                      (("1" (skosimp)
                        (("1" (inst - "r!1/2")
                          (("1" (skosimp)
                            (("1" (case "exists n: 2^(-n) < r!1/2")
                                  (inst + "SEQ(n!1+n!2)")
                                      (inst - "n!1+n!2")
                                          (inst - "n!1+n!2" "i!1")
                                              (expand "o" -2)
                                                  "f!1 - F!1(SEQ(n!1 + n!2))"
                                                  "F!1(i!1) - F!1(SEQ(n!1 + n!2))"))
                                                     "2 ^ (-(n!1 + n!2))<=2 ^ (-n!2)")
                                                         "essential_bound(f!1 - F!1(SEQ(n!1 + n!2)) -
                                              (F!1(i!1) - F!1(SEQ(n!1 + n!2))))")
                                                           "essential_bound(f!1 - F!1(i!1))")
                                                                           "F!1(SEQ(n!1 + n!2))")
                                                        "-(n!1 + n!2)"))
                                (hide-all-but 1)
                                  (lemma "small_expt" ("px" "1/2"))
                                      (inst - "r!1/2")
                                          (inst + "n!2")
                                            (rewrite "real_expt_neg")
                                                (expand "^")
                   ("2" (hide 2)
                    (("2" (skosimp)
                      (("2" (inst -2 "n!1" "SEQ(n!1+1)")
                        (("2" (expand "o ")
                          (("2" (assert)
                            (("2" (hide 1 -1 -2 -3)
                                (expand "SEQ")
                                  (expand "iterate" 1 1)
                                     "iterate(NEXT, 1 + n!1)(0, 0)")
                                      (expand "NEXT")
                                         "nonempty?({k: nat |
                                   k > NN`2 &
                                    (FORALL i, j:
                                       i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                        essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                            "{k: nat |
                                 k > NN`2 &
                                  (FORALL i, j:
                                     i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                      essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))}"))
                                               "choose({k: nat |
                                  k > NN`2 &
                                   (FORALL i, j:
                                      i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                       essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                                (expand "member")
                                              (expand "nonempty?")
                                              (("2" (propax) nil nil))
                                          (hide 2)
                                            (expand "nonempty?")
                                              (expand "empty?")
                                                (expand "member")
                                                   "2 ^ (-NN`1)")
               ("2" (hide 2)
                (("2" (expand "subseq?")
                  (("2" (inst + "SEQ")
                    (("1" (expand "o ") (("1" (propax) nil nil)) nil)
                     ("2" (expand "strict_increasing?")
                        (case "forall (i,n:nat): SEQ(i) < SEQ(1+i+n)")
                        (("1" (skosimp)
                          (("1" (inst - "x!1" "y!1-x!1-1")
                            (("1" (assertnil nil)
                             ("2" (assertnil nil))
                         ("2" (hide 2)
                          (("2" (induct "n")
                            (("1" (skosimp)
                                (expand "SEQ")
                                  (expand "iterate" 1 2)
                                     "iterate(NEXT, 1 + i!1)(0, 0)")
                                      (expand "NEXT")
                                        (hide -2 -1)
                                           "nonempty?({k: nat |
                                        k > NN`2 &
                                         (FORALL i, j:
                                            i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                             essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                              "{k: nat |
                                      k > NN`2 &
                                       (FORALL i, j:
                                          i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                           essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))}"))
                                                 "choose({k: nat |
                                       k > NN`2 &
                                        (FORALL i, j:
                                           i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                            essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                                  (expand "member")
                                                (expand "nonempty?")
                                            (hide 2)
                                              (expand "nonempty?")
                                                (expand "empty?")
                                                  (expand "member")
                                                     "2 ^ (-NN`1)")
                             ("2" (skosimp)
                                  (inst - "i!1")
                                    (name-replace "LHS" "SEQ(i!1)")
                                      (hide -2 -3 -4)
                                        (expand "SEQ")
                                          (expand "iterate" 1)
                                             "iterate(NEXT, 2 + i!1 + j!1)(0, 0)")
                                              (expand "NEXT")
                                                 "nonempty?({k: nat |
                                        k > NN`2 &
                                         (FORALL i, j:
                                            i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                             essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                                    "{k: nat |
                                      k > NN`2 &
                                       (FORALL i, j:
                                          i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                           essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))}"))
                                                       "choose({k: nat |
                                       k > NN`2 &
                                        (FORALL i, j:
                                           i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                            essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                                  (hide 2)
                                                      (expand "empty?")
                                                           "2 ^ (-NN`1)")
             ("2" (hide 2)
              (("2" (induct "n")
                (("1" (skosimp)
                  (("1" (expand "SEQ")
                    (("1" (expand "iterate")
                      (("1" (expand "iterate")
                        (("1" (hide -2)
                          (("1" (name "ZZ" "NEXT(0, 0)`2")
                            (("1" (replace -1)
                                (expand "NEXT" -1)
                                   "nonempty?({k: nat |
                                 k > 0 &
                                  (FORALL i, j:
                                     i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                      essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-0))})")
                                      "{k: nat |
                               k > 0 &
                                (FORALL i, j:
                                   i >= k AND j >= k =>
                                    essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i)) < 2 ^ (-0))}"))
                                      (replace -3)
                                        (split -1)
                                          (expand "member")
                                              (inst - "ZZ" "i!1")
                                              (("1" (assertnil nil))
                                          (expand "nonempty?")
                                          (("2" (propax) nil nil))
                                    (hide -1 -2 2)
                                      (expand "nonempty?")
                                        (expand "empty?")
                                          (expand "member")
                                            (inst -4 "2^(-0)")
                                                (inst - "n!1+1")
                                               ("px" "2" "a" "-0"))
                                              (("2" (assertnil nil))
                 ("2" (skosimp)
                  (("2" (skosimp)
                    (("2" (hide -3 -4)
                      (("2" (expand "SEQ")
                        (("2" (expand "iterate" 1)
                          (("2" (expand "iterate" -2)
                              (name-replace "NN"
                               "iterate(NEXT, 1 + j!1)(0, 0)")
                                (expand "NEXT")
                                   "nonempty?({k: nat |
                                                      k > NN`2
                                                       i, j:
                                                       i >= k AND j >= k
                                                       essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i))
                                                       2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                      "{k: nat |
                                                    k > NN`2
                                                     i, j:
                                                     i >= k AND j >= k
                                                     essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i))
                                                     2 ^ (-NN`1))}"))
                                      (split -1)
                                        (expand "member")
                                           "choose({k: nat |
                                                     k > NN`2
                                                      i, j:
                                                      i >= k AND j >= k
                                                      essential_bound(F!1(j) - F!1(i))
                                                      2 ^ (-NN`1))})")
                                              (inst - "CC" "i!1")
                                                (("1" (assertnil nil)
                                                  (expand "NN" 1)
                                                     "forall n: iterate(NEXT,n)(0, 0)`1 = n")
                                                      (inst - "1+j!1")
                                                      (hide-all-but 1)
                                                        (induct "n")
                                        (expand "nonempty?")
                                        (("2" (propax) nil nil))
                                    (hide 2 -1 -2)
                                      (expand "nonempty?")
                                        (expand "empty?")
                                          (expand "member")
                                            (inst -3 "2^(-NN`1)")
                                                (inst - "n!1+NN`2+1")
                                              (rewrite "real_expt_pos")
           ("2" (skosimp)
            (("2" (expand "NEXT") (("2" (assertnil nil)) nil)) nil))
         ("2" (skosimp)
          (("2" (expand "nonempty?")
            (("2" (expand "empty?")
              (("2" (expand "member")
                (("2" (hide 1 -2)
                  (("2" (inst -2 "2 ^ (-n!1)")
                    (("1" (skosimp)
                      (("1" (inst - "n!2+m!1+1")
                        (("1" (assert)
                          (("1" (skosimp)
                            (("1" (inst - "i!1" "j!1")
                              (("1" (assertnil nil)) nil))
                     ("2" (lemma "real_expt_pos" ("px" "2" "a" "-n!1"))
                      (("2" (propax) nil nil)) nil))
     ("2" (hide 2)
        (case "FORALL (F: sequence[essentially_bounded]):
                 EXISTS (N:null_set): FORALL (x:T,n): NOT N(x) => abs(F(n+1)(x)-F(n)(x)) <= essential_bound(F(n + 1) - F(n))")
        (("1" (skosimp)
          (("1" (inst - "F!1")
            (("1" (skosimp)
                (case "FORALL (x: T, n, m: nat):
                   NOT N!1(x) =>
                    abs(F!1(n + m)(x) - F!1(n)(x)) <= sigma[nat](n,n+m-1,geometric(1/2))")
                  (case "forall (n,m:nat): sigma[nat](n, n + m - 1, geometric(1 / 2)) < 2^(1-n)")
                    (case "exists (g:[T->complex]): pointwise_convergence?(lambda n: lambda (x:T): phi(complement(N!1))(x) * F!1(n)(x),g)")
                    (("1" (skosimp)
                        (lemma "pointwise_complex_measurable"
                         ("f" "g!1" "u" "LAMBDA n:
                                            LAMBDA (x: T):
                                              phi(complement(N!1))(x) * F!1(n)(x)"))
                        (("1" (replace -2)
                            (case "FORALL (x: T, n): NOT N!1(x) => abs(g!1(x) - F!1(n)(x)) < 2 ^ (2 - n)")
                            (("1" (case "essentially_bounded?(g!1)")
                                (inst + "g!1")
                                    (hide-all-but (-2 1))
                                       ("py" "r!1" "b" "2"))
                                                  (case "3-i!1>=0")
                                                    (inst + "3-i!1")
                                                              "g!1 - F!1(i!2)"
                                                      (case "3-i!1<0")
                                                        (hide 1)
--> --------------------

--> maximum size reached

--> --------------------

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.168 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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