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Sprache: Lisp
Original von: PVS©
;; prelude-attachments.lisp
;; Release: PVSio-6.0.9 (3/14/14)
;; Contact: Cesar Munoz ([email protected])
;; NASA Langley Research Center
;; http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/PVSio
;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 United States Government as represented by
;; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright
;; is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
;; Rights Reserved.
;; Semantic attachments for PVSio standard library
(defun stdstr-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments |stdstr|
(defattach |charcode| (n)
"Char whose code is N"
(format nil "~a" (code-char n)))
(defattach |chartable| ()
"Standard char table"
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i 128))
(let ((c (code-char i)))
(when (and (graphic-char-p c)
(standard-char-p c))
(format t "~3d : ~a " i c))))
(defattach |newline| ()
"New line"
(format nil "~a" #\Newline))
(defattach |tab| ()
(format nil "~a" #\Tab))
(defattach |spaces| (n)
"N spaces"
(make-string n :initial-element #\Space))
(defattach |upcase| (s)
"Converts string S to uppercase"
(string-upcase s))
(defattach |downcase| (s)
"Converts string S to downcase"
(string-downcase s))
(defattach |capitalize| (s)
"Capitalizes string S"
(string-capitalize s))
(defattach |substr| (s i j)
"Substring S[i..j] if i <= j, S[j..i] if j <= i, empty if indices are out of range"
(cond ((and (<= 0 i) (<= i j) (< j (length s)))
(subseq s i (+ j 1)))
((and (<= 0 j) (<= j i) (< i (length s)))
(reverse (subseq s j (+ i 1))) )
(t "")))
(defattach |strfind| (s1 s2)
"Index of leftmost occurrence of S1 in S2, starting from 0, or -1 if none"
(or (search s1 s2 :test #'char=) -1))
(defprimitive |concat| (s1 s2)
"Concatenates S1 and S2"
(format nil "~a~a" s1 s2))
(defattach |real2str| (r)
"String representation of real R"
(if (integerp r)
(format nil "~d" r)
(format nil "~f" (rationalize r))))
(defattach |str2real| (s)
"Rational denoted by S"
(let ((i (read-from-string s)))
(if (numberp i) (rationalize i)
(throw '|NotARealNumber|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotARealNumber")
(the string s))))))
(defattach |str2int| (s)
"Integer denoted by S"
(let ((i (read-from-string s)))
(if (integerp i) i
(throw '|NotAnInteger|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotAnInteger")
(the string s))))))
(defattach |number?| (s)
"Tests if S denotes a number"
(numberp (read-from-string s)))
(defattach |int?| (s)
"Tests if S denotes an integer"
(integerp (read-from-string s)))
(defattach |strcmp| (s1 s2 sensitive)
"Returns 0 if s1 = s2, < 0 if s1 < s2, > 0 if s1 > s2. ~
Comparison is case sensitive according to sensitive"
(if sensitive
(cond ((string= s1 s2) 0)
((string< s1 s2) -1)
(t 1))
(cond ((string-equal s1 s2) 0)
((string-lessp s1 s2) -1)
(t 1))))
(defattach |strtrim| (s1 s2)
"A substring of s2, with all the characters in s1 stripped of the beginning and end"
(string-trim s1 s2))
(defattach |strtrim_left| (s1 s2)
"A substring of s2, with all the characters in s1 stripped of the beginning"
(string-left-trim s1 s2))
(defattach |strtrim_right| (s1 s2)
"A substring of s2, with all the characters in s1 stripped of the end"
(string-right-trim s1 s2))
(defattach |trim| (s)
"A substring of s, with all the space characters stripped of the beginning and end"
(string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) s))
(defattach |trim_left| (s)
"A substring of s, with all the space characters stripped of the beginning"
(string-left-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) s))
(defattach |trim_right| (s)
"A substring of s, with all the space characters stripped of the end"
(string-right-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) s))
(defattach |filename| (s)
"Returns the name part of a file name"
(file-namestring s))
(defattach |directory| (s)
"Returns the directory part of a file name"
(directory-namestring s))
(defun prompt (s)
(when (string/= s "")
(format t "~a~%" s)
(defparameter *pvsio_length_str_stream* (make-hash-table))
(defun read-token (f s)
(let ((c (read-char f nil nil)))
(when c
(do* ((str (make-string-output-stream))
(start t))
((not c) str)
(let ((p (when c (position c s)))
(m (when c (member c '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)))))
(cond ((and start p)(write-char c str)
(return str))
(p (unread-char c f)
(return str))
((and start m) (setq c (read-char f nil nil)))
(m (return str))
(t (setq start nil)
(write-char c str)
(setq c (read-char f nil nil))))))))))
(defun stdio-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdio
(defprimitive |printstr| (s)
"Prints lisp format of string S"
(not (format t "~a" s)))
(defattach |query_token| (mssg s)
"Queries a token separated by characters in S from standard input with prompt MSSG"
(prompt mssg)
(format nil "~a" (read-token *standard-input* s)))
(defattach |query_line| (mssg)
"Queries a line from standard input with prompt MSSG"
(prompt mssg)
(format nil "~a" (read-line)))
(defattach |query_real| (mssg)
"Queries a real number from standard input with prompt MSSG"
(prompt mssg)
(let ((i (read)))
(if (numberp i) (rationalize i)
(throw '|NotARealNumber|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotARealNumber")
(the string (format nil "~a" i)))))))
(defattach |query_int| (mssg)
"Queries an integer from standard input with prompt MSSG"
(prompt mssg)
(let ((i (read)))
(if (integerp i) i
(throw '|NotAnInteger|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotAnInteger")
(the string (format nil "~a" i)))))))
(defattach |stdin| ()
"Standard input stream"
(defattach |stdout| ()
"Standard output stream"
(defattach |stderr| ()
"Error output stream"
(defattach |fopenin_lisp| (s)
"Opens file input stream named S"
(let ((f (open s :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)))
(or f (throw '|FileNotFound|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "FileNotFound")
(the string s))))))
(defattach |sopenin| (s)
"Opens string S as an input stream"
(let ((str (make-string-input-stream s)))
(setf (gethash str *pvsio_length_str_stream*) (length s))
(defattach |fopenout_lisp| (s i)
"Opens file output stream named S"
(let ((f (cond ((= i 0) (open s :direction :output :if-exists nil))
((= i 1) (open s :direction :output :if-exists :supersede))
((= i 2) (open s :direction :output :if-exists :append))
((= i 3) (open s :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite))
((= i 4) (open s :direction :output :if-exists :rename)))))
(or f (throw '|FileAlreadyExists|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "FileAlreadyExists")
(the string s))))))
(defattach |sopenout| (s)
"Opens string output stream"
(let ((f (make-string-output-stream)))
(format f s)
(defattach |fclose| (f)
"Closes stream F"
(or (when (typep f 'file-stream)
(close f))
(defattach |fexists| (s)
"Tests if file named S already exists"
(and (probe-file s) t))
(defattach |fopen?| (f)
"Tests if stream F is open"
(open-stream-p f))
(defattach |strstream?| (f)
"Tests if F is a string stream"
(typep f 'string-stream))
(defattach |filestream?| (f)
"Tests if F is a file stream"
(typep f 'file-stream))
(defattach |finput?| (f)
"Tests if F is an input string"
(input-stream-p f))
(defattach |foutput?| (f)
"Tests if F is an output string"
(output-stream-p f))
(defattach |fname_lisp| (f)
"Gets the name of a file stream"
(namestring f))
(defattach |fgetstr_lisp| (f)
"Gets string from string output stream F"
(if (typep f 'string-stream)
(get-output-stream-string f)
(defattach |eof_lisp| (f)
"Tests end of input stream F"
(not (peek-char nil f nil nil)))
(defattach |flength_lisp| (f)
"Length of stream F"
(cond ((typep f 'file-stream) (file-length f))
((typep f 'string-stream)
(nth-value 0 (gethash f *pvsio_length_str_stream*)))
(t 0)))
(defattach |fgetpos_lisp| (f)
"Gets current position of file stream F"
(if (typep f 'file-stream)
(file-position f)
(defattach |fsetpos_lisp| (f n)
"Set current position of file stream F"
(when (typep f 'file-stream)
(cond ((<= n 0) (file-position f :start))
((>= n (file-length f)) (file-position f :end))
(t (file-position f n)))))
(defattach |fprint_lisp| (f s)
"Prints S in stream F"
(not (format f "~a" s)))
(defattach |fread_token_lisp| (f s)
"Reads a token from stream F separated by characters in S"
(format nil "~a" (read-token f s)))
(defattach |fread_line_lisp| (f)
"Reads a line from stream F"
(let ((s (read-line f nil nil)))
(format nil "~a" s)))
(defattach |fread_real_lisp| (f)
"Reads a real number from stream F"
(let ((i (read f nil nil)))
(when i
(if (numberp i) (rationalize i)
(throw '|NotARealNumber|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotARealNumber")
(the string (format nil "~a" i))))))))
(defattach |fread_int_lisp| (f)
"Reads an integer from stream F"
(let ((i (read f nil nil)))
(when i
(if (integerp i) i
(throw '|NotAnInteger|
(pvs2cl_record (the string "NotAnInteger")
(the string (format nil "~a" i))))))))
(defun stdmath-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdmath
(defattach |PI| ()
"Number Pi"
(defattach |SIN| (x)
"Sine of X"
(sin x))
(defattach |COS| (x)
"Cosine of X"
(cos x))
(defattach |EXP| (x)
"Exponential of X"
(exp x))
(defattach |RANDOM| ()
"Real random number in the interval [0..1]"
(random 1.0))
(defattach |NRANDOM| (x)
"Natural random number in the interval [0..X)"
(random x))
(defattach |sqrt_lisp| (x)
"Square root of X"
(sqrt x))
(defattach |log_lisp| (x)
"Logarithm of X"
(if (<= x 0) 0 (log x)))
(defattach |atan_lisp| (x y)
"Arctangent of Y/X"
(atan x y))
(defattach |asin_lisp| (x)
"Arcsine of X"
(asin x))
(defattach |acos_lisp| (x)
"Arccosine of X"
(acos x))
(defstruct indent stack n prefix)
(defun stdindent-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdindent
(defattach |create_indent| (n s)
"Creates an ident structure with indentation N and prefix S"
(make-indent :stack nil :n n :prefix s))
(defattach |pop_indent| (i)
"Pops one element of indent I"
(or (setf (indent-stack i) (cdr (indent-stack i))) t))
(defattach |push_indent| (i n)
"Pushes a N-indentation in indent I"
(setf (indent-stack i)
(cons (+ n (pvsio_stdindent_top_indent_1 i))
(indent-stack i))))
(defattach |top_indent| (i)
"Top of I"
(or (car (indent-stack i)) 0))
(defattach |get_indent| (i)
"Gets current indentation value of indent I"
(indent-n i))
(defattach |set_indent| (i n)
"Sets a new indentation value to indent I"
(setf (indent-n i) n))
(defattach |get_prefix| (i)
"Gets prefix of indent I"
(indent-prefix i))
(defattach |set_prefix| (i s)
"Sets prefix S to indent I"
(setf (indent-prefix i) s))
(defun formatargs (e type)
(cond ((or (stringp e) (numberp e)
(and (atom e) (type-name? type) (equal (id type) '|Blisp|))) e)
((and (listp e)
(type-name? type)
(equal (id type) '|Slisp|))
(let ((ntype (type-value (car (actuals type)))))
(loop for ei in e
collect (formatargs ei ntype))))
(t (cl2pvs e type))))
(defun stdprog-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdprog
(defattach |exit| ()
"Exits the current evaluation and returns to the ground evaluator"
(throw 'abort t))
(defattach |error| (mssg)
"Signals the error message MSSG to the ground evaluator"
(error "~a" mssg))
(defattach |new| ()
"Creates a new mutable variable without any current value"
(cons nil t))
(defattach |ref| (e)
"Creates a mutable variable with a current value E"
(list e))
(defattach |def| (v e)
"Sets to E the value of a mutable variable V"
(when (cdr v) (setf (cdr v) nil))
(setf (car v) e))
(defattach |undef| (v)
"Tests if a mutable variable V is undefined"
(cdr v))
(defattach |val_lisp| (v)
"Gets the current value of a mutable variable V"
(car v))
(defattach |loop_lift| (f)
"Applies F in an infinite loop"
(catch '|*pvsio-loop*|
(loop (pvs-funcall f 0))))
(defattach |return| (e)
"Returns E from an infinite loop"
(throw '|*pvsio-loop*| e))
(defattach |format| (s e)
"Formats expression E using Common Lisp format string S"
(let* ((the-type (pc-typecheck (cadr (types (domain *the-pvs-type*))))))
(if (and (arrayp e)
(tupletype? the-type))
(let* ((the-types (types the-type))
(l (loop for ei across e
for ti in the-types
collect (formatargs ei ti))))
(apply #'format (cons nil (cons s l))))
(apply #'format (cons nil (cons s (list (formatargs e the-type))))))))
(defun stdcatch-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdcatch
(defattach |catch_lift| (tag f1 f2)
"If F1 throws the exception e tagged tag, then evaluates F2(e). Otherwise, returns F1"
(let ((e (catch (makesym tag) (cons '*pvsio-catch* (pvs-funcall f1 0)))))
(if (and (consp e) (eq (car e) '*pvsio-catch*))
(cdr e)
(pvs-funcall f2 e))))
(defattach |throw| (tag e)
"Throws the exception E"
(throw (makesym tag) e))
(defun stdpvs-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdpvs
(defattach |typeof| (e)
"Returns the string value of the type of E"
(let* ((the-domain (domain *the-pvs-type*)))
(format nil "~a" (or (print-type the-domain) the-domain))))
(defattach |str2pvs| (s)
"Translates string S to PVS format"
(eval (pvs2cl (pc-typecheck (pc-parse s 'expr)))))
(defattach |pvs2str_lisp| (e)
"Translates PVS expresion E to a string"
(let* ((the-domain (domain *the-pvs-type*)))
(format nil "~a" (cl2pvs e (pc-typecheck the-domain)))))
(defattach |slisp| (l)
"Returns a s-expression representing list l. To be used exclusively in format functions."
(defun stdpvsio-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdpvsio
(defattach |help_pvs_attachment| (s)
"Displays help for semantic attachment S"
(or (help-pvs-attachment s) t))
(defattach |help_pvs_theory_attachments| (s)
"Displays help for semantic attachments in theory S"
(or (help-pvs-theory-attachments s) t))
(defattach |pvsio_version| ()
"Shows current version of PVSio"
(defattach |set_promptin| (s)
"Change current PVSio input prompt to S"
(when (setq *pvsio-promptin* s) t))
(defattach |set_promptout| (s)
"Change current PVSio output prompt to S"
(when (setq *pvsio-promptout* s) t))
(defun stdsys-attachments ()
(eval '(attachments stdsys
(defattach |get_time| ()
"Gets current system time"
(multiple-value-bind (s mi h d mo y dow dst tz) (get-decoded-time)
(the (simple-array *) (pvs2cl_record d dow dst h mi mo s tz y))))
(defattach |sleep| (n)
"Sleeps n seconds"
(or (sleep n) t))
(defattach |get_env| (name default)
"Gets environment variable NAME. Returns DEFAULT if undefined"
(or (environment-variable (string name)) default))
(defattach |blisp| (b)
"Returns a Boolean lisp expression representing b. To be used exclusively in format functions."
(defun initialize-prelude-attachments ()
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.