cantor_bernstein_schroeder[A,B:Type]: THEORY
% A proof of the Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder Theorem
% for sets
% Author: Anthony Narkawicz April 2012
f : VAR [A->B]
g : VAR [B->A]
hab : VAR [A->B]
hba : VAR [B->A]
preim_B?(f)(b:B): bool = EXISTS (a:A): f(a) = b
preim_A?(g)(a:A): bool = EXISTS (b:B): g(b) = a
Afun(f,g)(a:A)(i:nat): RECURSIVE [A,B] =
IF i = 0 THEN (a,f(a))
ELSE LET bo = Afun(f,g)(a)(i-1)`2 IN
Afundef: LEMMA FORALL (i:nat,aa:A): LET (a,b) = Afun(f,g)(aa)(i) IN
f(a) = b
Afundef2: LEMMA FORALL (i:nat,a:A):
g(Afun(f,g)(a)(i)`2) = Afun(f,g)(a)(i+1)`1
Afuncomp: LEMMA FORALL (i,j:nat,a:A):
Afun(f,g)(Afun(f,g)(a)(i)`1)(j) = Afun(f,g)(a)(i+j)
Afuneq: LEMMA FORALL (i,j:nat,a1,a2:A):
injective?(f) AND injective?(g) AND
(Afun(f,g)(a1)(i)`1 = Afun(f,g)(a2)(j)`1 OR
Afun(f,g)(a1)(i)`2 = Afun(f,g)(a2)(j)`2)
FORALL (k:nat): k<=i AND k<=j IMPLIES
Afun(f,g)(a1)(i-k) = Afun(f,g)(a2)(j-k)
Bfun(f,g)(b:B)(i:nat): RECURSIVE [A,B] =
IF i = 0 THEN
IF (EXISTS (a:A): f(a) = b)
THEN LET a = choose({aa:A|f(aa)=b}) IN (a,b)
ELSE (g(b),b) ENDIF
ELSE LET bo = Bfun(f,g)(b)(i-1)`2 IN
Bfundef: LEMMA FORALL (b:B,i:nat):
g(Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`2) = Bfun(f,g)(b)(i+1)`1
Bfundef2: LEMMA FORALL (b:B,i:posnat):
f(Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`1) = Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`2
Bfuneq: LEMMA FORALL (i,j:nat,b:B):
injective?(f) AND injective?(g) AND
(Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`1 = Bfun(f,g)(b)(j)`1 OR
Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`2 = Bfun(f,g)(b)(j)`2)
FORALL (k:nat): k<i AND k<j IMPLIES
Bfun(f,g)(b)(i-k) = Bfun(f,g)(b)(j-k)
ABfun: LEMMA FORALL (a:A,i:posnat):
Afun(f,g)(a)(i) = Bfun(f,g)(f(a))(i)
BAfun: LEMMA FORALL (b:B,i:nat):
Bfun(f,g)(b)(i+1) = Afun(f,g)(g(b))(i)
ABfuneq: LEMMA FORALL (i,j:nat,b:B,a:A):
injective?(f) AND injective?(g) AND
(Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`1 = Afun(f,g)(a)(j)`1 OR
Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`2 = Afun(f,g)(a)(j)`2)
FORALL (k:nat): k<i AND k<=j IMPLIES
Bfun(f,g)(b)(i-k) = Afun(f,g)(a)(j-k)
ABrel(f,g)(a:A)(b:B): bool =
(EXISTS (i:nat): b = Afun(f,g)(a)(i)`2)
(EXISTS (i:nat): a = Bfun(f,g)(b)(i)`1)
BArel(f,g)(b:B)(a:A): bool = ABrel(f,g)(a)(b)
Arel(f,g)(a1:A)(a2:A): bool =
(EXISTS (i:nat): a1 = Afun(f,g)(a2)(i)`1)
(EXISTS (i:nat): a2 = Afun(f,g)(a1)(i)`1)
Brel(f,g)(b1:B)(b2:B): bool =
(EXISTS (i:nat): b1 = Bfun(f,g)(b2)(i)`2)
(EXISTS (i:nat): b2 = Bfun(f,g)(b1)(i)`2)
% --------------------------- %
% If b has no preimage %
% --------------------------- %
ABrel_Arel_equiv: LEMMA FORALL (b:B,a,aa:A):
(NOT preim_B?(f)(b)) AND ABrel(f,g)(a)(b) AND
Arel(f,g)(a)(aa) AND injective?(f) AND
injective?(g) IMPLIES ABrel(f,g)(aa)(b)
ABrel_Brel_equiv: LEMMA FORALL (b,bb:B,a:A):
(NOT preim_B?(f)(b)) AND ABrel(f,g)(a)(b) AND
Brel(f,g)(b)(bb) AND injective?(f) AND
injective?(g) IMPLIES BArel(f,g)(bb)(a)
Brel_Arel: LEMMA FORALL (b,bb:B):
injective?(g) IMPLIES
(Brel(f,g)(b)(bb) IFF Arel(f,g)(g(b))(g(bb)))
Arel_Brel: LEMMA FORALL (a,aa:A):
injective?(f) IMPLIES
(Arel(f,g)(a)(aa) = Brel(f,g)(f(a))(f(aa)))
ABrel_Brel: LEMMA FORALL (b:B,a:A):
injective?(f) AND injective?(g) IMPLIES
(ABrel(f,g)(a)(b) IFF Brel(f,g)(f(a))(b))
% --------------------------- %
Afununique: LEMMA FORALL (a1,a2:A,i,j:nat):
injective?(f) AND injective?(g) AND
Afun(f,g)(a1)(i) = Afun(f,g)(a2)(j) IMPLIES
af_fun(f,g)(a:A): [(Arel(f,g)(a)) -> (ABrel(f,g)(a))] = (LAMBDA (an:(Arel(f,g)(a))): f(an))
ag_fun(f,g)(a:A): [(ABrel(f,g)(a)) -> (Arel(f,g)(a))] = (LAMBDA (bn:(ABrel(f,g)(a))): g(bn))
aginj: LEMMA FORALL (a:A):
injective?(g) AND injective?(f)
IMPLIES bijective?(ag_fun(f,g)(a))
Arel_union: LEMMA FORALL (a:A): EXISTS (aa:A): Arel(f,g)(aa)(a)
Arel_disjoint: LEMMA FORALL (a1,a2,a:A): Arel(f,g)(a1)(a) AND Arel(f,g)(a2)(a) AND injective?(g) AND injective?(f)
IMPLIES Arel(f,g)(a1) = Arel(f,g)(a2)
Brel_disjoint: LEMMA FORALL (b1,b2,b:B): Brel(f,g)(b1)(b) AND Brel(f,g)(b2)(b) AND injective?(g) AND injective?(f) IMPLIES
Brel(f,g)(b1) = Brel(f,g)(b2)
ABrel_union: LEMMA FORALL (b:B): EXISTS (a:A): ABrel(f,g)(a)(b)
ABrel_disjoint: LEMMA FORALL (a1,a2:A,b:B): ABrel(f,g)(a1)(b) AND ABrel(f,g)(a2)(b) AND injective?(g) AND injective?(f)
IMPLIES ABrel(f,g)(a1) = ABrel(f,g)(a2)
Cantor_Bernstein_Schroeder: LEMMA
injective?(f) AND
injective?(g) IMPLIES
EXISTS (hab): bijective?(hab)
END cantor_bernstein_schroeder
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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