class String is subclass of Sequence
--Conversion functions
static public asInteger: seq of char -> int
asInteger(s) == String`AsIntegerAux(s)(0);
static private AsIntegerAux : seq of char -> int -> int
AsIntegerAux(s)(sum) ==
if s = [] then
AsIntegerAux(tl s)(10 * sum + Character`asDigit(hd s));
-- measure length;
static length : seq of char +> nat
length(s) == len s;
static lengthNil : [seq of char] +> nat
lengthNil(s) == if s = nil then 0 else len s;
--Decision functions
static public isSomeString: (char -> bool) -> seq of char -> bool
isSomeString(f)(s) == forall i in set inds s & f(s(i));
static public isDigits : seq of char -> bool
isDigits(s) == isSomeString(Character`isDigit)(s);
static public isLetters : seq of char -> bool
isLetters(s) == isSomeString(Character`isLetter)(s);
static public isLetterOrDigits : seq of char -> bool
isLetterOrDigits(s) == isSomeString(Character`isLetterOrDigit)(s);
static public isSpaces : [seq of char] -> bool
isSpaces(s) ==isSomeString(lambda c : char & c = ' ' or c = '\t')(s);
static public LT : seq of char * seq of char -> bool
LT(s1, s2) == String`LT2(s1)(s2);
static public LT2 : seq of char -> seq of char -> bool
LT2(s1)(s2) ==
cases mk_(s1,s2):
mk_([],[]) -> false,
mk_([],-) -> true,
mk_(-^-,[]) -> false,
mk_([head1]^tails1,[head2]^tails2) ->
if Character`LT(head1,head2) then
elseif Character`LT(head2,head1) then
String`LT(tails1, tails2)
static public LE : seq of char * seq of char -> bool
LE(s1, s2) == String`LE2(s1)(s2);
static public LE2 : seq of char -> seq of char -> bool
LE2(s1)(s2) == String`LT2(s1)(s2) or s1 = s2;
static public GT : seq of char * seq of char -> bool
GT(s1, s2) == String`GT2(s1)(s2);
static public GT2 : seq of char -> seq of char -> bool
GT2(s1)(s2) == String`LT(s2, s1);
static public GE : seq of char * seq of char -> bool
GE(s1, s2) == String`GE2(s1)(s2);
static public GE2 : seq of char -> seq of char -> bool
GE2(s1)(s2) == not String`LT2(s1)(s2);
static public Index: char -> seq of char -> int
Index(c)(aStr) == Sequence`Index[char](c)(aStr);
static public indexAll : seq of char * char -> set of int
indexAll(aStr,c) == Sequence`IndexAll2[char](c)(aStr);
static public IndexAll2 : char -> seq of char -> set of int
IndexAll2(c)(aStr) == Sequence`IndexAll2[char](c)(aStr);
static public isInclude : seq of char -> seq of char -> bool
isInclude(aStr)(aTargetStr) ==
let indexSet = indexAll(aStr,aTargetStr(1))
in exists i in set indexSet &
SubStr(i)(len aTargetStr)(aStr) = aTargetStr
aTargetStr <> ""
static public subStr :
seq1 of char * nat * nat -> seq of char
subStr(aStr,fromPos,length) == aStr(fromPos,...,fromPos+length-1);
static public SubStr : nat -> nat -> seq1 of char -> seq of char
SubStr(fromPos)(length)(aStr) == aStr(fromPos,...,fromPos+length-1);
static public GetToken : seq of char * set of char -> seq of char
GetToken(s, aDelimitterSet) ==
TakeWhile[char](lambda c : char & c not in set aDelimitterSet)(s);
static public DropToken : seq of char * set of char -> seq of char
DropToken(s, aDelimitterSet) ==
DropWhile[char](lambda c : char & c not in set aDelimitterSet)(s);
static public getLines : seq of char -> seq of seq of char
getLines(s) ==
static public getLinesAux : seq of char -> seq of seq of char -> seq of seq of char
getLinesAux(s)(line) ==
if s = [] then
let wDelimitterSet = {'\n'},
wHeadLine = GetToken(s, wDelimitterSet),
wTailStringCandidate = DropToken(s, wDelimitterSet),
wTailString =
if wTailStringCandidate <> [] and hd wTailStringCandidate = '\n' then tl wTailStringCandidate
else wTailStringCandidate
getLinesAux(wTailString)(line ^ [wHeadLine]);
--measure length;
static public index: seq of char * char ==> int
index(aStr,c) == (
for i = 1 to len aStr do
if aStr(i) = c then return i;
return 0
static public subStrFill :
seq of char * nat * nat * char ==> seq of char
subStrFill(aStr,fromPos,length, fillChar) ==
let lastPos = fromPos+length-1
in (
dcl aResult : seq of char := "";
for i = fromPos to lastPos do (
if i <= len aStr then
aResult := aResult ^ [aStr(i)]
aResult := aResult ^ [fillChar]
return aResult
fromPos > 0 and length >= 0;
end String
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