class DoSort is subclass of Sorter
public Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(l) ==
return DoSorting(l)
DoSorting: seq of int -> seq of int
DoSorting(l) ==
if l = [] then
let sorted = DoSorting (tl l) in
InsertSorted (hd l, sorted)
measure Len;
InsertSorted: int * seq of int -> seq of int
InsertSorted(i,l) ==
cases true :
(l = []) -> [i],
(i <= hd l) -> [i] ^ l,
others -> [hd l] ^ InsertSorted(i,tl l)
measure Len;
Len: seq of int -> nat
Len(list) ==
len list;
Len: int * seq of int -> nat
Len(-,list) ==
len list
end DoSort
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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