class TestResult
instance variables
failures : seq of TestCase := []
public AddFailure: TestCase ==> ()
AddFailure (ptst) == failures := failures ^ [ptst];
public Print: seq of char ==> ()
Print (pstr) ==
-- include IO.vpp from the VDMTools distribution (stdlib directory)
-- if you are getting a type error while checking this specification
def - = new IO().echo(pstr ^ "\n") in skip;
public Show: () ==> ()
Show () ==
if failures = [] then
Print ("No failures detected")
for failure in failures do
Print (failure.GetName() ^ " failed")
end TestResult
¤ Diese beiden folgenden Angebotsgruppen bietet das Unternehmen0.8Angebot
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Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse