(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Values
(** {6 Interactive visit of a vo} *)
let max_string_length = 1024
let rec read_num max =
let quit () =
Printf.printf "\nGoodbye!\n%!";
exit 0 in
Printf.printf "# %!";
let l = try read_line () with End_of_file -> quit () in
if l = "u" then None
else if l = "x" then quit ()
match int_of_string l with
| v ->
if v < 0 || v >= max then
let () =
Printf.printf "Out-of-range input! (only %d children)\n%!" max in
read_num max
else Some v
| exception Failure _ ->
Printf.printf "Unrecognized input! enters the -th child, u goes up 1 level, x exits\n%!";
read_num max
type 'a repr =
| INT of int
| STRING of string
| BLOCK of int * 'a array
module type S =
type obj
val input : in_channel -> obj
val repr : obj -> obj repr
val size : obj -> int
val oid : obj -> int option
module ReprObj : S =
type obj = Obj.t * int list
let input chan =
let obj = input_value chan in
let () = CObj.register_shared_size obj in
(obj, [])
let repr (obj, pos) =
if Obj.is_block obj then
let tag = Obj.tag obj in
if tag = Obj.string_tag then STRING (Obj.magic obj)
else if tag < Obj.no_scan_tag then
let init i = (Obj.field obj i, i :: pos) in
let data = Array.init (Obj.size obj) init in
BLOCK (tag, Obj.magic data)
else OTHER
else INT (Obj.magic obj)
let size (_, p) = CObj.shared_size_of_pos p
let oid _ = None
module ReprMem : S =
open Analyze
type obj = data
let memory = ref LargeArray.empty
let sizes = ref LargeArray.empty
(** size, in words *)
let ws = Sys.word_size / 8
let rec init_size seen k = function
| Int _ | Atm _ | Fun _ -> k 0
| Ptr p ->
if LargeArray.get seen p then k 0
let () = LargeArray.set seen p true in
match LargeArray.get !memory p with
| Struct (tag, os) ->
let len = Array.length os in
let rec fold i accu k =
if i == len then k accu
init_size seen (fun n -> fold (succ i) (accu + 1 + n) k) os.(i)
fold 0 1 (fun size -> let () = LargeArray.set !sizes p size in k size)
| Int63 _ -> k 0
| String s ->
let size = 2 + (String.length s / ws) in
let () = LargeArray.set !sizes p size in
k size
let size = function
| Int _ | Atm _ | Fun _ -> 0
| Ptr p -> LargeArray.get !sizes p
let repr = function
| Int i -> INT i
| Atm t -> BLOCK (t, [||])
| Fun _ -> OTHER
| Ptr p ->
match LargeArray.get !memory p with
| Struct (tag, os) -> BLOCK (tag, os)
| Int63 _ -> OTHER (* TODO: pretty-print int63 values *)
| String s -> STRING s
let input ch =
let obj, mem = parse_channel ch in
let () = memory := mem in
let () = sizes := LargeArray.make (LargeArray.length mem) (-1) in
let seen = LargeArray.make (LargeArray.length mem) false in
let () = init_size seen ignore obj in
let oid = function
| Int _ | Atm _ | Fun _ -> None
| Ptr p -> Some p
module Visit (Repr : S) :
val init : unit -> unit
val visit : Values.value -> Repr.obj -> int list -> unit
end =
(** Name of a value *)
let rec get_name ?(extra=false) = function
|Any -> "?"
|Fail s -> "Invalid node: "^s
|Tuple (name,_) -> name
|Sum (name,_,_) -> name
|Array v -> "array"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "")
|List v -> "list"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "")
|Opt v -> "option"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "")
|Int -> "int"
|String -> "string"
|Annot (s,v) -> s^"/"^get_name ~extra v
|Dyn -> ""
| Proxy v -> get_name ~extra !v
| Uint63 -> "Uint63"
(** For tuples, its quite handy to display the inner 1st string (if any).
Cf. [structure_body] for instance *)
exception TupleString of string
let get_string_in_tuple o =
for i = 0 to Array.length o - 1 do
match Repr.repr o.(i) with
| STRING s ->
let len = min max_string_length (String.length s) in
raise (TupleString (Printf.sprintf " [..%s..]" (String.sub s 0 len)))
| _ -> ()
with TupleString s -> s
(** Some details : tags, integer value for non-block, etc etc *)
let rec get_details v o = match v, Repr.repr o with
| (String | Any), STRING s ->
let len = min max_string_length (String.length s) in
Printf.sprintf " [%s]" (String.escaped (String.sub s 0 len))
|Tuple (_,v), BLOCK (_, o) -> get_string_in_tuple o
|(Sum _|Any), BLOCK (tag, _) ->
Printf.sprintf " [tag=%i]" tag
|(Sum _|Any), INT i ->
Printf.sprintf " [imm=%i]" i
|Int, INT i -> Printf.sprintf " [imm=%i]" i
|Annot (s,v), _ -> get_details v o
|_ -> ""
let get_oid obj = match Repr.oid obj with
| None -> ""
| Some id -> Printf.sprintf " [0x%08x]" id
let node_info (v,o,p) =
get_name ~extra:true v ^ get_details v o ^
" (size "^ string_of_int (Repr.size o)^"w)" ^ get_oid o
(** Children of a block : type, object, position.
For lists, we collect all elements of the list at once *)
let access_children vs os pos =
if Array.length os = Array.length vs then
Array.mapi (fun i v -> v, os.(i), i::pos) vs
else raise Exit
let access_list v o pos =
let rec loop o pos accu = match Repr.repr o with
| INT 0 -> List.rev accu
| BLOCK (0, [|hd; tl|]) ->
loop tl (1 :: pos) ((v, hd, 0 :: pos) :: accu)
| _ -> raise Exit
Array.of_list (loop o pos [])
let access_block o = match Repr.repr o with
| BLOCK (tag, os) -> (tag, os)
| _ -> raise Exit
(** raises Exit if the object has not the expected structure *)
exception Forbidden
let rec get_children v o pos = match v with
|Tuple (_, v) ->
let (_, os) = access_block o in
access_children v os pos
|Sum (_, _, vv) ->
begin match Repr.repr o with
| BLOCK (tag, os) -> access_children vv.(tag) os pos
| INT _ -> [||]
| _ -> raise Exit
|Array v ->
let (_, os) = access_block o in
access_children (Array.make (Array.length os) v) os pos
|List v -> access_list v o pos
|Opt v ->
begin match Repr.repr o with
| INT 0 -> [||]
| BLOCK (0, [|x|]) -> [|(v, x, 0 :: pos)|]
| _ -> raise Exit
| String ->
begin match Repr.repr o with
| STRING _ -> [||]
| _ -> raise Exit
| Int ->
begin match Repr.repr o with
| INT _ -> [||]
| _ -> raise Exit
|Annot (s,v) -> get_children v o pos
|Any -> raise Exit
|Dyn ->
begin match Repr.repr o with
| BLOCK (0, [|id; o|]) ->
let tpe = Any in
[|(Int, id, 0 :: pos); (tpe, o, 1 :: pos)|]
| _ -> raise Exit
|Fail s -> raise Forbidden
| Proxy v -> get_children !v o pos
| Uint63 -> raise Exit
let get_children v o pos =
try get_children v o pos
with Exit -> match Repr.repr o with
| BLOCK (_, os) -> Array.mapi (fun i o -> Any, o, i :: pos) os
| _ -> [||]
type info = {
nam : string;
typ : value;
obj : Repr.obj;
pos : int list
let stk = ref ([] : info list)
let init () = stk := []
let push name v o p = stk := { nam = name; typ = v; obj = o; pos = p } :: !stk
exception EmptyStack
let pop () = match !stk with
| i::s -> stk := s; i
| _ -> raise EmptyStack
let rec visit v o pos =
Printf.printf "\nDepth %d Pos %s Context %s\n"
(List.length !stk)
(String.concat "." (List.rev_map string_of_int pos))
(String.concat "/" (List.rev_map (fun i -> i.nam) !stk));
Printf.printf "-------------\n";
let children = get_children v o pos in
let nchild = Array.length children in
Printf.printf "Here: %s, %d child%s\n"
(node_info (v,o,pos)) nchild (if nchild = 0 then "" else "ren:");
(fun i vop -> Printf.printf " %d: %s\n" i (node_info vop))
Printf.printf "-------------\n";
match read_num (Array.length children) with
| None -> let info = pop () in visit info.typ info.obj info.pos
| Some child ->
let v',o',pos' = children.(child) in
push (get_name v) v o pos;
visit v' o' pos'
| EmptyStack -> ()
| Forbidden -> let info = pop () in visit info.typ info.obj info.pos
| Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> visit v o pos
(** Loading the vo *)
type header = {
magic : string;
(** Magic number of the marshaller *)
length : int;
(** Size on disk in bytes *)
size32 : int;
(** Size in words when loaded on 32-bit systems *)
size64 : int;
(** Size in words when loaded on 64-bit systems *)
objects : int;
(** Number of blocks defined in the marshalled structure *)
let dummy_header = {
magic = "\000\000\000\000";
length = 0;
size32 = 0;
size64 = 0;
objects = 0;
let parse_header chan =
let magic = really_input_string chan 4 in
let length = input_binary_int chan in
let objects = input_binary_int chan in
let size32 = input_binary_int chan in
let size64 = input_binary_int chan in
{ magic; length; size32; size64; objects }
type segment = {
name : string;
mutable pos : int;
typ : Values.value;
mutable header : header;
let make_seg name typ = { name; typ; pos = 0; header = dummy_header }
let visit_vo f =
Printf.printf "\nWelcome to votour !\n";
Printf.printf "Enjoy your guided tour of a Coq .vo or .vi file\n";
Printf.printf "Object sizes are in words (%d bits)\n" Sys.word_size;
"At prompt, enters the -th child, u goes up 1 level, x exits\n\n%!";
let segments = [|
make_seg "summary" Values.v_libsum;
make_seg "library" Values.v_lib;
make_seg "univ constraints of opaque proofs" Values.v_univopaques;
make_seg "discharging info" (Opt Any);
make_seg "STM tasks" (Opt Values.v_stm_seg);
make_seg "opaque proofs" Values.v_opaques;
|] in
let repr =
if Sys.word_size = 64 then (module ReprMem : S) else (module ReprObj : S)
(* On 32-bit machines, representation may exceed the max size of arrays *)
let module Repr = (val repr : S) in
let module Visit = Visit(Repr) in
while true do
let ch = open_in_bin f in
let magic = input_binary_int ch in
Printf.printf "File format: %d\n%!" magic;
for i=0 to Array.length segments - 1 do
let pos = input_binary_int ch in
segments.(i).pos <- pos_in ch;
let header = parse_header ch in
segments.(i).header <- header;
seek_in ch pos;
ignore(Digest.input ch);
Printf.printf "The file has %d segments, choose the one to visit:\n"
(Array.length segments);
Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos; header } ->
let size = if Sys.word_size = 64 then header.size64 else header.size32 in
Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d (size %iw)\n" i name pos size)
match read_num (Array.length segments) with
| Some seg ->
seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos;
let o = Repr.input ch in
let () = Visit.init () in
Visit.visit segments.(seg).typ o []
| None -> ()
let () =
if not !Sys.interactive then
Arg.parse [] visit_vo
("votour: guided tour of a Coq .vo or .vi file\n"^
"Usage: votour file.v[oi]")
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.2 Sekunden
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