(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Ideutils
open Session
open Preferences
open GdkKeysyms
open Printf
let eprintf x =
if !Flags.debug then Printf.eprintf x else Printf.ifprintf stderr x
type gui = {
notebook : session Wg_Notebook.typed_notebook;
action_groups : GAction.action_group list;
let actiong gui name = List.find (fun ag -> ag#name = name) gui.action_groups
let ct gui = gui.notebook#current_term
let get_sel b = b#selection_bounds
let sel_nonempty b = let i, j = get_sel b in not (i#equal j)
let get_sel_txt b = let i, j = get_sel b in i#get_text ~stop:j
type status = { move : int option; kill : (string * bool) option; sel: bool }
let pr_status { move; kill; sel } =
let move = Option.cata (fun i -> string_of_int i) "" move in
let kill = Option.cata (fun (s,b) -> sprintf "kill(%b) %S" b s) "" kill in
let sel = string_of_bool sel in
Printf.sprintf "{ move: %s; kill: %s; sel: %s }" move kill sel
let pr_key t =
let kv = GdkEvent.Key.keyval t in
let str = GdkEvent.Key.string t in
let str_of_mod = function
| `MOD1 -> "MOD1" | `MOD2 -> "MOD2" | `MOD3 -> "MOD3" | `MOD4 -> "MOD4"
| `MOD5 -> "MOD5" | `BUTTON1 -> "BUTTON1" | `BUTTON2 -> "BUTTON2"
| `SUPER -> "SUPER" | `HYPER -> "HYPER" | `META -> "META"
let mods = String.concat " " (List.map str_of_mod (GdkEvent.Key.state t)) in
Printf.sprintf "'%s' (%d, %s)" str kv mods
type action =
| Action of string * string
| Callback of (gui -> unit)
| Edit of (status -> GSourceView3.source_buffer -> GText.iter ->
(string -> string -> unit) -> status)
| Motion of (status -> GText.iter -> GText.iter * status)
type 'c entry = {
mods : Gdk.Tags.modifier list;
key : Gdk.keysym;
keyname : string;
doc : string;
contents : 'c
let mC = [`CONTROL]
let mM =
if Coq_config.arch = "Darwin" then
(* We add both MOD2 and META because both are
returned when pressing Command on MacOS X *)
let mod_of t x =
let y = GdkEvent.Key.state t in
List.for_all (fun m -> List.mem m y) x &&
List.for_all (fun m -> List.mem m x) y
let pr_keymod l =
if l = mC then
if l = mM then
if Coq_config.arch = "Darwin" then "Ctrl-Cmd-" else "Meta-"
let mkE ?(mods=mC) key keyname doc ?(alias=[]) contents =
List.map (fun (mods, key, keyname) -> { mods; key; keyname; doc; contents })
((mods, key, keyname)::alias)
type keypaths = Step of action entry list * keypaths entry list
let print_keypaths kps =
let rec aux prefix (Step (l, konts)) =
String.concat "\n" (
(List.map (fun x ->
prefix ^ pr_keymod x.mods ^ x.keyname ^ " " ^ x.doc ) l) @
(List.map (fun x ->
aux (prefix^pr_keymod x.mods^x.keyname^" ") x.contents) konts)) in
aux " " kps
let empty = Step([],[])
let frontier (Step(l1,l2)) =
List.map (fun x -> pr_keymod x.mods ^ x.keyname) l1 @
List.map (fun x -> pr_keymod x.mods ^ x.keyname) l2
let insert kps name enter_syms bindings =
let rec aux kps enter_syms =
match enter_syms, kps with
| [], Step (el, konts) -> Step (List.flatten bindings @ el, konts)
| (mods, key, keyname)::gs, Step (el, konts) ->
if List.exists (fun { key = k; mods = m } -> key = k && mods = m) konts
let konts =
(fun ({ key = k; contents } as x) ->
if key <> k then x else { x with contents = aux contents gs })
konts in
let kont =
{ mods; key; keyname; doc = name; contents = aux empty gs } in
Step(el, kont::konts) in
aux kps enter_syms
let run_action gui group name =
((actiong gui group)#get_action name)#activate ()
let run key gui action status =
match action with
| Callback f -> f gui; status
| Action(group, name) -> run_action gui group name; status
| Edit f ->
let b = (ct gui).script#source_buffer in
let i = b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
let status = f status b i (run_action gui) in
if not status.sel then
b#place_cursor ~where:(b#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND);
| Motion f ->
let b, script = (ct gui).script#source_buffer, (ct gui).script in
let sel_mode = status.sel || List.mem `SHIFT (GdkEvent.Key.state key) in
let i =
if sel_mode then b#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND
else b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
let where, status = f status i in
let sel_mode = status.sel || List.mem `SHIFT (GdkEvent.Key.state key) in
if sel_mode then (b#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where; script#scroll_mark_onscreen `SEL_BOUND)
else (b#place_cursor ~where; script#scroll_mark_onscreen `INSERT);
let emacs = empty
let emacs = insert emacs "Emacs" [] [
(* motion *)
mkE _e "e" "Move to end of line" (Motion(fun s i ->
(if not i#ends_line then i#forward_to_line_end else i),
{ s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _Right "->" "Move to end of buffer" (Motion(fun s i ->
{ s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _Left "<-" "Move to start of buffer" (Motion(fun s i ->
let buffer = new GText.buffer i#buffer in
{ s with move = None }));
mkE _a "a" "Move to beginning of line" (Motion(fun s i ->
(i#set_line_offset 0), { s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _e "e" "Move to end of sentence" (Motion(fun s i ->
i#forward_sentence_end, { s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _a "a" "Move to beginning of sentence" (Motion(fun s i ->
i#backward_sentence_start, { s with move = None }));
mkE _n "n" "Move to next line" (Motion(fun s i ->
let orig_off = Option.default i#line_offset s.move in
let i = i#forward_line in
let new_off = min (i#chars_in_line - 1) orig_off in
(if new_off > 0 then i#set_line_offset new_off else i),
{ s with move = Some orig_off }));
mkE _p "p" "Move to previous line" (Motion(fun s i ->
let orig_off = Option.default i#line_offset s.move in
let i = i#backward_line in
let new_off = min (i#chars_in_line - 1) orig_off in
(if new_off > 0 then i#set_line_offset new_off else i),
{ s with move = Some orig_off }));
mkE _f "f" "Forward char" ~alias:[[],_Right,"RIGHT"]
(Motion(fun s i -> i#forward_char, { s with move = None }));
mkE _b "b" "Backward char" ~alias:[[],_Left,"LEFT"]
(Motion(fun s i -> i#backward_char, { s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _f "f" "Forward word" ~alias:[mC,_Right,"RIGHT"]
(Motion(fun s i -> i#forward_word_end, { s with move = None }));
mkE ~mods:mM _b "b" "Backward word" ~alias:[mC,_Left,"LEFT"]
(Motion(fun s i -> i#backward_word_start, { s with move = None }));
mkE _space "SPC" "Set mark" ~alias:[mC,_at,"@"] (Motion(fun s i ->
if s.sel = false then i, { s with sel = true }
else i, { s with sel = false } ));
(* edits *)
mkE ~mods:mM _w "w" "Copy selected region" (Edit(fun s b i run ->
if sel_nonempty b then
let txt = get_sel_txt b in
run "Edit" "Copy";
{ s with kill = Some(txt,false); sel = false }
else s));
mkE _w "w" "Kill selected region" (Edit(fun s b i run ->
if sel_nonempty b then
let txt = get_sel_txt b in
run "Edit" "Cut";
{ s with kill = Some(txt,false); sel = false }
else s));
mkE _k "k" "Kill until the end of line" (Edit(fun s b i _ ->
let already_killed = match s.kill with Some (k,true) -> k | _ -> "" in
let k =
if i#ends_line then begin
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_char; "\n"
end else begin
let k = b#get_text ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_to_line_end () in
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_to_line_end; k
end in
{ s with kill = Some (already_killed ^ k,true) }));
mkE ~mods:mM _d "d" "Kill next word" (Edit(fun s b i _ ->
let already_killed = match s.kill with Some (k,true) -> k | _ -> "" in
let k =
let k = b#get_text ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_word_end () in
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_word_end; k in
{ s with kill = Some (already_killed ^ k,true) }));
mkE ~mods:mM _k "k" "Kill until sentence end" (Edit(fun s b i _ ->
let already_killed = match s.kill with Some (k,true) -> k | _ -> "" in
let k =
let k = b#get_text ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_sentence_end () in
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_sentence_end; k in
{ s with kill = Some (already_killed ^ k,true) }));
mkE ~mods:mM _BackSpace "DELBACK" "Kill word before cursor"
(Edit(fun s b i _ ->
let already_killed = match s.kill with Some (k,true) -> k | _ -> "" in
let k =
let k = b#get_text ~start:i ~stop:i#backward_word_start () in
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#backward_word_start; k in
{ s with kill = Some (already_killed ^ k,true) }));
mkE _d "d" "Delete next character" (Edit(fun s b i _ ->
b#delete ~start:i ~stop:i#forward_char; s));
mkE _y "y" "Yank killed text back " (Edit(fun s b i _ ->
let k, s = match s.kill with
| Some (k,_) -> k, { s with kill = Some (k,false) }
| _ -> "", s in
b#insert ~iter:i k;
(* misc *)
mkE _underscore "_" "Undo" (Action("Edit", "Undo"));
mkE _g "g" "Esc" (Callback(fun gui -> (ct gui).finder#hide ()));
mkE _s "s" "Search" (Callback(fun gui ->
if (ct gui).finder#coerce#misc#visible
then run_action gui "Edit" "Find Next"
else run_action gui "Edit" "Find"));
mkE _s "r" "Search backward" (Callback(fun gui ->
if (ct gui).finder#coerce#misc#visible
then run_action gui "Edit" "Find Previous"
else run_action gui "Edit" "Find"));
let emacs = insert emacs "Emacs" [mC,_x,"x"] [
mkE _s "s" "Save" (Action("File", "Save"));
mkE _c "c" "Quit" (Action("File", "Quit"));
mkE _f "f" "Open" (Action("File", "Open"));
mkE ~mods:[] _u "u" "Undo" (Action("Edit", "Undo"));
let pg = insert emacs "Proof General" [mC,_c,"c"] [
mkE _Return "RET" "Go to" (Action("Navigation", "Go to"));
mkE _n "n" "Advance 1 sentence" (Action("Navigation", "Forward"));
mkE _u "u" "Retract 1 sentence" (Action("Navigation", "Backward"));
mkE _b "b" "Advance" (Action("Navigation", "End"));
mkE _r "r" "Restart" (Action("Navigation", "Start"));
mkE _c "c" "Stop" (Action("Navigation", "Interrupt"));
let command gui c =
let command = (ct gui).command in
let script = (ct gui).script in
let term =
let i, j = script#source_buffer#selection_bounds in
if i#equal j then None
else Some (script#buffer#get_text ~start:i ~stop:j ()) in
command#new_query ~command:c ?term ()
let pg = insert pg "Proof General" [mC,_c,"c"; mC,_a,"a"] [
mkE _p "p" "Print" (Callback (fun gui -> command gui "Print"));
mkE _c "c" "Check" (Callback (fun gui -> command gui "Check"));
mkE _b "b" "About" (Callback (fun gui -> command gui "About"));
mkE _a "a" "Search About" (Callback (fun gui -> command gui "SearchAbout"));
mkE _o "o" "Search Pattern" (Callback (fun gui->command gui "SearchPattern"));
mkE _l "l" "Locate" (Callback (fun gui -> command gui "Locate"));
mkE _Return "RET" "match template" (Action("Templates","match"));
let empty = { sel = false; kill = None; move = None }
let find gui (Step(here,konts)) t =
(* hack: ^c does copy in clipboard *)
let sel_nonempty () = sel_nonempty (ct gui).script#source_buffer in
let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval t in
if k = _x && mod_of t mC && sel_nonempty () then
ignore(run t gui (Action("Edit","Cut")) empty)
if k = _c && mod_of t mC && sel_nonempty () then
ignore(run t gui (Action("Edit","Copy")) empty);
let cmp { key; mods } = key = k && mod_of t mods in
try `Do (List.find cmp here) with Not_found ->
try `Cont (List.find cmp konts).contents with Not_found -> `NotFound
let init w nb ags =
let gui = { notebook = nb; action_groups = ags } in
let cur = ref pg in
let status = ref empty in
let reset () = eprintf "reset\n%!"; cur := pg in
ignore(w#event#connect#key_press ~callback:(fun t ->
let on_current_term f =
let term = try Some nb#current_term with Invalid_argument _ -> None in
match term with None -> false | Some t -> f t
on_current_term (fun x ->
if x.script#misc#get_property "has-focus" <> `BOOL true
then false
else begin
eprintf "got key %s\n%!" (pr_key t);
if microPG#get then begin
match find gui !cur t with
| `Do e ->
eprintf "run (%s) %s on %s\n%!" e.keyname e.doc (pr_status !status);
status := run t gui e.contents !status; reset (); true
| `Cont c ->
flash_info ("Waiting one of " ^ String.concat " " (frontier c));
cur := c; true
| `NotFound -> reset (); false
end else false
ignore(w#event#connect#button_press ~callback:(fun t -> reset (); false))
let get_documentation () =
"Chars, words, lines and sentences below pertain to standard unicode segmentation rules\n" ^
print_keypaths pg
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.