* Xml Light, an small Xml parser/printer with DTD support.
* Copyright (C) 2003 Nicolas Cannasse ([email protected])
* Copyright (C) 2003 Jacques Garrigue
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
open Printf
open Xml_datatype
type xml = Xml_datatype.xml
type error_pos = {
eline : int;
eline_start : int;
emin : int;
emax : int;
type error_msg =
| UnterminatedComment
| UnterminatedString
| UnterminatedEntity
| IdentExpected
| CloseExpected
| NodeExpected
| AttributeNameExpected
| AttributeValueExpected
| EndOfTagExpected of string
| EOFExpected
| Empty
type error = error_msg * error_pos
exception Error of error
exception File_not_found of string
type t = {
mutable check_eof : bool;
mutable concat_pcdata : bool;
source : Lexing.lexbuf;
stack : Xml_lexer.token Stack.t;
type source =
| SChannel of in_channel
| SString of string
| SLexbuf of Lexing.lexbuf
exception Internal_error of error_msg
exception NoMoreData
let xml_error = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let file_not_found = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let is_blank s =
let len = String.length s in
let break = ref true in
let i = ref 0 in
while !break && !i < len do
let c = s.[!i] in
(* no '\r' because we replaced them in the lexer *)
if c = ' ' || c = '\n' || c = '\t' then incr i
else break := false
!i = len
let _raises e f =
xml_error := e;
file_not_found := f
let make source =
let source = match source with
| SChannel chan -> Lexing.from_channel chan
| SString s -> Lexing.from_string s
| SLexbuf lexbuf -> lexbuf
let () = Xml_lexer.init source in
check_eof = false;
concat_pcdata = true;
source = source;
stack = Stack.create ();
let check_eof p v = p.check_eof <- v
let pop s =
Stack.pop s.stack
Stack.Empty ->
Xml_lexer.token s.source
let push t s =
Stack.push t s.stack
let canonicalize l =
let has_elt = List.exists (function Element _ -> true | _ -> false) l in
if has_elt then List.filter (function PCData s -> not (is_blank s) | _ -> true) l
else l
let rec read_xml do_not_canonicalize s =
let rec read_node s =
match pop s with
| Xml_lexer.PCData s -> PCData s
| Xml_lexer.Tag (tag, attr, true) -> Element (tag, attr, [])
| Xml_lexer.Tag (tag, attr, false) ->
let elements = read_elems tag s in
let elements =
if do_not_canonicalize then elements else canonicalize elements
Element (tag, attr, elements)
| t ->
push t s;
raise NoMoreData
and read_elems tag s =
let elems = ref [] in
while true do
let node = read_node s in
match node, !elems with
| PCData c , (PCData c2) :: q ->
elems := PCData (c2 ^ c) :: q
| _, l ->
elems := node :: l
NoMoreData -> ());
match pop s with
| Xml_lexer.Endtag s when s = tag -> List.rev !elems
| t -> raise (Internal_error (EndOfTagExpected tag))
match read_node s with
| (Element _) as node ->
| PCData c ->
if is_blank c then
read_xml do_not_canonicalize s
raise (Xml_lexer.Error Xml_lexer.ENodeExpected)
let convert = function
| Xml_lexer.EUnterminatedComment -> UnterminatedComment
| Xml_lexer.EUnterminatedString -> UnterminatedString
| Xml_lexer.EIdentExpected -> IdentExpected
| Xml_lexer.ECloseExpected -> CloseExpected
| Xml_lexer.ENodeExpected -> NodeExpected
| Xml_lexer.EAttributeNameExpected -> AttributeNameExpected
| Xml_lexer.EAttributeValueExpected -> AttributeValueExpected
| Xml_lexer.EUnterminatedEntity -> UnterminatedEntity
let error_of_exn xparser = function
| NoMoreData when pop xparser = Xml_lexer.Eof -> Empty
| NoMoreData -> NodeExpected
| Internal_error e -> e
| Xml_lexer.Error e -> convert e
| e ->
(*let e = Errors.push e in: We do not record backtrace here. *)
raise e
let do_parse do_not_canonicalize xparser =
Xml_lexer.init xparser.source;
let x = read_xml do_not_canonicalize xparser in
if xparser.check_eof && pop xparser <> Xml_lexer.Eof then raise (Internal_error EOFExpected);
Xml_lexer.close ();
with any ->
Xml_lexer.close ();
raise (!xml_error (error_of_exn xparser any) xparser.source)
let parse ?(do_not_canonicalize=false) p =
do_parse do_not_canonicalize p
let error_msg = function
| UnterminatedComment -> "Unterminated comment"
| UnterminatedString -> "Unterminated string"
| UnterminatedEntity -> "Unterminated entity"
| IdentExpected -> "Ident expected"
| CloseExpected -> "Element close expected"
| NodeExpected -> "Xml node expected"
| AttributeNameExpected -> "Attribute name expected"
| AttributeValueExpected -> "Attribute value expected"
| EndOfTagExpected tag -> sprintf "End of tag expected : '%s'" tag
| EOFExpected -> "End of file expected"
| Empty -> "Empty"
let error (msg,pos) =
if pos.emin = pos.emax then
sprintf "%s line %d character %d" (error_msg msg) pos.eline
(pos.emin - pos.eline_start)
sprintf "%s line %d characters %d-%d" (error_msg msg) pos.eline
(pos.emin - pos.eline_start) (pos.emax - pos.eline_start)
let line e = e.eline
let range e =
e.emin - e.eline_start , e.emax - e.eline_start
let abs_range e =
e.emin , e.emax
let pos source =
let line, lstart, min, max = Xml_lexer.pos source in
eline = line;
eline_start = lstart;
emin = min;
emax = max;
let () = _raises (fun x p ->
(* local cast : Xml.error_msg -> error_msg *)
Error (x, pos p))
(fun f -> File_not_found f)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.