(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Created by Bruno Barras with Benjamin Werner's account to implement
a call-by-value conversion algorithm and a lazy reduction machine
with sharing, Nov 1996 *)
(* Addition of zeta-reduction (let-in contraction) by Hugo Herbelin, Oct 2000 *)
(* Call-by-value machine moved to cbv.ml, Mar 01 *)
(* Additional tools for module subtyping by Jacek Chrzaszcz, Aug 2002 *)
(* Extension with closure optimization by Bruno Barras, Aug 2003 *)
(* Support for evar reduction by Bruno Barras, Feb 2009 *)
(* Miscellaneous other improvements by Bruno Barras, 1997-2009 *)
(* This file implements a lazy reduction for the Calculus of Inductive
Constructions *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+4"]
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Constr
open Declarations
open Context
open Environ
open Vars
open Esubst
let stats = ref false
(* Profiling *)
let beta = ref 0
let delta = ref 0
let eta = ref 0
let zeta = ref 0
let evar = ref 0
let nb_match = ref 0
let fix = ref 0
let cofix = ref 0
let prune = ref 0
let reset () =
beta := 0; delta := 0; zeta := 0; evar := 0; nb_match := 0; fix := 0;
cofix := 0; evar := 0; prune := 0
let stop() =
Feedback.msg_debug (str "[Reds: beta=" ++ int !beta ++ str" delta=" ++ int !delta ++
str " eta=" ++ int !eta ++ str" zeta=" ++ int !zeta ++ str" evar=" ++
int !evar ++ str" match=" ++ int !nb_match ++ str" fix=" ++ int !fix ++
str " cofix=" ++ int !cofix ++ str" prune=" ++ int !prune ++
let incr_cnt red cnt =
if red then begin
if !stats then incr cnt;
end else
let with_stats c =
if !stats then begin
let r = Lazy.force c in
end else
Lazy.force c
let all_opaque = TransparentState.empty
let all_transparent = TransparentState.full
module type RedFlagsSig = sig
type reds
type red_kind
val fBETA : red_kind
val fDELTA : red_kind
val fETA : red_kind
val fMATCH : red_kind
val fFIX : red_kind
val fCOFIX : red_kind
val fZETA : red_kind
val fCONST : Constant.t -> red_kind
val fVAR : Id.t -> red_kind
val no_red : reds
val red_add : reds -> red_kind -> reds
val red_sub : reds -> red_kind -> reds
val red_add_transparent : reds -> TransparentState.t -> reds
val red_transparent : reds -> TransparentState.t
val mkflags : red_kind list -> reds
val red_set : reds -> red_kind -> bool
val red_projection : reds -> Projection.t -> bool
module RedFlags : RedFlagsSig = struct
(* [r_const=(true,cl)] means all constants but those in [cl] *)
(* [r_const=(false,cl)] means only those in [cl] *)
(* [r_delta=true] just mean [r_const=(true,[])] *)
open TransparentState
type reds = {
r_beta : bool;
r_delta : bool;
r_eta : bool;
r_const : TransparentState.t;
r_zeta : bool;
r_match : bool;
r_fix : bool;
r_cofix : bool }
type red_kind = BETA | DELTA | ETA | MATCH | FIX
| CONST of Constant.t | VAR of Id.t
let fBETA = BETA
let fETA = ETA
let fFIX = FIX
let fZETA = ZETA
let fCONST kn = CONST kn
let fVAR id = VAR id
let no_red = {
r_beta = false;
r_delta = false;
r_eta = false;
r_const = all_opaque;
r_zeta = false;
r_match = false;
r_fix = false;
r_cofix = false }
let red_add red = function
| BETA -> { red with r_beta = true }
| ETA -> { red with r_eta = true }
| DELTA -> { red with r_delta = true; r_const = all_transparent }
| CONST kn ->
let r = red.r_const in
{ red with r_const = { r with tr_cst = Cpred.add kn r.tr_cst } }
| MATCH -> { red with r_match = true }
| FIX -> { red with r_fix = true }
| COFIX -> { red with r_cofix = true }
| ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = true }
| VAR id ->
let r = red.r_const in
{ red with r_const = { r with tr_var = Id.Pred.add id r.tr_var } }
let red_sub red = function
| BETA -> { red with r_beta = false }
| ETA -> { red with r_eta = false }
| DELTA -> { red with r_delta = false }
| CONST kn ->
let r = red.r_const in
{ red with r_const = { r with tr_cst = Cpred.remove kn r.tr_cst } }
| MATCH -> { red with r_match = false }
| FIX -> { red with r_fix = false }
| COFIX -> { red with r_cofix = false }
| ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = false }
| VAR id ->
let r = red.r_const in
{ red with r_const = { r with tr_var = Id.Pred.remove id r.tr_var } }
let red_transparent red = red.r_const
let red_add_transparent red tr =
{ red with r_const = tr }
let mkflags = List.fold_left red_add no_red
let red_set red = function
| BETA -> incr_cnt red.r_beta beta
| ETA -> incr_cnt red.r_eta eta
| CONST kn ->
let c = is_transparent_constant red.r_const kn in
incr_cnt c delta
| VAR id -> (* En attendant d'avoir des kn pour les Var *)
let c = is_transparent_variable red.r_const id in
incr_cnt c delta
| ZETA -> incr_cnt red.r_zeta zeta
| MATCH -> incr_cnt red.r_match nb_match
| FIX -> incr_cnt red.r_fix fix
| COFIX -> incr_cnt red.r_cofix cofix
| DELTA -> (* Used for Rel/Var defined in context *)
incr_cnt red.r_delta delta
let red_projection red p =
if Projection.unfolded p then true
else red_set red (fCONST (Projection.constant p))
open RedFlags
let all = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fZETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
let allnolet = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
let beta = mkflags [fBETA]
let betadeltazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fZETA]
let betaiota = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
let betaiotazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
let betazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fZETA]
let delta = mkflags [fDELTA]
let zeta = mkflags [fZETA]
let nored = no_red
(* Removing fZETA for finer behaviour would break many developments *)
let unfold_side_flags = [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
let unfold_side_red = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
let unfold_red kn =
let flag = match kn with
| EvalVarRef id -> fVAR id
| EvalConstRef kn -> fCONST kn in
mkflags (flag::unfold_side_flags)
(* Flags of reduction and cache of constants: 'a is a type that may be
* mapped to constr. 'a infos implements a cache for constants and
* abstractions, storing a representation (of type 'a) of the body of
* this constant or abstraction.
* * i_tab is the cache table of the results
* ref_value_cache searches in the tab, otherwise uses i_repr to
* compute the result and store it in the table. If the constant can't
* be unfolded, returns None, but does not store this failure. * This
* doesn't take the RESET into account. You mustn't keep such a table
* after a Reset. * This type is not exported. Only its two
* instantiations (cbv or lazy) are.
type table_key = Constant.t Univ.puniverses tableKey
let eq_pconstant_key (c,u) (c',u') =
eq_constant_key c c' && Univ.Instance.equal u u'
module IdKeyHash =
open Hashset.Combine
type t = table_key
let equal = Names.eq_table_key eq_pconstant_key
let hash = function
| ConstKey (c, _) -> combinesmall 1 (Constant.UserOrd.hash c)
| VarKey id -> combinesmall 2 (Id.hash id)
| RelKey i -> combinesmall 3 (Int.hash i)
module KeyTable = Hashtbl.Make(IdKeyHash)
open Context.Named.Declaration
let assoc_defined id env = match Environ.lookup_named id env with
| LocalDef (_, c, _) -> c
| LocalAssum _ -> raise Not_found
(* Lazy reduction: the one used in kernel operations *)
(* type of shared terms. fconstr and frterm are mutually recursive.
* Clone of the constr structure, but completely mutable, and
* annotated with reduction state (reducible or not).
* - FLIFT is a delayed shift; allows sharing between 2 lifted copies
* of a given term.
* - FCLOS is a delayed substitution applied to a constr
* - FLOCKED is used to erase the content of a reference that must
* be updated. This is to allow the garbage collector to work
* before the term is computed.
(* Norm means the term is fully normalized and cannot create a redex
when substituted
Cstr means the term is in head normal form and that it can
create a redex when substituted (i.e. constructor, fix, lambda)
Whnf means we reached the head normal form and that it cannot
create a redex when substituted
Red is used for terms that might be reduced
type red_state = Norm | Cstr | Whnf | Red
let neutr = function
| Whnf|Norm -> Whnf
| Red|Cstr -> Red
type optrel = Unknown | KnownR | KnownI
let opt_of_rel = function
| Sorts.Relevant -> KnownR
| Sorts.Irrelevant -> KnownI
module Mark : sig
type t
val mark : red_state -> optrel -> t
val relevance : t -> optrel
val red_state : t -> red_state
val neutr : t -> t
val set_norm : t -> t
end = struct
type t = int
let[@inline] of_state = function
| Norm -> 0b00 | Cstr -> 0b01 | Whnf -> 0b10 | Red -> 0b11
let[@inline] of_relevance = function
| Unknown -> 0
| KnownR -> 0b01
| KnownI -> 0b10
let[@inline] mark state relevance = (of_state state) * 4 + (of_relevance relevance)
let[@inline] relevance x = match x land 0b11 with
| 0b00 -> Unknown
| 0b01 -> KnownR
| 0b10 -> KnownI
| _ -> assert false
let[@inline] red_state x = match x land 0b1100 with
| 0b0000 -> Norm
| 0b0100 -> Cstr
| 0b1000 -> Whnf
| 0b1100 -> Red
| _ -> assert false
let[@inline] neutr x = x lor 0b1000 (* Whnf|Norm -> Whnf | Red|Cstr -> Red *)
let[@inline] set_norm x = x land 0b0011
let mark = Mark.mark
type fconstr = {
mutable mark : Mark.t;
mutable term: fterm;
and fterm =
| FRel of int
| FAtom of constr (* Metas and Sorts *)
| FFlex of table_key
| FInd of pinductive
| FConstruct of pconstructor
| FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
| FProj of Projection.t * fconstr
| FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCaseT of case_info * constr * fconstr * constr array * fconstr subs (* predicate and branches are closures *)
| FLambda of int * (Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr) list * constr * fconstr subs
| FProd of Name.t Context.binder_annot * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
| FLetIn of Name.t Context.binder_annot * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
| FEvar of existential * fconstr subs
| FInt of Uint63.t
| FLIFT of int * fconstr
| FCLOS of constr * fconstr subs
let fterm_of v = v.term
let set_norm v = v.mark <- Mark.set_norm v.mark
let is_val v = match Mark.red_state v.mark with Norm -> true | Cstr | Whnf | Red -> false
let mk_atom c = {mark=mark Norm Unknown;term=FAtom c}
let mk_red f = {mark=mark Red Unknown;term=f}
(* Could issue a warning if no is still Red, pointing out that we loose
sharing. *)
let update ~share v1 mark t =
if share then
(v1.mark <- mark;
v1.term <- t;
else {mark;term=t;}
(** Reduction cache *)
type infos_cache = {
i_env : env;
i_sigma : existential -> constr option;
i_share : bool;
type clos_infos = {
i_flags : reds;
i_cache : infos_cache }
type clos_tab = fconstr constant_def KeyTable.t
let info_flags info = info.i_flags
let info_env info = info.i_cache.i_env
(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
type 'a next_native_args = (CPrimitives.arg_kind * 'a) list
type stack_member =
| Zapp of fconstr array
| ZcaseT of case_info * constr * constr array * fconstr subs
| Zproj of Projection.Repr.t
| Zfix of fconstr * stack
| Zprimitive of CPrimitives.t * pconstant * fconstr list * fconstr next_native_args
(* operator, constr def, arguments already seen (in rev order), next arguments *)
| Zshift of int
| Zupdate of fconstr
and stack = stack_member list
let empty_stack = []
let append_stack v s =
if Int.equal (Array.length v) 0 then s else
match s with
| Zapp l :: s -> Zapp (Array.append v l) :: s
| (ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zshift _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | [] ->
Zapp v :: s
(* Collapse the shifts in the stack *)
let zshift n s =
match (n,s) with
(0,_) -> s
| (_,Zshift(k)::s) -> Zshift(n+k)::s
| (_,(ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zapp _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _) :: _) | _,[] -> Zshift(n)::s
let rec stack_args_size = function
| Zapp v :: s -> Array.length v + stack_args_size s
| Zshift(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
| Zupdate(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
| (ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | [] -> 0
(* Lifting. Preserves sharing (useful only for cell with norm=Red).
lft_fconstr always create a new cell, while lift_fconstr avoids it
when the lift is 0. *)
let rec lft_fconstr n ft =
let r = Mark.relevance ft.mark in
match ft.term with
| (FInd _|FConstruct _|FFlex(ConstKey _|VarKey _)|FInt _) -> ft
| FRel i -> {mark=mark Norm r;term=FRel(i+n)}
| FLambda(k,tys,f,e) -> {mark=mark Cstr r; term=FLambda(k,tys,f,subs_shft(n,e))}
| FFix(fx,e) ->
{mark=mark Cstr r; term=FFix(fx,subs_shft(n,e))}
| FCoFix(cfx,e) ->
{mark=mark Cstr r; term=FCoFix(cfx,subs_shft(n,e))}
| FLIFT(k,m) -> lft_fconstr (n+k) m
| FLOCKED -> assert false
| FFlex (RelKey _) | FAtom _ | FApp _ | FProj _ | FCaseT _ | FProd _
| FLetIn _ | FEvar _ | FCLOS _ -> {mark=ft.mark; term=FLIFT(n,ft)}
let lift_fconstr k f =
if Int.equal k 0 then f else lft_fconstr k f
let lift_fconstr_vect k v =
if Int.equal k 0 then v else Array.Fun1.map lft_fconstr k v
let clos_rel e i =
match expand_rel i e with
| Inl(n,mt) -> lift_fconstr n mt
| Inr(k,None) -> {mark=mark Norm Unknown; term= FRel k}
| Inr(k,Some p) ->
lift_fconstr (k-p) {mark=mark Red Unknown;term=FFlex(RelKey p)}
(* since the head may be reducible, we might introduce lifts of 0 *)
let compact_stack head stk =
let rec strip_rec depth = function
| Zshift(k)::s -> strip_rec (depth+k) s
| Zupdate(m)::s ->
(* Be sure to create a new cell otherwise sharing would be
lost by the update operation *)
let h' = lft_fconstr depth head in
(** The stack contains [Zupdate] marks only if in sharing mode *)
let _ = update ~share:true m h'.mark h'.term in
strip_rec depth s
| ((ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zapp _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | []) as stk -> zshift depth stk
strip_rec 0 stk
(* Put an update mark in the stack, only if needed *)
let zupdate info m s =
let share = info.i_cache.i_share in
if share && begin match Mark.red_state m.mark with Red -> true | Norm | Whnf | Cstr -> false end
let s' = compact_stack m s in
let _ = m.term <- FLOCKED in
else s
let mk_lambda env t =
let (rvars,t') = Term.decompose_lam t in
FLambda(List.length rvars, List.rev rvars, t', env)
let destFLambda clos_fun t =
match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] t.term with
FLambda(_,[(na,ty)],b,e) -> (na,clos_fun e ty,clos_fun (subs_lift e) b)
| FLambda(n,(na,ty)::tys,b,e) ->
(na,clos_fun e ty,{mark=t.mark;term=FLambda(n-1,tys,b,subs_lift e)})
| _ -> assert false
(* t must be a FLambda and binding list cannot be empty *)
(* Optimization: do not enclose variables in a closure.
Makes variable access much faster *)
let mk_clos e t =
match kind t with
| Rel i -> clos_rel e i
| Var x -> {mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FFlex (VarKey x) }
| Const c -> {mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FFlex (ConstKey c) }
| Meta _ | Sort _ -> {mark = mark Norm KnownR; term = FAtom t }
| Ind kn -> {mark = mark Norm KnownR; term = FInd kn }
| Construct kn -> {mark = mark Cstr Unknown; term = FConstruct kn }
| Int i -> {mark = mark Cstr Unknown; term = FInt i}
| (CoFix _|Lambda _|Fix _|Prod _|Evar _|App _|Case _|Cast _|LetIn _|Proj _) ->
{mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FCLOS(t,e)}
let inject c = mk_clos (subs_id 0) c
(** Hand-unrolling of the map function to bypass the call to the generic array
allocation *)
let mk_clos_vect env v = match v with
| [||] -> [||]
| [|v0|] -> [|mk_clos env v0|]
| [|v0; v1|] -> [|mk_clos env v0; mk_clos env v1|]
| [|v0; v1; v2|] -> [|mk_clos env v0; mk_clos env v1; mk_clos env v2|]
| [|v0; v1; v2; v3|] ->
[|mk_clos env v0; mk_clos env v1; mk_clos env v2; mk_clos env v3|]
| v -> Array.Fun1.map mk_clos env v
let ref_value_cache ({ i_cache = cache; _ }) tab ref =
KeyTable.find tab ref
with Not_found ->
let v =
let body =
match ref with
| RelKey n ->
let open! Context.Rel.Declaration in
let i = n - 1 in
let (d, _) =
try Range.get cache.i_env.env_rel_context.env_rel_map i
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Not_found
begin match d with
| LocalAssum _ -> raise Not_found
| LocalDef (_, t, _) -> lift n t
| VarKey id -> assoc_defined id cache.i_env
| ConstKey cst -> constant_value_in cache.i_env cst
Def (inject body)
| NotEvaluableConst (IsPrimitive op) (* Const *) -> Primitive op
| Not_found (* List.assoc *)
| NotEvaluableConst _ (* Const *)
-> Undef None
KeyTable.add tab ref v; v
(* The inverse of mk_clos: move back to constr *)
let rec to_constr lfts v =
match v.term with
| FRel i -> mkRel (reloc_rel i lfts)
| FFlex (RelKey p) -> mkRel (reloc_rel p lfts)
| FFlex (VarKey x) -> mkVar x
| FAtom c -> exliftn lfts c
| FFlex (ConstKey op) -> mkConstU op
| FInd op -> mkIndU op
| FConstruct op -> mkConstructU op
| FCaseT (ci,p,c,ve,env) ->
if is_subs_id env && is_lift_id lfts then
mkCase (ci, p, to_constr lfts c, ve)
let subs = comp_subs lfts env in
mkCase (ci, subst_constr subs p,
to_constr lfts c,
Array.map (fun b -> subst_constr subs b) ve)
| FFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)) as fx, e) ->
if is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts then
mkFix fx
let n = Array.length bds in
let subs_ty = comp_subs lfts e in
let subs_bd = comp_subs (el_liftn n lfts) (subs_liftn n e) in
let tys = Array.Fun1.map subst_constr subs_ty tys in
let bds = Array.Fun1.map subst_constr subs_bd bds in
mkFix (op, (lna, tys, bds))
| FCoFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)) as cfx, e) ->
if is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts then
mkCoFix cfx
let n = Array.length bds in
let subs_ty = comp_subs lfts e in
let subs_bd = comp_subs (el_liftn n lfts) (subs_liftn n e) in
let tys = Array.Fun1.map subst_constr subs_ty tys in
let bds = Array.Fun1.map subst_constr subs_bd bds in
mkCoFix (op, (lna, tys, bds))
| FApp (f,ve) ->
mkApp (to_constr lfts f,
Array.Fun1.map to_constr lfts ve)
| FProj (p,c) ->
mkProj (p,to_constr lfts c)
| FLambda (len, tys, f, e) ->
if is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts then
Term.compose_lam (List.rev tys) f
let subs = comp_subs lfts e in
let tys = List.mapi (fun i (na, c) -> na, subst_constr (subs_liftn i subs) c) tys in
let f = subst_constr (subs_liftn len subs) f in
Term.compose_lam (List.rev tys) f
| FProd (n, t, c, e) ->
if is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts then
mkProd (n, to_constr lfts t, c)
let subs' = comp_subs lfts e in
mkProd (n, to_constr lfts t, subst_constr (subs_lift subs') c)
| FLetIn (n,b,t,f,e) ->
let subs = comp_subs (el_lift lfts) (subs_lift e) in
mkLetIn (n, to_constr lfts b,
to_constr lfts t,
subst_constr subs f)
| FEvar ((ev,args),env) ->
let subs = comp_subs lfts env in
mkEvar(ev,Array.map (fun a -> subst_constr subs a) args)
| FLIFT (k,a) -> to_constr (el_shft k lfts) a
| FInt i ->
Constr.mkInt i
| FCLOS (t,env) ->
if is_subs_id env && is_lift_id lfts then t
let subs = comp_subs lfts env in
subst_constr subs t
| FLOCKED -> assert false (*mkVar(Id.of_string"_LOCK_")*)
and subst_constr subst c = match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] Constr.kind c with
| Rel i ->
begin match expand_rel i subst with
| Inl (k, lazy v) -> Vars.lift k v
| Inr (m, _) -> mkRel m
| _ ->
Constr.map_with_binders Esubst.subs_lift subst_constr subst c
and comp_subs el s =
Esubst.lift_subst (fun el c -> lazy (to_constr el c)) el s
(* This function defines the correspondence between constr and
fconstr. When we find a closure whose substitution is the identity,
then we directly return the constr to avoid possibly huge
reallocation. *)
let term_of_fconstr c = to_constr el_id c
(* fstrong applies unfreeze_fun recursively on the (freeze) term and
* yields a term. Assumes that the unfreeze_fun never returns a
* FCLOS term.
let rec fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts v =
to_constr (fstrong unfreeze_fun) lfts (unfreeze_fun v)
let rec zip m stk =
match stk with
| [] -> m
| Zapp args :: s -> zip {mark=Mark.neutr m.mark; term=FApp(m, args)} s
| ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::s ->
let t = FCaseT(ci, p, m, br, e) in
let mark = mark (neutr (Mark.red_state m.mark)) Unknown in
zip {mark; term=t} s
| Zproj p :: s ->
let mark = mark (neutr (Mark.red_state m.mark)) Unknown in
zip {mark; term=FProj(Projection.make p true,m)} s
| Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
zip fx (par @ append_stack [|m|] s)
| Zshift(n)::s ->
zip (lift_fconstr n m) s
| Zupdate(rf)::s ->
(** The stack contains [Zupdate] marks only if in sharing mode *)
zip (update ~share:true rf m.mark m.term) s
| Zprimitive(_op,c,rargs,kargs)::s ->
let args = List.rev_append rargs (m::List.map snd kargs) in
let f = {mark = mark Red Unknown;term = FFlex (ConstKey c)} in
zip {mark=mark (neutr (Mark.red_state m.mark)) KnownR; term = FApp (f, Array.of_list args)} s
let fapp_stack (m,stk) = zip m stk
(* The assertions in the functions below are granted because they are
called only when m is a constructor, a cofix
(strip_update_shift_app), a fix (get_nth_arg) or an abstraction
(strip_update_shift, through get_arg). *)
(* optimised for the case where there are no shifts... *)
let strip_update_shift_app_red head stk =
let rec strip_rec rstk h depth = function
| Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) s
| (Zapp args :: s) ->
strip_rec (Zapp args :: rstk)
{mark=h.mark;term=FApp(h,args)} depth s
| Zupdate(m)::s ->
(** The stack contains [Zupdate] marks only if in sharing mode *)
strip_rec rstk (update ~share:true m h.mark h.term) depth s
| ((ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | []) as stk ->
(depth,List.rev rstk, stk)
strip_rec [] head 0 stk
let strip_update_shift_app head stack =
assert (match Mark.red_state head.mark with Red -> false | Norm | Cstr | Whnf -> true);
strip_update_shift_app_red head stack
let get_nth_arg head n stk =
assert (match Mark.red_state head.mark with Red -> false | Norm | Cstr | Whnf -> true);
let rec strip_rec rstk h n = function
| Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) n s
| Zapp args::s' ->
let q = Array.length args in
if n >= q
strip_rec (Zapp args::rstk) {mark=h.mark;term=FApp(h,args)} (n-q) s'
let bef = Array.sub args 0 n in
let aft = Array.sub args (n+1) (q-n-1) in
let stk' =
List.rev (if Int.equal n 0 then rstk else (Zapp bef :: rstk)) in
(Some (stk', args.(n)), append_stack aft s')
| Zupdate(m)::s ->
(** The stack contains [Zupdate] mark only if in sharing mode *)
strip_rec rstk (update ~share:true m h.mark h.term) n s
| ((ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | []) as s -> (None, List.rev rstk @ s) in
strip_rec [] head n stk
(* Beta reduction: look for an applied argument in the stack.
Since the encountered update marks are removed, h must be a whnf *)
let rec get_args n tys f e = function
| Zupdate r :: s ->
(** The stack contains [Zupdate] mark only if in sharing mode *)
let _hd = update ~share:true r (mark Cstr (Mark.relevance r.mark)) (FLambda(n,tys,f,e)) in
get_args n tys f e s
| Zshift k :: s ->
get_args n tys f (subs_shft (k,e)) s
| Zapp l :: s ->
let na = Array.length l in
if n == na then (Inl (subs_cons(l,e)),s)
else if n < na then (* more arguments *)
let args = Array.sub l 0 n in
let eargs = Array.sub l n (na-n) in
(Inl (subs_cons(args,e)), Zapp eargs :: s)
else (* more lambdas *)
let etys = List.skipn na tys in
get_args (n-na) etys f (subs_cons(l,e)) s
| ((ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | []) as stk ->
(Inr {mark=mark Cstr Unknown;term=FLambda(n,tys,f,e)}, stk)
(* Eta expansion: add a reference to implicit surrounding lambda at end of stack *)
let rec eta_expand_stack = function
| (Zapp _ | Zfix _ | ZcaseT _ | Zproj _
| Zshift _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _ as e) :: s ->
e :: eta_expand_stack s
| [] ->
[Zshift 1; Zapp [|{mark=mark Norm Unknown; term= FRel 1}|]]
(* Get the arguments of a native operator *)
let rec skip_native_args rargs nargs =
match nargs with
| (kd, a) :: nargs' ->
if kd = CPrimitives.Kwhnf then rargs, nargs
else skip_native_args (a::rargs) nargs'
| [] -> rargs, []
let get_native_args op c stk =
let kargs = CPrimitives.kind op in
let rec get_args rnargs kargs args =
match kargs, args with
| kd::kargs, a::args -> get_args ((kd,a)::rnargs) kargs args
| _, _ -> rnargs, kargs, args in
let rec strip_rec rnargs h depth kargs = function
| Zshift k :: s ->
strip_rec (List.map (fun (kd,f) -> kd,lift_fconstr k f) rnargs)
(lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) kargs s
| Zapp args :: s' ->
begin match get_args rnargs kargs (Array.to_list args) with
| rnargs, [], [] ->
(skip_native_args [] (List.rev rnargs), s')
| rnargs, [], eargs ->
(skip_native_args [] (List.rev rnargs),
Zapp (Array.of_list eargs) :: s')
| rnargs, kargs, _ ->
strip_rec rnargs {mark = h.mark;term=FApp(h, args)} depth kargs s'
| Zupdate(m) :: s ->
strip_rec rnargs (update ~share:true m h.mark h.term) depth kargs s
| (Zprimitive _ | ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _) :: _ | [] -> assert false
in strip_rec [] {mark = mark Red Unknown;term = FFlex(ConstKey c)} 0 kargs stk
let get_native_args1 op c stk =
match get_native_args op c stk with
| ((rargs, (kd,a):: nargs), stk) ->
assert (kd = CPrimitives.Kwhnf);
(rargs, a, nargs, stk)
| _ -> assert false
let check_native_args op stk =
let nargs = CPrimitives.arity op in
let rargs = stack_args_size stk in
nargs <= rargs
(* Iota reduction: extract the arguments to be passed to the Case
branches *)
let rec reloc_rargs_rec depth = function
| Zapp args :: s ->
Zapp (lift_fconstr_vect depth args) :: reloc_rargs_rec depth s
| Zshift(k)::s -> if Int.equal k depth then s else reloc_rargs_rec (depth-k) s
| ((ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | []) as stk -> stk
let reloc_rargs depth stk =
if Int.equal depth 0 then stk else reloc_rargs_rec depth stk
let rec try_drop_parameters depth n = function
| Zapp args::s ->
let q = Array.length args in
if n > q then try_drop_parameters depth (n-q) s
else if Int.equal n q then reloc_rargs depth s
let aft = Array.sub args n (q-n) in
reloc_rargs depth (append_stack aft s)
| Zshift(k)::s -> try_drop_parameters (depth-k) n s
| [] ->
if Int.equal n 0 then []
else raise Not_found
| (ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ -> assert false
(* strip_update_shift_app only produces Zapp and Zshift items *)
let drop_parameters depth n argstk =
try try_drop_parameters depth n argstk
with Not_found ->
(* we know that n < stack_args_size(argstk) (if well-typed term) *)
anomaly (Pp.str "ill-typed term: found a match on a partially applied constructor.")
(** [eta_expand_ind_stack env ind c s t] computes stacks corresponding
to the conversion of the eta expansion of t, considered as an inhabitant
of ind, and the Constructor c of this inductive type applied to arguments
@assumes [t] is an irreducible term, and not a constructor. [ind] is the inductive
of the constructor term [c]
@raise Not_found if the inductive is not a primitive record, or if the
constructor is partially applied.
let eta_expand_ind_stack env ind m s (f, s') =
let open Declarations in
let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env in
(* disallow eta-exp for non-primitive records *)
if not (mib.mind_finite == BiFinite) then raise Not_found;
match Declareops.inductive_make_projections ind mib with
| Some projs ->
(* (Construct, pars1 .. parsm :: arg1...argn :: []) ~= (f, s') ->
arg1..argn ~= (proj1 t...projn t) where t = zip (f,s') *)
let pars = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
let right = fapp_stack (f, s') in
let (depth, args, _s) = strip_update_shift_app m s in
(** Try to drop the params, might fail on partially applied constructors. *)
let argss = try_drop_parameters depth pars args in
let hstack = Array.map (fun p ->
{ mark = mark Red Unknown; (* right can't be a constructor though *)
term = FProj (Projection.make p true, right) })
argss, [Zapp hstack]
| None -> raise Not_found (* disallow eta-exp for non-primitive records *)
let rec project_nth_arg n = function
| Zapp args :: s ->
let q = Array.length args in
if n >= q then project_nth_arg (n - q) s
else (* n < q *) args.(n)
| (ZcaseT _ | Zproj _ | Zfix _ | Zupdate _ | Zshift _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | [] -> assert false
(* After drop_parameters we have a purely applicative stack *)
(* Iota reduction: expansion of a fixpoint.
* Given a fixpoint and a substitution, returns the corresponding
* fixpoint body, and the substitution in which it should be
* evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies
* FCLOS(fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1}, S)
* -> (S. FCLOS(F0,S) . ... . FCLOS(Fn-1,S), Ti)
(* does not deal with FLIFT *)
let contract_fix_vect fix =
let (thisbody, make_body, env, nfix) =
match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] fix with
| FFix (((reci,i),(nas,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
(fun j -> { mark = mark Cstr (opt_of_rel nas.(j).binder_relevance);
term = FFix (((reci,j),rdcl),env) }),
env, Array.length bds)
| FCoFix ((i,(nas,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
(fun j -> { mark = mark Cstr (opt_of_rel nas.(j).binder_relevance);
term = FCoFix ((j,rdcl),env) }),
env, Array.length bds)
| _ -> assert false
(subs_cons(Array.init nfix make_body, env), thisbody)
let unfold_projection info p =
if red_projection info.i_flags p
Some (Zproj (Projection.repr p))
else None
(* A machine that inspects the head of a term until it finds an
atom or a subterm that may produce a redex (abstraction,
constructor, cofix, letin, constant), or a neutral term (product,
inductive) *)
let rec knh info m stk =
match m.term with
| FLIFT(k,a) -> knh info a (zshift k stk)
| FCLOS(t,e) -> knht info e t (zupdate info m stk)
| FLOCKED -> assert false
| FApp(a,b) -> knh info a (append_stack b (zupdate info m stk))
| FCaseT(ci,p,t,br,e) -> knh info t (ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::zupdate info m stk)
| FFix(((ri,n),_),_) ->
(match get_nth_arg m ri.(n) stk with
(Some(pars,arg),stk') -> knh info arg (Zfix(m,pars)::stk')
| (None, stk') -> (m,stk'))
| FProj (p,c) ->
(match unfold_projection info p with
| None -> (m, stk)
| Some s -> knh info c (s :: zupdate info m stk))
(* cases where knh stops *)
| (FFlex _|FLetIn _|FConstruct _|FEvar _|
FCoFix _|FLambda _|FRel _|FAtom _|FInd _|FProd _|FInt _) ->
(m, stk)
(* The same for pure terms *)
and knht info e t stk =
match kind t with
| App(a,b) ->
knht info e a (append_stack (mk_clos_vect e b) stk)
| Case(ci,p,t,br) ->
knht info e t (ZcaseT(ci, p, br, e)::stk)
| Fix fx -> knh info { mark = mark Cstr Unknown; term = FFix (fx, e) } stk
| Cast(a,_,_) -> knht info e a stk
| Rel n -> knh info (clos_rel e n) stk
| Proj (p, c) -> knh info { mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FProj (p, mk_clos e c) } stk
| (Ind _|Const _|Construct _|Var _|Meta _ | Sort _ | Int _) -> (mk_clos e t, stk)
| CoFix cfx -> { mark = mark Cstr Unknown; term = FCoFix (cfx,e) }, stk
| Lambda _ -> { mark = mark Cstr Unknown; term = mk_lambda e t }, stk
| Prod (n, t, c) ->
{ mark = mark Whnf KnownR; term = FProd (n, mk_clos e t, c, e) }, stk
| LetIn (n,b,t,c) ->
{ mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FLetIn (n, mk_clos e b, mk_clos e t, c, e) }, stk
| Evar ev -> { mark = mark Red Unknown; term = FEvar (ev, e) }, stk
let inject c = mk_clos (subs_id 0) c
(* Reduction of Native operators *)
open Primred
module FNativeEntries =
type elem = fconstr
type args = fconstr array
type evd = unit
let get = Array.get
let get_int () e =
match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] e.term with
| FInt i -> i
| _ -> raise Primred.NativeDestKO
let dummy = {mark = mark Norm KnownR; term = FRel 0}
let current_retro = ref Retroknowledge.empty
let defined_int = ref false
let fint = ref dummy
let init_int retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_int63 with
| Some c ->
defined_int := true;
fint := { mark = mark Norm KnownR; term = FFlex (ConstKey (Univ.in_punivs c)) }
| None -> defined_int := false
let defined_bool = ref false
let ftrue = ref dummy
let ffalse = ref dummy
let init_bool retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_bool with
| Some (ct,cf) ->
defined_bool := true;
ftrue := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs ct) };
ffalse := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs cf) }
| None -> defined_bool :=false
let defined_carry = ref false
let fC0 = ref dummy
let fC1 = ref dummy
let init_carry retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_carry with
| Some(c0,c1) ->
defined_carry := true;
fC0 := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs c0) };
fC1 := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs c1) }
| None -> defined_carry := false
let defined_pair = ref false
let fPair = ref dummy
let init_pair retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_pair with
| Some c ->
defined_pair := true;
fPair := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs c) }
| None -> defined_pair := false
let defined_cmp = ref false
let fEq = ref dummy
let fLt = ref dummy
let fGt = ref dummy
let init_cmp retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_cmp with
| Some (cEq, cLt, cGt) ->
defined_cmp := true;
fEq := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs cEq) };
fLt := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs cLt) };
fGt := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs cGt) }
| None -> defined_cmp := false
let defined_refl = ref false
let frefl = ref dummy
let init_refl retro =
match retro.Retroknowledge.retro_refl with
| Some crefl ->
defined_refl := true;
frefl := { mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FConstruct (Univ.in_punivs crefl) }
| None -> defined_refl := false
let init env =
current_retro := env.retroknowledge;
init_int !current_retro;
init_bool !current_retro;
init_carry !current_retro;
init_pair !current_retro;
init_cmp !current_retro;
init_refl !current_retro
let check_env env =
if not (!current_retro == env.retroknowledge) then init env
let check_int env =
check_env env;
assert (!defined_int)
let check_bool env =
check_env env;
assert (!defined_bool)
let check_carry env =
check_env env;
assert (!defined_carry && !defined_int)
let check_pair env =
check_env env;
assert (!defined_pair && !defined_int)
let check_cmp env =
check_env env;
assert (!defined_cmp)
let mkInt env i =
check_int env;
{ mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FInt i }
let mkBool env b =
check_bool env;
if b then !ftrue else !ffalse
let mkCarry env b e =
check_carry env;
{mark = mark Cstr KnownR;
term = FApp ((if b then !fC1 else !fC0),[|!fint;e|])}
let mkIntPair env e1 e2 =
check_pair env;
{ mark = mark Cstr KnownR; term = FApp(!fPair, [|!fint;!fint;e1;e2|]) }
let mkLt env =
check_cmp env;
let mkEq env =
check_cmp env;
let mkGt env =
check_cmp env;
module FredNative = RedNative(FNativeEntries)
(* Computes a weak head normal form from the result of knh. *)
let rec knr info tab m stk =
match m.term with
| FLambda(n,tys,f,e) when red_set info.i_flags fBETA ->
(match get_args n tys f e stk with
Inl e', s -> knit info tab e' f s
| Inr lam, s -> (lam,s))
| FFlex(ConstKey (kn,_ as c)) when red_set info.i_flags (fCONST kn) ->
(match ref_value_cache info tab (ConstKey c) with
| Def v -> kni info tab v stk
| Primitive op when check_native_args op stk ->
let rargs, a, nargs, stk = get_native_args1 op c stk in
kni info tab a (Zprimitive(op,c,rargs,nargs)::stk)
| Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ | Primitive _ -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
| FFlex(VarKey id) when red_set info.i_flags (fVAR id) ->
(match ref_value_cache info tab (VarKey id) with
| Def v -> kni info tab v stk
| Primitive _ -> assert false
| OpaqueDef _ | Undef _ -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
| FFlex(RelKey k) when red_set info.i_flags fDELTA ->
(match ref_value_cache info tab (RelKey k) with
| Def v -> kni info tab v stk
| Primitive _ -> assert false
| OpaqueDef _ | Undef _ -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
| FConstruct((_ind,c),_u) ->
let use_match = red_set info.i_flags fMATCH in
let use_fix = red_set info.i_flags fFIX in
if use_match || use_fix then
(match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] strip_update_shift_app m stk with
| (depth, args, ZcaseT(ci,_,br,e)::s) when use_match ->
assert (ci.ci_npar>=0);
let rargs = drop_parameters depth ci.ci_npar args in
knit info tab e br.(c-1) (rargs@s)
| (_, cargs, Zfix(fx,par)::s) when use_fix ->
let rarg = fapp_stack(m,cargs) in
let stk' = par @ append_stack [|rarg|] s in
let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect fx.term in
knit info tab fxe fxbd stk'
| (depth, args, Zproj p::s) when use_match ->
let rargs = drop_parameters depth (Projection.Repr.npars p) args in
let rarg = project_nth_arg (Projection.Repr.arg p) rargs in
kni info tab rarg s
| (_,args,s) -> (m,args@s))
else (m,stk)
| FCoFix _ when red_set info.i_flags fCOFIX ->
(match strip_update_shift_app m stk with
| (_, args, (((ZcaseT _|Zproj _)::_) as stk')) ->
let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect m.term in
knit info tab fxe fxbd (args@stk')
| (_,args, ((Zapp _ | Zfix _ | Zshift _ | Zupdate _ | Zprimitive _) :: _ | [] as s)) -> (m,args@s))
| FLetIn (_,v,_,bd,e) when red_set info.i_flags fZETA ->
knit info tab (subs_cons([|v|],e)) bd stk
| FEvar(ev,env) ->
(match info.i_cache.i_sigma ev with
Some c -> knit info tab env c stk
| None -> (m,stk))
| FInt _ ->
(match [@ocaml.warning "-4"] strip_update_shift_app m stk with
| (_, _, Zprimitive(op,c,rargs,nargs)::s) ->
let (rargs, nargs) = skip_native_args (m::rargs) nargs in
begin match nargs with
| [] ->
let args = Array.of_list (List.rev rargs) in
begin match FredNative.red_prim (info_env info) () op args with
| Some m -> kni info tab m s
| None ->
let f = {mark = mark Whnf KnownR; term = FFlex (ConstKey c)} in
let m = {mark = mark Whnf KnownR; term = FApp(f,args)} in
| (kd,a)::nargs ->
assert (kd = CPrimitives.Kwhnf);
kni info tab a (Zprimitive(op,c,rargs,nargs)::s)
| (_, _, s) -> (m, s))
| FLOCKED | FRel _ | FAtom _ | FFlex (RelKey _ | ConstKey _ | VarKey _) | FInd _ | FApp _ | FProj _
| FFix _ | FCoFix _ | FCaseT _ | FLambda _ | FProd _ | FLetIn _ | FLIFT _
| FCLOS _ -> (m, stk)
(* Computes the weak head normal form of a term *)
and kni info tab m stk =
let (hm,s) = knh info m stk in
knr info tab hm s
and knit info tab e t stk =
let (ht,s) = knht info e t stk in
knr info tab ht s
let kh info tab v stk = fapp_stack(kni info tab v stk)
let rec zip_term zfun m stk =
match stk with
| [] -> m
| Zapp args :: s ->
zip_term zfun (mkApp(m, Array.map zfun args)) s
| ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::s ->
let t = mkCase(ci, zfun (mk_clos e p), m,
Array.map (fun b -> zfun (mk_clos e b)) br) in
zip_term zfun t s
| Zproj p::s ->
let t = mkProj (Projection.make p true, m) in
zip_term zfun t s
| Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
let h = mkApp(zip_term zfun (zfun fx) par,[|m|]) in
zip_term zfun h s
| Zshift(n)::s ->
zip_term zfun (lift n m) s
| Zupdate(_rf)::s ->
zip_term zfun m s
| Zprimitive(_,c,rargs, kargs)::s ->
let kargs = List.map (fun (_,a) -> zfun a) kargs in
let args =
List.fold_left (fun args a -> zfun a ::args) (m::kargs) rargs in
let h = mkApp (mkConstU c, Array.of_list args) in
zip_term zfun h s
(* Computes the strong normal form of a term.
1- Calls kni
2- tries to rebuild the term. If a closure still has to be computed,
calls itself recursively. *)
let rec kl info tab m =
let share = info.i_cache.i_share in
if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m)
let (nm,s) = kni info tab m [] in
let () = if share then ignore (fapp_stack (nm, s)) in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
zip_term (kl info tab) (norm_head info tab nm) s
(* no redex: go up for atoms and already normalized terms, go down
otherwise. *)
and norm_head info tab m =
if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m) else
match m.term with
| FLambda(_n,tys,f,e) ->
let (e',info,rvtys) =
List.fold_left (fun (e,info,ctxt) (na,ty) ->
(subs_lift e, info, (na,kl info tab (mk_clos e ty))::ctxt))
(e,info,[]) tys in
let bd = kl info tab (mk_clos e' f) in
List.fold_left (fun b (na,ty) -> mkLambda(na,ty,b)) bd rvtys
| FLetIn(na,a,b,f,e) ->
let c = mk_clos (subs_lift e) f in
mkLetIn(na, kl info tab a, kl info tab b, kl info tab c)
| FProd(na,dom,rng,e) ->
mkProd(na, kl info tab dom, kl info tab (mk_clos (subs_lift e) rng))
| FCoFix((n,(na,tys,bds)),e) ->
let ftys = Array.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
let fbds =
Array.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn (Array.length na) e) bds in
mkCoFix(n,(na, CArray.map (kl info tab) ftys, CArray.map (kl info tab) fbds))
| FFix((n,(na,tys,bds)),e) ->
let ftys = Array.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
let fbds =
Array.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn (Array.length na) e) bds in
mkFix(n,(na, CArray.map (kl info tab) ftys, CArray.map (kl info tab) fbds))
| FEvar((i,args),env) ->
mkEvar(i, Array.map (fun a -> kl info tab (mk_clos env a)) args)
| FProj (p,c) ->
mkProj (p, kl info tab c)
| FLOCKED | FRel _ | FAtom _ | FFlex _ | FInd _ | FConstruct _
| FApp _ | FCaseT _ | FLIFT _ | FCLOS _ | FInt _ -> term_of_fconstr m
(* Initialization and then normalization *)
(* weak reduction *)
let whd_val info tab v =
with_stats (lazy (term_of_fconstr (kh info tab v [])))
(* strong reduction *)
let norm_val info tab v =
with_stats (lazy (kl info tab v))
let whd_stack infos tab m stk = match Mark.red_state m.mark with
| Whnf | Norm ->
(** No need to perform [kni] nor to unlock updates because
every head subterm of [m] is [Whnf] or [Norm] *)
knh infos m stk
| Red | Cstr ->
let k = kni infos tab m stk in
let () = if infos.i_cache.i_share then ignore (fapp_stack k) in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
let create_clos_infos ?(evars=fun _ -> None) flgs env =
let share = (Environ.typing_flags env).Declarations.share_reduction in
let cache = {
i_env = env;
i_sigma = evars;
i_share = share;
} in
{ i_flags = flgs; i_cache = cache }
let create_tab () = KeyTable.create 17
let oracle_of_infos infos = Environ.oracle infos.i_cache.i_env
let infos_with_reds infos reds =
{ infos with i_flags = reds }
let unfold_reference info tab key =
match key with
| ConstKey (kn,_) ->
if red_set info.i_flags (fCONST kn) then
ref_value_cache info tab key
else Undef None
| VarKey i ->
if red_set info.i_flags (fVAR i) then
ref_value_cache info tab key
else Undef None
| RelKey _ -> ref_value_cache info tab key
let relevance_of f = Mark.relevance f.mark
let set_relevance r f = f.mark <- Mark.mark (Mark.red_state f.mark) (opt_of_rel r)
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