(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Author: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre as part of the rebuilding of Coq
around a purely functional abstract type-checker, Aug 1999 *)
(* Cleaning and lightening of the kernel by Bruno Barras, Nov 2001 *)
(* Flag for predicativity of Set by Hugo Herbelin in Oct 2003 *)
(* Support for virtual machine by Benjamin Grégoire in Oct 2004 *)
(* Support for retroknowledge by Arnaud Spiwack in May 2007 *)
(* Support for assumption dependencies by Arnaud Spiwack in May 2007 *)
(* Miscellaneous maintenance by Bruno Barras, Hugo Herbelin, Jean-Marc
Notin, Matthieu Sozeau *)
(* This file defines the type of environments on which the
type-checker works, together with simple related functions *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open Vars
open Declarations
open Context.Rel.Declaration
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
(* The type of environments. *)
(* The key attached to each constant is used by the VM to retrieve previous *)
(* evaluations of the constant. It is essentially an index in the symbols table *)
(* used by the VM. *)
type key = int CEphemeron.key option ref
(** Linking information for the native compiler. *)
type link_info =
| Linked of string
| LinkedInteractive of string
| NotLinked
type constant_key = constant_body * (link_info ref * key)
type mind_key = mutual_inductive_body * link_info ref
type globals = {
env_constants : constant_key Cmap_env.t;
env_inductives : mind_key Mindmap_env.t;
env_modules : module_body MPmap.t;
env_modtypes : module_type_body MPmap.t;
type stratification = {
env_universes : UGraph.t;
env_sprop_allowed : bool;
env_universes_lbound : Univ.Level.t;
env_engagement : engagement
type val_kind =
| VKvalue of (Vmvalues.values * Id.Set.t) CEphemeron.key
| VKnone
type lazy_val = val_kind ref
let force_lazy_val vk = match !vk with
| VKnone -> None
| VKvalue v -> try Some (CEphemeron.get v) with CEphemeron.InvalidKey -> None
let dummy_lazy_val () = ref VKnone
let build_lazy_val vk key = vk := VKvalue (CEphemeron.create key)
type named_context_val = {
env_named_ctx : Constr.named_context;
env_named_map : (Constr.named_declaration * lazy_val) Id.Map.t;
type rel_context_val = {
env_rel_ctx : Constr.rel_context;
env_rel_map : (Constr.rel_declaration * lazy_val) Range.t;
type env = {
env_globals : globals;
env_named_context : named_context_val; (* section variables *)
env_rel_context : rel_context_val;
env_nb_rel : int;
env_stratification : stratification;
env_typing_flags : typing_flags;
retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.retroknowledge;
indirect_pterms : Opaqueproof.opaquetab;
let empty_named_context_val = {
env_named_ctx = [];
env_named_map = Id.Map.empty;
let empty_rel_context_val = {
env_rel_ctx = [];
env_rel_map = Range.empty;
let empty_env = {
env_globals = {
env_constants = Cmap_env.empty;
env_inductives = Mindmap_env.empty;
env_modules = MPmap.empty;
env_modtypes = MPmap.empty};
env_named_context = empty_named_context_val;
env_rel_context = empty_rel_context_val;
env_nb_rel = 0;
env_stratification = {
env_universes = UGraph.initial_universes;
env_sprop_allowed = false;
env_universes_lbound = Univ.Level.set;
env_engagement = PredicativeSet };
env_typing_flags = Declareops.safe_flags Conv_oracle.empty;
retroknowledge = Retroknowledge.empty;
indirect_pterms = Opaqueproof.empty_opaquetab }
(* Rel context *)
let push_rel_context_val d ctx = {
env_rel_ctx = Context.Rel.add d ctx.env_rel_ctx;
env_rel_map = Range.cons (d, ref VKnone) ctx.env_rel_map;
let match_rel_context_val ctx = match ctx.env_rel_ctx with
| [] -> None
| decl :: rem ->
let (_, lval) = Range.hd ctx.env_rel_map in
let ctx = { env_rel_ctx = rem; env_rel_map = Range.tl ctx.env_rel_map } in
Some (decl, lval, ctx)
let push_rel d env =
{ env with
env_rel_context = push_rel_context_val d env.env_rel_context;
env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel + 1 }
let lookup_rel n env =
try fst (Range.get env.env_rel_context.env_rel_map (n - 1))
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Not_found
let lookup_rel_val n env =
try snd (Range.get env.env_rel_context.env_rel_map (n - 1))
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Not_found
let rel_skipn n ctx = {
env_rel_ctx = Util.List.skipn n ctx.env_rel_ctx;
env_rel_map = Range.skipn n ctx.env_rel_map;
let env_of_rel n env =
{ env with
env_rel_context = rel_skipn n env.env_rel_context;
env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel - n
(* Named context *)
let push_named_context_val_val d rval ctxt =
(* assert (not (Id.Map.mem (NamedDecl.get_id d) ctxt.env_named_map)); *)
env_named_ctx = Context.Named.add d ctxt.env_named_ctx;
env_named_map = Id.Map.add (NamedDecl.get_id d) (d, rval) ctxt.env_named_map;
let push_named_context_val d ctxt =
push_named_context_val_val d (ref VKnone) ctxt
let match_named_context_val c = match c.env_named_ctx with
| [] -> None
| decl :: ctx ->
let (_, v) = Id.Map.find (NamedDecl.get_id decl) c.env_named_map in
let map = Id.Map.remove (NamedDecl.get_id decl) c.env_named_map in
let cval = { env_named_ctx = ctx; env_named_map = map } in
Some (decl, v, cval)
let map_named_val f ctxt =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let fold accu d =
let d' = map_constr f d in
let accu =
if d == d' then accu
else Id.Map.modify (get_id d) (fun _ (_, v) -> (d', v)) accu
(accu, d')
let map, ctx = List.fold_left_map fold ctxt.env_named_map ctxt.env_named_ctx in
if map == ctxt.env_named_map then ctxt
else { env_named_ctx = ctx; env_named_map = map }
let push_named d env =
{env with env_named_context = push_named_context_val d env.env_named_context}
let lookup_named id env =
fst (Id.Map.find id env.env_named_context.env_named_map)
let lookup_named_val id env =
snd(Id.Map.find id env.env_named_context.env_named_map)
let lookup_named_ctxt id ctxt =
fst (Id.Map.find id ctxt.env_named_map)
let fold_constants f env acc =
Cmap_env.fold (fun c (body,_) acc -> f c body acc) env.env_globals.env_constants acc
(* Global constants *)
let lookup_constant_key kn env =
Cmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_constants
let lookup_constant kn env =
fst (Cmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_constants)
(* Mutual Inductives *)
let lookup_mind kn env =
fst (Mindmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_inductives)
let mind_context env mind =
let mib = lookup_mind mind env in
Declareops.inductive_polymorphic_context mib
let lookup_mind_key kn env =
Mindmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_inductives
let oracle env = env.env_typing_flags.conv_oracle
let set_oracle env o =
let env_typing_flags = { env.env_typing_flags with conv_oracle = o } in
{ env with env_typing_flags }
let engagement env = env.env_stratification.env_engagement
let typing_flags env = env.env_typing_flags
let is_impredicative_set env =
match engagement env with
| ImpredicativeSet -> true
| _ -> false
let is_impredicative_sort env = function
| Sorts.SProp | Sorts.Prop -> true
| Sorts.Set -> is_impredicative_set env
| Sorts.Type _ -> false
let is_impredicative_univ env u = is_impredicative_sort env (Sorts.sort_of_univ u)
let type_in_type env = not (typing_flags env).check_universes
let deactivated_guard env = not (typing_flags env).check_guarded
let indices_matter env = env.env_typing_flags.indices_matter
let check_template env = env.env_typing_flags.check_template
let universes env = env.env_stratification.env_universes
let universes_lbound env = env.env_stratification.env_universes_lbound
let set_universes_lbound env lbound =
let env_stratification = { env.env_stratification with env_universes_lbound = lbound } in
{ env with env_stratification }
let named_context env = env.env_named_context.env_named_ctx
let named_context_val env = env.env_named_context
let rel_context env = env.env_rel_context.env_rel_ctx
let opaque_tables env = env.indirect_pterms
let set_opaque_tables env indirect_pterms = { env with indirect_pterms }
let empty_context env =
match env.env_rel_context.env_rel_ctx, env.env_named_context.env_named_ctx with
| [], [] -> true
| _ -> false
(* Rel context *)
let evaluable_rel n env =
is_local_def (lookup_rel n env)
let nb_rel env = env.env_nb_rel
let push_rel_context ctxt x = Context.Rel.fold_outside push_rel ctxt ~init:x
let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env =
let ctxt = Array.map2_i (fun i na t -> LocalAssum (na, lift i t)) lna typarray in
Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel assum e) env ctxt
let fold_rel_context f env ~init =
let rec fold_right env =
match match_rel_context_val env.env_rel_context with
| None -> init
| Some (rd, _, rc) ->
let env =
{ env with
env_rel_context = rc;
env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel - 1 } in
f env rd (fold_right env)
in fold_right env
(* Named context *)
let named_context_of_val c = c.env_named_ctx
let ids_of_named_context_val c = Id.Map.domain c.env_named_map
let empty_named_context = Context.Named.empty
let push_named_context = List.fold_right push_named
let val_of_named_context ctxt =
List.fold_right push_named_context_val ctxt empty_named_context_val
let eq_named_context_val c1 c2 =
c1 == c2 || Context.Named.equal Constr.equal (named_context_of_val c1) (named_context_of_val c2)
(* A local const is evaluable if it is defined *)
let named_type id env =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
get_type (lookup_named id env)
let named_body id env =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
get_value (lookup_named id env)
let evaluable_named id env =
match named_body id env with
| Some _ -> true
| _ -> false
let reset_with_named_context ctxt env =
{ env with
env_named_context = ctxt;
env_rel_context = empty_rel_context_val;
env_nb_rel = 0 }
let reset_context = reset_with_named_context empty_named_context_val
let pop_rel_context n env =
let rec skip n ctx =
if Int.equal n 0 then ctx
else match match_rel_context_val ctx with
| None -> invalid_arg "List.skipn"
| Some (_, _, ctx) -> skip (pred n) ctx
let ctxt = env.env_rel_context in
{ env with
env_rel_context = skip n ctxt;
env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel - n }
let fold_named_context f env ~init =
let rec fold_right env =
match match_named_context_val env.env_named_context with
| None -> init
| Some (d, _v, rem) ->
let env =
reset_with_named_context rem env in
f env d (fold_right env)
in fold_right env
let fold_named_context_reverse f ~init env =
Context.Named.fold_inside f ~init:init (named_context env)
(* Universe constraints *)
let map_universes f env =
let s = env.env_stratification in
{ env with env_stratification =
{ s with env_universes = f s.env_universes } }
let add_constraints c env =
if Univ.Constraint.is_empty c then env
else map_universes (UGraph.merge_constraints c) env
let check_constraints c env =
UGraph.check_constraints c env.env_stratification.env_universes
let push_constraints_to_env (_,univs) env =
add_constraints univs env
let add_universes ~lbound ~strict ctx g =
let g = Array.fold_left
(fun g v -> UGraph.add_universe ~lbound ~strict v g)
g (Univ.Instance.to_array (Univ.UContext.instance ctx))
UGraph.merge_constraints (Univ.UContext.constraints ctx) g
let push_context ?(strict=false) ctx env =
map_universes (add_universes ~lbound:(universes_lbound env) ~strict ctx) env
let add_universes_set ~lbound ~strict ctx g =
let g = Univ.LSet.fold
(* Be lenient, module typing reintroduces universes and constraints due to includes *)
(fun v g -> try UGraph.add_universe ~lbound ~strict v g with UGraph.AlreadyDeclared -> g)
(Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx) g
in UGraph.merge_constraints (Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx) g
let push_context_set ?(strict=false) ctx env =
map_universes (add_universes_set ~lbound:(universes_lbound env) ~strict ctx) env
let push_subgraph (levels,csts) env =
let lbound = universes_lbound env in
let add_subgraph g =
let newg = Univ.LSet.fold (fun v g -> UGraph.add_universe ~lbound ~strict:false v g) levels g in
let newg = UGraph.merge_constraints csts newg in
(if not (Univ.Constraint.is_empty csts) then
let restricted = UGraph.constraints_for ~kept:(UGraph.domain g) newg in
(if not (UGraph.check_constraints restricted g) then
CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Local constraints imply new transitive constraints.")));
map_universes add_subgraph env
let set_engagement c env = (* Unsafe *)
{ env with env_stratification =
{ env.env_stratification with env_engagement = c } }
(* It's convenient to use [{flags with foo = bar}] so we're smart wrt to it. *)
let same_flags {
} alt =
check_guarded == alt.check_guarded &&
check_universes == alt.check_universes &&
conv_oracle == alt.conv_oracle &&
indices_matter == alt.indices_matter &&
share_reduction == alt.share_reduction &&
enable_VM == alt.enable_VM &&
enable_native_compiler == alt.enable_native_compiler &&
check_template == alt.check_template
[@warning "+9"]
let set_typing_flags c env = (* Unsafe *)
if same_flags env.env_typing_flags c then env
else { env with env_typing_flags = c }
let make_sprop_cumulative = map_universes UGraph.make_sprop_cumulative
let set_allow_sprop b env =
{ env with env_stratification =
{ env.env_stratification with env_sprop_allowed = b } }
let sprop_allowed env = env.env_stratification.env_sprop_allowed
(* Global constants *)
let no_link_info = NotLinked
let add_constant_key kn cb linkinfo env =
let new_constants =
Cmap_env.add kn (cb,(ref linkinfo, ref None)) env.env_globals.env_constants in
let new_globals =
{ env.env_globals with
env_constants = new_constants } in
{ env with env_globals = new_globals }
let add_constant kn cb env =
add_constant_key kn cb no_link_info env
(* constant_type gives the type of a constant *)
let constant_type env (kn,u) =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
let uctx = Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb in
let csts = Univ.AUContext.instantiate u uctx in
(subst_instance_constr u cb.const_type, csts)
type const_evaluation_result =
| NoBody
| Opaque
| IsPrimitive of CPrimitives.t
exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
let constant_value_and_type env (kn, u) =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
let uctx = Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb in
let cst = Univ.AUContext.instantiate u uctx in
let b' = match cb.const_body with
| Def l_body -> Some (subst_instance_constr u (Mod_subst.force_constr l_body))
| OpaqueDef _ -> None
| Undef _ | Primitive _ -> None
b', subst_instance_constr u cb.const_type, cst
let body_of_constant_body env cb =
let otab = opaque_tables env in
match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ | Primitive _ ->
| Def c ->
Some (Mod_subst.force_constr c, Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb)
| OpaqueDef o ->
Some (Opaqueproof.force_proof otab o, Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb)
(* These functions should be called under the invariant that [env]
already contains the constraints corresponding to the constant
application. *)
(* constant_type gives the type of a constant *)
let constant_type_in env (kn,u) =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
subst_instance_constr u cb.const_type
let constant_value_in env (kn,u) =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
match cb.const_body with
| Def l_body ->
let b = Mod_subst.force_constr l_body in
subst_instance_constr u b
| OpaqueDef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque)
| Undef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
| Primitive p -> raise (NotEvaluableConst (IsPrimitive p))
let constant_opt_value_in env cst =
try Some (constant_value_in env cst)
with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None
(* A global const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *)
let evaluable_constant kn env =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
match cb.const_body with
| Def _ -> true
| OpaqueDef _ -> false
| Undef _ | Primitive _ -> false
let is_primitive env c =
let cb = lookup_constant c env in
match cb.Declarations.const_body with
| Declarations.Primitive _ -> true
| _ -> false
let polymorphic_constant cst env =
Declareops.constant_is_polymorphic (lookup_constant cst env)
let polymorphic_pconstant (cst,u) env =
if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then false
else polymorphic_constant cst env
let type_in_type_constant cst env =
not (lookup_constant cst env).const_typing_flags.check_universes
let lookup_projection p env =
let mind,i = Projection.inductive p in
let mib = lookup_mind mind env in
(if not (Int.equal mib.mind_nparams (Projection.npars p))
then anomaly ~label:"lookup_projection" Pp.(str "Bad number of parameters on projection."));
match mib.mind_record with
| NotRecord | FakeRecord -> anomaly ~label:"lookup_projection" Pp.(str "not a projection")
| PrimRecord infos ->
let _,_,_,typs = infos.(i) in
typs.(Projection.arg p)
let get_projection env ind ~proj_arg =
let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env in
Declareops.inductive_make_projection ind mib ~proj_arg
let get_projections env ind =
let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env in
Declareops.inductive_make_projections ind mib
(* Mutual Inductives *)
let polymorphic_ind (mind,_i) env =
Declareops.inductive_is_polymorphic (lookup_mind mind env)
let polymorphic_pind (ind,u) env =
if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then false
else polymorphic_ind ind env
let type_in_type_ind (mind,_i) env =
not (lookup_mind mind env).mind_typing_flags.check_universes
let template_checked_ind (mind,_i) env =
(lookup_mind mind env).mind_typing_flags.check_template
let template_polymorphic_ind (mind,i) env =
match (lookup_mind mind env).mind_packets.(i).mind_arity with
| TemplateArity _ -> true
| RegularArity _ -> false
let template_polymorphic_variables (mind,i) env =
match (lookup_mind mind env).mind_packets.(i).mind_arity with
| TemplateArity { Declarations.template_param_levels = l; _ } ->
List.map_filter (fun level -> level) l
| RegularArity _ -> []
let template_polymorphic_pind (ind,u) env =
if not (Univ.Instance.is_empty u) then false
else template_polymorphic_ind ind env
let add_mind_key kn (_mind, _ as mind_key) env =
let new_inds = Mindmap_env.add kn mind_key env.env_globals.env_inductives in
let new_globals =
{ env.env_globals with
env_inductives = new_inds; } in
{ env with env_globals = new_globals }
let add_mind kn mib env =
let li = ref no_link_info in add_mind_key kn (mib, li) env
(* Lookup of section variables *)
let lookup_constant_variables c env =
let cmap = lookup_constant c env in
Context.Named.to_vars cmap.const_hyps
let lookup_inductive_variables (kn,_i) env =
let mis = lookup_mind kn env in
Context.Named.to_vars mis.mind_hyps
let lookup_constructor_variables (ind,_) env =
lookup_inductive_variables ind env
(* Universes *)
let constant_context env c =
let cb = lookup_constant c env in
Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb
let universes_of_global env r =
let open GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _ -> Univ.AUContext.empty
| ConstRef c -> constant_context env c
| IndRef (mind,_) | ConstructRef ((mind,_),_) ->
let mib = lookup_mind mind env in
Declareops.inductive_polymorphic_context mib
(* Returns the list of global variables in a term *)
let vars_of_global env gr =
let open GlobRef in
match gr with
| VarRef id -> Id.Set.singleton id
| ConstRef kn -> lookup_constant_variables kn env
| IndRef ind -> lookup_inductive_variables ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> lookup_constructor_variables cstr env
let global_vars_set env constr =
let rec filtrec acc c =
match destRef c with
| gr, _ ->
Id.Set.union (vars_of_global env gr) acc
| exception DestKO -> Constr.fold filtrec acc c
filtrec Id.Set.empty constr
(* [keep_hyps env ids] keeps the part of the section context of [env] which
contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables
contained in the types of the needed variables. *)
let really_needed env needed =
let open! Context.Named.Declaration in
(fun need decl ->
if Id.Set.mem (get_id decl) need then
let globc =
match decl with
| LocalAssum _ -> Id.Set.empty
| LocalDef (_,c,_) -> global_vars_set env c in
(global_vars_set env (get_type decl))
(Id.Set.union globc need)
else need)
(named_context env)
let keep_hyps env needed =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let really_needed = really_needed env needed in
(fun d nsign ->
if Id.Set.mem (get_id d) really_needed then Context.Named.add d nsign
else nsign)
(named_context env)
(* Modules *)
let add_modtype mtb env =
let mp = mtb.mod_mp in
let new_modtypes = MPmap.add mp mtb env.env_globals.env_modtypes in
let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_modtypes = new_modtypes } in
{ env with env_globals = new_globals }
let shallow_add_module mb env =
let mp = mb.mod_mp in
let new_mods = MPmap.add mp mb env.env_globals.env_modules in
let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_modules = new_mods } in
{ env with env_globals = new_globals }
let lookup_module mp env =
MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modules
let lookup_modtype mp env =
MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modtypes
(*s Judgments. *)
type ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment = {
uj_val : 'constr;
uj_type : 'types }
let on_judgment f j = { uj_val = f j.uj_val; uj_type = f j.uj_type }
let on_judgment_value f j = { j with uj_val = f j.uj_val }
let on_judgment_type f j = { j with uj_type = f j.uj_type }
type unsafe_judgment = (constr, types) punsafe_judgment
let make_judge v tj =
{ uj_val = v;
uj_type = tj }
let j_val j = j.uj_val
let j_type j = j.uj_type
type 'types punsafe_type_judgment = {
utj_val : 'types;
utj_type : Sorts.t }
type unsafe_type_judgment = types punsafe_type_judgment
exception Hyp_not_found
let apply_to_hyp ctxt id f =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let rec aux rtail ctxt =
match match_named_context_val ctxt with
| Some (d, v, ctxt) ->
if Id.equal (get_id d) id then
push_named_context_val_val (f ctxt.env_named_ctx d rtail) v ctxt
let ctxt' = aux (d::rtail) ctxt in
push_named_context_val_val d v ctxt'
| None -> raise Hyp_not_found
in aux [] ctxt
(* To be used in Logic.clear_hyps *)
let remove_hyps ids check_context check_value ctxt =
let rec remove_hyps ctxt = match match_named_context_val ctxt with
| None -> empty_named_context_val, false
| Some (d, v, rctxt) ->
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let (ans, seen) = remove_hyps rctxt in
if Id.Set.mem (get_id d) ids then (ans, true)
else if not seen then ctxt, false
let rctxt' = ans in
let d' = check_context d in
let v' = check_value v in
if d == d' && v == v' && rctxt == rctxt' then
ctxt, true
else push_named_context_val_val d' v' rctxt', true
fst (remove_hyps ctxt)
(* A general request *)
let is_polymorphic env r =
let open Names.GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _id -> false
| ConstRef c -> polymorphic_constant c env
| IndRef ind -> polymorphic_ind ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> polymorphic_ind (inductive_of_constructor cstr) env
let is_template_polymorphic env r =
let open Names.GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _id -> false
| ConstRef _c -> false
| IndRef ind -> template_polymorphic_ind ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> template_polymorphic_ind (inductive_of_constructor cstr) env
let get_template_polymorphic_variables env r =
let open Names.GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _id -> []
| ConstRef _c -> []
| IndRef ind -> template_polymorphic_variables ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> template_polymorphic_variables (inductive_of_constructor cstr) env
let is_template_checked env r =
let open Names.GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _id -> false
| ConstRef _c -> false
| IndRef ind -> template_checked_ind ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> template_checked_ind (inductive_of_constructor cstr) env
let is_type_in_type env r =
let open Names.GlobRef in
match r with
| VarRef _id -> false
| ConstRef c -> type_in_type_constant c env
| IndRef ind -> type_in_type_ind ind env
| ConstructRef cstr -> type_in_type_ind (inductive_of_constructor cstr) env
let set_retroknowledge env r = { env with retroknowledge = r }
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