(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Created by Jacek Chrzaszcz, Aug 2002 as part of the implementation of
the Coq module system *)
(* This module provides the main functions for type-checking module
declarations *)
open Util
open Names
open Declarations
open Entries
open Environ
open Modops
open Mod_subst
type 'alg translation =
module_signature * 'alg * delta_resolver * Univ.ContextSet.t
let rec mp_from_mexpr = function
| MEident mp -> mp
| MEapply (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
| MEwith (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
let is_modular = function
| SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> true
| SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ -> false
(** Split a [structure_body] at some label corresponding to
a modular definition or not. *)
let split_struc k m struc =
let rec split rev_before = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (k',b)::after when Label.equal k k' && (is_modular b) == (m : bool) ->
List.rev rev_before,b,after
| h::tail -> split (h::rev_before) tail
in split [] struc
let discr_resolver mtb = match mtb.mod_type with
| NoFunctor _ -> mtb.mod_delta
| MoreFunctor _ -> empty_delta_resolver
let rec rebuild_mp mp l =
match l with
| []-> mp
| i::r -> rebuild_mp (MPdot(mp,Label.of_id i)) r
let (+++) = Univ.ContextSet.union
let rec check_with_def env struc (idl,(c,ctx)) mp equiv =
let lab,idl = match idl with
| [] -> assert false
| id::idl -> Label.of_id id, idl
let modular = not (List.is_empty idl) in
let before,spec,after = split_struc lab modular struc in
let env' = Modops.add_structure mp before equiv env in
if List.is_empty idl then
(* Toplevel definition *)
let cb = match spec with
| SFBconst cb -> cb
| _ -> error_not_a_constant lab
(* In the spirit of subtyping.check_constant, we accept
any implementations of parameters and opaques terms,
as long as they have the right type *)
let c', univs, ctx' =
match cb.const_universes, ctx with
| Monomorphic _, None ->
let c',cst = match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ ->
let j = Typeops.infer env' c in
assert (j.uj_val == c); (* relevances should already be correct here *)
let typ = cb.const_type in
let cst' = Reduction.infer_conv_leq env' (Environ.universes env')
j.uj_type typ in
j.uj_val, cst'
| Def cs ->
let c' = Mod_subst.force_constr cs in
c, Reduction.infer_conv env' (Environ.universes env') c c'
| Primitive _ ->
error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
c', Monomorphic Univ.ContextSet.empty, cst
| Polymorphic uctx, Some ctx ->
let () =
if not (UGraph.check_subtype ~lbound:(Environ.universes_lbound env)
(Environ.universes env) uctx ctx) then
error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
(** Terms are compared in a context with De Bruijn universe indices *)
let env' = Environ.push_context ~strict:false (Univ.AUContext.repr uctx) env in
let cst = match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ | OpaqueDef _ ->
let j = Typeops.infer env' c in
assert (j.uj_val == c); (* relevances should already be correct here *)
let typ = cb.const_type in
let cst' = Reduction.infer_conv_leq env' (Environ.universes env')
j.uj_type typ in
| Def cs ->
let c' = Mod_subst.force_constr cs in
let cst' = Reduction.infer_conv env' (Environ.universes env') c c' in
| Primitive _ ->
error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
if not (Univ.Constraint.is_empty cst) then
error_incorrect_with_constraint lab;
c, Polymorphic ctx, Univ.Constraint.empty
| _ -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
let def = Def (Mod_subst.from_val c') in
(* let ctx' = Univ.UContext.make (newus, cst) in *)
let cb' =
{ cb with
const_body = def;
const_universes = univs ;
const_body_code = Option.map Cemitcodes.from_val
(Cbytegen.compile_constant_body ~fail_on_error:false env' cb.const_universes def) }
before@(lab,SFBconst(cb'))::after, c', ctx'
(* Definition inside a sub-module *)
let mb = match spec with
| SFBmodule mb -> mb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
begin match mb.mod_expr with
| Abstract ->
let struc = Modops.destr_nofunctor mb.mod_type in
let struc',c',cst =
check_with_def env' struc (idl,(c,ctx)) (MPdot(mp,lab)) mb.mod_delta
let mb' = { mb with
mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
mod_type_alg = None }
before@(lab,SFBmodule mb')::after, c', cst
| _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
| Not_found -> error_no_such_label lab
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
let rec check_with_mod env struc (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
let lab,idl = match idl with
| [] -> assert false
| id::idl -> Label.of_id id, idl
let before,spec,after = split_struc lab true struc in
let env' = Modops.add_structure mp before equiv env in
let old = match spec with
| SFBmodule mb -> mb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
if List.is_empty idl then
(* Toplevel module definition *)
let mb_mp1 = lookup_module mp1 env in
let mtb_mp1 = module_type_of_module mb_mp1 in
let cst = match old.mod_expr with
| Abstract ->
let mtb_old = module_type_of_module old in
let chk_cst = Subtyping.check_subtypes env' mtb_mp1 mtb_old in
Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints chk_cst old.mod_constraints
| Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident(mp'))) ->
check_modpath_equiv env' mp1 mp';
| _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
let mp' = MPdot (mp,lab) in
let new_mb = strengthen_and_subst_mb mb_mp1 mp' false in
let new_mb' =
{ new_mb with
mod_mp = mp';
mod_expr = Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp1));
mod_constraints = cst }
let new_equiv = add_delta_resolver equiv new_mb.mod_delta in
(* we propagate the new equality in the rest of the signature
with the identity substitution accompanied by the new resolver*)
let id_subst = map_mp mp' mp' new_mb.mod_delta in
let new_after = subst_structure id_subst after in
before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb')::new_after, new_equiv, cst
(* Module definition of a sub-module *)
let mp' = MPdot (mp,lab) in
let old = match spec with
| SFBmodule msb -> msb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (Label.to_string lab)
begin match old.mod_expr with
| Abstract ->
let struc = destr_nofunctor old.mod_type in
let struc',equiv',cst =
check_with_mod env' struc (idl,mp1) mp' old.mod_delta
let new_mb =
{ old with
mod_type = NoFunctor struc';
mod_type_alg = None;
mod_delta = equiv' }
let new_equiv = add_delta_resolver equiv equiv' in
let id_subst = map_mp mp' mp' equiv' in
let new_after = subst_structure id_subst after in
before@(lab,SFBmodule new_mb)::new_after, new_equiv, cst
| Algebraic (NoFunctor (MEident mp0)) ->
let mpnew = rebuild_mp mp0 idl in
check_modpath_equiv env' mpnew mp;
before@(lab,spec)::after, equiv, Univ.ContextSet.empty
| _ -> error_generative_module_expected lab
| Not_found -> error_no_such_label lab
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint lab
let check_with env mp (sign,alg,reso,cst) = function
|WithDef(idl, (c, ctx)) ->
let struc = destr_nofunctor sign in
let struc', c', cst' = check_with_def env struc (idl, (c, ctx)) mp reso in
let wd' = WithDef (idl, (c', ctx)) in
NoFunctor struc', MEwith (alg,wd'), reso, Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cst' cst
|WithMod(idl,mp1) as wd ->
let struc = destr_nofunctor sign in
let struc',reso',cst' = check_with_mod env struc (idl,mp1) mp reso in
NoFunctor struc', MEwith (alg,wd), reso', cst+++cst'
let translate_apply env inl (sign,alg,reso,cst1) mp1 mkalg =
let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor sign in
let mtb = module_type_of_module (lookup_module mp1 env) in
let cst2 = Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb farg_b in
let mp_delta = discr_resolver mtb in
let mp_delta = inline_delta_resolver env inl mp1 farg_id farg_b mp_delta in
let subst = map_mbid farg_id mp1 mp_delta in
let body = subst_signature subst fbody_b in
let alg' = mkalg alg mp1 in
let reso' = subst_codom_delta_resolver subst reso in
body,alg',reso', Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cst2 cst1
(** Translation of a module struct entry :
- We translate to a module when a [module_path] is given,
otherwise to a module type.
- The first output is the expanded signature
- The second output is the algebraic expression, kept for the extraction.
let mk_alg_app alg arg = MEapply (alg,arg)
let rec translate_mse env mpo inl = function
|MEident mp1 as me ->
let mb = match mpo with
|Some mp -> strengthen_and_subst_mb (lookup_module mp1 env) mp false
|None ->
let mt = lookup_modtype mp1 env in
module_body_of_type mt.mod_mp mt
mb.mod_type, me, mb.mod_delta, Univ.ContextSet.empty
|MEapply (fe,mp1) ->
translate_apply env inl (translate_mse env mpo inl fe) mp1 mk_alg_app
|MEwith(me, with_decl) ->
assert (mpo == None); (* No 'with' syntax for modules *)
let mp = mp_from_mexpr me in
check_with env mp (translate_mse env None inl me) with_decl
let mk_mod mp e ty cst reso =
{ mod_mp = mp;
mod_expr = e;
mod_type = ty;
mod_type_alg = None;
mod_constraints = cst;
mod_delta = reso;
mod_retroknowledge = ModBodyRK []; }
let mk_modtype mp ty cst reso =
let mb = mk_mod mp Abstract ty cst reso in
{ mb with mod_expr = (); mod_retroknowledge = ModTypeRK }
let rec translate_mse_funct env mpo inl mse = function
|[] ->
let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse env mpo inl mse in
sign, NoFunctor alg, reso, cst
|(mbid, ty) :: params ->
let mp_id = MPbound mbid in
let mtb = translate_modtype env mp_id inl ([],ty) in
let env' = add_module_type mp_id mtb env in
let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse_funct env' mpo inl mse params in
let alg' = MoreFunctor (mbid,mtb,alg) in
MoreFunctor (mbid, mtb, sign), alg',reso, cst +++ mtb.mod_constraints
and translate_modtype env mp inl (params,mte) =
let sign,alg,reso,cst = translate_mse_funct env None inl mte params in
let mtb = mk_modtype (mp_from_mexpr mte) sign cst reso in
let mtb' = subst_modtype_and_resolver mtb mp in
{ mtb' with mod_type_alg = Some alg }
(** [finalize_module] :
from an already-translated (or interactive) implementation and
an (optional) signature entry, produces a final [module_body] *)
let finalize_module env mp (sign,alg,reso,cst) restype = match restype with
|None ->
let impl = match alg with Some e -> Algebraic e | None -> FullStruct in
mk_mod mp impl sign cst reso
|Some (params_mte,inl) ->
let res_mtb = translate_modtype env mp inl params_mte in
let auto_mtb = mk_modtype mp sign Univ.ContextSet.empty reso in
let cst' = Subtyping.check_subtypes env auto_mtb res_mtb in
let impl = match alg with Some e -> Algebraic e | None -> Struct sign in
{ res_mtb with
mod_mp = mp;
mod_expr = impl;
mod_retroknowledge = ModBodyRK [];
(** cst from module body typing,
cst' from subtyping,
constraints from module type. *)
mod_constraints =
Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cst' (cst +++ res_mtb.mod_constraints) }
let translate_module env mp inl = function
|MType (params,ty) ->
let mtb = translate_modtype env mp inl (params,ty) in
module_body_of_type mp mtb
|MExpr (params,mse,oty) ->
let (sg,alg,reso,cst) = translate_mse_funct env (Some mp) inl mse params in
let restype = Option.map (fun ty -> ((params,ty),inl)) oty in
finalize_module env mp (sg,Some alg,reso,cst) restype
(** We now forbid any Include of functors with restricted signatures.
Otherwise, we could end with the creation of undesired axioms
(see #3746). Note that restricted non-functorized modules are ok,
thanks to strengthening. *)
let rec unfunct = function
|NoFunctor me -> me
|MoreFunctor(_,_,me) -> unfunct me
let rec forbid_incl_signed_functor env = function
|MEapply(fe,_) -> forbid_incl_signed_functor env fe
|MEwith _ -> assert false (* No 'with' syntax for modules *)
|MEident mp1 ->
let mb = lookup_module mp1 env in
match mb.mod_type, mb.mod_type_alg, mb.mod_expr with
|MoreFunctor _, Some _, _ ->
(* functor + restricted signature = error *)
error_include_restricted_functor mp1
|MoreFunctor _, None, Algebraic me ->
(* functor, no signature yet, a definition which may be restricted *)
forbid_incl_signed_functor env (unfunct me)
|_ -> ()
let rec translate_mse_inclmod env mp inl = function
|MEident mp1 ->
let mb = strengthen_and_subst_mb (lookup_module mp1 env) mp true in
let sign = clean_bounded_mod_expr mb.mod_type in
|MEapply (fe,arg) ->
let ftrans = translate_mse_inclmod env mp inl fe in
translate_apply env inl ftrans arg (fun _ _ -> ())
|MEwith _ -> assert false (* No 'with' syntax for modules *)
let translate_mse_incl is_mod env mp inl me =
if is_mod then
let () = forbid_incl_signed_functor env me in
translate_mse_inclmod env mp inl me
let mtb = translate_modtype env mp inl ([],me) in
let sign = clean_bounded_mod_expr mtb.mod_type in
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