(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** This file defines a lot of different notions of names used pervasively in
the kernel as well as in other places. The essential datatypes exported by
this API are:
- Id.t is the type of identifiers, that is morally a subset of strings which
only contains Unicode characters of the Letter kind (and a few more).
- Name.t is an ad-hoc variant of Id.t option allowing to handle optionally
named objects.
- DirPath.t represents generic paths as sequences of identifiers.
- Label.t is an equivalent of Id.t made distinct for semantical purposes.
- ModPath.t are module paths.
- KerName.t are absolute names of objects in Coq.
open Util
(** {6 Identifiers } *)
(** Representation and operations on identifiers. *)
module Id :
type t
(** Values of this type represent (Coq) identifiers. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality over identifiers. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison over identifiers. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hash over identifiers. *)
val is_valid : string -> bool
(** Check that a string may be converted to an identifier. *)
val of_bytes : bytes -> t
val of_string : string -> t
(** Converts a string into an identifier.
@raise UserError if the string is invalid as an identifier. *)
val of_string_soft : string -> t
(** Same as {!of_string} except that any string made of supported UTF-8 characters is accepted.
@raise UserError if the string is invalid as an UTF-8 string. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Converts a identifier into an string. *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Pretty-printer. *)
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
(** Finite sets of identifiers. *)
module Map : Map.ExtS with type key = t and module Set := Set
(** Finite maps of identifiers. *)
module Pred : Predicate.S with type elt = t
(** Predicates over identifiers. *)
module List : List.MonoS with type elt = t
(** Operations over lists of identifiers. *)
val hcons : t -> t
(** Hashconsing of identifiers. *)
(** Representation and operations on identifiers that are allowed to be anonymous
(i.e. "_" in concrete syntax). *)
module Name :
type t = Anonymous (** anonymous identifier *)
| Name of Id.t (** non-anonymous identifier *)
val mk_name : Id.t -> t
(** constructor *)
val is_anonymous : t -> bool
(** Return [true] iff a given name is [Anonymous]. *)
val is_name : t -> bool
(** Return [true] iff a given name is [Name _]. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison over names. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality over names. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hash over names. *)
val hcons : t -> t
(** Hashconsing over names. *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Pretty-printer (print "_" for [Anonymous]. *)
(** {6 Type aliases} *)
type name = Name.t = Anonymous | Name of Id.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Name.t"]
type variable = Id.t
type module_ident = Id.t
module ModIdset : Set.S with type elt = module_ident
module ModIdmap : Map.ExtS with type key = module_ident and module Set := ModIdset
(** {6 Directory paths = section names paths } *)
module DirPath :
type t
(** Type of directory paths. Essentially a list of module identifiers. The
order is reversed to improve sharing. E.g. A.B.C is ["C";"B";"A"] *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality over directory paths. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison over directory paths. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hash over directory paths. *)
val make : module_ident list -> t
(** Create a directory path. (The list must be reversed). *)
val repr : t -> module_ident list
(** Represent a directory path. (The result list is reversed). *)
val empty : t
(** The empty directory path. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** Test whether a directory path is empty. *)
val initial : t
(** Initial "seed" of the unique identifier generator *)
val hcons : t -> t
(** Hashconsing of directory paths. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Print non-empty directory paths as ["coq_root.module.submodule"] *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** {6 Names of structure elements } *)
module Label :
type t
(** Type of labels *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality over labels *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison over labels. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hash over labels. *)
val make : string -> t
(** Create a label out of a string. *)
val of_id : Id.t -> t
(** Conversion from an identifier. *)
val to_id : t -> Id.t
(** Conversion to an identifier. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Conversion to string. *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Pretty-printer. *)
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.ExtS with type key = t and module Set := Set
val hcons : t -> t
(** {6 Unique names for bound modules} *)
module MBId :
type t
(** Unique names for bound modules. Each call to [make] constructs a fresh
unique identifier. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Equality over unique bound names. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Comparison over unique bound names. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hash over unique bound names. *)
val make : DirPath.t -> Id.t -> t
(** The first argument is a file name, to prevent conflict between different
files. *)
val repr : t -> int * Id.t * DirPath.t
(** Reverse of [make]. *)
val to_id : t -> Id.t
(** Return the identifier contained in the argument. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val debug_to_string : t -> string
(** Same as [to_string], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
module MBIset : Set.S with type elt = MBId.t
module MBImap : Map.ExtS with type key = MBId.t and module Set := MBIset
(** {6 The module part of the kernel name } *)
module ModPath :
type t =
| MPfile of DirPath.t
| MPbound of MBId.t
| MPdot of t * Label.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val is_bound : t -> bool
val initial : t
(** Name of the toplevel structure ([= MPfile initial_dir]) *)
val dp : t -> DirPath.t
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val debug_to_string : t -> string
(** Same as [to_string], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
module MPset : Set.S with type elt = ModPath.t
module MPmap : Map.ExtS with type key = ModPath.t and module Set := MPset
(** {6 The absolute names of objects seen by kernel } *)
module KerName :
type t
(** Constructor and destructor *)
val make : ModPath.t -> Label.t -> t
val repr : t -> ModPath.t * Label.t
val make2 : ModPath.t -> Label.t -> t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Please use [KerName.make]"]
(** Projections *)
val modpath : t -> ModPath.t
val label : t -> Label.t
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Print internal representation (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val debug_to_string : t -> string
(** Same as [to_string], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
val debug_print : t -> Pp.t
(** Same as [print], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
(** Comparisons *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module KNset : CSig.SetS with type elt = KerName.t
module KNpred : Predicate.S with type elt = KerName.t
module KNmap : Map.ExtS with type key = KerName.t and module Set := KNset
(** {6 Constant Names } *)
module Constant:
type t
(** Constructors *)
val make : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> t
(** Builds a constant name from a user and a canonical kernel name. *)
val make1 : KerName.t -> t
(** Special case of [make] where the user name is canonical. *)
val make2 : ModPath.t -> Label.t -> t
(** Shortcut for [(make1 (KerName.make2 ...))] *)
(** Projections *)
val user : t -> KerName.t
val canonical : t -> KerName.t
val repr2 : t -> ModPath.t * Label.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.repr (user ...)] *)
val modpath : t -> ModPath.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.modpath (user ...)] *)
val label : t -> Label.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.label (user ...)] *)
(** Comparisons *)
module CanOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module UserOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module SyntacticOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Default comparison, alias for [CanOrd.equal] *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Hashing function *)
val change_label : t -> Label.t -> t
(** Builds a new constant name with a different label *)
(** Displaying *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Print internal representation (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val debug_to_string : t -> string
(** Same as [to_string], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
val debug_print : t -> Pp.t
(** Same as [print], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
(** The [*_env] modules consider an order on user part of names
the others consider an order on canonical part of names*)
module Cpred : Predicate.S with type elt = Constant.t
module Cset : CSig.SetS with type elt = Constant.t
module Cset_env : CSig.SetS with type elt = Constant.t
module Cmap : Map.ExtS with type key = Constant.t and module Set := Cset
(** A map whose keys are constants (values of the {!Constant.t} type).
Keys are ordered wrt. "canonical form" of the constant. *)
module Cmap_env : Map.ExtS with type key = Constant.t and module Set := Cset_env
(** A map whose keys are constants (values of the {!Constant.t} type).
Keys are ordered wrt. "user form" of the constant. *)
(** {6 Inductive names} *)
module MutInd :
type t
(** Constructors *)
val make : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> t
(** Builds a mutual inductive name from a user and a canonical kernel name. *)
val make1 : KerName.t -> t
(** Special case of [make] where the user name is canonical. *)
val make2 : ModPath.t -> Label.t -> t
(** Shortcut for [(make1 (KerName.make2 ...))] *)
(** Projections *)
val user : t -> KerName.t
val canonical : t -> KerName.t
val repr2 : t -> ModPath.t * Label.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.repr (user ...)] *)
val modpath : t -> ModPath.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.modpath (user ...)] *)
val label : t -> Label.t
(** Shortcut for [KerName.label (user ...)] *)
(** Comparisons *)
module CanOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module UserOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module SyntacticOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Default comparison, alias for [CanOrd.equal] *)
val hash : t -> int
(** Displaying *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Print internal representation (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val debug_to_string : t -> string
(** Same as [to_string], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
val debug_print : t -> Pp.t
(** Same as [print], but outputs extra information related to debug. *)
module Mindset : CSig.SetS with type elt = MutInd.t
module Mindmap : Map.ExtS with type key = MutInd.t and module Set := Mindset
module Mindmap_env : CSig.MapS with type key = MutInd.t
(** Designation of a (particular) inductive type. *)
type inductive = MutInd.t (* the name of the inductive type *)
* int (* the position of this inductive type
within the block of mutually-recursive inductive types.
BEWARE: indexing starts from 0. *)
(** Designation of a (particular) constructor of a (particular) inductive type. *)
type constructor = inductive (* designates the inductive type *)
* int (* the index of the constructor
BEWARE: indexing starts from 1. *)
module Indmap : CSig.MapS with type key = inductive
module Constrmap : CSig.MapS with type key = constructor
module Indmap_env : CSig.MapS with type key = inductive
module Constrmap_env : CSig.MapS with type key = constructor
val ind_modpath : inductive -> ModPath.t
val constr_modpath : constructor -> ModPath.t
val ith_mutual_inductive : inductive -> int -> inductive
val ith_constructor_of_inductive : inductive -> int -> constructor
val inductive_of_constructor : constructor -> inductive
val index_of_constructor : constructor -> int
val eq_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val eq_user_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val eq_syntactic_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val ind_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_hash : inductive -> int
val ind_user_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_user_hash : inductive -> int
val ind_syntactic_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_syntactic_hash : inductive -> int
val eq_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val eq_user_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val eq_syntactic_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val constructor_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_hash : constructor -> int
val constructor_user_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_user_hash : constructor -> int
val constructor_syntactic_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_syntactic_hash : constructor -> int
(** {6 Hash-consing } *)
val hcons_con : Constant.t -> Constant.t
val hcons_mind : MutInd.t -> MutInd.t
val hcons_ind : inductive -> inductive
val hcons_construct : constructor -> constructor
type 'a tableKey =
| ConstKey of 'a
| VarKey of Id.t
| RelKey of Int.t
type inv_rel_key = int (** index in the [rel_context] part of environment
starting by the end, {e inverse}
of de Bruijn indice *)
val eq_table_key : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a tableKey -> 'a tableKey -> bool
val eq_constant_key : Constant.t -> Constant.t -> bool
(** equalities on constant and inductive names (for the checker) *)
val eq_ind_chk : inductive -> inductive -> bool
(** {5 Module paths} *)
type module_path = ModPath.t =
| MPfile of DirPath.t
| MPbound of MBId.t
| MPdot of ModPath.t * Label.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Alias type"]
module Projection : sig
module Repr : sig
type t
val make : inductive -> proj_npars:int -> proj_arg:int -> Label.t -> t
module SyntacticOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module CanOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module UserOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val constant : t -> Constant.t
(** Don't use this if you don't have to. *)
val inductive : t -> inductive
val mind : t -> MutInd.t
val npars : t -> int
val arg : t -> int
val label : t -> Label.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val map : (MutInd.t -> MutInd.t) -> t -> t
val map_npars : (MutInd.t -> int -> MutInd.t * int) -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Print internal representation (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
type t (* = Repr.t * bool *)
val make : Repr.t -> bool -> t
val repr : t -> Repr.t
module SyntacticOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module CanOrd : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val constant : t -> Constant.t
val mind : t -> MutInd.t
val inductive : t -> inductive
val npars : t -> int
val arg : t -> int
val label : t -> Label.t
val unfolded : t -> bool
val unfold : t -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val hcons : t -> t
(** Hashconsing of projections. *)
val repr_equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Ignoring the unfolding boolean. *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
val map : (MutInd.t -> MutInd.t) -> t -> t
val map_npars : (MutInd.t -> int -> MutInd.t * int) -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
(** Encode as a string (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
val print : t -> Pp.t
(** Print internal representation (not to be used for user-facing messages). *)
(** {6 Global reference is a kernel side type for all references together } *)
(* XXX: Should we define GlobRefCan GlobRefUser? *)
module GlobRef : sig
type t =
| VarRef of variable (** A reference to the section-context. *)
| ConstRef of Constant.t (** A reference to the environment. *)
| IndRef of inductive (** A reference to an inductive type. *)
| ConstructRef of constructor (** A reference to a constructor of an inductive type. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
module Ordered : sig
type nonrec t = t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module Ordered_env : sig
type nonrec t = t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module Set_env : CSig.SetS with type elt = t
module Map_env : Map.ExtS
with type key = t and module Set := Set_env
module Set : CSig.SetS with type elt = t
module Map : Map.ExtS
with type key = t and module Set := Set
(** Better to have it here that in Closure, since required in grammar.cma *)
(* XXX: Move to a module *)
type evaluable_global_reference =
| EvalVarRef of Id.t
| EvalConstRef of Constant.t
val eq_egr : evaluable_global_reference -> evaluable_global_reference -> bool
(** Located identifiers and objects with syntax. *)
type lident = Id.t CAst.t
type lname = Name.t CAst.t
type lstring = string CAst.t
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