(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Pp
open Util
let stm_pr_err pp = Format.eprintf "%s] @[%a@]\n%!" (Spawned.process_id ()) Pp.pp_with pp
let stm_prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin stm_pr_err (str s) end else ()
type cancel_switch = bool ref
let async_proofs_flags_for_workers = ref []
module type Task = sig
type task
type competence
type worker_status = Fresh | Old of competence
(* Marshallable *)
type request
type response
val name : string ref (* UID of the task kind, for -toploop *)
val extra_env : unit -> string array
(* run by the master, on a thread *)
val request_of_task : worker_status -> task -> request option
val task_match : worker_status -> task -> bool
val use_response : worker_status -> task -> response ->
[ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
val on_marshal_error : string -> task -> unit
val on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death : task option -> unit
val forward_feedback : Feedback.feedback -> unit
(* run by the worker *)
val perform : request -> response
(* debugging *)
val name_of_task : task -> string
val name_of_request : request -> string
module Make(T : Task) () = struct
exception Die
type response =
| Response of T.response
| RespFeedback of Feedback.feedback
| RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel
type request = Request of T.request
type more_data =
| MoreDataUnivLevel of UnivGen.univ_unique_id list
let slave_respond (Request r) =
let res = T.perform r in
Response res
exception MarshalError of string
let marshal_to_channel oc data =
Marshal.to_channel oc data [];
flush oc
let marshal_err s = raise (MarshalError s)
let marshal_request oc (req : request) =
try marshal_to_channel oc req
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_request: "^s)
let unmarshal_request ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : request)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("unmarshal_request: "^s)
let marshal_response oc (res : response) =
try marshal_to_channel oc res
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_response: "^s)
let unmarshal_response ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : response)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("unmarshal_response: "^s)
let marshal_more_data oc (res : more_data) =
try marshal_to_channel oc res
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("marshal_more_data: "^s)
let unmarshal_more_data ic =
try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : more_data)
with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
marshal_err ("unmarshal_more_data: "^s)
let report_status ?(id = !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id) s =
let open Feedback in
feedback ~id:Stateid.initial (WorkerStatus(id, s))
module Worker = Spawn.Sync ()
module Model = struct
type process = Worker.process
type extra = (T.task * cancel_switch) TQueue.t
let spawn id =
let name = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" !T.name id in
let proc, ic, oc =
(* Filter arguments for slaves. *)
let rec set_slave_opt = function
| [] -> !async_proofs_flags_for_workers @
["-worker-id"; name;
CoqworkmgrApi.(string_of_priority !async_proofs_worker_priority)]
(* Options to discard: 0 arguments *)
| ("-emacs"|"-batch")::tl ->
set_slave_opt tl
(* Options to discard: 1 argument *)
| ( "-async-proofs" | "-vio2vo" | "-o"
| "-load-vernac-source" | "-l" | "-load-vernac-source-verbose" | "-lv"
| "-compile" | "-compile-verbose"
| "-async-proofs-cache" | "-async-proofs-j" | "-async-proofs-tac-j"
| "-async-proofs-private-flags" | "-async-proofs-tactic-error-resilience"
| "-async-proofs-command-error-resilience" | "-async-proofs-delegation-threshold"
| "-async-proofs-worker-priority" | "-worker-id") :: _ :: tl ->
set_slave_opt tl
(* We need to pass some options with one argument *)
| ( "-I" | "-include" | "-top" | "-topfile" | "-coqlib" | "-exclude-dir" | "-compat"
| "-load-ml-object" | "-load-ml-source" | "-require" | "-w" | "-color" | "-init-file"
| "-profile-ltac-cutoff" | "-main-channel" | "-control-channel" | "-mangle-names" | "-set" | "-unset"
| "-diffs" | "-mangle-name" | "-dump-glob" | "-bytecode-compiler" | "-native-compiler" as x) :: a :: tl ->
x :: a :: set_slave_opt tl
(* We need to pass some options with two arguments *)
| ( "-R" | "-Q" as x) :: a1 :: a2 :: tl ->
x :: a1 :: a2 :: set_slave_opt tl
(* Finally we pass all options starting in '-'; check this is safe w.r.t the weird vio* option set *)
| x :: tl when x.[0] = '-' ->
x :: set_slave_opt tl
(* We assume this is a file, filter out *)
| _ :: tl ->
set_slave_opt tl
let args =
Array.of_list (set_slave_opt (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv))) in
let env = Array.append (T.extra_env ()) (Unix.environment ()) in
let worker_name = System.get_toplevel_path ("coq" ^ !T.name) in
Worker.spawn ~env worker_name args in
name, proc, CThread.prepare_in_channel_for_thread_friendly_io ic, oc
let manager cpanel (id, proc, ic, oc) =
let { WorkerPool.extra = queue; exit; cancelled } = cpanel in
let exit () = report_status ~id "Dead"; exit () in
let last_task = ref None in
let worker_age = ref T.Fresh in
let got_token = ref false in
let giveback_exec_token () =
if !got_token then (CoqworkmgrApi.giveback 1; got_token := false) in
let stop_waiting = ref false in
let expiration_date = ref (ref false) in
let pick_task () =
stm_prerr_endline "waiting for a task";
let pick age (t, c) = not !c && T.task_match age t in
let task, task_expiration =
TQueue.pop ~picky:(pick !worker_age) ~destroy:stop_waiting queue in
expiration_date := task_expiration;
last_task := Some task;
stm_prerr_endline ("got task: " ^ T.name_of_task task);
task in
let add_tasks l =
List.iter (fun t -> TQueue.push queue (t,!expiration_date)) l in
let get_exec_token () =
ignore(CoqworkmgrApi.get 1);
got_token := true;
stm_prerr_endline ("got execution token") in
let kill proc =
Worker.kill proc;
stm_prerr_endline ("Worker exited: " ^
match Worker.wait proc with
| Unix.WEXITED 0x400 -> "exit code unavailable"
| Unix.WEXITED i -> Printf.sprintf "exit(%d)" i
| Unix.WSIGNALED sno -> Printf.sprintf "signalled(%d)" sno
| Unix.WSTOPPED sno -> Printf.sprintf "stopped(%d)" sno) in
let more_univs n =
CList.init n (fun _ -> UnivGen.new_univ_id ()) in
let rec kill_if () =
if not (Worker.is_alive proc) then ()
else if cancelled () || !(!expiration_date) then
let () = stop_waiting := true in
let () = TQueue.broadcast queue in
Worker.kill proc
let () = Unix.sleep 1 in
kill_if ()
let kill_if () =
try kill_if ()
with Sys.Break ->
let () = stop_waiting := true in
let () = TQueue.broadcast queue in
Worker.kill proc
let _ = CThread.create kill_if () in
try while true do
report_status ~id "Idle";
let task = pick_task () in
match T.request_of_task !worker_age task with
| None -> stm_prerr_endline ("Task expired: " ^ T.name_of_task task)
| Some req ->
get_exec_token ();
marshal_request oc (Request req);
let rec continue () =
match unmarshal_response ic with
| RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel ->
marshal_more_data oc (MoreDataUnivLevel (more_univs 10));
continue ()
| RespFeedback fbk -> T.forward_feedback fbk; continue ()
| Response resp ->
match T.use_response !worker_age task resp with
| `End -> raise Die
| `Stay(competence, new_tasks) ->
last_task := None;
giveback_exec_token ();
worker_age := T.Old competence;
add_tasks new_tasks
continue ()
| (Sys_error _|Invalid_argument _|End_of_file|Die) as e ->
raise e (* we pass the exception to the external handler *)
| MarshalError s -> T.on_marshal_error s task; raise Die
| e ->
stm_pr_err Pp.(seq [str "Uncaught exception in worker manager: "; print e]);
flush_all (); raise Die
done with
| (Die | TQueue.BeingDestroyed) ->
giveback_exec_token (); kill proc; exit ()
| Sys_error _ | Invalid_argument _ | End_of_file ->
T.on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death !last_task;
giveback_exec_token (); kill proc; exit ()
module Pool = WorkerPool.Make(Model)
type queue = {
active : Pool.pool;
queue : (T.task * cancel_switch) TQueue.t;
cleaner : Thread.t option;
let create size =
let cleaner queue =
while true do
try ignore(TQueue.pop ~picky:(fun (_,cancelled) -> !cancelled) queue)
with TQueue.BeingDestroyed -> Thread.exit ()
done in
let queue = TQueue.create () in
active = Pool.create queue ~size;
cleaner = if size > 0 then Some (CThread.create cleaner queue) else None;
let destroy { active; queue } =
Pool.destroy active;
TQueue.destroy queue
let broadcast { queue } = TQueue.broadcast queue
let enqueue_task { queue; active } t ~cancel_switch =
stm_prerr_endline ("Enqueue task "^T.name_of_task t);
TQueue.push queue (t, cancel_switch)
let cancel_worker { active } n = Pool.cancel n active
let name_of_request (Request r) = T.name_of_request r
let set_order { queue } cmp =
TQueue.set_order queue (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> cmp t1 t2)
let join { queue; active } =
if not (Pool.is_empty active) then
(Pool.n_workers active + 1(*cleaner*))
let cancel_all { queue; active } =
TQueue.clear queue;
Pool.cancel_all active
let slave_ic = ref None
let slave_oc = ref None
let init_stdout () =
let ic, oc = Spawned.get_channels () in
slave_oc := Some oc; slave_ic := Some ic
let bufferize f =
let l = ref [] in
fun () ->
match !l with
| [] -> let data = f () in l := List.tl data; List.hd data
| x::tl -> l := tl; x
let slave_handshake () =
Pool.worker_handshake (Option.get !slave_ic) (Option.get !slave_oc)
let pp_pid pp = Pp.(str (Spawned.process_id () ^ " ") ++ pp)
let debug_with_pid = Feedback.(function
| { contents = Message(Debug, loc, pp) } as fb ->
{ fb with contents = Message(Debug,loc, pp_pid pp) }
| x -> x)
let main_loop () =
(* We pass feedback to master *)
let slave_feeder oc fb =
Control.protect_sigalrm (fun () ->
Marshal.to_channel oc (RespFeedback (debug_with_pid fb)) []; flush oc) ()
ignore (Feedback.add_feeder (fun x -> slave_feeder (Option.get !slave_oc) x));
(* We ask master to allocate universe identifiers *)
UnivGen.set_remote_new_univ_id (bufferize @@ Control.protect_sigalrm (fun () ->
marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel;
match unmarshal_more_data (Option.get !slave_ic) with
| MoreDataUnivLevel l -> l));
let working = ref false in
slave_handshake ();
while true do
working := false;
let request = unmarshal_request (Option.get !slave_ic) in
working := true;
report_status (name_of_request request);
let response = slave_respond request in
report_status "Idle";
marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) response;
CEphemeron.clean ()
| MarshalError s ->
stm_pr_err Pp.(prlist str ["Fatal marshal error: "; s]); flush_all (); exit 2
| End_of_file ->
stm_prerr_endline "connection lost"; flush_all (); exit 2
| e ->
stm_pr_err Pp.(seq [str "Slave: critical exception: "; print e]);
flush_all (); exit 1
let clear { queue; active } =
assert(Pool.is_empty active); (* We allow that only if no slaves *)
TQueue.clear queue
let snapshot { queue; active } =
List.map fst
(Pool.n_workers active) queue)
let with_n_workers n f =
let q = create n in
try let rc = f q in destroy q; rc
with e -> let e = CErrors.push e in destroy q; iraise e
let n_workers { active } = Pool.n_workers active
module MakeQueue(T : Task) () = struct include Make(T) () end
module MakeWorker(T : Task) () = struct include Make(T) () end
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