open Util
type 'res lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
module Make =
functor (Y : Map.OrderedType) ->
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
module Y_tries = struct
type t = (Y.t * int) option
let compare x y =
match x,y with
None,None -> 0
| Some (l,n),Some (l',n') ->
let m = l l' in
if Int.equal m 0 then
else m
| Some(l,n),None -> 1
| None, Some(l,n) -> -1
module ZSet = Set.Make(Z)
module X_tries =
type t = ZSet.t
let nil = ZSet.empty
let is_nil = ZSet.is_empty
let add = ZSet.union
let sub = ZSet.diff
module Trie = Trie.Make(Y_tries)(X_tries)
type 'a decompose_fun = 'a -> (Y.t * 'a list) option
type 'tree lookup_fun = 'tree -> (Y.t * 'tree list) lookup_res
type t = Trie.t
let empty = Trie.empty
(* [path_of dna pat] returns the list of nodes of the pattern [pat] read in
prefix ordering, [dna] is the function returning the main node of a pattern *)
let path_of dna =
let rec path_of_deferred = function
| [] -> []
| h::tl -> pathrec tl h
and pathrec deferred t =
match dna t with
| None ->
None :: (path_of_deferred deferred)
| Some (lbl,[]) ->
(Some (lbl,0))::(path_of_deferred deferred)
| Some (lbl,(h::def_subl as v)) ->
(Some (lbl,List.length v))::(pathrec (def_subl@deferred) h)
pathrec []
let tm_of tm lbl =
try [ tm lbl, true] with Not_found -> []
let rec skip_arg n tm =
if Int.equal n 0 then [tm, true]
let labels = Trie.labels tm in
let map lbl = match lbl with
| None -> skip_arg (pred n) ( tm lbl)
| Some (_, m) ->
skip_arg (pred n + m) ( tm lbl)
List.flatten ( map labels)
let lookup tm dna t =
let rec lookrec t tm =
match dna t with
| Nothing -> tm_of tm None
| Label(lbl,v) ->
tm_of tm None@
(fun l c ->
List.flatten( (fun (tm, b) ->
if b then lookrec c tm
else [tm,b]) l))
(tm_of tm (Some(lbl,List.length v))) v)
| Everything -> skip_arg 1 tm
List.flatten ( (fun (tm,b) -> ZSet.elements (Trie.get tm)) (lookrec t tm))
let add tm dna (pat,inf) =
let p = path_of dna pat in Trie.add p (ZSet.singleton inf) tm
let rmv tm dna (pat,inf) =
let p = path_of dna pat in Trie.remove p (ZSet.singleton inf) tm
let app f tm = Trie.iter (fun _ p -> ZSet.iter f p) tm
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