(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open EConstr
open Termops
open Declarations
open Tacmach
open Clenv
open Tactypes
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
(* Tacticals re-exported from the Refiner module *)
type tactic = Proofview.V82.tac
let tclIDTAC = Refiner.tclIDTAC
let tclORELSE0 = Refiner.tclORELSE0
let tclORELSE = Refiner.tclORELSE
let tclTHEN = Refiner.tclTHEN
let tclTHENLIST = Refiner.tclTHENLIST
let tclMAP = Refiner.tclMAP
let tclTHEN_i = Refiner.tclTHEN_i
let tclTHENFIRST = Refiner.tclTHENFIRST
let tclTHENLAST = Refiner.tclTHENLAST
let tclTHENS = Refiner.tclTHENS
let tclTHENSV = Refiner.tclTHENSV
let tclTHENSFIRSTn = Refiner.tclTHENSFIRSTn
let tclTHENSLASTn = Refiner.tclTHENSLASTn
let tclTHENFIRSTn = Refiner.tclTHENFIRSTn
let tclTHENLASTn = Refiner.tclTHENLASTn
let tclREPEAT = Refiner.tclREPEAT
let tclREPEAT_MAIN = Refiner.tclREPEAT_MAIN
let tclFIRST = Refiner.tclFIRST
let tclSOLVE = Refiner.tclSOLVE
let tclTRY = Refiner.tclTRY
let tclCOMPLETE = Refiner.tclCOMPLETE
let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE = Refiner.tclAT_LEAST_ONCE
let tclFAIL = Refiner.tclFAIL
let tclFAIL_lazy = Refiner.tclFAIL_lazy
let tclDO = Refiner.tclDO
let tclPROGRESS = Refiner.tclPROGRESS
let tclSHOWHYPS = Refiner.tclSHOWHYPS
let tclTHENTRY = Refiner.tclTHENTRY
(* Tacticals applying on hypotheses *)
let nthDecl m gl =
try List.nth (pf_hyps gl) (m-1)
with Failure _ -> user_err Pp.(str "No such assumption.")
let nthHypId m gl = nthDecl m gl |> NamedDecl.get_id
let nthHyp m gl = mkVar (nthHypId m gl)
let lastDecl gl = nthDecl 1 gl
let lastHypId gl = nthHypId 1 gl
let lastHyp gl = nthHyp 1 gl
let nLastDecls n gl =
try List.firstn n (pf_hyps gl)
with Failure _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Not enough hypotheses in the goal.")
let nLastHypsId n gl = List.map (NamedDecl.get_id) (nLastDecls n gl)
let nLastHyps n gl = List.map mkVar (nLastHypsId n gl)
let onNthDecl m tac gl = tac (nthDecl m gl) gl
let onNthHypId m tac gl = tac (nthHypId m gl) gl
let onNthHyp m tac gl = tac (nthHyp m gl) gl
let onLastDecl = onNthDecl 1
let onLastHypId = onNthHypId 1
let onLastHyp = onNthHyp 1
let onHyps find tac gl = tac (find gl) gl
let onNLastDecls n tac = onHyps (nLastDecls n) tac
let onNLastHypsId n tac = onHyps (nLastHypsId n) tac
let onNLastHyps n tac = onHyps (nLastHyps n) tac
let afterHyp id gl =
fst (List.split_when (NamedDecl.get_id %> Id.equal id) (pf_hyps gl))
(* Clause Tacticals *)
(* The following functions introduce several tactic combinators and
functions useful for working with clauses. A clause is either None
or (Some id), where id is an identifier. This type is useful for
defining tactics that may be used either to transform the
conclusion (None) or to transform a hypothesis id (Some id). --
--Eduardo (8/8/97)
let fullGoal gl = None :: List.map Option.make (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)
let onAllHyps tac gl = tclMAP tac (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) gl
let onAllHypsAndConcl tac gl = tclMAP tac (fullGoal gl) gl
let onClause tac cl gls =
let hyps () = pf_ids_of_hyps gls in
tclMAP tac (Locusops.simple_clause_of hyps cl) gls
let onClauseLR tac cl gls =
let hyps () = pf_ids_of_hyps gls in
tclMAP tac (List.rev (Locusops.simple_clause_of hyps cl)) gls
let ifOnHyp pred tac1 tac2 id gl =
if pred (id,pf_get_hyp_typ gl id) then
tac1 id gl
tac2 id gl
(* Elimination Tacticals *)
(* The following tacticals allow to apply a tactic to the
branches generated by the application of an elimination
Two auxiliary types --branch_args and branch_assumptions-- are
used to keep track of some information about the ``branches'' of
the elimination. *)
type branch_args = {
ity : pinductive; (* the type we were eliminating on *)
largs : constr list; (* its arguments *)
branchnum : int; (* the branch number *)
pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *)
nassums : int; (* number of assumptions/letin to be introduced *)
branchsign : bool list; (* the signature of the branch.
true=assumption, false=let-in *)
branchnames : intro_patterns}
type branch_assumptions = {
ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *)
assums : named_context} (* the list of assumptions introduced *)
let fix_empty_or_and_pattern nv l =
(* 1- The syntax does not distinguish between "[ ]" for one clause with no
names and "[ ]" for no clause at all *)
(* 2- More generally, we admit "[ ]" for any disjunctive pattern of
arbitrary length *)
match l with
| IntroOrPattern [[]] -> IntroOrPattern (List.make nv [])
| _ -> l
let check_or_and_pattern_size ?loc check_and names branchsigns =
let n = Array.length branchsigns in
let msg p1 p2 = strbrk "a conjunctive pattern made of " ++ int p1 ++ (if p1 == p2 then mt () else str " or " ++ int p2) ++ str " patterns" in
let err1 p1 p2 =
user_err ?loc (str "Expects " ++ msg p1 p2 ++ str ".") in
let errn n =
user_err ?loc (str "Expects a disjunctive pattern with " ++ int n
++ str " branches.") in
let err1' p1 p2 =
user_err ?loc (strbrk "Expects a disjunctive pattern with 1 branch or " ++ msg p1 p2 ++ str ".") in
let errforthcoming ?loc =
user_err ?loc (strbrk "Unexpected non atomic pattern.") in
match names with
| IntroAndPattern l ->
if not (Int.equal n 1) then errn n;
let l' = List.filter CAst.(function {v=IntroForthcoming _} -> true | {v=IntroNaming _} | {v=IntroAction _} -> false) l in
if l' != [] then errforthcoming ?loc:(List.hd l').CAst.loc;
if check_and then
let p1 = List.count (fun x -> x) branchsigns.(0) in
let p2 = List.length branchsigns.(0) in
let p = List.length l in
if not (Int.equal p p1 || Int.equal p p2) then err1 p1 p2;
if Int.equal p p1 then
(List.extend branchsigns.(0) (CAst.make @@ IntroNaming Namegen.IntroAnonymous) l)
| IntroOrPattern ll ->
if not (Int.equal n (List.length ll)) then
if Int.equal n 1 then
let p1 = List.count (fun x -> x) branchsigns.(0) in
let p2 = List.length branchsigns.(0) in
err1' p1 p2 else errn n;
let get_and_check_or_and_pattern_gen ?loc check_and names branchsigns =
let names = check_or_and_pattern_size ?loc check_and names branchsigns in
match names with
| IntroAndPattern l -> [|l|]
| IntroOrPattern l -> Array.of_list l
let get_and_check_or_and_pattern ?loc = get_and_check_or_and_pattern_gen ?loc true
let compute_induction_names_gen check_and branchletsigns = function
| None ->
Array.make (Array.length branchletsigns) []
| Some {CAst.loc;v=names} ->
let names = fix_empty_or_and_pattern (Array.length branchletsigns) names in
get_and_check_or_and_pattern_gen check_and ?loc names branchletsigns
let compute_induction_names = compute_induction_names_gen true
(* Compute the let-in signature of case analysis or standard induction scheme *)
let compute_constructor_signatures ~rec_flag ((_,k as ity),u) =
let rec analrec c recargs =
match c, recargs with
| RelDecl.LocalAssum _ :: c, recarg::rest ->
let rest = analrec c rest in
begin match Declareops.dest_recarg recarg with
| Norec | Imbr _ -> true :: rest
| Mrec (_,j) ->
if rec_flag && Int.equal j k then true :: true :: rest
else true :: rest
| RelDecl.LocalDef _ :: c, rest -> false :: analrec c rest
| [], [] -> []
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "compute_constructor_signatures.")
let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ity in
let map (ctx, _) = List.skipn (Context.Rel.length mib.mind_params_ctxt) (List.rev ctx) in
let lc = Array.map map mip.mind_nf_lc in
let lrecargs = Declareops.dest_subterms mip.mind_recargs in
Array.map2 analrec lc lrecargs
let elimination_sort_of_goal gl =
pf_apply Retyping.get_sort_family_of gl (pf_concl gl)
let elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl =
pf_apply Retyping.get_sort_family_of gl (pf_get_hyp_typ gl id)
let elimination_sort_of_clause = function
| None -> elimination_sort_of_goal
| Some id -> elimination_sort_of_hyp id
let pf_with_evars glsev k gls =
let evd, a = glsev gls in
tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS evd) (k a) gls
let pf_constr_of_global gr k =
pf_with_evars (fun gls -> pf_apply Evd.fresh_global gls gr) k
(** Tacticals of Ltac defined directly in term of Proofview *)
module New = struct
open Proofview
open Proofview.Notations
open Tacmach.New
let tclIDTAC = tclUNIT ()
let tclTHEN t1 t2 =
t1 <*> t2
let tclFAIL lvl msg =
tclZERO (Refiner.FailError (lvl,lazy msg))
let tclZEROMSG ?loc msg =
let err = UserError (None, msg) in
let info = match loc with
| None -> Exninfo.null
| Some loc -> Loc.add_loc Exninfo.null loc
tclZERO ~info err
let catch_failerror e =
Refiner.catch_failerror e;
tclUNIT ()
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> tclZERO e
(* spiwack: I chose to give the Ltac + the same semantics as
[Proofview.tclOR], however, for consistency with the or-else
tactical, we may consider wrapping the first argument with
[tclPROGRESS]. It strikes me as a bad idea, but consistency can be
considered valuable. *)
let tclOR t1 t2 =
begin fun e ->
catch_failerror e <*> t2
let tclORD t1 t2 =
begin fun e ->
catch_failerror e <*> t2 ()
let tclONCE = Proofview.tclONCE
let tclEXACTLY_ONCE t = Proofview.tclEXACTLY_ONCE (Refiner.FailError(0,lazy (assert false))) t
let tclIFCATCH t tt te =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t
(fun e -> catch_failerror e <*> te ())
let tclORELSE0 t1 t2 =
begin fun e ->
catch_failerror e <*> t2
let tclORELSE0L t1 t2 =
begin fun e ->
catch_failerror e <*> t2
let tclORELSE t1 t2 =
tclORELSE0 (tclPROGRESS t1) t2
let tclTHENS3PARTS t1 l1 repeat l2 =
t1 <*>
Proofview.tclORELSE (* converts the [SizeMismatch] error into an ltac error *)
begin tclEXTEND (Array.to_list l1) repeat (Array.to_list l2) end
begin function (e, info) -> match e with
| SizeMismatch (i,_)->
let errmsg =
str"Incorrect number of goals" ++ spc() ++
str"(expected "++int i++str(String.plural i " tactic") ++ str")"
tclFAIL 0 errmsg
| reraise -> tclZERO ~info reraise
let tclTHENSFIRSTn t1 l repeat =
tclTHENS3PARTS t1 l repeat [||]
let tclTHENFIRSTn t1 l =
tclTHENSFIRSTn t1 l (tclUNIT())
let tclTHENFIRST t1 t2 =
tclTHENFIRSTn t1 [|t2|]
let tclBINDFIRST t1 t2 =
t1 >>= fun ans ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
match gls with
| [] -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Expect at least one goal.")
| hd::tl ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETGOALS [hd] <*> t2 ans >>= fun ans ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclNEWGOALS tl <*>
Proofview.tclUNIT ans
let tclTHENLASTn t1 l =
tclTHENS3PARTS t1 [||] (tclUNIT()) l
let tclTHENLAST t1 t2 = tclTHENLASTn t1 [|t2|]
let option_of_failure f x = try Some (f x) with Failure _ -> None
let tclBINDLAST t1 t2 =
t1 >>= fun ans ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun gls ->
match option_of_failure List.sep_last gls with
| None -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Expect at least one goal.")
| Some (last,firstn) ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETGOALS [last] <*> t2 ans >>= fun ans ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun newgls ->
tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let firstn = Proofview.Unsafe.undefined sigma firstn in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETGOALS (firstn@newgls) <*>
Proofview.tclUNIT ans
let tclTHENS t l =
t <*>Proofview.tclORELSE (* converts the [SizeMismatch] error into an ltac error *)
begin tclDISPATCH l end
begin function (e, info) -> match e with
| SizeMismatch (i,_)->
let errmsg =
str"Incorrect number of goals" ++ spc() ++
str"(expected "++int i++str(String.plural i " tactic") ++ str")"
tclFAIL 0 errmsg
| reraise -> tclZERO ~info reraise
let tclTHENLIST l =
List.fold_left tclTHEN (tclUNIT()) l
(* [tclMAP f [x1..xn]] builds [(f x1);(f x2);...(f xn)] *)
let tclMAP tacfun l =
List.fold_right (fun x -> (tclTHEN (tacfun x))) l (tclUNIT())
let tclTRY t =
tclORELSE0 t (tclUNIT ())
let tclTRYb t =
tclORELSE0L (t <*> tclUNIT true) (tclUNIT false)
let tclIFTHENELSE t1 t2 t3 =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t1
(fun () -> t2)
(fun (e, info) -> Proofview.tclORELSE t3 (fun e' -> tclZERO ~info e))
let tclIFTHENSVELSE t1 a t3 =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t1
(fun () -> tclDISPATCH (Array.to_list a))
(fun _ -> t3)
let tclIFTHENFIRSTELSE t1 t2 t3 =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t1
(fun () -> tclEXTEND [t2] (tclUNIT ()) [])
(fun _ -> t3)
tclIFTHENELSE t1 (tclTRY t2) t2
tclIFTHENFIRSTELSE t1 (tclTRY t2) t2
(* Try the first tactic that does not fail in a list of tactics *)
let rec tclFIRST = function
| [] -> tclZEROMSG (str"No applicable tactic.")
| t::rest -> tclORELSE0 t (tclFIRST rest)
let rec tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac = function
| [] -> tclFAIL 0 (str "No applicable tactic")
| [a] -> tac a (* so that returned failure is the one from last item *)
| a::tl -> tclORELSE (tac a) (tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac tl)
let rec tclDO n t =
if n < 0 then
tclZEROMSG (str"Wrong argument : Do needs a positive integer.")
else if n = 0 then tclUNIT ()
else if n = 1 then t
else tclTHEN t (tclDO (n-1) t)
let rec tclREPEAT0 t =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t
(fun () -> tclCHECKINTERRUPT <*> tclREPEAT0 t)
(fun e -> catch_failerror e <*> tclUNIT ())
let tclREPEAT t =
let rec tclREPEAT_MAIN0 t =
Proofview.tclIFCATCH t
(fun () -> tclTRYFOCUS 1 1 (tclREPEAT_MAIN0 t))
(fun e -> catch_failerror e <*> tclUNIT ())
let tclREPEAT_MAIN t =
let tclCOMPLETE t =
t >>= fun res ->
(tclZEROMSG (str"Proof is not complete."))
) <*>
tclUNIT res
(* Try the first that solves the current goal *)
let tclSOLVE tacl = tclFIRST (List.map tclCOMPLETE tacl)
let tclPROGRESS t =
Proofview.tclINDEPENDENT (Proofview.tclPROGRESS t)
(* Select a subset of the goals *)
let tclSELECT = let open Goal_select in function
| SelectNth i -> Proofview.tclFOCUS i i
| SelectList l -> Proofview.tclFOCUSLIST l
| SelectId id -> Proofview.tclFOCUSID id
| SelectAll -> anomaly ~label:"tclSELECT" Pp.(str "SelectAll not allowed here")
| SelectAlreadyFocused ->
anomaly ~label:"tclSELECT" Pp.(str "SelectAlreadyFocused not allowed here")
(* Check that holes in arguments have been resolved *)
let check_evars env sigma extsigma origsigma =
let rec is_undefined_up_to_restriction sigma evk =
if Evd.mem origsigma evk then None else
let evi = Evd.find sigma evk in
match Evd.evar_body evi with
| Evd.Evar_empty -> Some (evk,evi)
| Evd.Evar_defined c -> match Constr.kind (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) with
| Evar (evk,l) -> is_undefined_up_to_restriction sigma evk
| _ ->
(* We make the assumption that there is no way to refine an
evar remaining after typing from the initial term given to
apply/elim and co tactics, is it correct? *)
None in
let rest =
Evd.fold_undefined (fun evk evi acc ->
match is_undefined_up_to_restriction sigma evk with
| Some (evk',evi) -> (evk',evi)::acc
| _ -> acc)
extsigma []
match rest with
| [] -> ()
| (evk,evi) :: _ ->
let (loc,_) = evi.Evd.evar_source in
Pretype_errors.error_unsolvable_implicit ?loc env sigma evk None
let tclWITHHOLES accept_unresolved_holes tac sigma =
tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma_initial ->
if sigma == sigma_initial then tac
let check_evars_if x =
if not accept_unresolved_holes then
tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma_final ->
tclENV >>= fun env ->
let () = check_evars env sigma_final sigma sigma_initial in
tclUNIT x
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
tclZERO e
tclUNIT x
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*> tac >>= check_evars_if
let tclDELAYEDWITHHOLES check x tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
let (sigma, x) = x env sigma in
tclWITHHOLES check (tac x) sigma
let tclTIMEOUT n t =
(Proofview.tclTIMEOUT n t)
begin function (e, info) -> match e with
| Proofview.Timeout as e -> Proofview.tclZERO (Refiner.FailError (0,lazy (CErrors.print e)))
| e -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info e
let tclTIME s t =
Proofview.tclTIME s t
let nthDecl m gl =
let hyps = Proofview.Goal.hyps gl in
List.nth hyps (m-1)
with Failure _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "No such assumption.")
let nLastDecls gl n =
try List.firstn n (Proofview.Goal.hyps gl)
with Failure _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Not enough hypotheses in the goal.")
let nthHypId m gl =
(* We only use [id] *)
nthDecl m gl |> NamedDecl.get_id
let nthHyp m gl =
mkVar (nthHypId m gl)
let onNthHypId m tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> tac (nthHypId m gl) end
let onNthHyp m tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> tac (nthHyp m gl) end
let onLastHypId = onNthHypId 1
let onLastHyp = onNthHyp 1
let onNthDecl m tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
Proofview.tclUNIT (nthDecl m gl) >>= tac
let onLastDecl = onNthDecl 1
let ifOnHyp pred tac1 tac2 id =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let typ = Tacmach.New.pf_get_hyp_typ id gl in
if pred (id,typ) then
tac1 id
tac2 id
let onHyps find tac = Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> tac (find gl) end
let afterHyp id tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let hyps = Proofview.Goal.hyps gl in
let rem, _ = List.split_when (NamedDecl.get_id %> Id.equal id) hyps in
tac rem
let fullGoal gl =
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
None :: List.map Option.make hyps
let tryAllHyps tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
let tryAllHypsAndConcl tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac (fullGoal gl)
let onClause tac cl =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let hyps = Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl in
tclMAP tac (Locusops.simple_clause_of (fun () -> hyps) cl)
(* Find the right elimination suffix corresponding to the sort of the goal *)
(* c should be of type A1->.. An->B with B an inductive definition *)
let general_elim_then_using mk_elim
rec_flag allnames tac predicate ind (c, t) =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma, elim = mk_elim ind gl in
let ind = on_snd (fun u -> EInstance.kind sigma u) ind in
Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma)
(Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let indclause = mk_clenv_from gl (c, t) in
(* applying elimination_scheme just a little modified *)
let elimclause = mk_clenv_from gl (elim,Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl elim) in
let indmv =
match EConstr.kind elimclause.evd (last_arg elimclause.evd elimclause.templval.Evd.rebus) with
| Meta mv -> mv
| _ -> anomaly (str"elimination.")
let pmv =
let p, _ = decompose_app elimclause.evd elimclause.templtyp.Evd.rebus in
match EConstr.kind elimclause.evd p with
| Meta p -> p
| _ ->
let name_elim =
match EConstr.kind sigma elim with
| Const _ | Var _ -> str " " ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) sigma elim
| _ -> mt ()
user_err ~hdr:"Tacticals.general_elim_then_using"
(str "The elimination combinator " ++ name_elim ++ str " is unknown.")
let elimclause' = clenv_fchain ~with_univs:false indmv elimclause indclause in
let branchsigns = compute_constructor_signatures ~rec_flag ind in
let brnames = compute_induction_names_gen false branchsigns allnames in
let flags = Unification.elim_flags () in
let elimclause' =
match predicate with
| None -> elimclause'
| Some p -> clenv_unify ~flags Reduction.CONV (mkMeta pmv) p elimclause'
let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags elimclause' gl in
let after_tac i =
let (hd,largs) = decompose_app clenv'.evd clenv'.templtyp.Evd.rebus in
let ba = { branchsign = branchsigns.(i);
branchnames = brnames.(i);
nassums = List.length branchsigns.(i);
branchnum = i+1;
ity = ind;
largs = List.map (clenv_nf_meta clenv') largs;
pred = clenv_nf_meta clenv' hd }
tac ba
let branchtacs = List.init (Array.length branchsigns) after_tac in
(Clenvtac.clenv_refine clenv')
(Proofview.tclEXTEND [] tclIDTAC branchtacs)
end) end
let elimination_sort_of_goal gl =
(* Retyping will expand evars anyway. *)
let c = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
pf_apply Retyping.get_sort_family_of gl c
let elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl =
(* Retyping will expand evars anyway. *)
let c = pf_get_hyp_typ id gl in
pf_apply Retyping.get_sort_family_of gl c
let elimination_sort_of_clause id gl = match id with
| None -> elimination_sort_of_goal gl
| Some id -> elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl
(* computing the case/elim combinators *)
let gl_make_elim ind = begin fun gl ->
let gr = Indrec.lookup_eliminator (fst ind) (elimination_sort_of_goal gl) in
let (sigma, c) = pf_apply Evd.fresh_global gl gr in
(sigma, c)
let gl_make_case_dep (ind, u) = begin fun gl ->
let sigma = project gl in
let u = EInstance.kind (project gl) u in
let (sigma, r) = Indrec.build_case_analysis_scheme (pf_env gl) sigma (ind, u) true
(elimination_sort_of_goal gl)
(sigma, EConstr.of_constr r)
let gl_make_case_nodep (ind, u) = begin fun gl ->
let sigma = project gl in
let u = EInstance.kind sigma u in
let (sigma, r) = Indrec.build_case_analysis_scheme (pf_env gl) sigma (ind, u) false
(elimination_sort_of_goal gl)
(sigma, EConstr.of_constr r)
let make_elim_branch_assumptions ba hyps =
let assums =
try List.rev (List.firstn ba.nassums hyps)
with Failure _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "make_elim_branch_assumptions.") in
{ ba = ba; assums = assums }
let elim_on_ba tac ba =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let branches = make_elim_branch_assumptions ba (Proofview.Goal.hyps gl) in
tac branches
let case_on_ba tac ba =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let branches = make_elim_branch_assumptions ba (Proofview.Goal.hyps gl) in
tac branches
let elimination_then tac c =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let (ind,t) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_unsafe_type_of gl c) in
let isrec,mkelim =
match (Global.lookup_mind (fst (fst ind))).mind_record with
| NotRecord -> true,gl_make_elim
| FakeRecord | PrimRecord _ -> false,gl_make_case_dep
general_elim_then_using mkelim isrec None tac None ind (c, t)
let case_then_using =
general_elim_then_using gl_make_case_dep false
let case_nodep_then_using =
general_elim_then_using gl_make_case_nodep false
let pf_constr_of_global ref =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
Proofview.tclENV >>= fun env ->
let (sigma, c) = Evd.fresh_global env sigma ref in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*> Proofview.tclUNIT c
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