Spracherkennung für: .fake vermutete Sprache: Haskell {Haskell[207] Fortran[442] Ada[467]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
# Script simulating a dialog between coqide and coqtop -ideslave
# Run it via fake_ide
# jumping between broken proofs + interp error while fixing.
# the error should note make the GUI unfocus the currently focused proof.
# first proof
ADD { Set Implicit Arguments. }
ADD { Record dynamic := dyn { dyn_type : Type; dyn_value : dyn_type }. }
ADD { Lemma dyn_inj_type : forall A1 A2 (x1:A1) (x2:A2), dyn x1 = dyn x2 -> A1 = A2. }
ADD { Proof. }
ADD { now intros A1 A2 x1 x2 [= e1 e2]. }
ADD { Qed. }
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.86 Sekunden