(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Classops
(** Classes and coercions. *)
(** [try_add_new_coercion_with_target ref s src tg] declares [ref] as a coercion
from [src] to [tg] *)
val try_add_new_coercion_with_target : GlobRef.t -> local:bool ->
Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
source:cl_typ -> target:cl_typ -> unit
(** [try_add_new_coercion ref s] declares [ref], assumed to be of type
[(x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)src->tg], as a coercion from [src] to [tg] *)
val try_add_new_coercion : GlobRef.t -> local:bool ->
Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
(** [try_add_new_coercion_subclass cst s] expects that [cst] denotes a
transparent constant which unfolds to some class [tg]; it declares
an identity coercion from [cst] to [tg], named something like
["Id_cst_tg"] *)
val try_add_new_coercion_subclass : cl_typ -> local:bool ->
Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
(** [try_add_new_coercion_with_source ref s src] declares [ref] as a coercion
from [src] to [tg] where the target is inferred from the type of [ref] *)
val try_add_new_coercion_with_source : GlobRef.t -> local:bool ->
Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> source:cl_typ -> unit
(** [try_add_new_identity_coercion id s src tg] enriches the
environment with a new definition of name [id] declared as an
identity coercion from [src] to [tg] *)
val try_add_new_identity_coercion : Id.t -> local:bool ->
Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> source:cl_typ -> target:cl_typ -> unit
val add_coercion_hook : Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> Lemmas.declaration_hook
val add_subclass_hook : Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> Lemmas.declaration_hook
val class_of_global : GlobRef.t -> cl_typ
¤ Diese beiden folgenden Angebotsgruppen bietet das Unternehmen0.0Angebot
Wie Sie bei der Firma Beratungs- und Dienstleistungen beauftragen können
Die hierunter aufgelisteten Ziele sind für diese Firma wichtig
Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse