(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
module CVars = Vars
open Names
open EConstr
open CErrors
open Util
open Typeclasses_errors
open Typeclasses
open Libnames
open Globnames
open Constrintern
open Constrexpr
open Context.Rel.Declaration
open Class_tactics
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
open Decl_kinds
open Entries
let refine_instance = ref false
let () = Goptions.(declare_bool_option {
optdepr = true;
optname = "definition of instances by refining";
optkey = ["Refine";"Instance";"Mode"];
optread = (fun () -> !refine_instance);
optwrite = (fun b -> refine_instance := b)
let set_typeclass_transparency c local b =
Hints.add_hints ~local [typeclasses_db]
(Hints.HintsTransparencyEntry (Hints.HintsReferences [c], b))
let classes_transparent_state () =
Hints.Hint_db.transparent_state (Hints.searchtable_map typeclasses_db)
with Not_found -> TransparentState.empty
let () =
Hook.set Typeclasses.add_instance_hint_hook
(fun inst path local info poly ->
let inst' = match inst with IsConstr c -> Hints.IsConstr (EConstr.of_constr c, Univ.ContextSet.empty)
| IsGlobal gr -> Hints.IsGlobRef gr
Flags.silently (fun () ->
Hints.add_hints ~local [typeclasses_db]
[info, poly, false, Hints.PathHints path, inst'])) ());
Hook.set Typeclasses.set_typeclass_transparency_hook set_typeclass_transparency;
Hook.set Typeclasses.classes_transparent_state_hook classes_transparent_state
let intern_info {hint_priority;hint_pattern} =
let env = Global.env() in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let hint_pattern = Option.map (Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern env sigma) hint_pattern in
(** TODO: add subinstances *)
let existing_instance glob g info =
let c = Nametab.global g in
let info = Option.default Hints.empty_hint_info info in
let info = intern_info info in
let instance, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context (Global.env ()) c in
let _, r = Term.decompose_prod_assum instance in
match class_of_constr Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr r) with
| Some (_, ((tc,u), _)) -> add_instance (new_instance tc info glob c)
| None -> user_err ?loc:g.CAst.loc
(Pp.str "Constant does not build instances of a declared type class.")
let mismatched_params env n m = Implicit_quantifiers.mismatched_ctx_inst_err env Parameters n m
let mismatched_props env n m = Implicit_quantifiers.mismatched_ctx_inst_err env Properties n m
(* Declare everything in the parameters as implicit, and the class instance as well *)
let type_ctx_instance ~program_mode env sigma ctx inst subst =
let open Vars in
let rec aux (sigma, subst, instctx) l = function
decl :: ctx ->
let t' = substl subst (RelDecl.get_type decl) in
let (sigma, c'), l =
match decl with
| LocalAssum _ -> interp_casted_constr_evars ~program_mode env sigma (List.hd l) t', List.tl l
| LocalDef (_,b,_) -> (sigma, substl subst b), l
let d = RelDecl.get_name decl, Some c', t' in
aux (sigma, c' :: subst, d :: instctx) l ctx
| [] -> sigma, subst
in aux (sigma, subst, []) inst (List.rev ctx)
let id_of_class cl =
match cl.cl_impl with
| ConstRef kn -> Label.to_id @@ Constant.label kn
| IndRef (kn,i) ->
let mip = (Environ.lookup_mind kn (Global.env ())).Declarations.mind_packets in
| _ -> assert false
let instance_hook k info global imps ?hook cst =
Impargs.maybe_declare_manual_implicits false cst imps;
let info = intern_info info in
Typeclasses.declare_instance (Some info) (not global) cst;
(match hook with Some h -> h cst | None -> ())
let declare_instance_constant k info global imps ?hook id decl poly sigma term termtype =
let kind = IsDefinition Instance in
let sigma =
let levels = Univ.LSet.union (CVars.universes_of_constr termtype)
(CVars.universes_of_constr term) in
Evd.restrict_universe_context sigma levels
let uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly sigma decl in
let entry = Declare.definition_entry ~types:termtype ~univs:uctx term in
let cdecl = (DefinitionEntry entry, kind) in
let kn = Declare.declare_constant id cdecl in
Declare.definition_message id;
Declare.declare_univ_binders (ConstRef kn) (Evd.universe_binders sigma);
instance_hook k info global imps ?hook (ConstRef kn)
let do_declare_instance env sigma ~global ~poly k u ctx ctx' pri decl imps subst id =
let subst = List.fold_left2
(fun subst' s decl -> if is_local_assum decl then s :: subst' else subst')
[] subst (snd k.cl_context)
let (_, ty_constr) = instance_constructor (k,u) subst in
let termtype = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty_constr (ctx' @ ctx) in
let sigma = Evd.minimize_universes sigma in
Pretyping.check_evars env (Evd.from_env env) sigma termtype;
let univs = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly sigma decl in
let termtype = to_constr sigma termtype in
let cst = Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.InternalTacticRequest id
(None,(termtype,univs),None), Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Logical)
Declare.declare_univ_binders (ConstRef cst) (Evd.universe_binders sigma);
instance_hook k pri global imps (ConstRef cst)
let declare_instance_open ~pstate env sigma ?hook ~tac ~program_mode ~global ~poly k id pri imps decl ids term termtype =
let kind = Decl_kinds.Global, poly, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Instance in
if program_mode then
let hook _ _ vis gr =
let cst = match gr with ConstRef kn -> kn | _ -> assert false in
Impargs.declare_manual_implicits false gr imps;
let pri = intern_info pri in
Typeclasses.declare_instance (Some pri) (not global) (ConstRef cst)
let obls, constr, typ =
match term with
| Some t ->
let obls, _, constr, typ =
Obligations.eterm_obligations env id sigma 0 t termtype
in obls, Some constr, typ
| None -> [||], None, termtype
let hook = Lemmas.mk_hook hook in
let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context sigma in
let _progress = Obligations.add_definition id ?term:constr
~univdecl:decl typ ctx ~kind:(Global,poly,Instance) ~hook obls in
Some Flags.(silently (fun () ->
(* spiwack: it is hard to reorder the actions to do
the pretyping after the proof has opened. As a
consequence, we use the low-level primitives to code
the refinement manually.*)
let gls = List.rev (Evd.future_goals sigma) in
let sigma = Evd.reset_future_goals sigma in
let pstate = Lemmas.start_proof ~ontop:pstate id ~pl:decl kind sigma (EConstr.of_constr termtype)
(fun _ _ _ -> instance_hook k pri global imps ?hook)) in
(* spiwack: I don't know what to do with the status here. *)
let pstate =
if not (Option.is_empty term) then
let init_refine =
Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
Refine.refine ~typecheck:false (fun sigma -> (sigma,EConstr.of_constr (Option.get term)));
Proofview.Unsafe.tclNEWGOALS (CList.map Proofview.with_empty_state gls);
let pstate, _ = Pfedit.by init_refine pstate in
let pstate, _ = Pfedit.by (Tactics.auto_intros_tac ids) pstate in
match tac with
| Some tac ->
let pstate, _ = Pfedit.by tac pstate in
| None ->
pstate) ())
let do_instance ~pstate env env' sigma ?hook ~refine ~tac ~global ~poly ~program_mode cty k u ctx ctx' pri decl imps subst id props =
let props =
match props with
| Some (true, { CAst.v = CRecord fs }) ->
if List.length fs > List.length k.cl_props then
mismatched_props env' (List.map snd fs) k.cl_props;
Some (Inl fs)
| Some (_, t) -> Some (Inr t)
| None ->
if program_mode then Some (Inl [])
else None
let subst, sigma =
match props with
| None ->
(if List.is_empty k.cl_props then Some (Inl subst) else None), sigma
| Some (Inr term) ->
let sigma, c = interp_casted_constr_evars ~program_mode env' sigma term cty in
Some (Inr (c, subst)), sigma
| Some (Inl props) ->
let get_id qid = CAst.make ?loc:qid.CAst.loc @@ qualid_basename qid in
let props, rest =
(fun (props, rest) decl ->
if is_local_assum decl then
let is_id (id', _) = match RelDecl.get_name decl, get_id id' with
| Name id, {CAst.v=id'} -> Id.equal id id'
| Anonymous, _ -> false
let (loc_mid, c) = List.find is_id rest in
let rest' = List.filter (fun v -> not (is_id v)) rest
let {CAst.loc;v=mid} = get_id loc_mid in
List.iter (fun (n, _, x) ->
if Name.equal n (Name mid) then
Option.iter (fun x -> Dumpglob.add_glob ?loc (ConstRef x)) x) k.cl_projs;
c :: props, rest'
with Not_found ->
((CAst.make @@ CHole (None(* Some Evar_kinds.GoalEvar *), Namegen.IntroAnonymous, None)) :: props), rest
else props, rest)
([], props) k.cl_props
match rest with
| (n, _) :: _ ->
unbound_method env' sigma k.cl_impl (get_id n)
| _ ->
let kcl_props = List.map (Termops.map_rel_decl of_constr) k.cl_props in
let sigma, res = type_ctx_instance ~program_mode (push_rel_context ctx' env') sigma kcl_props props subst in
Some (Inl res), sigma
let term, termtype =
match subst with
| None -> let termtype = it_mkProd_or_LetIn cty ctx in
None, termtype
| Some (Inl subst) ->
let subst = List.fold_left2
(fun subst' s decl -> if is_local_assum decl then s :: subst' else subst')
[] subst (k.cl_props @ snd k.cl_context)
let (app, ty_constr) = instance_constructor (k,u) subst in
let termtype = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty_constr (ctx' @ ctx) in
let term = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (Option.get app) (ctx' @ ctx) in
Some term, termtype
| Some (Inr (def, subst)) ->
let termtype = it_mkProd_or_LetIn cty ctx in
let term = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn def ctx in
Some term, termtype
let sigma = Evarutil.nf_evar_map sigma in
let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals_or_obligations ~fail:true env sigma in
(* Try resolving fields that are typeclasses automatically. *)
let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.all_evars ~fail:false env sigma in
let sigma = Evarutil.nf_evar_map_undefined sigma in
(* Beware of this step, it is required as to minimize universes. *)
let sigma = Evd.minimize_universes sigma in
(* Check that the type is free of evars now. *)
Pretyping.check_evars env (Evd.from_env env) sigma termtype;
let termtype = to_constr sigma termtype in
let term = Option.map (to_constr ~abort_on_undefined_evars:false sigma) term in
let pstate =
if not (Evd.has_undefined sigma) && not (Option.is_empty props) then
(declare_instance_constant k pri global imps ?hook id decl poly sigma (Option.get term) termtype;
else if program_mode || refine || Option.is_empty props then
declare_instance_open ~pstate env sigma ?hook ~tac ~program_mode ~global ~poly k id pri imps decl (List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx) term termtype
else CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Unsolved obligations remaining.") in
id, pstate
let interp_instance_context ~program_mode env ctx ?(generalize=false) pl bk cl =
let sigma, decl = Constrexpr_ops.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in
let tclass, ids =
match bk with
| Decl_kinds.Implicit ->
Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application Id.Set.empty ~allow_partial:false
(fun avoid (clname, _) ->
match clname with
| Some cl ->
let t = CAst.make @@ CHole (None, Namegen.IntroAnonymous, None) in
t, avoid
| None -> failwith ("new instance: under-applied typeclass"))
| Explicit -> cl, Id.Set.empty
let tclass =
if generalize then CAst.make @@ CGeneralization (Implicit, Some AbsPi, tclass)
else tclass
let sigma, (impls, ((env', ctx), imps)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode env sigma ctx in
let sigma, (c', imps') = interp_type_evars_impls ~program_mode ~impls env' sigma tclass in
let len = Context.Rel.nhyps ctx in
let imps = imps @ Impargs.lift_implicits len imps' in
let ctx', c = decompose_prod_assum sigma c' in
let ctx'' = ctx' @ ctx in
let (k, u), args = Typeclasses.dest_class_app (push_rel_context ctx'' env) sigma c in
let u_s = EInstance.kind sigma u in
let cl = Typeclasses.typeclass_univ_instance (k, u_s) in
let args = List.map of_constr args in
let cl_context = List.map (Termops.map_rel_decl of_constr) (snd cl.cl_context) in
let _, args =
List.fold_right (fun decl (args, args') ->
match decl with
| LocalAssum _ -> (List.tl args, List.hd args :: args')
| LocalDef (_,b,_) -> (args, Vars.substl args' b :: args'))
cl_context (args, [])
let sigma = Evarutil.nf_evar_map sigma in
let sigma = resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.all_evars ~fail:true env sigma in
sigma, cl, u, c', ctx', ctx, imps, args, decl
let new_instance ~pstate ?(global=false) ?(refine= !refine_instance) ~program_mode
poly ctx (instid, bk, cl) props
?(generalize=true) ?(tac:unit Proofview.tactic option) ?hook pri =
let env = Global.env() in
let ({CAst.loc;v=instid}, pl) = instid in
let sigma, k, u, cty, ctx', ctx, imps, subst, decl =
interp_instance_context ~program_mode env ~generalize ctx pl bk cl
let id =
match instid with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous ->
let i = Nameops.add_suffix (id_of_class k) "_instance_0" in
Namegen.next_global_ident_away i (Termops.vars_of_env env)
let env' = push_rel_context ctx env in
do_instance ~pstate env env' sigma ?hook ~refine ~tac ~global ~poly ~program_mode
cty k u ctx ctx' pri decl imps subst id props
let declare_new_instance ?(global=false) ~program_mode poly ctx (instid, bk, cl) pri =
let env = Global.env() in
let ({CAst.loc;v=instid}, pl) = instid in
let sigma, k, u, cty, ctx', ctx, imps, subst, decl =
interp_instance_context ~program_mode env ctx pl bk cl
do_declare_instance env sigma ~global ~poly k u ctx ctx' pri decl imps subst instid
let named_of_rel_context l =
let open Vars in
let acc, ctx =
(fun decl (subst, ctx) ->
let id = match RelDecl.get_name decl with Anonymous -> invalid_arg "named_of_rel_context" | Name id -> id in
let d = match decl with
| LocalAssum (_,t) -> id, None, substl subst t
| LocalDef (_,b,t) -> id, Some (substl subst b), substl subst t in
(mkVar id :: subst, d :: ctx))
l ([], [])
in ctx
let context ~pstate poly l =
let env = Global.env() in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let sigma, (_, ((env', fullctx), impls)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode:false env sigma l in
(* Note, we must use the normalized evar from now on! *)
let sigma = Evd.minimize_universes sigma in
let ce t = Pretyping.check_evars env (Evd.from_env env) sigma t in
let () = List.iter (fun decl -> Context.Rel.Declaration.iter_constr ce decl) fullctx in
let ctx =
try named_of_rel_context fullctx
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
user_err Pp.(str "Anonymous variables not allowed in contexts.")
let univs =
match ctx with
| [] -> assert false
| [_] -> Evd.univ_entry ~poly sigma
| _::_::_ ->
if Lib.sections_are_opened ()
(* More than 1 variable in a section: we can't associate
universes to any specific variable so we declare them
separately. *)
let uctx = Evd.universe_context_set sigma in
Declare.declare_universe_context poly uctx;
if poly then Polymorphic_entry ([||], Univ.UContext.empty)
else Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty
else if poly then
(* Multiple polymorphic axioms: they are all polymorphic the same way. *)
Evd.univ_entry ~poly sigma
(* Multiple monomorphic axioms: declare universes separately
to avoid redeclaring them. *)
let uctx = Evd.universe_context_set sigma in
Declare.declare_universe_context poly uctx;
Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty
let fn status (id, b, t) =
let b, t = Option.map (to_constr sigma) b, to_constr sigma t in
if Lib.is_modtype () && not (Lib.sections_are_opened ()) then
(* Declare the universe context once *)
let decl = match b with
| None ->
(ParameterEntry (None,(t,univs),None), IsAssumption Logical)
| Some b ->
let entry = Declare.definition_entry ~univs ~types:t b in
(DefinitionEntry entry, IsAssumption Logical)
let cst = Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.InternalTacticRequest id decl in
match class_of_constr sigma (of_constr t) with
| Some (rels, ((tc,_), args) as _cl) ->
add_instance (Typeclasses.new_instance tc Hints.empty_hint_info false (ConstRef cst));
(* declare_subclasses (ConstRef cst) cl *)
| None -> status
let test (x, _) = match x with
| ExplByPos (_, Some id') -> Id.equal id id'
| _ -> false
let impl = List.exists test impls in
let decl = (Discharge, poly, Definitional) in
let nstatus = match b with
| None ->
pi3 (ComAssumption.declare_assumption ~pstate false decl (t, univs) UnivNames.empty_binders [] impl
Declaremods.NoInline (CAst.make id))
| Some b ->
let decl = (Discharge, poly, Definition) in
let entry = Declare.definition_entry ~univs ~types:t b in
let _gr = DeclareDef.declare_definition ~ontop:pstate id decl entry UnivNames.empty_binders [] in
Lib.sections_are_opened () || Lib.is_modtype_strict ()
status && nstatus
List.fold_left fn true (List.rev ctx)
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