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Sprache: Latech
Untersuchungsergebnis.log Download desMT940 {MT940[1284] Hlasm[2208] Haskell[2470]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln Generated by Tarma® ExpertInstall 3.8.3834 (2010.06.30.0908U)
© 1990-2010 Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Log file opened at 2010-11-18 11:25:48
00046029|BLD:Q0042|0407|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 48x48x256 icon image
0004602A|BLD:Q0043|0407|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 32x32x16 icon image
0004602B|BLD:Q0044|0407|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 16x16x16 icon image
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|9ED64E9E29DD1C9D|FontsFolder|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|12712AC6DB9AF594|_Allusers_ProductName__A2CEAA2F81ACE69A|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|43DFE0FD3923A1BC|_Publisher__AAC54E52B176F24D|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|147731B93C6DC41B|_ProductName__BE8B21705A03E331|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|D7EB4C018313C956|_ProductName__FB3C9B93BA2AB82F|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|748816FA0BE8F8F9|Samples_A36AEFD9449337D5|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|AE818F563F6A3F37|C_52C5B2C1E7155590|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|96DD7D3A4D4CCD1F|COBOL_650A492333E6145F|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|03695339998DFE76|CopyLib_255C4BE7F08F4B08|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|24B20D4ECB819892|Delphi_09D814C842FDE4E2|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|28B3984DCF1923A7|Fortran_6E249BADE8F614CC|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|88E8180CBF10A849|GAP_B45EF12F1994960B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|5C512E7979FA08E7|Isabelle_B1582819698FA761|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|CA97FA9D4128D26A|Java_FBAD088E4652CEC6|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|004C1ABBD44616E7|JCL_D96CB5281A97D88D|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|F33F5D25A028E409|Lex_7E41D5EAE5ADE19B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|658FAC9C581728F4|MT940_6725507F18AE561B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|6BD5073BADF67115|Perl_72D1B72FE90DDED7|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|B17AD1DD14106FBC|SPS_36F4EA27EAA3A121|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|743B8CDAABCE6AE8|VHDL_D3F2BA1AC3358E39|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|BD27B2C468436E47|Winbatch_928BA351EE4736C0|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|7929DCB5622F7A73|Folder18_306D6158214B4708|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|ED24DE7AA96E73CE|Folder19_72954AF98B30C155|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|6CB4197BF21CD9EA|Ada_5A4A2FC1E47F13DD|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|D467CDF1D42E3A05|Text_CC217F1B83D8AFB8|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|D32A4F3F3311870D|REXX_4450CE8F57BE9539|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
0004603E|BLD:Q0063|0407|99FF7AD674EA90B2|englishVersion|Component's languages don't overlap with build languages - excluded from build
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|3ED1B60921DFB481|germanVersion|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0407|CB937106AC115BD9|germanTexts|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
0004603E|BLD:Q0063|0407|A42D2193DE22DAA6|english Texts|Component's languages don't overlap with build languages - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0407|D183D5B92F37DE51|license_english.rtf_D183D5B92F37DE51|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0407|77D7DBF68A20D1CD|readme_english.rtf_77D7DBF68A20D1CD|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0407|AE1F1FF3D3F0BE8F|Standard.english.GID_AE1F1FF3D3F0BE8F|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0407|55EFAFBBD32D13F2|standard.english.chm_55EFAFBBD32D13F2|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046014|BLD:Q0021|0407|A4369D0F20631D24|REXX.dll_A4369D0F20631D24|No VERSIONINFO - version comparison will depend on date/time stamp
0004603C|BLD:Q0061|0407|16C6CE0458535CBA|Shortcut3_16C6CE0458535CBA|Shortcut target "\msiexec.exe" is not an installation item and cannot be checked
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0407|AAF0611C128E9C9C|standard.deutsch.chm_AAF0611C128E9C9C|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046025|BLD:Q0038|0407|4FB5DF248A6C4D42|Elbian.ttf_4FB5DF248A6C4D42|Installs to shared folder - should be marked for sharing
0004600D|BLD:Q0014|0407|493E806536F80F0C|Elbelang|Bitmap image C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\ElbeBilder\Elbelang.bmp uses more than 256 colors - result depends on video mode
0004600D|BLD:Q0014|0407|7027E49578591EE7|steeringbanner|Bitmap image C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\steeringbanner.bmp uses more than 256 colors - result depends on video mode
00042002|BLD:I0003|0000|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Build succeeded: C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Auslieferung\Version 1 Elbe\Elbe\MSIInstaller1-0407\ElbeSetup.exe
00042007|BLD:I0008|0000|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 unsupporteds, 43 questions, 0 advisories, 1 informationals; check/build succeeded.
00046029|BLD:Q0042|0809|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 48x48x256 icon image
0004602A|BLD:Q0043|0809|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 32x32x16 icon image
0004602B|BLD:Q0044|0809|58EBAE2A98904654|MSIInstaller1|Icon file C:\Firma\Software\Columbo IDE\Images\EigeneIcons\Elbe1b-pentagon-128.ico does not contain 16x16x16 icon image
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|9ED64E9E29DD1C9D|FontsFolder|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|12712AC6DB9AF594|_Allusers_ProductName__A2CEAA2F81ACE69A|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|43DFE0FD3923A1BC|_Publisher__AAC54E52B176F24D|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|147731B93C6DC41B|_ProductName__BE8B21705A03E331|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|D7EB4C018313C956|_ProductName__FB3C9B93BA2AB82F|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|748816FA0BE8F8F9|Samples_A36AEFD9449337D5|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|AE818F563F6A3F37|C_52C5B2C1E7155590|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|96DD7D3A4D4CCD1F|COBOL_650A492333E6145F|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|03695339998DFE76|CopyLib_255C4BE7F08F4B08|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|24B20D4ECB819892|Delphi_09D814C842FDE4E2|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|28B3984DCF1923A7|Fortran_6E249BADE8F614CC|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|88E8180CBF10A849|GAP_B45EF12F1994960B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|5C512E7979FA08E7|Isabelle_B1582819698FA761|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|CA97FA9D4128D26A|Java_FBAD088E4652CEC6|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|004C1ABBD44616E7|JCL_D96CB5281A97D88D|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|F33F5D25A028E409|Lex_7E41D5EAE5ADE19B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|658FAC9C581728F4|MT940_6725507F18AE561B|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|6BD5073BADF67115|Perl_72D1B72FE90DDED7|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|B17AD1DD14106FBC|SPS_36F4EA27EAA3A121|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|743B8CDAABCE6AE8|VHDL_D3F2BA1AC3358E39|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|BD27B2C468436E47|Winbatch_928BA351EE4736C0|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|7929DCB5622F7A73|Folder18_306D6158214B4708|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|ED24DE7AA96E73CE|Folder19_72954AF98B30C155|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|6CB4197BF21CD9EA|Ada_5A4A2FC1E47F13DD|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|D467CDF1D42E3A05|Text_CC217F1B83D8AFB8|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|D32A4F3F3311870D|REXX_4450CE8F57BE9539|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|99FF7AD674EA90B2|englishVersion|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
0004603E|BLD:Q0063|0809|3ED1B60921DFB481|germanVersion|Component's languages don't overlap with build languages - excluded from build
0004603E|BLD:Q0063|0809|CB937106AC115BD9|germanTexts|Component's languages don't overlap with build languages - excluded from build
00046056|BLD:Q0087|0809|A42D2193DE22DAA6|english Texts|Component key path is NULL - folder is used as key
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0809|D8CD26E16F679B2C|Liesmich_deutsch.rtf_D8CD26E16F679B2C|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0809|3A7A9F2DC2B18266|Lizenz_deutsch.rtf_3A7A9F2DC2B18266|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0809|38E50F9EF2059C22|Standard.deutsch.GID_38E50F9EF2059C22|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0809|CE7E00EB63046152|standard.deutsch.chm_CE7E00EB63046152|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046014|BLD:Q0021|0809|A4369D0F20631D24|REXX.dll_A4369D0F20631D24|No VERSIONINFO - version comparison will depend on date/time stamp
0004603C|BLD:Q0061|0809|16C6CE0458535CBA|Shortcut3_16C6CE0458535CBA|Shortcut target "\msiexec.exe" is not an installation item and cannot be checked
00046059|BLD:Q0090|0809|06A62D7327855813|standard.deutsch.chm_AAF0611C128E9C9C|Object's component is not used in current configuration - excluded from build
00046025|BLD:Q0038|0809|4FB5DF248A6C4D42|Elbian.ttf_4FB5DF248A6C4D42|Installs to shared folder - should be marked for sharing
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AF09EB95B7AB82CE|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Installation failed" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8912E56DD4E7A9ED|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> ended prematurely because of a processing error. Your system has not been modified. To install <ProductName> at a later time, please run the installation again." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|924BE93395614F8D|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Finish to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|598D8077CF7DAC0C|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|4BB9D6CE29131098|Finish|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Finish" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|655F7290F7FA9219|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AAA81477809E6D5C|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Installation interrupted" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|803B2A5A0742DE06|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install <ProductName> at a later time, please run the installation again." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|7D39B57750B74DA2|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Finish to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D94BF7D4F71DB0BB|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B676CC325BC2E445|Finish|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Finish" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D6B6C558420D42B6|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A689F851003C457E|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Processing completed" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9D2102C34B8F105E|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> has completed processing of <ProductName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|2D5744B5AF1901E3|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Finish to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B68F681CE6A1E487|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9D3B04F7A215860C|Finish|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Finish" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D8E1E95E2C9FF7B2|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AA43DD651311E96C|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please wait while <UIWizardName> prepares to guide you through the installation." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|4B7F61B6CBC09547|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|26B1506BC5685C09|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|454E9CBBE2B6CCF3|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|80DDE764A190DB3F|PublisherLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Publisher:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A565FDBB6A3211AF|WebSiteLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Web Site:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AC1F0B8902B554D8|EmailLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Email address:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|4496ACBC8BB9EAF4|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> will create a server image of <ProductName> at a specified network location." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B45DFFFDD6CD6A7B|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Next to continue." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B8CD384538B77AED|LegalNotice|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, is a violation of applicable laws." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|7EE9A99B09840713|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|1C8A8EE8B10B8748|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8794D0682537CDF6|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|2EAA23170305E748|AboutBtn|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&About..." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|BE4F919E9AFD9A1A|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Operation in progress" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|11E30C5A6931B807|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<ProductName> is being processed" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|ABFCF9E7B4631760|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please wait while <UIWizardName> processes <ProductName>. This may take several minutes." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5B280DB252DFB3B9|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|FFA30A564D982354|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|519C6D9918A9B641|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|4A2CCA597D3E0F66|PublisherLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Publisher:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5F7D200F97B61F34|WebSiteLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Web Site:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|067B913BA9B6B0AC|EmailLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Email address:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|BB699A871A4913D5|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> will install or update <ProductName> on your computer." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|33052EF103AC407E|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Next to continue." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5A4F091240F3CE21|LegalNotice|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, is a violation of applicable laws." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A64E414B317949FF|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|C204F9ADBDDF8E3B|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|2BC3D2FD9F5DBEB8|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E01F20E8697CB519|AboutBtn|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&About..." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B74D15AFD79D9274|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> will complete the installation of <ProductName> on your computer." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|DBF9896A010A28DA|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Install to continue or Cancel to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5DD78B2D94B7151F|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9DA654958E132F62|Install|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Install" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D6B366B317A4E1BB|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6E18C2F34C14DE3E|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> will allow you to change or remove the installation of <ProductName> on your computer." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|CD1CAB119C88D4C2|ToContinue|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|EDC704F855ABAC88|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6C6FE6160C3340BA|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|1D47B881AC2C671F|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|715E5389FBB427EE|AboutBtn|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&About..." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|38861654A923DF73|ErrorText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Error message" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6DD36FBAE1399740|Y|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Yes" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B548CFD33F273D6E|N|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&No" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A8FB3E218E2A2892|O|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "OK" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|619B3EAFF270AD3D|C|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|CB01217CA8D4D26F|A|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Abort" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|3EE998F0AD6778C5|I|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Ignore" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|BFDCA3C5EE8B88AD|R|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Retry" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|CDD56269D3B9B5EB|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Files in use" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|85D797BFF429B699|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Some files that need to be updated are currently in use" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|19D0E857D8965AEE|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "The following applications are using files that need to be updated by <UIWizardName>. Please close these applications, then click Retry to continue the installation, or click Cancel to cancel the installation." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E79B52CD24F4E4D1|Retry|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Retry" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|BE78AFFE8F245483|Ignore|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Ignore" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A62A0DB56431D45D|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|C2C3A0DBD7A8A9B8|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Registration information" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F39565EA9ABEA258|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please enter your registration information" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5DCA0091080E04D1|NameLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&User name:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|1E45B8B624D98BF7|OrganizationLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Organization:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|7A57DE7090FA7DBF|CDKeyLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&CD Key:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|26212D1739F28DAA|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|61563DBDA68ABAB0|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8EDD2937E38717BC|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|38E7FB3874227576|Text|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "The installation of <ProductName> is not complete yet. Do you want to cancel anyway?" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|294214233C2DA993|No|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&No" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D854415C3A55B20F|Yes|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Yes" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|479017545FA0577A|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Organization information" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|0839CD6A0ED3BD66|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please enter your organization information" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|36B8172C37C9F14C|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Enter your organization name and the CD key for your organization. These will be used as defaults for subsequent installations of <ProductName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|38ABAAAE997D0474|OrganizationLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Organization:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5258EBD13104115B|CDKeyLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&CD Key:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|59440591131EB68C|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B7FACCA5550DA947|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|ECAE71327E9D13BB|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F7E567AE9143F325|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "License agreement" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|DAA9F9C7C77F37BE|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please read the license agreement carefully before continuing." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8F2B748424F23143|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|EBDBBD96DA747C46|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E81A628E2CA88B99|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|3901E916841BB420|Text|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please wait while the installer determines your disk space requirements." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B084B9EC79BE3572|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|61A61E3B1C37D67D|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Insufficient disk space" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|572127E47FCE2A00|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Disk space required for installation exceeds available disk space" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|56AA0A8E3387ED62|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can remove some files from the highlighted volumes, choose to install fewer features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s)." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F87379B7D03FB8B1|Suggestion|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Alternatively, you may choose to disable the installer's rollback functionality. Without rollback your computer's state cannot be completely restored if the installation should fail." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|05916AA15EC61879|Disable|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Disable rollback" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|3FF4DE0E02F7B5B3|OK|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "OK" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B63DC5A3E35EC8BF|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Insufficient disk space" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E1E6CC0731E61299|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Disk space required for installation exceeds available disk space" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6B7EB3ACBA51EE5E|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can remove some files from the highlighted volumes, choose to install fewer features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s)." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9AABB1B9723A3A43|OK|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "OK" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|95C3F01F1FC9AE72|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Modify, Repair, or Remove" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|970EDBF28674F736|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please select the operation that you wish to perform" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|961DBD54EC4FC3F3|ChangeText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Allows you to install or remove product features." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9672F6FBE31C5207|RemoveLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "R&emove" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|631F2428934DD3F3|RemoveText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Removes <ProductName> from your computer." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|864A8A3FF340632E|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A77E9E2CF55BF501|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8D094D20D0F31470|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|BCCDFBA6D73729EF|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Select installation type" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D3C8F4E3418EFF5C|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please select the installation type that best suits your needs" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AFCB4B3E937A2738|TypicalLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Typical" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|D1A97F28FBCDDA61|TypicalText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Installs the most common product features. Recommended for most users." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9F86A8EE9D11161A|CustomLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "C&ustom" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|CBEB0171A576F231|CustomText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Allows you to select which product features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced users." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|3B11B122CCD55077|CompleteLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Complete" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6440047D57337300|CompleteText|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Installs all product features. (Requires the most disk space.)" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|365C6B3FDD533091|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|28D1F7FA26C6939D|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|4A15DA309C41AC9A|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AB762F3BE52619A2|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Network location" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|AFF7EF6CBB82E717|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Please specify a network location for the server image of <ProductName>" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E45633E9D22A1021|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Enter the network location for the server image of <ProductName> or click Browse to browse for one." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|880121FA5E9F4890|FolderLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Location:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|C8814A4126081B41|Browse|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Bro&wse..." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|00E15A464A704E57|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|38CC6C07DE060F92|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|7E37C6729F216597|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E6A63CD5F841FA96|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Custom installation" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A2F4988C1A30EE9B|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Select the features to be installed for <ProductName>" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F7A2D35DA6BD52A1|ItemDescription|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Description" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|06AE39BA51394423|ItemSize|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Size" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|06578D7B951E8DF8|Reset|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Reset" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|DA9BA0D2B6E553A6|DiskCost|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Disk usage" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|731CF58E5916F7C9|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|067EEB4D727A5E45|Next|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Next >" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|658AEF79859BB27E|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E1F9C5AF68EE8AA7|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Ready to repair" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F8978FACA1DEA1B1|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> is ready to repair the installation of <ProductName>" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|0B3CE8CFD7C4632B|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Repair to repair the installation of <ProductName>. If you want to review or change any of the installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|B3ACAC9600E53526|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|69591477E706723C|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|E87477F6DA186A1D|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Ready to remove" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5AAE91DD8E4A70A8|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> is ready to remove <ProductName> from your computer" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6BB730D965C8A039|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Remove to remove <ProductName> from your computer. If you want to review or change any of the installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|38B626BF556E9933|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|EE468100CB16D06E|Remove|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Remove" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9EF3846878D1DF56|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|07FB1F5DFDA50D4A|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Ready to install" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|6408D01744DF3F70|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "<UIWizardName> is ready to install <ProductName> on your computer" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|F4E3D0F57946B808|Description|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Click Install to begin the installation. If you want to review or change any of the installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit <UIWizardName>." instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8BA0780DAA9C0A7B|Back|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "< &Back" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|87A0BEF45B8D4912|Install|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Install" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|A591EEFA28912A7C|Cancel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Cancel" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|DD4C4C9B0ADA26F3|Title|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Select installation folder" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|5B5B16D4C5773150|Subtitle|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "Browse to select the desired installation folder" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|8A50A7E46E4B82D0|DirectoryLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Look in:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|412ADA8975703649|FolderLabel|Caption is not localized for this language - using default text "&Folder name:" instead
00046051|BLD:Q0082|0809|9252F5572B4809D4|OK|Caption is not localized for this language | | |