(* Title: Doc/antiquote_setup.ML
Author: Makarius
Auxiliary antiquotations for the Isabelle manuals.
structure Antiquote_Setup: sig end =
(* misc utils *)
fun translate f = Symbol.explode #> map f #> implode;
val clean_string = translate
(fn "_" => "\\_"
| "#" => "\\#"
| "$" => "\\$"
| "%" => "\\%"
| "<" => "$<$"
| ">" => "$>$"
| "{" => "\\{"
| "|" => "$\\mid$"
| "}" => "\\}"
| "\" => "-"
| c => c);
fun clean_name "\" = "dots"
| clean_name ".." = "ddot"
| clean_name "." = "dot"
| clean_name "_" = "underscore"
| clean_name "{" = "braceleft"
| clean_name "}" = "braceright"
| clean_name s = s |> translate (fn "_" => "-" | "\" => "-" | c => c);
(* ML text *)
fun ml_val (toks1, []) = ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read ");"
| ml_val (toks1, toks2) =
ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read " : " @ toks2 @ ML_Lex.read ");";
fun ml_op (toks1, []) = ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (op " @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read ");"
| ml_op (toks1, toks2) =
ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (op " @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read " : " @ toks2 @ ML_Lex.read ");";
fun ml_type (toks1, []) = ML_Lex.read "val _ = NONE : (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read ") option;"
| ml_type (toks1, toks2) =
ML_Lex.read "val _ = [NONE : (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read ") option, NONE : (" @
toks2 @ ML_Lex.read ") option];";
fun ml_exception (toks1, []) = ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read " : exn);"
| ml_exception (toks1, toks2) =
ML_Lex.read "fn _ => (" @ toks1 @ ML_Lex.read " : " @ toks2 @ ML_Lex.read " -> exn);";
fun ml_structure (toks, _) =
ML_Lex.read "functor XXX() = struct structure XX = " @ toks @ ML_Lex.read " end;";
fun ml_functor (Antiquote.Text tok :: _, _) =
ML_Lex.read "ML_Env.check_functor " @
ML_Lex.read (ML_Syntax.print_string (ML_Lex.content_of tok))
| ml_functor _ = raise Fail "Bad ML functor specification";
val is_name =
ML_Lex.kind_of #> (fn kind => kind = ML_Lex.Ident orelse kind = ML_Lex.Long_Ident);
fun ml_name txt =
(case filter is_name (ML_Lex.tokenize txt) of
toks as [_] => ML_Lex.flatten toks
| _ => error ("Single ML name expected in input: " ^ quote txt));
fun prep_ml source =
(#1 (Input.source_content source), ML_Lex.read_source source);
fun index_ml name kind ml = Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw name
(Scan.lift (Args.text_input -- Scan.option (Args.colon |-- Args.text_input)))
(fn ctxt => fn (source1, opt_source2) =>
val (txt1, toks1) = prep_ml source1;
val (txt2, toks2) =
(case opt_source2 of
SOME source => prep_ml source
| NONE => ("", []));
val txt =
if txt2 = "" then txt1
else if kind = "type" then txt1 ^ " = " ^ txt2
else if kind = "exception" then txt1 ^ " of " ^ txt2
else if Symbol_Pos.is_identifier (Long_Name.base_name (ml_name txt1))
then txt1 ^ ": " ^ txt2
else txt1 ^ " : " ^ txt2;
val txt' = if kind = "" then txt else kind ^ " " ^ txt;
val pos = Input.pos_of source1;
val _ =
ML_Context.eval_in (SOME ctxt) ML_Compiler.flags pos (ml (toks1, toks2))
handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ Position.here pos);
val kind' = if kind = "" then "ML" else "ML " ^ kind;
[Latex.string ("\\indexdef{}{" ^ kind' ^ "}{" ^ clean_string (ml_name txt1) ^ "}"),
Thy_Output.verbatim ctxt txt']
val _ =
(index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML\<close> "" ml_val #>
index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML_op\<close> "infix" ml_op #>
index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML_type\<close> "type" ml_type #>
index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML_exception\<close> "exception" ml_exception #>
index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML_structure\<close> "structure" ml_structure #>
index_ml \<^binding>\<open>index_ML_functor\<close> "functor" ml_functor);
(* named theorems *)
val _ =
Theory.setup (Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw \<^binding>\<open>named_thms\<close>
(Scan.repeat (Attrib.thm -- Scan.lift (Args.parens Args.name)))
(fn ctxt =>
map (fn (thm, name) =>
(Document_Antiquotation.format ctxt
(Document_Antiquotation.delimit ctxt (Thy_Output.pretty_thm ctxt thm))) ^
enclose "\\rulename{" "}" (Output.output name))
#> space_implode "\\par\\smallskip%\n"
#> Latex.string #> single
#> Thy_Output.isabelle ctxt));
(* Isabelle/Isar entities (with index) *)
fun no_check (_: Proof.context) (name, _: Position.T) = name;
fun check_keyword ctxt (name, pos) =
if Keyword.is_keyword (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt) name then name
else error ("Bad outer syntax keyword " ^ quote name ^ Position.here pos);
fun check_system_option ctxt arg =
(Completion.check_option (Options.default ()) ctxt arg; true)
handle ERROR _ => false;
val arg = enclose "{" "}" o clean_string;
fun entity check markup binding index =
(binding |> Binding.map_name (fn name => name ^
(case index of NONE => "" | SOME true => "_def" | SOME false => "_ref")))
(Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.parens Args.name) "" -- Args.name_position))
(fn ctxt => fn (logic, (name, pos)) =>
val kind = translate (fn "_" => " " | c => c) (Binding.name_of binding);
val hyper_name =
"{" ^ Long_Name.append kind (Long_Name.append logic (clean_name name)) ^ "}";
val hyper =
enclose ("\\hyperlink" ^ hyper_name ^ "{") "}" #>
index = SOME true ? enclose ("\\hypertarget" ^ hyper_name ^ "{") "}";
val idx =
(case index of
NONE => ""
| SOME is_def =>
"\\index" ^ (if is_def then "def" else "ref") ^ arg logic ^ arg kind ^ arg name);
val _ =
if Context_Position.is_reported ctxt pos then ignore (check ctxt (name, pos)) else ();
val latex =
idx ^
(Output.output name
|> (if markup = "" then I else enclose ("\\" ^ markup ^ "{") "}")
|> hyper o enclose "\\mbox{\\isa{" "}}");
in Latex.string latex end);
fun entity_antiqs check markup kind =
entity check markup kind NONE #>
entity check markup kind (SOME true) #>
entity check markup kind (SOME false);
val _ =
(entity_antiqs no_check "" \<^binding>\<open>syntax\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Outer_Syntax.check_command "isacommand" \<^binding>\<open>command\<close> #>
entity_antiqs check_keyword "isakeyword" \<^binding>\<open>keyword\<close> #>
entity_antiqs check_keyword "isakeyword" \<^binding>\<open>element\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Method.check_name "" \<^binding>\<open>method\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Attrib.check_name "" \<^binding>\<open>attribute\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "" \<^binding>\<open>fact\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "" \<^binding>\<open>variable\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "" \<^binding>\<open>case\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Document_Antiquotation.check "" \<^binding>\<open>antiquotation\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Document_Antiquotation.check_option "" \<^binding>\<open>antiquotation_option\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Document_Marker.check "" \<^binding>\<open>document_marker\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "isasystem" \<^binding>\<open>setting\<close> #>
entity_antiqs check_system_option "isasystem" \<^binding>\<open>system_option\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "" \<^binding>\<open>inference\<close> #>
entity_antiqs no_check "isasystem" \<^binding>\<open>executable\<close> #>
entity_antiqs Isabelle_Tool.check "isatool" \<^binding>\<open>tool\<close> #>
entity_antiqs ML_Context.check_antiquotation "" \<^binding>\<open>ML_antiquotation\<close> #>
entity_antiqs (K JEdit.check_action) "isasystem" \<^binding>\<open>action\<close>);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.