(* Title: HOL/Corec_Examples/Tests/Small_Concrete.thy
Author: Aymeric Bouzy, Ecole polytechnique
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, Inria, LORIA, MPII
Copyright 2015, 2016
Small concrete examples.
section \<open>Small Concrete Examples\<close>
theory Small_Concrete
imports "HOL-Library.BNF_Corec"
subsection \<open>Streams of Natural Numbers\<close>
codatatype natstream = S (head: nat) (tail: natstream)
corec (friend) incr_all where
"incr_all s = S (head s + 1) (incr_all (tail s))"
corec all_numbers where
"all_numbers = S 0 (incr_all all_numbers)"
corec all_numbers_efficient where
"all_numbers_efficient n = S n (all_numbers_efficient (n + 1))"
corec remove_multiples where
"remove_multiples n s =
(if (head s) mod n = 0 then
S (head (tail s)) (remove_multiples n (tail (tail s)))
S (head s) (remove_multiples n (tail s)))"
corec prime_numbers where
"prime_numbers known_primes =
(let next_prime = head (fold (%n s. remove_multiples n s) known_primes (tail (tail all_numbers))) in
S next_prime (prime_numbers (next_prime # known_primes)))"
term "prime_numbers []"
corec prime_numbers_more_efficient where
"prime_numbers_more_efficient n remaining_numbers =
(let remaining_numbers = remove_multiples n remaining_numbers in
S (head remaining_numbers) (prime_numbers_more_efficient (head remaining_numbers) remaining_numbers))"
term "prime_numbers_more_efficient 0 (tail (tail all_numbers))"
corec (friend) alternate where
"alternate s1 s2 = S (head s1) (S (head s2) (alternate (tail s1) (tail s2)))"
corec (friend) all_sums where
"all_sums s1 s2 = S (head s1 + head s2) (alternate (all_sums s1 (tail s2)) (all_sums (tail s1) s2))"
corec app_list where
"app_list s l = (case l of
[] \<Rightarrow> s
| a # r \<Rightarrow> S a (app_list s r))"
friend_of_corec app_list where
"app_list s l = (case l of
[] \<Rightarrow> (case s of S a b \<Rightarrow> S a b)
| a # r \<Rightarrow> S a (app_list s r))"
corec expand_with where
"expand_with f s = (let l = f (head s) in S (hd l) (app_list (expand_with f (tail s)) (tl l)))"
friend_of_corec expand_with where
"expand_with f s = (let l = f (head s) in S (hd l) (app_list (expand_with f (tail s)) (tl l)))"
corec iterations where
"iterations f a = S a (iterations f (f a))"
corec exponential_iterations where
"exponential_iterations f a = S (f a) (exponential_iterations (f o f) a)"
corec (friend) alternate_list where
"alternate_list l = (let heads = (map head l) in S (hd heads) (app_list (alternate_list (map tail l)) (tl heads)))"
corec switch_one_two0 where
"switch_one_two0 f a s = (case s of
S b r \<Rightarrow> S b (S a (f r)))"
corec switch_one_two where
"switch_one_two s = (case s of
S a (S b r) \<Rightarrow> S b (S a (switch_one_two r)))"
corec fibonacci where
"fibonacci n m = S m (fibonacci (n + m) n)"
corec sequence2 where
"sequence2 f u1 u0 = S u0 (sequence2 f (f u1 u0) u1)"
corec (friend) alternate_with_function where
"alternate_with_function f s =
(let f_head_s = f (head s) in S (head f_head_s) (alternate (tail f_head_s) (alternate_with_function f (tail s))))"
corec h where
"h l s = (case l of
[] \<Rightarrow> s
| (S a s') # r \ S a (alternate s (h r s')))"
friend_of_corec h where
"h l s = (case l of
[] \<Rightarrow> (case s of S a b \<Rightarrow> S a b)
| (S a s') # r \ S a (alternate s (h r s')))"
corec z where
"z = S 0 (S 0 z)"
lemma "\x. x = S 0 (S 0 x) \ x = z"
apply corec_unique
apply (rule z.code)
corec enum where
"enum m = S m (enum (m + 1))"
lemma "(\m. f m = S m (f (m + 1))) \ f m = enum m"
apply corec_unique
apply (rule enum.code)
lemma "(\m. f m = S m (f (m + 1))) \ f m = enum m"
apply corec_unique
apply (rule enum.code)
subsection \<open>Lazy Lists of Natural Numbers\<close>
codatatype llist = LNil | LCons nat llist
corec h1 where
"h1 x = (if x = 1 then
let x = if x mod 2 = 0 then x div 2 else 3 * x + 1 in
LCons x (h1 x))"
corec h3 where
"h3 s = (case s of
LNil \<Rightarrow> LNil
| LCons x r \<Rightarrow> LCons x (h3 r))"
corec fold_map where
"fold_map f a s = (let v = f a (head s) in S v (fold_map f v (tail s)))"
friend_of_corec fold_map where
"fold_map f a s = (let v = f a (head s) in S v (fold_map f v (tail s)))"
apply (rule fold_map.code)
subsection \<open>Coinductive Natural Numbers\<close>
codatatype conat = CoZero | CoSuc conat
corec sum where
"sum x y = (case x of
CoZero \<Rightarrow> y
| CoSuc x \<Rightarrow> CoSuc (sum x y))"
friend_of_corec sum where
"sum x y = (case x of
CoZero \<Rightarrow> (case y of CoZero \<Rightarrow> CoZero | CoSuc y \<Rightarrow> CoSuc y)
| CoSuc x \<Rightarrow> CoSuc (sum x y))"
corec (friend) prod where
"prod x y = (case (x, y) of
(CoZero, _) \<Rightarrow> CoZero
| (_, CoZero) \<Rightarrow> CoZero
| (CoSuc x, CoSuc y) \<Rightarrow> CoSuc (sum (prod x y) (sum x y)))"
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