(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/IOA/Automata.thy
Author: Olaf Müller, Konrad Slind, Tobias Nipkow
section \<open>The I/O automata of Lynch and Tuttle in HOLCF\<close>
theory Automata
imports Asig
default_sort type
type_synonym ('a, 's) transition = "'s \ 'a \ 's"
type_synonym ('a, 's) ioa =
"'a signature \ 's set \ ('a, 's)transition set \ 'a set set \ 'a set set"
subsection \<open>IO automata\<close>
definition asig_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a signature"
where "asig_of = fst"
definition starts_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 's set"
where "starts_of = fst \ snd"
definition trans_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ ('a, 's) transition set"
where "trans_of = fst \ snd \ snd"
abbreviation trans_of_syn ("_ \_\_\ _" [81, 81, 81, 81] 100)
where "s \a\A\ t \ (s, a, t) \ trans_of A"
definition wfair_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set set"
where "wfair_of = fst \ snd \ snd \ snd"
definition sfair_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set set"
where "sfair_of = snd \ snd \ snd \ snd"
definition is_asig_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "is_asig_of A = is_asig (asig_of A)"
definition is_starts_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "is_starts_of A \ starts_of A \ {}"
definition is_trans_of :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "is_trans_of A \
(\<forall>triple. triple \<in> trans_of A \<longrightarrow> fst (snd triple) \<in> actions (asig_of A))"
definition input_enabled :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "input_enabled A \
(\<forall>a. a \<in> inputs (asig_of A) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s1. \<exists>s2. (s1, a, s2) \<in> trans_of A))"
definition IOA :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "IOA A \
is_asig_of A \<and>
is_starts_of A \<and>
is_trans_of A \<and>
input_enabled A"
abbreviation "act A \ actions (asig_of A)"
abbreviation "ext A \ externals (asig_of A)"
abbreviation int where "int A \ internals (asig_of A)"
abbreviation "inp A \ inputs (asig_of A)"
abbreviation "out A \ outputs (asig_of A)"
abbreviation "local A \ locals (asig_of A)"
text \<open>invariants\<close>
inductive reachable :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 's \ bool" for C :: "('a, 's) ioa"
reachable_0: "s \ starts_of C \ reachable C s"
| reachable_n: "reachable C s \ (s, a, t) \ trans_of C \ reachable C t"
definition invariant :: "[('a, 's) ioa, 's \ bool] \ bool"
where "invariant A P \ (\s. reachable A s \ P s)"
subsection \<open>Parallel composition\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Binary composition of action signatures and automata\<close>
definition compatible :: "('a, 's) ioa \ ('a, 't) ioa \ bool"
where "compatible A B \
out A \<inter> out B = {} \<and>
int A \<inter> act B = {} \<and>
int B \<inter> act A = {}"
definition asig_comp :: "'a signature \ 'a signature \ 'a signature"
where "asig_comp a1 a2 =
(((inputs a1 \<union> inputs a2) - (outputs a1 \<union> outputs a2),
(outputs a1 \<union> outputs a2),
(internals a1 \<union> internals a2)))"
definition par :: "('a, 's) ioa \ ('a, 't) ioa \ ('a, 's * 't) ioa" (infixr "\" 10)
where "(A \ B) =
(asig_comp (asig_of A) (asig_of B),
{pr. fst pr \<in> starts_of A \<and> snd pr \<in> starts_of B},
s = fst tr;
a = fst (snd tr);
t = snd (snd tr)
(a \<in> act A \<or> a \<in> act B) \<and>
(if a \<in> act A then (fst s, a, fst t) \<in> trans_of A
else fst t = fst s) \<and>
(if a \<in> act B then (snd s, a, snd t) \<in> trans_of B
else snd t = snd s)},
wfair_of A \<union> wfair_of B,
sfair_of A \<union> sfair_of B)"
subsection \<open>Hiding\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Hiding and restricting\<close>
definition restrict_asig :: "'a signature \ 'a set \ 'a signature"
where "restrict_asig asig actns =
(inputs asig \<inter> actns,
outputs asig \<inter> actns,
internals asig \<union> (externals asig - actns))"
text \<open>
Notice that for \<open>wfair_of\<close> and \<open>sfair_of\<close> nothing has to be changed, as
changes from the outputs to the internals does not touch the locals as a
whole, which is of importance for fairness only.
definition restrict :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set \ ('a, 's) ioa"
where "restrict A actns =
(restrict_asig (asig_of A) actns,
starts_of A,
trans_of A,
wfair_of A,
sfair_of A)"
definition hide_asig :: "'a signature \ 'a set \ 'a signature"
where "hide_asig asig actns =
(inputs asig - actns,
outputs asig - actns,
internals asig \<union> actns)"
definition hide :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set \ ('a, 's) ioa"
where "hide A actns =
(hide_asig (asig_of A) actns,
starts_of A,
trans_of A,
wfair_of A,
sfair_of A)"
subsection \<open>Renaming\<close>
definition rename_set :: "'a set \ ('c \ 'a option) \ 'c set"
where "rename_set A ren = {b. \x. Some x = ren b \ x \ A}"
definition rename :: "('a, 'b) ioa \ ('c \ 'a option) \ ('c, 'b) ioa"
where "rename ioa ren =
((rename_set (inp ioa) ren,
rename_set (out ioa) ren,
rename_set (int ioa) ren),
starts_of ioa,
s = fst tr;
a = fst (snd tr);
t = snd (snd tr)
in \<exists>x. Some x = ren a \<and> s \<midarrow>x\<midarrow>ioa\<rightarrow> t},
{rename_set s ren | s. s \<in> wfair_of ioa},
{rename_set s ren | s. s \<in> sfair_of ioa})"
subsection \<open>Fairness\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Enabledness of actions and action sets\<close>
definition enabled :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a \ 's \ bool"
where "enabled A a s \ (\t. s \a\A\ t)"
definition Enabled :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set \ 's \ bool"
where "Enabled A W s \ (\w \ W. enabled A w s)"
text \<open>Action set keeps enabled until probably disabled by itself.\<close>
definition en_persistent :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set \ bool"
where "en_persistent A W \
(\<forall>s a t. Enabled A W s \<and> a \<notin> W \<and> s \<midarrow>a\<midarrow>A\<rightarrow> t \<longrightarrow> Enabled A W t)"
text \<open>Post conditions for actions and action sets.\<close>
definition was_enabled :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a \ 's \ bool"
where "was_enabled A a t \ (\s. s \a\A\ t)"
definition set_was_enabled :: "('a, 's) ioa \ 'a set \ 's \ bool"
where "set_was_enabled A W t \ (\w \ W. was_enabled A w t)"
text \<open>Constraints for fair IOA.\<close>
definition fairIOA :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "fairIOA A \ (\S \ wfair_of A. S \ local A) \ (\S \ sfair_of A. S \ local A)"
definition input_resistant :: "('a, 's) ioa \ bool"
where "input_resistant A \
(\<forall>W \<in> sfair_of A. \<forall>s a t.
reachable A s \<and> reachable A t \<and> a \<in> inp A \<and>
Enabled A W s \<and> s \<midarrow>a\<midarrow>A\<rightarrow> t \<longrightarrow> Enabled A W t)"
declare split_paired_Ex [simp del]
lemmas ioa_projections = asig_of_def starts_of_def trans_of_def wfair_of_def sfair_of_def
subsection "\asig_of\, \starts_of\, \trans_of\"
lemma ioa_triple_proj:
"asig_of (x, y, z, w, s) = x \
starts_of (x, y, z, w, s) = y \<and>
trans_of (x, y, z, w, s) = z \<and>
wfair_of (x, y, z, w, s) = w \<and>
sfair_of (x, y, z, w, s) = s"
by (simp add: ioa_projections)
lemma trans_in_actions: "is_trans_of A \ s1 \a\A\ s2 \ a \ act A"
by (auto simp add: is_trans_of_def actions_def is_asig_def)
lemma starts_of_par: "starts_of (A \ B) = {p. fst p \ starts_of A \ snd p \ starts_of B}"
by (simp add: par_def ioa_projections)
lemma trans_of_par:
"trans_of(A \ B) =
s = fst tr;
a = fst (snd tr);
t = snd (snd tr)
(a \<in> act A \<or> a \<in> act B) \<and>
(if a \<in> act A then (fst s, a, fst t) \<in> trans_of A
else fst t = fst s) \<and>
(if a \<in> act B then (snd s, a, snd t) \<in> trans_of B
else snd t = snd s)}"
by (simp add: par_def ioa_projections)
subsection \<open>\<open>actions\<close> and \<open>par\<close>\<close>
lemma actions_asig_comp: "actions (asig_comp a b) = actions a \ actions b"
by (auto simp add: actions_def asig_comp_def asig_projections)
lemma asig_of_par: "asig_of(A \ B) = asig_comp (asig_of A) (asig_of B)"
by (simp add: par_def ioa_projections)
lemma externals_of_par: "ext (A1 \ A2) = ext A1 \ ext A2"
by (auto simp add: externals_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
lemma actions_of_par: "act (A1 \ A2) = act A1 \ act A2"
by (auto simp add: actions_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def asig_internals_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
lemma inputs_of_par: "inp (A1 \ A2) = (inp A1 \ inp A2) - (out A1 \ out A2)"
by (simp add: actions_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
lemma outputs_of_par: "out (A1 \ A2) = out A1 \ out A2"
by (simp add: actions_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_outputs_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
lemma internals_of_par: "int (A1 \ A2) = int A1 \ int A2"
by (simp add: actions_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def asig_internals_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
subsection \<open>Actions and compatibility\<close>
lemma compat_commute: "compatible A B = compatible B A"
by (auto simp add: compatible_def Int_commute)
lemma ext1_is_not_int2: "compatible A1 A2 \ a \ ext A1 \ a \ int A2"
by (auto simp add: externals_def actions_def compatible_def)
(*just commuting the previous one: better commute compatible*)
lemma ext2_is_not_int1: "compatible A2 A1 \ a \ ext A1 \ a \ int A2"
by (auto simp add: externals_def actions_def compatible_def)
lemmas ext1_ext2_is_not_act2 = ext1_is_not_int2 [THEN int_and_ext_is_act]
lemmas ext1_ext2_is_not_act1 = ext2_is_not_int1 [THEN int_and_ext_is_act]
lemma intA_is_not_extB: "compatible A B \ x \ int A \ x \ ext B"
by (auto simp add: externals_def actions_def compatible_def)
lemma intA_is_not_actB: "compatible A B \ a \ int A \ a \ act B"
by (auto simp add: externals_def actions_def compatible_def is_asig_def asig_of_def)
(*the only one that needs disjointness of outputs and of internals and _all_ acts*)
lemma outAactB_is_inpB: "compatible A B \ a \ out A \ a \ act B \ a \ inp B"
by (auto simp add: asig_outputs_def asig_internals_def actions_def asig_inputs_def
compatible_def is_asig_def asig_of_def)
(*needed for propagation of input_enabledness from A, B to A \<parallel> B*)
lemma inpAAactB_is_inpBoroutB:
"compatible A B \ a \ inp A \ a \ act B \ a \ inp B \ a \ out B"
by (auto simp add: asig_outputs_def asig_internals_def actions_def asig_inputs_def
compatible_def is_asig_def asig_of_def)
subsection \<open>Input enabledness and par\<close>
(*ugly case distinctions. Heart of proof:
1. inpAAactB_is_inpBoroutB ie. internals are really hidden.
2. inputs_of_par: outputs are no longer inputs of par. This is important here.*)
lemma input_enabled_par:
"compatible A B \ input_enabled A \ input_enabled B \ input_enabled (A \ B)"
apply (unfold input_enabled_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def inputs_of_par trans_of_par)
apply (tactic "safe_tac (Context.raw_transfer \<^theory> \<^theory_context>\Fun\)")
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
prefer 2
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
text \<open>\<open>a \<in> inp A\<close>\<close>
apply (case_tac "a \ act B")
text \<open>\<open>a \<in> inp B\<close>\<close>
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply simp
apply (drule inpAAactB_is_inpBoroutB)
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x = "aa" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "b" in allE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x = "(s2, s2a)" in exI)
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
text \<open>\<open>a \<notin> act B\<close>\<close>
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x = "aa" in allE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x = " (s2,b) " in exI)
apply simp
text \<open>\<open>a \<in> inp B\<close>\<close>
apply (case_tac "a \ act A")
text \<open>\<open>a \<in> act A\<close>\<close>
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
apply (frule_tac A1 = "A" in compat_commute [THEN iffD1])
apply (drule inpAAactB_is_inpBoroutB)
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x = "aa" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "b" in allE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x = "(s2, s2a)" in exI)
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
text \<open>\<open>a \<notin> act B\<close>\<close>
apply (simp add: inp_is_act)
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "a" in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x = "b" in allE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x = "(aa, s2)" in exI)
apply simp
subsection \<open>Invariants\<close>
lemma invariantI:
assumes "\s. s \ starts_of A \ P s"
and "\s t a. reachable A s \ P s \ (s, a, t) \ trans_of A \ P t"
shows "invariant A P"
using assms
apply (unfold invariant_def)
apply (rule allI)
apply (rule impI)
apply (rule_tac x = "s" in reachable.induct)
apply assumption
apply blast
apply blast
lemma invariantI1:
assumes "\s. s \ starts_of A \ P s"
and "\s t a. reachable A s \ P s \ (s, a, t) \ trans_of A \ P t"
shows "invariant A P"
using assms by (blast intro: invariantI)
lemma invariantE: "invariant A P \ reachable A s \ P s"
unfolding invariant_def by blast
subsection \<open>\<open>restrict\<close>\<close>
lemmas reachable_0 = reachable.reachable_0
and reachable_n = reachable.reachable_n
lemma cancel_restrict_a:
"starts_of (restrict ioa acts) = starts_of ioa \
trans_of (restrict ioa acts) = trans_of ioa"
by (simp add: restrict_def ioa_projections)
lemma cancel_restrict_b: "reachable (restrict ioa acts) s = reachable ioa s"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule reachable.induct)
apply (simp add: cancel_restrict_a reachable_0)
apply (erule reachable_n)
apply (simp add: cancel_restrict_a)
text \<open>\<open>\<longleftarrow>\<close>\<close>
apply (erule reachable.induct)
apply (rule reachable_0)
apply (simp add: cancel_restrict_a)
apply (erule reachable_n)
apply (simp add: cancel_restrict_a)
lemma acts_restrict: "act (restrict A acts) = act A"
by (auto simp add: actions_def asig_internals_def
asig_outputs_def asig_inputs_def externals_def asig_of_def restrict_def restrict_asig_def)
lemma cancel_restrict:
"starts_of (restrict ioa acts) = starts_of ioa \
trans_of (restrict ioa acts) = trans_of ioa \<and>
reachable (restrict ioa acts) s = reachable ioa s \<and>
act (restrict A acts) = act A"
by (simp add: cancel_restrict_a cancel_restrict_b acts_restrict)
subsection \<open>\<open>rename\<close>\<close>
lemma trans_rename: "s \a\(rename C f)\ t \ (\x. Some x = f a \ s \x\C\ t)"
by (simp add: Let_def rename_def trans_of_def)
lemma reachable_rename: "reachable (rename C g) s \ reachable C s"
apply (erule reachable.induct)
apply (rule reachable_0)
apply (simp add: rename_def ioa_projections)
apply (drule trans_rename)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (erule reachable_n)
apply assumption
subsection \<open>\<open>trans_of (A \<parallel> B)\<close>\<close>
lemma trans_A_proj:
"(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B) \ a \ act A \ (fst s, a, fst t) \ trans_of A"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_B_proj:
"(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B) \ a \ act B \ (snd s, a, snd t) \ trans_of B"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_A_proj2: "(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B) \ a \ act A \ fst s = fst t"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_B_proj2: "(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B) \ a \ act B \ snd s = snd t"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_AB_proj: "(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B) \ a \ act A \ a \ act B"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_AB:
"a \ act A \ a \ act B \
(fst s, a, fst t) \<in> trans_of A \<Longrightarrow>
(snd s, a, snd t) \<in> trans_of B \<Longrightarrow>
(s, a, t) \<in> trans_of (A \<parallel> B)"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_A_notB:
"a \ act A \ a \ act B \
(fst s, a, fst t) \<in> trans_of A \<Longrightarrow>
snd s = snd t \<Longrightarrow>
(s, a, t) \<in> trans_of (A \<parallel> B)"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemma trans_notA_B:
"a \ act A \ a \ act B \
(snd s, a, snd t) \<in> trans_of B \<Longrightarrow>
fst s = fst t \<Longrightarrow>
(s, a, t) \<in> trans_of (A \<parallel> B)"
by (simp add: Let_def par_def trans_of_def)
lemmas trans_of_defs1 = trans_AB trans_A_notB trans_notA_B
and trans_of_defs2 = trans_A_proj trans_B_proj trans_A_proj2 trans_B_proj2 trans_AB_proj
lemma trans_of_par4:
"(s, a, t) \ trans_of (A \ B \ C \ D) \
((a \<in> actions (asig_of A) \<or> a \<in> actions (asig_of B) \<or> a \<in> actions (asig_of C) \<or>
a \<in> actions (asig_of D)) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions (asig_of A)
then (fst s, a, fst t) \<in> trans_of A
else fst t = fst s) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions (asig_of B)
then (fst (snd s), a, fst (snd t)) \<in> trans_of B
else fst (snd t) = fst (snd s)) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions (asig_of C)
then (fst (snd (snd s)), a, fst (snd (snd t))) \<in> trans_of C
else fst (snd (snd t)) = fst (snd (snd s))) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions (asig_of D)
then (snd (snd (snd s)), a, snd (snd (snd t))) \<in> trans_of D
else snd (snd (snd t)) = snd (snd (snd s))))"
by (simp add: par_def actions_asig_comp prod_eq_iff Let_def ioa_projections)
subsection \<open>Proof obligation generator for IOA requirements\<close>
(*without assumptions on A and B because is_trans_of is also incorporated in par_def*)
lemma is_trans_of_par: "is_trans_of (A \ B)"
by (simp add: is_trans_of_def Let_def actions_of_par trans_of_par)
lemma is_trans_of_restrict: "is_trans_of A \ is_trans_of (restrict A acts)"
by (simp add: is_trans_of_def cancel_restrict acts_restrict)
lemma is_trans_of_rename: "is_trans_of A \ is_trans_of (rename A f)"
apply (unfold is_trans_of_def restrict_def restrict_asig_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def actions_def trans_of_def asig_internals_def
asig_outputs_def asig_inputs_def externals_def asig_of_def rename_def rename_set_def)
apply blast
lemma is_asig_of_par: "is_asig_of A \ is_asig_of B \ compatible A B \ is_asig_of (A \ B)"
apply (simp add: is_asig_of_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def compatible_def
asig_internals_def asig_outputs_def asig_inputs_def actions_def is_asig_def)
apply (simp add: asig_of_def)
apply auto
lemma is_asig_of_restrict: "is_asig_of A \ is_asig_of (restrict A f)"
apply (unfold is_asig_of_def is_asig_def asig_of_def restrict_def restrict_asig_def
asig_internals_def asig_outputs_def asig_inputs_def externals_def o_def)
apply simp
apply auto
lemma is_asig_of_rename: "is_asig_of A \ is_asig_of (rename A f)"
apply (simp add: is_asig_of_def rename_def rename_set_def asig_internals_def
asig_outputs_def asig_inputs_def actions_def is_asig_def asig_of_def)
apply auto
apply (drule_tac [!] s = "Some _" in sym)
apply auto
lemmas [simp] = is_asig_of_par is_asig_of_restrict
is_asig_of_rename is_trans_of_par is_trans_of_restrict is_trans_of_rename
lemma compatible_par: "compatible A B \ compatible A C \ compatible A (B \ C)"
by (auto simp add: compatible_def internals_of_par outputs_of_par actions_of_par)
(*better derive by previous one and compat_commute*)
lemma compatible_par2: "compatible A C \ compatible B C \ compatible (A \ B) C"
by (auto simp add: compatible_def internals_of_par outputs_of_par actions_of_par)
lemma compatible_restrict:
"compatible A B \ (ext B - S) \ ext A = {} \ compatible A (restrict B S)"
by (auto simp add: compatible_def ioa_triple_proj asig_triple_proj externals_def
restrict_def restrict_asig_def actions_def)
declare split_paired_Ex [simp]
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