(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/ex/Pattern_Match.thy
Author: Brian Huffman
section \<open>An experimental pattern-matching notation\<close>
theory Pattern_Match
imports HOLCF
default_sort pcpo
text \<open>FIXME: Find a proper way to un-hide constants.\<close>
abbreviation fail :: "'a match"
where "fail \ Fixrec.fail"
abbreviation succeed :: "'a \ 'a match"
where "succeed \ Fixrec.succeed"
abbreviation run :: "'a match \ 'a"
where "run \ Fixrec.run"
subsection \<open>Fatbar combinator\<close>
fatbar :: "('a \ 'b match) \ ('a \ 'b match) \ ('a \ 'b match)" where
"fatbar = (\ a b x. a\x +++ b\x)"
fatbar_syn :: "['a \ 'b match, 'a \ 'b match] \ 'a \ 'b match" (infixr "\" 60) where
"m1 \ m2 == fatbar\m1\m2"
lemma fatbar1: "m\x = \ \ (m \ ms)\x = \"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemma fatbar2: "m\x = fail \ (m \ ms)\x = ms\x"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemma fatbar3: "m\x = succeed\y \ (m \ ms)\x = succeed\y"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemmas fatbar_simps = fatbar1 fatbar2 fatbar3
lemma run_fatbar1: "m\x = \ \ run\((m \ ms)\x) = \"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemma run_fatbar2: "m\x = fail \ run\((m \ ms)\x) = run\(ms\x)"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemma run_fatbar3: "m\x = succeed\y \ run\((m \ ms)\x) = y"
by (simp add: fatbar_def)
lemmas run_fatbar_simps [simp] = run_fatbar1 run_fatbar2 run_fatbar3
subsection \<open>Bind operator for match monad\<close>
definition match_bind :: "'a match \ ('a \ 'b match) \ 'b match" where
"match_bind = (\ m k. sscase\(\ _. fail)\(fup\k)\(Rep_match m))"
lemma match_bind_simps [simp]:
"match_bind\\\k = \"
"match_bind\fail\k = fail"
"match_bind\(succeed\x)\k = k\x"
unfolding match_bind_def fail_def succeed_def
by (simp_all add: cont_Rep_match cont_Abs_match
Rep_match_strict Abs_match_inverse)
subsection \<open>Case branch combinator\<close>
branch :: "('a \ 'b match) \ ('b \ 'c) \ ('a \ 'c match)" where
"branch p \ \ r x. match_bind\(p\x)\(\ y. succeed\(r\y))"
lemma branch_simps:
"p\x = \ \ branch p\r\x = \"
"p\x = fail \ branch p\r\x = fail"
"p\x = succeed\y \ branch p\r\x = succeed\(r\y)"
by (simp_all add: branch_def)
lemma branch_succeed [simp]: "branch succeed\r\x = succeed\(r\x)"
by (simp add: branch_def)
subsection \<open>Cases operator\<close>
cases :: "'a match \ 'a::pcpo" where
"cases = Fixrec.run"
text \<open>rewrite rules for cases\<close>
lemma cases_strict [simp]: "cases\\ = \"
by (simp add: cases_def)
lemma cases_fail [simp]: "cases\fail = \"
by (simp add: cases_def)
lemma cases_succeed [simp]: "cases\(succeed\x) = x"
by (simp add: cases_def)
subsection \<open>Case syntax\<close>
nonterminal Case_pat and Case_syn and Cases_syn
"_Case_syntax":: "['a, Cases_syn] => 'b" ("(Case _ of/ _)" 10)
"_Case1" :: "[Case_pat, 'b] => Case_syn" ("(2_ \/ _)" 10)
"" :: "Case_syn => Cases_syn" ("_")
"_Case2" :: "[Case_syn, Cases_syn] => Cases_syn" ("_/ | _")
"_strip_positions" :: "'a => Case_pat" ("_")
syntax (ASCII)
"_Case1" :: "[Case_pat, 'b] => Case_syn" ("(2_ =>/ _)" 10)
"_Case_syntax x ms" == "CONST cases\(ms\x)"
"_Case2 m ms" == "m \ ms"
text \<open>Parsing Case expressions\<close>
"_pat" :: "'a"
"_variable" :: "'a"
"_noargs" :: "'a"
"_Case1 p r" => "CONST branch (_pat p)\(_variable p r)"
"_variable (_args x y) r" => "CONST csplit\(_variable x (_variable y r))"
"_variable _noargs r" => "CONST unit_when\r"
parse_translation \<open>
(* rewrite (_pat x) => (succeed) *)
(* rewrite (_variable x t) => (Abs_cfun (%x. t)) *)
[(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_pat\<close>, fn _ => fn _ => Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>Fixrec.succeed\<close>),
Syntax_Trans.mk_binder_tr (\<^syntax_const>\<open>_variable\<close>, \<^const_syntax>\<open>Abs_cfun\<close>)]
text \<open>Printing Case expressions\<close>
"_match" :: "'a"
print_translation \<open>
fun dest_LAM (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Rep_cfun\<close>,_) $ Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>unit_when\<close>,_) $ t) =
(Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_noargs\<close>, t)
| dest_LAM (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Rep_cfun\<close>,_) $ Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>csplit\<close>,_) $ t) =
val (v1, t1) = dest_LAM t;
val (v2, t2) = dest_LAM t1;
in (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_args\<close> $ v1 $ v2, t2) end
| dest_LAM (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Abs_cfun\<close>,_) $ t) =
val abs =
case t of Abs abs => abs
| _ => ("x", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 t $ Bound 0);
val (x, t') = Syntax_Trans.atomic_abs_tr' abs;
in (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_variable\<close> $ x, t') end
| dest_LAM _ = raise Match; (* too few vars: abort translation *)
fun Case1_tr' [Const(\<^const_syntax>\branch\,_) $ p, r] =
let val (v, t) = dest_LAM r in
Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_Case1\<close> $
(Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_match\<close> $ p $ v) $ t
in [(\<^const_syntax>\<open>Rep_cfun\<close>, K Case1_tr')] end
"x" <= "_match (CONST succeed) (_variable x)"
subsection \<open>Pattern combinators for data constructors\<close>
type_synonym ('a, 'b) pat = "'a \ 'b match"
cpair_pat :: "('a, 'c) pat \ ('b, 'd) pat \ ('a \ 'b, 'c \ 'd) pat" where
"cpair_pat p1 p2 = (\(x, y).
match_bind\<cdot>(p1\<cdot>x)\<cdot>(\<Lambda> a. match_bind\<cdot>(p2\<cdot>y)\<cdot>(\<Lambda> b. succeed\<cdot>(a, b))))"
spair_pat ::
"('a, 'c) pat \ ('b, 'd) pat \ ('a::pcpo \ 'b::pcpo, 'c \ 'd) pat" where
"spair_pat p1 p2 = (\(:x, y:). cpair_pat p1 p2\(x, y))"
sinl_pat :: "('a, 'c) pat \ ('a::pcpo \ 'b::pcpo, 'c) pat" where
"sinl_pat p = sscase\p\(\ x. fail)"
sinr_pat :: "('b, 'c) pat \ ('a::pcpo \ 'b::pcpo, 'c) pat" where
"sinr_pat p = sscase\(\ x. fail)\p"
up_pat :: "('a, 'b) pat \ ('a u, 'b) pat" where
"up_pat p = fup\p"
TT_pat :: "(tr, unit) pat" where
"TT_pat = (\ b. If b then succeed\() else fail)"
FF_pat :: "(tr, unit) pat" where
"FF_pat = (\ b. If b then fail else succeed\())"
ONE_pat :: "(one, unit) pat" where
"ONE_pat = (\ ONE. succeed\())"
text \<open>Parse translations (patterns)\<close>
"_pat (XCONST Pair x y)" => "CONST cpair_pat (_pat x) (_pat y)"
"_pat (XCONST spair\x\y)" => "CONST spair_pat (_pat x) (_pat y)"
"_pat (XCONST sinl\x)" => "CONST sinl_pat (_pat x)"
"_pat (XCONST sinr\x)" => "CONST sinr_pat (_pat x)"
"_pat (XCONST up\x)" => "CONST up_pat (_pat x)"
"_pat (XCONST TT)" => "CONST TT_pat"
"_pat (XCONST FF)" => "CONST FF_pat"
"_pat (XCONST ONE)" => "CONST ONE_pat"
text \<open>CONST version is also needed for constructors with special syntax\<close>
"_pat (CONST Pair x y)" => "CONST cpair_pat (_pat x) (_pat y)"
"_pat (CONST spair\x\y)" => "CONST spair_pat (_pat x) (_pat y)"
text \<open>Parse translations (variables)\<close>
"_variable (XCONST Pair x y) r" => "_variable (_args x y) r"
"_variable (XCONST spair\x\y) r" => "_variable (_args x y) r"
"_variable (XCONST sinl\x) r" => "_variable x r"
"_variable (XCONST sinr\x) r" => "_variable x r"
"_variable (XCONST up\x) r" => "_variable x r"
"_variable (XCONST TT) r" => "_variable _noargs r"
"_variable (XCONST FF) r" => "_variable _noargs r"
"_variable (XCONST ONE) r" => "_variable _noargs r"
"_variable (CONST Pair x y) r" => "_variable (_args x y) r"
"_variable (CONST spair\x\y) r" => "_variable (_args x y) r"
text \<open>Print translations\<close>
"CONST Pair (_match p1 v1) (_match p2 v2)"
<= "_match (CONST cpair_pat p1 p2) (_args v1 v2)"
"CONST spair\(_match p1 v1)\(_match p2 v2)"
<= "_match (CONST spair_pat p1 p2) (_args v1 v2)"
"CONST sinl\(_match p1 v1)" <= "_match (CONST sinl_pat p1) v1"
"CONST sinr\(_match p1 v1)" <= "_match (CONST sinr_pat p1) v1"
"CONST up\(_match p1 v1)" <= "_match (CONST up_pat p1) v1"
"CONST TT" <= "_match (CONST TT_pat) _noargs"
"CONST FF" <= "_match (CONST FF_pat) _noargs"
"CONST ONE" <= "_match (CONST ONE_pat) _noargs"
lemma cpair_pat1:
"branch p\r\x = \ \ branch (cpair_pat p q)\(csplit\r)\(x, y) = \"
apply (simp add: branch_def cpair_pat_def)
apply (cases "p\x", simp_all)
lemma cpair_pat2:
"branch p\r\x = fail \ branch (cpair_pat p q)\(csplit\r)\(x, y) = fail"
apply (simp add: branch_def cpair_pat_def)
apply (cases "p\x", simp_all)
lemma cpair_pat3:
"branch p\r\x = succeed\s \
branch (cpair_pat p q)\<cdot>(csplit\<cdot>r)\<cdot>(x, y) = branch q\<cdot>s\<cdot>y"
apply (simp add: branch_def cpair_pat_def)
apply (cases "p\x", simp_all)
apply (cases "q\y", simp_all)
lemmas cpair_pat [simp] =
cpair_pat1 cpair_pat2 cpair_pat3
lemma spair_pat [simp]:
"branch (spair_pat p1 p2)\r\\ = \"
"\x \ \; y \ \\
\<Longrightarrow> branch (spair_pat p1 p2)\<cdot>r\<cdot>(:x, y:) =
branch (cpair_pat p1 p2)\<cdot>r\<cdot>(x, y)"
by (simp_all add: branch_def spair_pat_def)
lemma sinl_pat [simp]:
"branch (sinl_pat p)\r\\ = \"
"x \ \ \ branch (sinl_pat p)\r\(sinl\x) = branch p\r\x"
"y \ \ \ branch (sinl_pat p)\r\(sinr\y) = fail"
by (simp_all add: branch_def sinl_pat_def)
lemma sinr_pat [simp]:
"branch (sinr_pat p)\r\\ = \"
"x \ \ \ branch (sinr_pat p)\r\(sinl\x) = fail"
"y \ \ \ branch (sinr_pat p)\r\(sinr\y) = branch p\r\y"
by (simp_all add: branch_def sinr_pat_def)
lemma up_pat [simp]:
"branch (up_pat p)\r\\ = \"
"branch (up_pat p)\r\(up\x) = branch p\r\x"
by (simp_all add: branch_def up_pat_def)
lemma TT_pat [simp]:
"branch TT_pat\(unit_when\r)\\ = \"
"branch TT_pat\(unit_when\r)\TT = succeed\r"
"branch TT_pat\(unit_when\r)\FF = fail"
by (simp_all add: branch_def TT_pat_def)
lemma FF_pat [simp]:
"branch FF_pat\(unit_when\r)\\ = \"
"branch FF_pat\(unit_when\r)\TT = fail"
"branch FF_pat\(unit_when\r)\FF = succeed\r"
by (simp_all add: branch_def FF_pat_def)
lemma ONE_pat [simp]:
"branch ONE_pat\(unit_when\r)\\ = \"
"branch ONE_pat\(unit_when\r)\ONE = succeed\r"
by (simp_all add: branch_def ONE_pat_def)
subsection \<open>Wildcards, as-patterns, and lazy patterns\<close>
wild_pat :: "'a \ unit match" where
"wild_pat = (\ x. succeed\())"
as_pat :: "('a \ 'b match) \ 'a \ ('a \ 'b) match" where
"as_pat p = (\ x. match_bind\(p\x)\(\ a. succeed\(x, a)))"
lazy_pat :: "('a \ 'b::pcpo match) \ ('a \ 'b match)" where
"lazy_pat p = (\ x. succeed\(cases\(p\x)))"
text \<open>Parse translations (patterns)\<close>
"_pat _" => "CONST wild_pat"
text \<open>Parse translations (variables)\<close>
"_variable _ r" => "_variable _noargs r"
text \<open>Print translations\<close>
"_" <= "_match (CONST wild_pat) _noargs"
lemma wild_pat [simp]: "branch wild_pat\(unit_when\r)\x = succeed\r"
by (simp add: branch_def wild_pat_def)
lemma as_pat [simp]:
"branch (as_pat p)\(csplit\r)\x = branch p\(r\x)\x"
apply (simp add: branch_def as_pat_def)
apply (cases "p\x", simp_all)
lemma lazy_pat [simp]:
"branch p\r\x = \ \ branch (lazy_pat p)\r\x = succeed\(r\\)"
"branch p\r\x = fail \ branch (lazy_pat p)\r\x = succeed\(r\\)"
"branch p\r\x = succeed\s \ branch (lazy_pat p)\r\x = succeed\s"
apply (simp_all add: branch_def lazy_pat_def)
apply (cases "p\x", simp_all)+
subsection \<open>Examples\<close>
term "Case t of (:up\(sinl\x), sinr\y:) \ (x, y)"
term "\ t. Case t of up\(sinl\a) \ a | up\(sinr\b) \ b"
term "\ t. Case t of (:up\(sinl\_), sinr\x:) \ x"
subsection \<open>ML code for generating definitions\<close>
ML \<open>
local open HOLCF_Library in
infixr 6 ->>;
infix 9 ` ;
val beta_rules =
@{thms beta_cfun cont_id cont_const cont2cont_APP cont2cont_LAM'} @
@{thms cont2cont_fst cont2cont_snd cont2cont_Pair};
val beta_ss =
simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps (@{thms simp_thms} @ beta_rules));
fun define_consts
(specs : (binding * term * mixfix) list)
(thy : theory)
: (term list * thm list) * theory =
fun mk_decl (b, t, mx) = (b, fastype_of t, mx);
val decls = map mk_decl specs;
val thy = Cont_Consts.add_consts decls thy;
fun mk_const (b, T, mx) = Const (Sign.full_name thy b, T);
val consts = map mk_const decls;
fun mk_def c (b, t, mx) =
(Thm.def_binding b, Logic.mk_equals (c, t));
val defs = map2 mk_def consts specs;
val (def_thms, thy) =
Global_Theory.add_defs false (map Thm.no_attributes defs) thy;
((consts, def_thms), thy)
fun prove
(thy : theory)
(defs : thm list)
(goal : term)
(tacs : {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic list)
: thm =
fun tac {prems, context} =
rewrite_goals_tac context defs THEN
EVERY (tacs {prems = map (rewrite_rule context defs) prems, context = context})
Goal.prove_global thy [] [] goal tac
fun get_vars_avoiding
(taken : string list)
(args : (bool * typ) list)
: (term list * term list) =
val Ts = map snd args;
val ns = Name.variant_list taken (Old_Datatype_Prop.make_tnames Ts);
val vs = map Free (ns ~~ Ts);
val nonlazy = map snd (filter_out (fst o fst) (args ~~ vs));
(vs, nonlazy)
(************** definitions and theorems for pattern combinators **************)
fun add_pattern_combinators
(bindings : binding list)
(spec : (term * (bool * typ) list) list)
(lhsT : typ)
(exhaust : thm)
(case_const : typ -> term)
(case_rews : thm list)
(thy : theory) =
(* utility functions *)
fun mk_pair_pat (p1, p2) =
val T1 = fastype_of p1;
val T2 = fastype_of p2;
val (U1, V1) = apsnd dest_matchT (dest_cfunT T1);
val (U2, V2) = apsnd dest_matchT (dest_cfunT T2);
val pat_typ = [T1, T2] --->
(mk_prodT (U1, U2) ->> mk_matchT (mk_prodT (V1, V2)));
val pat_const = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>cpair_pat\<close>, pat_typ);
pat_const $ p1 $ p2
fun mk_tuple_pat [] = succeed_const HOLogic.unitT
| mk_tuple_pat ps = foldr1 mk_pair_pat ps;
fun branch_const (T,U,V) =
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>branch\<close>,
(T ->> mk_matchT U) --> (U ->> V) ->> T ->> mk_matchT V);
(* define pattern combinators *)
val tns = map (fst o dest_TFree) (snd (dest_Type lhsT));
fun pat_eqn (i, (bind, (con, args))) : binding * term * mixfix =
val pat_bind = Binding.suffix_name "_pat" bind;
val Ts = map snd args;
val Vs =
(map (K "'t") args)
|> Old_Datatype_Prop.indexify_names
|> Name.variant_list tns
|> map (fn t => TFree (t, \<^sort>\<open>pcpo\<close>));
val patNs = Old_Datatype_Prop.indexify_names (map (K "pat") args);
val patTs = map2 (fn T => fn V => T ->> mk_matchT V) Ts Vs;
val pats = map Free (patNs ~~ patTs);
val fail = mk_fail (mk_tupleT Vs);
val (vs, nonlazy) = get_vars_avoiding patNs args;
val rhs = big_lambdas vs (mk_tuple_pat pats ` mk_tuple vs);
fun one_fun (j, (_, args')) =
val (vs', nonlazy) = get_vars_avoiding patNs args';
in if i = j then rhs else big_lambdas vs' fail end;
val funs = map_index one_fun spec;
val body = list_ccomb (case_const (mk_matchT (mk_tupleT Vs)), funs);
(pat_bind, lambdas pats body, NoSyn)
val ((pat_consts, pat_defs), thy) =
define_consts (map_index pat_eqn (bindings ~~ spec)) thy
(* syntax translations for pattern combinators *)
fun syntax c = Lexicon.mark_const (fst (dest_Const c));
fun app s (l, r) = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant s) [l, r];
val capp = app \<^const_syntax>\<open>Rep_cfun\<close>;
val capps = Library.foldl capp
fun app_var x = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_variable") [x, Ast.Variable "rhs"];
fun app_pat x = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_pat") [x];
fun args_list [] = Ast.Constant "_noargs"
| args_list xs = foldr1 (app "_args") xs;
fun one_case_trans (pat, (con, args)) =
val cname = Ast.Constant (syntax con);
val pname = Ast.Constant (syntax pat);
val ns = 1 upto length args;
val xs = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("x"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
val ps = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("p"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
val vs = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("v"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
[Syntax.Parse_Rule (app_pat (capps (cname, xs)),
Ast.mk_appl pname (map app_pat xs)),
Syntax.Parse_Rule (app_var (capps (cname, xs)),
app_var (args_list xs)),
Syntax.Print_Rule (capps (cname, ListPair.map (app "_match") (ps,vs)),
app "_match" (Ast.mk_appl pname ps, args_list vs))]
val trans_rules : Ast.ast Syntax.trrule list =
maps one_case_trans (pat_consts ~~ spec);
val thy = Sign.add_trrules trans_rules thy;
(* prove strictness and reduction rules of pattern combinators *)
val tns = map (fst o dest_TFree) (snd (dest_Type lhsT));
val rn = singleton (Name.variant_list tns) "'r";
val R = TFree (rn, \<^sort>\<open>pcpo\<close>);
fun pat_lhs (pat, args) =
val Ts = map snd args;
val Vs =
(map (K "'t") args)
|> Old_Datatype_Prop.indexify_names
|> Name.variant_list (rn::tns)
|> map (fn t => TFree (t, \<^sort>\<open>pcpo\<close>));
val patNs = Old_Datatype_Prop.indexify_names (map (K "pat") args);
val patTs = map2 (fn T => fn V => T ->> mk_matchT V) Ts Vs;
val pats = map Free (patNs ~~ patTs);
val k = Free ("rhs", mk_tupleT Vs ->> R);
val branch1 = branch_const (lhsT, mk_tupleT Vs, R);
val fun1 = (branch1 $ list_comb (pat, pats)) ` k;
val branch2 = branch_const (mk_tupleT Ts, mk_tupleT Vs, R);
val fun2 = (branch2 $ mk_tuple_pat pats) ` k;
val taken = "rhs" :: patNs;
in (fun1, fun2, taken) end;
fun pat_strict (pat, (con, args)) =
val (fun1, fun2, taken) = pat_lhs (pat, args);
val defs = @{thm branch_def} :: pat_defs;
val goal = mk_trp (mk_strict fun1);
val rules = @{thms match_bind_simps} @ case_rews;
fun tacs ctxt = [simp_tac (put_simpset beta_ss ctxt addsimps rules) 1];
in prove thy defs goal (tacs o #context) end;
fun pat_apps (i, (pat, (con, args))) =
val (fun1, fun2, taken) = pat_lhs (pat, args);
fun pat_app (j, (con', args')) =
val (vs, nonlazy) = get_vars_avoiding taken args';
val con_app = list_ccomb (con', vs);
val assms = map (mk_trp o mk_defined) nonlazy;
val rhs = if i = j then fun2 ` mk_tuple vs else mk_fail R;
val concl = mk_trp (mk_eq (fun1 ` con_app, rhs));
val goal = Logic.list_implies (assms, concl);
val defs = @{thm branch_def} :: pat_defs;
val rules = @{thms match_bind_simps} @ case_rews;
fun tacs ctxt = [asm_simp_tac (put_simpset beta_ss ctxt addsimps rules) 1];
in prove thy defs goal (tacs o #context) end;
in map_index pat_app spec end;
val pat_stricts = map pat_strict (pat_consts ~~ spec);
val pat_apps = flat (map_index pat_apps (pat_consts ~~ spec));
(pat_stricts @ pat_apps, thy)
Cut from HOLCF/Tools/domain_constructors.ML
in function add_domain_constructors:
( * define and prove theorems for pattern combinators * )
val (pat_thms : thm list, thy : theory) =
val bindings = map #1 spec;
fun prep_arg (lazy, sel, T) = (lazy, T);
fun prep_con c (b, args, mx) = (c, map prep_arg args);
val pat_spec = map2 prep_con con_consts spec;
add_pattern_combinators bindings pat_spec lhsT
exhaust case_const cases thy
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