(* Title: HOL/Tools/Argo/argo_tactic.ML
Author: Sascha Boehme
HOL method and tactic for the Argo solver.
signature ARGO_TACTIC =
val trace: string Config.T
val timeout: real Config.T
(* extending the tactic *)
type trans_context =
Name.context * Argo_Expr.typ Typtab.table * (string * Argo_Expr.typ) Termtab.table
type ('a, 'b) trans = 'a -> trans_context -> 'b * trans_context
type ('a, 'b) trans' = 'a -> trans_context -> ('b * trans_context) option
type extension = {
trans_type: (typ, Argo_Expr.typ) trans -> (typ, Argo_Expr.typ) trans',
trans_term: (term, Argo_Expr.expr) trans -> (term, Argo_Expr.expr) trans',
term_of: (Argo_Expr.expr -> term) -> Argo_Expr.expr -> term option,
replay_rewr: Proof.context -> Argo_Proof.rewrite -> conv,
replay: (Argo_Expr.expr -> cterm) -> Proof.context -> Argo_Proof.rule -> thm list -> thm option}
val add_extension: extension -> theory -> theory
(* proof utilities *)
val discharges: thm -> thm list -> thm list
val flatten_conv: conv -> thm -> conv
(* interface to the tactic as well as the underlying checker and prover *)
datatype result = Satisfiable of term -> bool option | Unsatisfiable
val check: term list -> Proof.context -> result * Proof.context
val prove: thm list -> Proof.context -> thm option * Proof.context
val argo_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
structure Argo_Tactic: ARGO_TACTIC =
(* readable fresh names for terms *)
fun fresh_name n = Name.variant (case Long_Name.base_name n of "" => "x" | n' => n')
fun fresh_type_name (Type (n, _)) = fresh_name n
| fresh_type_name (TFree (n, _)) = fresh_name n
| fresh_type_name (TVar ((n, i), _)) = fresh_name (n ^ "." ^ string_of_int i)
fun fresh_term_name (Const (n, _)) = fresh_name n
| fresh_term_name (Free (n, _)) = fresh_name n
| fresh_term_name (Var ((n, i), _)) = fresh_name (n ^ "." ^ string_of_int i)
| fresh_term_name _ = fresh_name ""
(* tracing *)
datatype mode = None | Basic | Full
fun string_of_mode None = "none"
| string_of_mode Basic = "basic"
| string_of_mode Full = "full"
fun requires_mode None = []
| requires_mode Basic = [Basic, Full]
| requires_mode Full = [Full]
val trace = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>argo_trace\<close> (K (string_of_mode None))
fun allows_mode ctxt = exists (equal (Config.get ctxt trace) o string_of_mode) o requires_mode
fun output mode ctxt msg = if allows_mode ctxt mode then Output.tracing ("Argo: " ^ msg) else ()
val tracing = output Basic
val full_tracing = output Full
fun with_mode mode ctxt f = if allows_mode ctxt mode then f ctxt else ()
val with_tracing = with_mode Basic
val with_full_tracing = with_mode Full
(* timeout *)
val timeout = Attrib.setup_config_real \<^binding>\<open>argo_timeout\<close> (K 10.0)
val timeout_seconds = seconds o Config.apply timeout
fun with_timeout ctxt f x = Timeout.apply (timeout_seconds ctxt) f x
(* extending the tactic *)
type trans_context =
Name.context * Argo_Expr.typ Typtab.table * (string * Argo_Expr.typ) Termtab.table
type ('a, 'b) trans = 'a -> trans_context -> 'b * trans_context
type ('a, 'b) trans' = 'a -> trans_context -> ('b * trans_context) option
type extension = {
trans_type: (typ, Argo_Expr.typ) trans -> (typ, Argo_Expr.typ) trans',
trans_term: (term, Argo_Expr.expr) trans -> (term, Argo_Expr.expr) trans',
term_of: (Argo_Expr.expr -> term) -> Argo_Expr.expr -> term option,
replay_rewr: Proof.context -> Argo_Proof.rewrite -> conv,
replay: (Argo_Expr.expr -> cterm) -> Proof.context -> Argo_Proof.rule -> thm list -> thm option}
fun eq_extension ((serial1, _), (serial2, _)) = (serial1 = serial2)
structure Extensions = Theory_Data
type T = (serial * extension) list
val empty = []
val extend = I
val merge = merge eq_extension
fun add_extension ext = Extensions.map (insert eq_extension (serial (), ext))
fun get_extensions ctxt = Extensions.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
fun apply_first ctxt f = get_first (fn (_, e) => f e) (get_extensions ctxt)
fun ext_trans sel ctxt f x tcx = apply_first ctxt (fn ext => sel ext f x tcx)
val ext_trans_type = ext_trans (fn {trans_type, ...}: extension => trans_type)
val ext_trans_term = ext_trans (fn {trans_term, ...}: extension => trans_term)
fun ext_term_of ctxt f e = apply_first ctxt (fn {term_of, ...}: extension => term_of f e)
fun ext_replay_rewr ctxt r =
get_extensions ctxt
|> map (fn (_, {replay_rewr, ...}: extension) => replay_rewr ctxt r)
|> Conv.first_conv
fun ext_replay cprop_of ctxt rule prems =
(case apply_first ctxt (fn {replay, ...}: extension => replay cprop_of ctxt rule prems) of
SOME thm => thm
| NONE => raise THM ("failed to replay " ^ quote (Argo_Proof.string_of_rule rule), 0, []))
(* translating input terms *)
fun add_new_type T (names, types, terms) =
val (n, names') = fresh_type_name T names
val ty = Argo_Expr.Type n
in (ty, (names', Typtab.update (T, ty) types, terms)) end
fun add_type T (tcx as (_, types, _)) =
(case Typtab.lookup types T of
SOME ty => (ty, tcx)
| NONE => add_new_type T tcx)
fun trans_type _ \<^typ>\<open>HOL.bool\<close> = pair Argo_Expr.Bool
| trans_type ctxt (Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, [T1, T2])) =
trans_type ctxt T1 ##>> trans_type ctxt T2 #>> Argo_Expr.Func
| trans_type ctxt T = (fn tcx =>
(case ext_trans_type ctxt (trans_type ctxt) T tcx of
SOME result => result
| NONE => add_type T tcx))
fun add_new_term ctxt t T tcx =
val (ty, (names, types, terms)) = trans_type ctxt T tcx
val (n, names') = fresh_term_name t names
val c = (n, ty)
in (Argo_Expr.mk_con c, (names', types, Termtab.update (t, c) terms)) end
fun add_term ctxt t (tcx as (_, _, terms)) =
(case Termtab.lookup terms t of
SOME c => (Argo_Expr.mk_con c, tcx)
| NONE => add_new_term ctxt t (Term.fastype_of t) tcx)
fun mk_eq \<^typ>\<open>HOL.bool\<close> = Argo_Expr.mk_iff
| mk_eq _ = Argo_Expr.mk_eq
fun trans_term _ \<^const>\<open>HOL.True\<close> = pair Argo_Expr.true_expr
| trans_term _ \<^const>\<open>HOL.False\<close> = pair Argo_Expr.false_expr
| trans_term ctxt (\<^const>\<open>HOL.Not\<close> $ t) = trans_term ctxt t #>> Argo_Expr.mk_not
| trans_term ctxt (\<^const>\<open>HOL.conj\<close> $ t1 $ t2) =
trans_term ctxt t1 ##>> trans_term ctxt t2 #>> uncurry Argo_Expr.mk_and2
| trans_term ctxt (\<^const>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ t1 $ t2) =
trans_term ctxt t1 ##>> trans_term ctxt t2 #>> uncurry Argo_Expr.mk_or2
| trans_term ctxt (\<^const>\<open>HOL.implies\<close> $ t1 $ t2) =
trans_term ctxt t1 ##>> trans_term ctxt t2 #>> uncurry Argo_Expr.mk_imp
| trans_term ctxt (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.If\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2 $ t3) =
trans_term ctxt t1 ##>> trans_term ctxt t2 ##>> trans_term ctxt t3 #>>
(fn ((u1, u2), u3) => Argo_Expr.mk_ite u1 u2 u3)
| trans_term ctxt (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, T) $ t1 $ t2) =
trans_term ctxt t1 ##>> trans_term ctxt t2 #>> uncurry (mk_eq (Term.domain_type T))
| trans_term ctxt (t as (t1 $ t2)) = (fn tcx =>
(case ext_trans_term ctxt (trans_term ctxt) t tcx of
SOME result => result
| NONE => tcx |> trans_term ctxt t1 ||>> trans_term ctxt t2 |>> uncurry Argo_Expr.mk_app))
| trans_term ctxt t = (fn tcx =>
(case ext_trans_term ctxt (trans_term ctxt) t tcx of
SOME result => result
| NONE => add_term ctxt t tcx))
fun translate ctxt prop = trans_term ctxt (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop prop)
(* invoking the solver *)
type data = {
names: Name.context,
types: Argo_Expr.typ Typtab.table,
terms: (string * Argo_Expr.typ) Termtab.table,
argo: Argo_Solver.context}
fun mk_data names types terms argo: data = {names=names, types=types, terms=terms, argo=argo}
val empty_data = mk_data Name.context Typtab.empty Termtab.empty Argo_Solver.context
structure Solver_Data = Proof_Data
type T = data option
fun init _ = SOME empty_data
datatype ('m, 'p) solver_result = Model of 'm | Proof of 'p
fun raw_solve es argo = Model (Argo_Solver.assert es argo)
handle Argo_Proof.UNSAT proof => Proof proof
fun value_of terms model t =
(case Termtab.lookup terms t of
SOME c => model c
| _ => NONE)
fun trace_props props ctxt =
tracing ctxt (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.big_list "using these propositions:"
(map (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) props)))
fun trace_result ctxt ({elapsed, ...}: Timing.timing) msg =
tracing ctxt ("found a " ^ msg ^ " in " ^ string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds elapsed) ^ " ms")
fun solve props ctxt =
(case Solver_Data.get ctxt of
NONE => error "bad Argo solver context"
| SOME {names, types, terms, argo} =>
val _ = with_tracing ctxt (trace_props props)
val (es, (names', types', terms')) = fold_map (translate ctxt) props (names, types, terms)
val _ = tracing ctxt "starting the prover"
(case Timing.timing (raw_solve es) argo of
(time, Proof proof) =>
let val _ = trace_result ctxt time "proof"
in (Proof (terms', proof), Solver_Data.put NONE ctxt) end
| (time, Model argo') =>
val _ = trace_result ctxt time "model"
val model = value_of terms' (Argo_Solver.model_of argo')
in (Model model, Solver_Data.put (SOME (mk_data names' types' terms' argo')) ctxt) end)
(* reverse translation *)
structure Contab = Table(type key = string * Argo_Expr.typ val ord = Argo_Expr.con_ord)
fun mk_nary f ts = uncurry (fold_rev (curry f)) (split_last ts)
fun mk_nary' d _ [] = d
| mk_nary' _ f ts = mk_nary f ts
fun mk_ite t1 t2 t3 =
val T = Term.fastype_of t2
val ite = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.If\<close>, [\<^typ>\<open>HOL.bool\<close>, T, T] ---> T)
in ite $ t1 $ t2 $ t3 end
fun term_of _ (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.True, _)) = \<^const>\<open>HOL.True\<close>
| term_of _ (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.False, _)) = \<^const>\<open>HOL.False\<close>
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Not, [e])) = HOLogic.mk_not (term_of cx e)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.And, es)) =
mk_nary' \<^const>\HOL.True\ HOLogic.mk_conj (map (term_of cx) es)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Or, es)) =
mk_nary' \<^const>\HOL.False\ HOLogic.mk_disj (map (term_of cx) es)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Imp, [e1, e2])) =
HOLogic.mk_imp (term_of cx e1, term_of cx e2)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Iff, [e1, e2])) =
HOLogic.mk_eq (term_of cx e1, term_of cx e2)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Ite, [e1, e2, e3])) =
mk_ite (term_of cx e1) (term_of cx e2) (term_of cx e3)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Eq, [e1, e2])) =
HOLogic.mk_eq (term_of cx e1, term_of cx e2)
| term_of cx (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.App, [e1, e2])) =
term_of cx e1 $ term_of cx e2
| term_of (_, cons) (Argo_Expr.E (Argo_Expr.Con (c as (n, _)), _)) =
(case Contab.lookup cons c of
SOME t => t
| NONE => error ("Unexpected expression named " ^ quote n))
| term_of (cx as (ctxt, _)) e =
(case ext_term_of ctxt (term_of cx) e of
SOME t => t
| NONE => raise Fail "bad expression")
fun as_prop ct = Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.Trueprop\<close> ct
fun cterm_of ctxt cons e = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (term_of (ctxt, cons) e)
fun cprop_of ctxt cons e = as_prop (cterm_of ctxt cons e)
(* generic proof tools *)
fun discharge thm rule = thm INCR_COMP rule
fun discharge2 thm1 thm2 rule = discharge thm2 (discharge thm1 rule)
fun discharges thm rules = [thm] RL rules
fun under_assumption f ct =
let val cprop = as_prop ct
in Thm.implies_intr cprop (f (Thm.assume cprop)) end
fun instantiate cv ct = Thm.instantiate ([], [(Term.dest_Var (Thm.term_of cv), ct)])
(* proof replay for tautologies *)
fun prove_taut ctxt ns t = Goal.prove ctxt ns [] (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t)
(fn {context, ...} => HEADGOAL (Classical.fast_tac context))
fun with_frees ctxt n mk =
val ns = map (fn i => "P" ^ string_of_int i) (0 upto (n - 1))
val ts = map (Free o rpair \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>) ns
val t = mk_nary HOLogic.mk_disj (mk ts)
in prove_taut ctxt ns t end
fun taut_and1_term ts = mk_nary HOLogic.mk_conj ts :: map HOLogic.mk_not ts
fun taut_and2_term i ts = [HOLogic.mk_not (mk_nary HOLogic.mk_conj ts), nth ts i]
fun taut_or1_term i ts = [mk_nary HOLogic.mk_disj ts, HOLogic.mk_not (nth ts i)]
fun taut_or2_term ts = HOLogic.mk_not (mk_nary HOLogic.mk_disj ts) :: ts
val iff_1_taut = @{lemma "P = Q \ P \ Q" by fast}
val iff_2_taut = @{lemma "P = Q \ (\P) \ (\Q)" by fast}
val iff_3_taut = @{lemma "\(P = Q) \ (\P) \ Q" by fast}
val iff_4_taut = @{lemma "\(P = Q) \ P \ (\Q)" by fast}
val ite_then_taut = @{lemma "\P \ (if P then t else u) = t" by auto}
val ite_else_taut = @{lemma "P \ (if P then t else u) = u" by auto}
fun taut_rule_of ctxt (Argo_Proof.Taut_And_1 n) = with_frees ctxt n taut_and1_term
| taut_rule_of ctxt (Argo_Proof.Taut_And_2 (i, n)) = with_frees ctxt n (taut_and2_term i)
| taut_rule_of ctxt (Argo_Proof.Taut_Or_1 (i, n)) = with_frees ctxt n (taut_or1_term i)
| taut_rule_of ctxt (Argo_Proof.Taut_Or_2 n) = with_frees ctxt n taut_or2_term
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Iff_1 = iff_1_taut
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Iff_2 = iff_2_taut
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Iff_3 = iff_3_taut
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Iff_4 = iff_4_taut
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Ite_Then = ite_then_taut
| taut_rule_of _ Argo_Proof.Taut_Ite_Else = ite_else_taut
fun replay_taut ctxt k ct =
let val rule = taut_rule_of ctxt k
in Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (Thm.cprop_of rule, ct)) rule end
(* proof replay for conjunct extraction *)
fun replay_conjunct 0 1 thm = thm
| replay_conjunct 0 _ thm = discharge thm @{thm conjunct1}
| replay_conjunct 1 2 thm = discharge thm @{thm conjunct2}
| replay_conjunct i n thm = replay_conjunct (i - 1) (n - 1) (discharge thm @{thm conjunct2})
(* proof replay for rewrite steps *)
fun mk_rewr thm = thm RS @{thm eq_reflection}
fun not_nary_conv rule i ct =
if i > 1 then (Conv.rewr_conv rule then_conv Conv.arg_conv (not_nary_conv rule (i - 1))) ct
else Conv.all_conv ct
val flatten_and_thm = @{lemma "(P1 \ P2) \ P3 \ P1 \ P2 \ P3" by simp}
val flatten_or_thm = @{lemma "(P1 \ P2) \ P3 \ P1 \ P2 \ P3" by simp}
fun flatten_conv cv rule ct = (
Conv.try_conv (Conv.arg_conv cv) then_conv
Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv rule then_conv cv)) ct
fun flat_conj_conv ct =
(case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^const>\<open>HOL.conj\<close> $ _ $ _ => flatten_conv flat_conj_conv flatten_and_thm ct
| _ => Conv.all_conv ct)
fun flat_disj_conv ct =
(case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^const>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ _ $ _ => flatten_conv flat_disj_conv flatten_or_thm ct
| _ => Conv.all_conv ct)
fun explode rule1 rule2 thm =
explode rule1 rule2 (thm RS rule1) @ explode rule1 rule2 (thm RS rule2) handle THM _ => [thm]
val explode_conj = explode @{thm conjunct1} @{thm conjunct2}
val explode_ndis = explode @{lemma "\(P \ Q) \ \P" by auto} @{lemma "\(P \ Q) \ \Q" by auto}
fun pick_false i thms = nth thms i
fun pick_dual rule (i1, i2) thms =
rule OF [nth thms i1, nth thms i2] handle THM _ => rule OF [nth thms i2, nth thms i1]
val pick_dual_conj = pick_dual @{lemma "\P \ P \ False" by auto}
val pick_dual_ndis = pick_dual @{lemma "\P \ P \ \True" by auto}
fun join thm0 rule is thms =
val l = length thms
val thms' = fold (fn i => cons (if 0 <= i andalso i < l then nth thms i else thm0)) is []
in fold (fn thm => fn thm' => discharge2 thm thm' rule) (tl thms') (hd thms') end
val join_conj = join @{lemma "True" by auto} @{lemma "P \ Q \ P \ Q" by auto}
val join_ndis = join @{lemma "\False" by auto} @{lemma "\P \ \Q \ \(P \ Q)" by auto}
val false_thm = @{lemma "False \ P" by auto}
val ntrue_thm = @{lemma "\True \ P" by auto}
val iff_conj_thm = @{lemma "(P \ Q) \ (Q \ P) \ P = Q" by auto}
val iff_ndis_thm = @{lemma "(\P \ \Q) \ (\Q \ \P) \ P = Q" by auto}
fun iff_intro rule lf rf ct =
val lhs = under_assumption lf ct
val rhs = rf (Thm.dest_arg (snd (Thm.dest_implies (Thm.cprop_of lhs))))
in mk_rewr (discharge2 lhs rhs rule) end
fun with_conj f g ct = iff_intro iff_conj_thm (f o explode_conj) g ct
fun with_ndis f g ct = iff_intro iff_ndis_thm (f o explode_ndis) g (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.Not\<close> ct)
fun swap_indices n iss = map (fn i => find_index (fn is => member (op =) is i) iss) (0 upto (n - 1))
fun sort_nary w f g (n, iss) = w (f (map hd iss)) (under_assumption (f (swap_indices n iss) o g))
val sort_conj = sort_nary with_conj join_conj explode_conj
val sort_ndis = sort_nary with_ndis join_ndis explode_ndis
val not_true_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(\True) = False" by auto}
val not_false_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(\False) = True" by auto}
val not_not_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(\\P) = P" by auto}
val not_and_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(\(P \ Q)) = (\P \ \Q)" by auto}
val not_or_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(\(P \ Q)) = (\P \ \Q)" by auto}
val not_iff_thms = map mk_rewr
@{lemma "(\((\P) = Q)) = (P = Q)" "(\(P = (\Q))) = (P = Q)" "(\(P = Q)) = ((\P) = Q)" by auto}
val iff_true_thms = map mk_rewr @{lemma "(True = P) = P" "(P = True) = P" by auto}
val iff_false_thms = map mk_rewr @{lemma "(False = P) = (\P)" "(P = False) = (\P)" by auto}
val iff_not_not_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "((\P) = (\Q)) = (P = Q)" by auto}
val iff_refl_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(P = P) = True" by auto}
val iff_symm_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(P = Q) = (Q = P)" by auto}
val iff_dual_thms = map mk_rewr @{lemma "(P = (\P)) = False" "((\P) = P) = False" by auto}
val imp_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(P \ Q) = (\P \ Q)" by auto}
val ite_prop_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(If P Q R) = ((\P \ Q) \ (P \ R) \ (Q \ R))" by auto}
val ite_true_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(If True t u) = t" by auto}
val ite_false_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(If False t u) = u" by auto}
val ite_eq_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(If P t t) = t" by auto}
val eq_refl_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(t = t) = True" by auto}
val eq_symm_thm = mk_rewr @{lemma "(t1 = t2) = (t2 = t1)" by auto}
fun replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_True = Conv.rewr_conv not_true_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_False = Conv.rewr_conv not_false_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_Not = Conv.rewr_conv not_not_thm
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_And i) = not_nary_conv not_and_thm i
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_Or i) = not_nary_conv not_or_thm i
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Not_Iff = Conv.rewrs_conv not_iff_thms
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_And_False i) = with_conj (pick_false i) (K false_thm)
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_And_Dual ip) = with_conj (pick_dual_conj ip) (K false_thm)
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_And_Sort is) = flat_conj_conv then_conv sort_conj is
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Or_True i) = with_ndis (pick_false i) (K ntrue_thm)
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Or_Dual ip) = with_ndis (pick_dual_ndis ip) (K ntrue_thm)
| replay_rewr _ (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Or_Sort is) = flat_disj_conv then_conv sort_ndis is
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_True = Conv.rewrs_conv iff_true_thms
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_False = Conv.rewrs_conv iff_false_thms
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_Not_Not = Conv.rewr_conv iff_not_not_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_Refl = Conv.rewr_conv iff_refl_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_Symm = Conv.rewr_conv iff_symm_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Iff_Dual = Conv.rewrs_conv iff_dual_thms
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Imp = Conv.rewr_conv imp_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Ite_Prop = Conv.rewr_conv ite_prop_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Ite_True = Conv.rewr_conv ite_true_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Ite_False = Conv.rewr_conv ite_false_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Ite_Eq = Conv.rewr_conv ite_eq_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Eq_Refl = Conv.rewr_conv eq_refl_thm
| replay_rewr _ Argo_Proof.Rewr_Eq_Symm = Conv.rewr_conv eq_symm_thm
| replay_rewr ctxt r = ext_replay_rewr ctxt r
fun binop_conv cv1 cv2 = Conv.combination_conv (Conv.arg_conv cv1) cv2
fun replay_conv _ Argo_Proof.Keep_Conv ct = Conv.all_conv ct
| replay_conv ctxt (Argo_Proof.Then_Conv (c1, c2)) ct =
(replay_conv ctxt c1 then_conv replay_conv ctxt c2) ct
| replay_conv ctxt (Argo_Proof.Args_Conv (Argo_Expr.App, [c1, c2])) ct =
Conv.combination_conv (replay_conv ctxt c1) (replay_conv ctxt c2) ct
| replay_conv ctxt (Argo_Proof.Args_Conv (_, cs)) ct = replay_args_conv ctxt cs ct
| replay_conv ctxt (Argo_Proof.Rewr_Conv r) ct = replay_rewr ctxt r ct
and replay_args_conv _ [] ct = Conv.all_conv ct
| replay_args_conv ctxt [c] ct = Conv.arg_conv (replay_conv ctxt c) ct
| replay_args_conv ctxt [c1, c2] ct = binop_conv (replay_conv ctxt c1) (replay_conv ctxt c2) ct
| replay_args_conv ctxt (c :: cs) ct =
(case Term.head_of (Thm.term_of ct) of
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.If\<close>, _) =>
let val (cs', c') = split_last cs
in Conv.combination_conv (replay_args_conv ctxt (c :: cs')) (replay_conv ctxt c') ct end
| _ => binop_conv (replay_conv ctxt c) (replay_args_conv ctxt cs) ct)
fun replay_rewrite ctxt c thm = Conv.fconv_rule (HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (replay_conv ctxt c)) thm
(* proof replay for clauses *)
val prep_clause_rule = @{lemma "P \ \P \ False" by fast}
val extract_lit_rule = @{lemma "(\(P \ Q) \ False) \ \P \ \Q \ False" by fast}
fun add_lit i thm lits =
let val ct = Thm.cprem_of thm 1
in (Thm.implies_elim thm (Thm.assume ct), (i, ct) :: lits) end
fun extract_lits [] _ = error "Bad clause"
| extract_lits [i] (thm, lits) = add_lit i thm lits
| extract_lits (i :: is) (thm, lits) =
extract_lits is (add_lit i (discharge thm extract_lit_rule) lits)
fun lit_ord ((l1, _), (l2, _)) = int_ord (abs l1, abs l2)
fun replay_with_lits [] thm lits = (thm, lits)
| replay_with_lits is thm lits =
extract_lits is (discharge thm prep_clause_rule, lits)
||> Ord_List.make lit_ord
fun replay_clause is thm = replay_with_lits is thm []
(* proof replay for unit resolution *)
val unit_rule = @{lemma "(P \ False) \ (\P \ False) \ False" by fast}
val unit_rule_var = Thm.dest_arg (Thm.dest_arg1 (Thm.cprem_of unit_rule 1))
val bogus_ct = \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.True\<close>
fun replay_unit_res lit (pthm, plits) (nthm, nlits) =
val plit = the (AList.lookup (op =) plits lit)
val nlit = the (AList.lookup (op =) nlits (~lit))
val prune = Ord_List.remove lit_ord (lit, bogus_ct)
|> instantiate unit_rule_var (Thm.dest_arg plit)
|> Thm.elim_implies (Thm.implies_intr plit pthm)
|> Thm.elim_implies (Thm.implies_intr nlit nthm)
|> rpair (Ord_List.union lit_ord (prune nlits) (prune plits))
(* proof replay for hypothesis *)
val dneg_rule = @{lemma "\\P \ P" by auto}
fun replay_hyp i ct =
if i < 0 then (Thm.assume ct, [(~i, ct)])
let val cu = as_prop (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.Not\<close> (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.Not\<close> (Thm.dest_arg ct)))
in (discharge (Thm.assume cu) dneg_rule, [(~i, cu)]) end
(* proof replay for lemma *)
fun replay_lemma is (thm, lits) = replay_with_lits is thm lits
(* proof replay for reflexivity *)
val refl_rule = @{thm refl}
val refl_rule_var = Thm.dest_arg1 (Thm.dest_arg (Thm.cprop_of refl_rule))
fun replay_refl ct = Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (refl_rule_var, ct)) refl_rule
(* proof replay for symmetry *)
val symm_rules = @{lemma "a = b ==> b = a" "\(a = b) \ \(b = a)" by simp_all}
fun replay_symm thm = hd (discharges thm symm_rules)
(* proof replay for transitivity *)
val trans_rules = @{lemma
"\(a = b) \ b = c \ \(a = c)"
"a = b \ \(b = c) \ \(a = c)"
"a = b \ b = c ==> a = c"
by simp_all}
fun replay_trans thm1 thm2 = hd (discharges thm2 (discharges thm1 trans_rules))
(* proof replay for congruence *)
fun replay_cong thm1 thm2 = discharge thm2 (discharge thm1 @{thm cong})
(* proof replay for substitution *)
val subst_rule1 = @{lemma "\(p a) \ p = q \ a = b \ \(q b)" by simp}
val subst_rule2 = @{lemma "p a \ p = q \ a = b \ q b" by simp}
fun replay_subst thm1 thm2 thm3 =
subst_rule1 OF [thm1, thm2, thm3] handle THM _ => subst_rule2 OF [thm1, thm2, thm3]
(* proof replay *)
structure Thm_Cache = Table(type key = Argo_Proof.proof_id val ord = Argo_Proof.proof_id_ord)
val unclausify_rule1 = @{lemma "(\P \ False) \ P" by auto}
val unclausify_rule2 = @{lemma "(P \ False) \ \P" by auto}
fun unclausify (thm, lits) ls =
(case (Thm.prop_of thm, lits) of
(\<^const>\<open>HOL.Trueprop\<close> $ \<^const>\<open>HOL.False\<close>, [(_, ct)]) =>
let val thm = Thm.implies_intr ct thm
in (discharge thm unclausify_rule1 handle THM _ => discharge thm unclausify_rule2, ls) end
| _ => (thm, Ord_List.union lit_ord lits ls))
fun with_thms f tps = fold_map unclausify tps [] |>> f
fun bad_premises () = raise Fail "bad number of premises"
fun with_thms1 f = with_thms (fn [thm] => f thm | _ => bad_premises ())
fun with_thms2 f = with_thms (fn [thm1, thm2] => f thm1 thm2 | _ => bad_premises ())
fun with_thms3 f = with_thms (fn [thm1, thm2, thm3] => f thm1 thm2 thm3 | _ => bad_premises ())
fun replay_rule (ctxt, cons, facts) prems rule =
(case rule of
Argo_Proof.Axiom i => (nth facts i, [])
| Argo_Proof.Taut (k, concl) => (replay_taut ctxt k (cprop_of ctxt cons concl), [])
| Argo_Proof.Conjunct (i, n) => with_thms1 (replay_conjunct i n) prems
| Argo_Proof.Rewrite c => with_thms1 (replay_rewrite ctxt c) prems
| Argo_Proof.Clause is => replay_clause is (fst (hd prems))
| Argo_Proof.Unit_Res i => replay_unit_res i (hd prems) (hd (tl prems))
| Argo_Proof.Hyp (i, concl) => replay_hyp i (cprop_of ctxt cons concl)
| Argo_Proof.Lemma is => replay_lemma is (hd prems)
| Argo_Proof.Refl concl => (replay_refl (cterm_of ctxt cons concl), [])
| Argo_Proof.Symm => with_thms1 replay_symm prems
| Argo_Proof.Trans => with_thms2 replay_trans prems
| Argo_Proof.Cong => with_thms2 replay_cong prems
| Argo_Proof.Subst => with_thms3 replay_subst prems
| _ => with_thms (ext_replay (cprop_of ctxt cons) ctxt rule) prems)
fun with_cache f proof thm_cache =
(case Thm_Cache.lookup thm_cache (Argo_Proof.id_of proof) of
SOME thm => (thm, thm_cache)
| NONE =>
let val (thm, thm_cache') = f proof thm_cache
in (thm, Thm_Cache.update (Argo_Proof.id_of proof, thm) thm_cache') end)
fun trace_step ctxt proof_id rule proofs = with_full_tracing ctxt (fn ctxt' =>
val id = Argo_Proof.string_of_proof_id proof_id
val ids = map (Argo_Proof.string_of_proof_id o Argo_Proof.id_of) proofs
val rule_string = Argo_Proof.string_of_rule rule
in full_tracing ctxt' (" " ^ id ^ " <- " ^ space_implode " " ids ^ " . " ^ rule_string) end)
fun replay_bottom_up (env as (ctxt, _, _)) proof thm_cache =
val (proof_id, rule, proofs) = Argo_Proof.dest proof
val (prems, thm_cache) = fold_map (with_cache (replay_bottom_up env)) proofs thm_cache
val _ = trace_step ctxt proof_id rule proofs
in (replay_rule env prems rule, thm_cache) end
fun replay_proof env proof = with_cache (replay_bottom_up env) proof Thm_Cache.empty
fun replay ctxt terms facts proof =
val env = (ctxt, Termtab.fold (Contab.update o swap) terms Contab.empty, facts)
val _ = tracing ctxt "replaying the proof"
val ({elapsed=t, ...}, ((thm, _), _)) = Timing.timing (replay_proof env) proof
val _ = tracing ctxt ("replayed the proof in " ^ string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds t) ^ " ms")
in thm end
(* normalizing goals *)
fun instantiate_elim_rule thm =
let val ct = Drule.strip_imp_concl (Thm.cprop_of thm)
(case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^const>\<open>HOL.Trueprop\<close> $ Var (_, \<^typ>\<open>HOL.bool\<close>) =>
instantiate (Thm.dest_arg ct) \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.False\<close> thm
| Var _ => instantiate ct \<^cprop>\<open>HOL.False\<close> thm
| _ => thm)
fun atomize_conv ctxt ct =
(case Thm.term_of ct of
\<^const>\<open>HOL.Trueprop\<close> $ _ => Conv.all_conv
| \<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ _ $ _ =>
Conv.binop_conv (atomize_conv ctxt) then_conv
Conv.rewr_conv @{thm atomize_imp}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.eq\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ =>
Conv.binop_conv (atomize_conv ctxt) then_conv
Conv.rewr_conv @{thm atomize_eq}
| Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close>, _) $ Abs _ =>
Conv.binder_conv (atomize_conv o snd) ctxt then_conv
Conv.rewr_conv @{thm atomize_all}
| _ => Conv.all_conv) ct
fun normalize ctxt thm =
|> instantiate_elim_rule
|> Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true then_conv Thm.eta_conversion)
|> Drule.forall_intr_vars
|> Conv.fconv_rule (atomize_conv ctxt)
(* prover, tactic and method *)
datatype result = Satisfiable of term -> bool option | Unsatisfiable
fun check props ctxt =
(case solve props ctxt of
(Proof _, ctxt') => (Unsatisfiable, ctxt')
| (Model model, ctxt') => (Satisfiable model, ctxt'))
fun prove thms ctxt =
let val thms' = map (normalize ctxt) thms
(case solve (map Thm.prop_of thms') ctxt of
(Model _, ctxt') => (NONE, ctxt')
| (Proof (terms, proof), ctxt') => (SOME (replay ctxt' terms thms' proof), ctxt'))
fun argo_tac ctxt thms =
CONVERSION (Conv.params_conv ~1 (K (Conv.concl_conv ~1
(Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm atomize_eq})))) ctxt)
THEN' Tactic.resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm ccontr}]
THEN' Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context, prems, ...} =>
(case with_timeout context (prove (thms @ prems)) context of
(SOME thm, _) => Tactic.resolve_tac context [thm] 1
| (NONE, _) => Tactical.no_tac)) ctxt
val _ =
Theory.setup (Method.setup \<^binding>\<open>argo\<close>
(Scan.optional Attrib.thms [] >>
(fn thms => fn ctxt => METHOD (fn facts =>
HEADGOAL (argo_tac ctxt (thms @ facts)))))
"Applies the Argo prover")
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