(* Title: Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Isabelle/Isar outer syntax.
signature OUTER_SYNTAX =
val help: theory -> string list -> unit
val print_commands: theory -> unit
type command_keyword = string * Position.T
val command: command_keyword -> string ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit
val maybe_begin_local_theory: command_keyword -> string ->
(local_theory -> local_theory) parser -> (theory -> local_theory) parser -> unit
val local_theory': command_keyword -> string ->
(bool -> local_theory -> local_theory) parser -> unit
val local_theory: command_keyword -> string ->
(local_theory -> local_theory) parser -> unit
val local_theory_to_proof': command_keyword -> string ->
(bool -> local_theory -> Proof.state) parser -> unit
val local_theory_to_proof: command_keyword -> string ->
(local_theory -> Proof.state) parser -> unit
val bootstrap: bool Config.T
val parse_spans: Token.T list -> Command_Span.span list
val make_span: Token.T list -> Command_Span.span
val parse_span: theory -> (unit -> theory) -> Token.T list -> Toplevel.transition
val parse_text: theory -> (unit -> theory) -> Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition list
val command_reports: theory -> Token.T -> Position.report_text list
val check_command: Proof.context -> command_keyword -> string
structure Outer_Syntax: OUTER_SYNTAX =
(** outer syntax **)
(* errors *)
fun err_command msg name ps =
error (msg ^ quote (Markup.markup Markup.keyword1 name) ^ Position.here_list ps);
fun err_dup_command name ps =
err_command "Duplicate outer syntax command " name ps;
(* command parsers *)
datatype command_parser =
Parser of (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser |
Restricted_Parser of
(bool * Position.T) option -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser;
datatype command = Command of
{comment: string,
command_parser: command_parser,
pos: Position.T,
id: serial};
fun eq_command (Command {id = id1, ...}, Command {id = id2, ...}) = id1 = id2;
fun new_command comment command_parser pos =
Command {comment = comment, command_parser = command_parser, pos = pos, id = serial ()};
fun command_pos (Command {pos, ...}) = pos;
fun command_markup def (name, Command {pos, id, ...}) =
Markup.properties (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity Markup.commandN name);
fun pretty_command (cmd as (name, Command {comment, ...})) =
([Active.make_markup Markup.sendbackN {implicit = true, properties = [Markup.padding_line]},
command_markup false cmd], name) :: Pretty.str ":" :: Pretty.brk 2 :: Pretty.text comment);
(* theory data *)
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = command Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
fun merge data : T =
data |> Symtab.join (fn name => fn (cmd1, cmd2) =>
if eq_command (cmd1, cmd2) then raise Symtab.SAME
else err_dup_command name [command_pos cmd1, command_pos cmd2]);
val get_commands = Data.get;
val dest_commands = get_commands #> Symtab.dest #> sort_by #1;
val lookup_commands = Symtab.lookup o get_commands;
fun help thy pats =
dest_commands thy
|> filter (fn (name, _) => forall (fn pat => match_string pat name) pats)
|> map pretty_command
|> Pretty.writeln_chunks;
fun print_commands thy =
val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
val minor = Scan.dest_lexicon (Keyword.minor_keywords keywords);
val commands = dest_commands thy;
[Pretty.strs ("keywords:" :: map quote minor),
Pretty.big_list "commands:" (map pretty_command commands)]
|> Pretty.writeln_chunks
(* maintain commands *)
fun add_command name cmd thy =
if member (op =) Thy_Header.bootstrap_thys (Context.theory_name thy) then thy
val _ =
Keyword.is_command (Thy_Header.get_keywords thy) name orelse
err_command "Undeclared outer syntax command " name [command_pos cmd];
val _ =
(case lookup_commands thy name of
NONE => ()
| SOME cmd' => err_dup_command name [command_pos cmd, command_pos cmd']);
val _ =
Context_Position.report_generic (Context.the_generic_context ())
(command_pos cmd) (command_markup true (name, cmd));
in Data.map (Symtab.update (name, cmd)) thy end;
val _ = Theory.setup (Theory.at_end (fn thy =>
val command_keywords =
Scan.dest_lexicon (Keyword.major_keywords (Thy_Header.get_keywords thy));
val _ =
(case subtract (op =) (map #1 (dest_commands thy)) command_keywords of
[] => ()
| missing => error ("Missing outer syntax command(s) " ^ commas_quote missing))
in NONE end));
(* implicit theory setup *)
type command_keyword = string * Position.T;
fun raw_command (name, pos) comment command_parser =
let val setup = add_command name (new_command comment command_parser pos)
in Context.>> (Context.mapping setup (Local_Theory.background_theory setup)) end;
fun command (name, pos) comment parse =
raw_command (name, pos) comment (Parser parse);
fun maybe_begin_local_theory command_keyword comment parse_local parse_global =
raw_command command_keyword comment
(Restricted_Parser (fn restricted =>
Parse.opt_target -- parse_local
>> (fn (target, f) => Toplevel.local_theory restricted target f) ||
(if is_some restricted then Scan.fail
else parse_global >> Toplevel.begin_main_target true)));
fun local_theory_command trans command_keyword comment parse =
raw_command command_keyword comment
(Restricted_Parser (fn restricted =>
Parse.opt_target -- parse >> (fn (target, f) => trans restricted target f)));
val local_theory' = local_theory_command Toplevel.local_theory';
val local_theory = local_theory_command Toplevel.local_theory;
val local_theory_to_proof' = local_theory_command Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof';
val local_theory_to_proof = local_theory_command Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof;
(** toplevel parsing **)
(* parse spans *)
fun ship span =
val kind =
if forall Token.is_ignored span then Command_Span.Ignored_Span
else if exists Token.is_error span then Command_Span.Malformed_Span
(case find_first Token.is_command span of
NONE => Command_Span.Malformed_Span
| SOME cmd => Command_Span.Command_Span (Token.content_of cmd, Token.pos_of cmd));
in cons (Command_Span.Span (kind, span)) end;
fun flush (result, content, ignored) =
|> not (null content) ? ship (rev content)
|> not (null ignored) ? ship (rev ignored);
fun parse tok (result, content, ignored) =
if Token.is_ignored tok then (result, content, tok :: ignored)
else if Token.is_command_modifier tok orelse
Token.is_command tok andalso
(not (exists Token.is_command_modifier content) orelse exists Token.is_command content)
then (flush (result, content, ignored), [tok], [])
else (result, tok :: (ignored @ content), []);
fun parse_spans toks =
fold parse toks ([], [], []) |> flush |> rev;
fun make_span toks =
(case parse_spans toks of
[span] => span
| _ => Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Malformed_Span, toks));
(* parse commands *)
val bootstrap = Config.declare_bool ("Outer_Syntax.bootstrap", \<^here>) (K true);
val before_command =
Scan.option (Parse.position (Parse.private >> K true || Parse.qualified >> K false));
fun parse_command thy markers =
Scan.ahead (before_command |-- Parse.position Parse.command) :|-- (fn (name, pos) =>
val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
val tr0 =
|> Toplevel.name name
|> Toplevel.position pos
|> Keyword.is_proof_open keywords name ? Toplevel.skip_proof_open
|> Keyword.is_proof_close keywords name ? Toplevel.skip_proof_close;
val command_markers =
Parse.command |-- Document_Source.old_tags >>
(fn tags => Toplevel.markers (map Document_Marker.legacy_tag tags @ markers) tr0);
(case lookup_commands thy name of
SOME (Command {command_parser = Parser parse, ...}) =>
Parse.!!! (command_markers -- parse) >> (op |>)
| SOME (Command {command_parser = Restricted_Parser parse, ...}) =>
before_command :|-- (fn restricted =>
Parse.!!! (command_markers -- parse restricted)) >> (op |>)
| NONE =>
Scan.fail_with (fn _ => fn _ =>
val msg =
if Config.get_global thy bootstrap
then "missing theory context for command "
else "undefined command ";
in msg ^ quote (Markup.markup Markup.keyword1 name) end))
fun parse_span thy init span =
val full_range = Token.range_of span;
val core_range = Token.core_range_of span;
val markers = map Token.input_of (filter Token.is_document_marker span);
fun parse () =
filter Token.is_proper span
|> Source.of_list
|> Source.source Token.stopper (Scan.bulk (fn xs => Parse.!!! (parse_command thy markers) xs))
|> Source.exhaust;
(case parse () of
[tr] => Toplevel.modify_init init tr
| [] => Toplevel.ignored (#1 full_range)
| _ => Toplevel.malformed (#1 core_range) "Exactly one command expected")
handle ERROR msg => Toplevel.malformed (#1 core_range) msg
fun parse_text thy init pos text =
Symbol_Pos.explode (text, pos)
|> Token.tokenize (Thy_Header.get_keywords thy) {strict = false}
|> parse_spans
|> map (Command_Span.content #> parse_span thy init);
(* check commands *)
fun command_reports thy tok =
if Token.is_command tok then
let val name = Token.content_of tok in
(case lookup_commands thy name of
NONE => []
| SOME cmd => [((Token.pos_of tok, command_markup false (name, cmd)), "")])
else [];
fun check_command ctxt (name, pos) =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
if Keyword.is_command keywords name then
val markup =
Token.explode0 keywords name
|> maps (command_reports thy)
|> map (#2 o #1);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (map (pair pos) markup);
in name end
val completion_report =
Completion.make_report (name, pos)
(fn completed =>
Keyword.dest_commands keywords
|> filter completed
|> sort_strings
|> map (fn a => (a, (Markup.commandN, a))));
in error ("Bad command " ^ quote name ^ Position.here pos ^ completion_report) end
(* 'ML' command -- required for bootstrapping Isar *)
val _ =
command ("ML", \<^here>) "ML text within theory or local theory"
(Parse.ML_source >> (fn source =>
(ML_Context.exec (fn () =>
ML_Context.eval_source (ML_Compiler.verbose true ML_Compiler.flags) source) #>
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.