(* Title: Pure/Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML
Author: Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
Simplification functions for proof terms involving meta level rules.
val rew : bool -> typ list -> term option list -> Proofterm.proof -> (Proofterm.proof * Proofterm.proof) option
val rprocs : bool ->
(typ list -> term option list -> Proofterm.proof -> (Proofterm.proof * Proofterm.proof) option) list
val rewrite_terms : (term -> term) -> Proofterm.proof -> Proofterm.proof
val elim_defs : theory -> bool -> thm list -> Proofterm.proof -> Proofterm.proof
val elim_vars : (typ -> term) -> Proofterm.proof -> Proofterm.proof
val hhf_proof : term -> term -> Proofterm.proof -> Proofterm.proof
val un_hhf_proof : term -> term -> Proofterm.proof -> Proofterm.proof
val expand_of_sort_proof : theory -> term option list -> typ * sort -> Proofterm.proof list
val expand_of_class_proof : theory -> term option list -> typ * class -> proof
val expand_of_class : theory -> typ list -> term option list -> Proofterm.proof ->
(Proofterm.proof * Proofterm.proof) option
val standard_preproc: (proof * proof) list -> theory -> proof -> proof
structure Proof_Rewrite_Rules : PROOF_REWRITE_RULES =
fun rew b _ _ =
fun ?? x = if b then SOME x else NONE;
fun ax (prf as PAxm (s, prop, _)) Ts =
if b then PAxm (s, prop, SOME Ts) else prf;
fun ty T =
if b then
(case T of
Type (_, [Type (_, [U, _]), _]) => SOME U
| _ => NONE)
else NONE;
val equal_intr_axm = ax Proofterm.equal_intr_axm [];
val equal_elim_axm = ax Proofterm.equal_elim_axm [];
val symmetric_axm = ax Proofterm.symmetric_axm [propT];
fun rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.protectD", ...}, _) % _ %%
(PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _) % _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionD1", ...}, _) % _ % _ %%
(PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionI", ...}, _) % _ % _ %% prf %% _)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionD2", ...}, _) % _ % _ %%
(PThm ({name = "Pure.conjunctionI", ...}, _) % _ % _ %% _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_intr", _, _) % _ % _ %% prf %% _)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_intr", _, _) % A % B %% prf1 %% prf2)) =
SOME (equal_intr_axm % B % A %% prf2 %% prf1)
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A) % SOME (_ $ B) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.prop", _)) %
_ % _ % _ %% (PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %%
((tg as PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _)) % _ %% prf2)) =
SOME (tg %> B %% (equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% prf1 %% prf2))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A) % SOME (_ $ B) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.prop", _)) %
_ % _ % _ %% (PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1)) %%
((tg as PThm ({name = "Pure.protectI", ...}, _)) % _ %% prf2)) =
SOME (tg %> B %% (equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %%
(symmetric_axm % ?? B % ?? A %% prf1) %% prf2))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME X % SOME Y %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.imp", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2)) =
val _ $ A $ C = Envir.beta_norm X;
val _ $ B $ D = Envir.beta_norm Y
in SOME (AbsP ("H1", ?? X, AbsP ("H2", ?? B,
Proofterm.equal_elim_axm %> C %> D %% Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 2 0 prf2 %%
(PBound 1 %% (equal_elim_axm %> B %> A %%
(Proofterm.symmetric_axm % ?? A % ?? B %% Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 2 0 prf1) %%
PBound 0)))))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME X % SOME Y %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.imp", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2))) =
val _ $ A $ C = Envir.beta_norm Y;
val _ $ B $ D = Envir.beta_norm X
in SOME (AbsP ("H1", ?? X, AbsP ("H2", ?? A,
equal_elim_axm %> D %> C %%
(symmetric_axm % ?? C % ?? D %% Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 2 0 prf2) %%
(PBound 1 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 2 0 prf1 %% PBound 0)))))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) %
SOME (imp as (imp' as Const ("Pure.imp", T)) $ X) % _ % Y % Z %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf) =
SOME (ax Proofterm.combination_axm [propT, propT] %> imp % ?? imp % Y % Z %%
(ax Proofterm.combination_axm [propT, propT --> propT] %> imp' % ?? imp' % ?? X % ?? X %%
(ax Proofterm.reflexive_axm [T] % ?? imp') %%
(ax Proofterm.reflexive_axm [propT] % ?? X)) %% prf)
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME X % SOME Y %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.all", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.abstract_rule", _, _) % _ % _ %% prf))) =
val Const (_, T) $ P = Envir.beta_norm X;
val _ $ Q = Envir.beta_norm Y;
in SOME (AbsP ("H", ?? X, Abst ("x", ty T,
equal_elim_axm %> incr_boundvars 1 P $ Bound 0 %> incr_boundvars 1 Q $ Bound 0 %%
(Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 1 1 prf %> Bound 0) %% (PBound 0 %> Bound 0))))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME X % SOME Y %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.all", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.abstract_rule", _, _) % _ % _ %% prf)))) =
val Const (_, T) $ P = Envir.beta_norm X;
val _ $ Q = Envir.beta_norm Y;
val t = incr_boundvars 1 P $ Bound 0;
val u = incr_boundvars 1 Q $ Bound 0
in SOME (AbsP ("H", ?? X, Abst ("x", ty T,
equal_elim_axm %> t %> u %%
(symmetric_axm % ?? u % ?? t %% (Proofterm.incr_pboundvars 1 1 prf %> Bound 0))
%% (PBound 0 %> Bound 0))))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME A % SOME C %%
(PAxm ("Pure.transitive", _, _) % _ % SOME B % _ %% prf1 %% prf2) %% prf3) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> B %> C %% prf2 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% prf1 %% prf3))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME A % SOME C %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.transitive", _, _) % _ % SOME B % _ %% prf1 %% prf2)) %% prf3) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> B %> C %% (symmetric_axm % ?? C % ?? B %% prf1) %%
(equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% (symmetric_axm % ?? B % ?? A %% prf2) %% prf3))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _)) %% prf) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %% prf)) = SOME prf
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A $ C) % SOME (_ $ B $ D) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.eq", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2) %% prf3) %% prf4) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> C %> D %% prf2 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> A %> C %% prf3 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> B %> A %% (symmetric_axm % ?? A % ?? B %% prf1) %% prf4)))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ A $ C) % SOME (_ $ B $ D) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.eq", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2) %% prf3)) %% prf4) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% prf1 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> C %> A %% (symmetric_axm % ?? A % ?? C %% prf3) %%
(equal_elim_axm %> D %> C %% (symmetric_axm % ?? C % ?? D %% prf2) %% prf4)))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ B $ D) % SOME (_ $ A $ C) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.eq", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2)) %% prf3) %% prf4) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> D %> C %% (symmetric_axm % ?? C % ?? D %% prf2) %%
(equal_elim_axm %> B %> D %% prf3 %%
(equal_elim_axm %> A %> B %% prf1 %% prf4)))
| rew' (PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.equal_elim", _, _) % SOME (_ $ B $ D) % SOME (_ $ A $ C) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", _, _) % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % _ % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) % SOME (Const ("Pure.eq", _)) % _ % _ % _ %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _) %% prf1) %% prf2)) %% prf3)) %% prf4) =
SOME (equal_elim_axm %> B %> A %% (symmetric_axm % ?? A % ?? B %% prf1) %%
(equal_elim_axm %> D %> B %% (symmetric_axm % ?? B % ?? D %% prf3) %%
(equal_elim_axm %> C %> D %% prf2 %% prf4)))
| rew' ((prf as PAxm ("Pure.combination", _, _) %
SOME ((eq as Const ("Pure.eq", T)) $ t) % _ % _ % _) %%
(PAxm ("Pure.reflexive", _, _) % _)) =
let val (U, V) = (case T of
Type (_, [U, V]) => (U, V) | _ => (dummyT, dummyT))
in SOME (prf %% (ax Proofterm.combination_axm [U, V] %> eq % ?? eq % ?? t % ?? t %%
(ax Proofterm.reflexive_axm [T] % ?? eq) %% (ax Proofterm.reflexive_axm [U] % ?? t)))
| rew' _ = NONE;
in rew' #> Option.map (rpair Proofterm.no_skel) end;
fun rprocs b = [rew b];
val _ = Theory.setup (fold Proofterm.add_prf_rproc (rprocs false));
(**** apply rewriting function to all terms in proof ****)
fun rewrite_terms r =
fun rew_term Ts t =
val frees =
map Free (Name.invent (Term.declare_term_frees t Name.context) "xa" (length Ts) ~~ Ts);
val t' = r (subst_bounds (frees, t));
fun strip [] t = t
| strip (_ :: xs) (Abs (_, _, t)) = strip xs t;
strip Ts (fold lambda frees t')
fun rew Ts (prf1 %% prf2) = rew Ts prf1 %% rew Ts prf2
| rew Ts (prf % SOME t) = rew Ts prf % SOME (rew_term Ts t)
| rew Ts (Abst (s, SOME T, prf)) = Abst (s, SOME T, rew (T :: Ts) prf)
| rew Ts (AbsP (s, SOME t, prf)) = AbsP (s, SOME (rew_term Ts t), rew Ts prf)
| rew _ prf = prf
in rew [] end;
(**** eliminate definitions in proof ****)
fun vars_of t = rev (fold_aterms (fn v as Var _ => insert (op =) v | _ => I) t []);
fun insert_refl defs Ts (prf1 %% prf2) =
let val (prf1', b) = insert_refl defs Ts prf1
if b then (prf1', true)
else (prf1' %% fst (insert_refl defs Ts prf2), false)
| insert_refl defs Ts (Abst (s, SOME T, prf)) =
(Abst (s, SOME T, fst (insert_refl defs (T :: Ts) prf)), false)
| insert_refl defs Ts (AbsP (s, t, prf)) =
(AbsP (s, t, fst (insert_refl defs Ts prf)), false)
| insert_refl defs Ts prf =
(case Proofterm.strip_combt prf of
(PThm ({name = s, prop, types = SOME Ts, ...}, _), ts) =>
if member (op =) defs s then
val vs = vars_of prop;
val tvars = Term.add_tvars prop [] |> rev;
val (_, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (Logic.strip_imp_concl prop);
val rhs' = Term.betapplys (subst_TVars (map fst tvars ~~ Ts)
(fold_rev (fn x => fn b => Abs ("", dummyT, abstract_over (x, b))) vs rhs),
map the ts);
(Proofterm.change_types (SOME [fastype_of1 (Ts, rhs')])
Proofterm.reflexive_axm %> rhs', true)
else (prf, false)
| (_, []) => (prf, false)
| (prf', ts) => (Proofterm.proof_combt' (fst (insert_refl defs Ts prf'), ts), false));
fun elim_defs thy r defs prf =
val defs' = map (Logic.dest_equals o
map_types Type.strip_sorts o Thm.prop_of o Drule.abs_def) defs;
val defnames = map Thm.derivation_name defs;
val prf' =
if r then
val cnames = map (fst o dest_Const o fst) defs';
val expand = Proofterm.fold_proof_atoms true
(fn PThm ({serial, name, prop, ...}, _) =>
if member (op =) defnames name orelse
not (exists_Const (member (op =) cnames o #1) prop)
then I
else Inttab.update (serial, "")
| _ => I) [prf] Inttab.empty;
in Proofterm.expand_proof thy (Inttab.lookup expand o #serial) prf end
else prf;
rewrite_terms (Pattern.rewrite_term thy defs' [])
(fst (insert_refl defnames [] prf'))
(**** eliminate all variables that don't occur in the proposition ****)
fun elim_vars mk_default prf =
val prop = Proofterm.prop_of prf;
val tv = Term.add_vars prop [];
val tf = Term.add_frees prop [];
fun hidden_variable (Var v) = not (member (op =) tv v)
| hidden_variable (Free f) = not (member (op =) tf f)
| hidden_variable _ = false;
fun mk_default' T =
fold_rev (Term.abs o pair "x") (binder_types T) (mk_default (body_type T));
fun elim_varst (t $ u) = elim_varst t $ elim_varst u
| elim_varst (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, elim_varst t)
| elim_varst (t as Free (x, T)) = if member (op =) tf (x, T) then t else mk_default' T
| elim_varst (t as Var (xi, T)) = if member (op =) tv (xi, T) then t else mk_default' T
| elim_varst t = t;
Proofterm.map_proof_terms (fn t =>
if Term.exists_subterm hidden_variable t then Envir.beta_norm (elim_varst t) else t) I prf
(**** convert between hhf and non-hhf form ****)
fun hhf_proof P Q prf =
val params = Logic.strip_params Q;
val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp P;
val Hs' = Logic.strip_assums_hyp Q;
val k = length Hs;
val l = length params;
fun mk_prf i j Hs Hs' (Const ("Pure.all", _) $ Abs (_, _, P)) prf =
mk_prf i (j - 1) Hs Hs' P (prf %> Bound j)
| mk_prf i j (H :: Hs) (H' :: Hs') (Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ _ $ P) prf =
mk_prf (i - 1) j Hs Hs' P (prf %% un_hhf_proof H' H (PBound i))
| mk_prf _ _ _ _ _ prf = prf
prf |> Proofterm.incr_pboundvars k l |> mk_prf (k - 1) (l - 1) Hs Hs' P |>
fold_rev (fn P => fn prf => AbsP ("H", SOME P, prf)) Hs' |>
fold_rev (fn (s, T) => fn prf => Abst (s, SOME T, prf)) params
and un_hhf_proof P Q prf =
val params = Logic.strip_params Q;
val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp P;
val Hs' = Logic.strip_assums_hyp Q;
val k = length Hs;
val l = length params;
fun mk_prf (Const ("Pure.all", _) $ Abs (s, T, P)) prf =
Abst (s, SOME T, mk_prf P prf)
| mk_prf (Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ P $ Q) prf =
AbsP ("H", SOME P, mk_prf Q prf)
| mk_prf _ prf = prf
prf |> Proofterm.incr_pboundvars k l |>
fold (fn i => fn prf => prf %> Bound i) (l - 1 downto 0) |>
fold (fn ((H, H'), i) => fn prf => prf %% hhf_proof H' H (PBound i))
(Hs ~~ Hs' ~~ (k - 1 downto 0)) |>
mk_prf Q
(**** expand PClass proofs ****)
fun expand_of_sort_proof thy hyps (T, S) =
val of_class_hyps = map (fn SOME t => try Logic.dest_of_class t | NONE => NONE) hyps;
fun of_class_index p =
(case find_index (fn SOME h => h = p | NONE => false) of_class_hyps of
~1 => raise Fail "expand_of_class_proof: missing class hypothesis"
| i => PBound i);
val sorts = AList.coalesce (op =) (rev (map_filter I of_class_hyps));
fun get_sort T = the_default [] (AList.lookup (op =) sorts T);
val subst = map_atyps
(fn T as TVar (ai, _) => TVar (ai, get_sort T)
| T as TFree (a, _) => TFree (a, get_sort T));
fun reconstruct prop =
Proofterm.reconstruct_proof thy prop #>
Proofterm.expand_proof thy Proofterm.expand_name_empty #>
Same.commit (Proofterm.map_proof_same Same.same Same.same of_class_index);
map2 reconstruct (Logic.mk_of_sort (T, S))
(Proofterm.of_sort_proof (Sign.classes_of thy) (Thm.classrel_proof thy) (Thm.arity_proof thy)
(PClass o apfst Type.strip_sorts) (subst T, S))
fun expand_of_class_proof thy hyps (T, c) =
hd (expand_of_sort_proof thy hyps (T, [c]));
fun expand_of_class thy (_: typ list) hyps (PClass (T, c)) =
SOME (expand_of_class_proof thy hyps (T, c), Proofterm.no_skel)
| expand_of_class _ _ _ _ = NONE;
(* standard preprocessor *)
fun standard_preproc rews thy =
Proofterm.rewrite_proof thy (rews, rprocs true @ [expand_of_class thy]);
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