(* Title: Pure/Thy/document_source.ML
Author: Makarius
Document source for presentation.
val is_white: Token.T -> bool
val is_black: Token.T -> bool
val is_white_comment: Token.T -> bool
val is_black_comment: Token.T -> bool
val is_improper: Token.T -> bool
val improper: Token.T list parser
val improper_end: Token.T list parser
val blank_end: Token.T list parser
datatype scope = Command | Proof
type tag = string * scope
val eq_tag: tag * tag -> bool
val update_tags: tag -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val get_tags: Proof.context -> tag list
type tagging = tag list
val update_tagging: Proof.context -> tagging -> tag option * tagging
val tag_scope: scope parser
val tag_name: string parser
val old_tags: string list parser
val annotation: unit parser
structure Document_Source: DOCUMENT_SOURCE =
(* white space and comments *)
(*NB: arranging white space around command spans is a black art*)
val is_white = Token.is_space orf Token.is_informal_comment;
val is_black = not o is_white;
val is_white_comment = Token.is_informal_comment;
val is_black_comment = Token.is_formal_comment;
val space_proper =
Scan.one Token.is_blank -- Scan.many is_white_comment -- Scan.one is_black;
val is_improper = not o (is_black orf Token.is_begin_ignore orf Token.is_end_ignore);
val improper = Scan.many is_improper;
val improper_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper (Scan.one is_improper));
val blank_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper (Scan.one Token.is_blank));
(** syntactic tags **)
(* scope *)
datatype scope = Command | Proof;
type tag = string * scope;
val eq_tag: tag * tag -> bool = eq_fst op =;
(* context data *)
structure Tags = Proof_Data
type T = tag list;
fun init _ = [];
val update_tags = Tags.map o update eq_tag;
val get_tags = Tags.get;
(* command tagging *)
type tagging = tag list;
fun update_tagging ctxt tagging =
val tagging' = fold (update eq_tag) (get_tags ctxt) tagging;
val nested_tagging' = filter (fn (_, scope) => scope = Proof) tagging';
in (try hd tagging', nested_tagging') end;
(* parse scope and name *)
val scope = Parse.reserved "command" >> K Command || Parse.reserved "proof" >> K Proof;
val tag_scope =
Parse.group (fn () => "document tag scope") (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Parse.!!! (scope --| Parse.$$$ ")"));
val tag_name =
Parse.group (fn () => "document tag name") (Parse.short_ident || Parse.string);
(* syntactic tags (old-style) *)
val old_tag = (improper -- Parse.$$$ "%" -- improper) |-- Parse.!!! (tag_name --| blank_end);
val old_tags = Scan.repeat old_tag;
(* semantic markers (operation on presentation context) *)
val marker = improper |-- Parse.document_marker --| blank_end;
val annotation = Scan.repeat (old_tag >> K () || marker >> K ()) >> K ();
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.0 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.