/* Title: Pure/Thy/present.scala
Author: Makarius
HTML/PDF presentation of theory documents.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
object Presentation
/** HTML documents **/
val fonts_path = Path.explode("fonts")
sealed case class HTML_Document(title: String, content: String)
def html_context(fonts_url: String => String = HTML.fonts_url()): HTML_Context =
new HTML_Context(fonts_url)
final class HTML_Context private[Presentation](fonts_url: String => String)
def init_fonts(dir: Path)
val fonts_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + fonts_path)
for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
File.copy(entry.path, fonts_dir)
def head(title: String, rest: XML.Body = Nil): XML.Tree =
HTML.div("head", HTML.chapter(title) :: rest)
def source(body: XML.Body): XML.Tree = HTML.pre("source", body)
def contents(heading: String, items: List[XML.Body], css_class: String = "contents")
: List[XML.Elem] =
if (items.isEmpty) Nil
else List(HTML.div(css_class, List(HTML.section(heading), HTML.itemize(items))))
def output_document(title: String, body: XML.Body): String =
HTML.style(HTML.fonts_css(fonts_url) + "\n\n" + File.read(HTML.isabelle_css)),
List(HTML.source(body)), css = "", structural = false)
def html_document(title: String, body: XML.Body): HTML_Document =
HTML_Document(title, output_document(title, body))
/* presentation elements */
sealed case class Elements(
html: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty,
entity: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty,
language: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty)
val elements1: Elements =
html =
Rendering.foreground_elements ++ Rendering.text_color_elements +
Markup.NUMERAL + Markup.COMMENT + Markup.ENTITY + Markup.LANGUAGE,
entity = Markup.Elements(Markup.THEORY))
val elements2: Elements =
html = elements1.html ++ Rendering.markdown_elements,
language = Markup.Elements(Markup.Language.DOCUMENT))
/* HTML */
private val div_elements =
Set(HTML.div.name, HTML.pre.name, HTML.par.name, HTML.list.name, HTML.enum.name,
def make_html(
elements: Elements,
entity_link: (Properties.T, XML.Body) => Option[XML.Tree],
xml: XML.Body): XML.Body =
def html_div(html: XML.Body): Boolean =
html exists {
case XML.Elem(markup, body) => div_elements.contains(markup.name) || html_div(body)
case XML.Text(_) => false
def html_class(c: String, html: XML.Body): XML.Body =
if (c == "") html
else if (html_div(html)) List(HTML.div(c, html))
else List(HTML.span(c, html))
def html_body(xml_body: XML.Body): XML.Body =
xml_body flatMap {
case XML.Wrapped_Elem(markup, _, body) => html_body(List(XML.Elem(markup, body)))
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props @ Markup.Kind(kind)), body) =>
val body1 = html_body(body)
if (elements.entity(kind)) {
entity_link(props, body1) match {
case Some(link) => List(link)
case None => body1
else body1
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.Name(name)), body) =>
html_class(if (elements.language(name)) name else "", html_body(body))
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, _), body) =>
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, _), body) =>
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.Markdown_Bullet.name, _), _) => Nil
case XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_List(kind), body) =>
if (kind == Markup.ENUMERATE) List(HTML.enum(html_body(body)))
else List(HTML.list(html_body(body)))
case XML.Elem(markup, body) =>
val name = markup.name
val html =
markup.properties match {
case Markup.Kind(kind) if kind == Markup.COMMAND || kind == Markup.KEYWORD =>
html_class(kind, html_body(body))
case _ =>
Rendering.foreground.get(name) orElse Rendering.text_color.get(name) match {
case Some(c) => html_class(c.toString, html)
case None => html_class(name, html)
case XML.Text(text) =>
/* PIDE HTML document */
def html_document(
resources: Resources,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
html_context: HTML_Context,
elements: Elements,
plain_text: Boolean = false): HTML_Document =
require(!snapshot.is_outdated, "document snapshot outdated")
val name = snapshot.node_name
if (plain_text) {
val title = "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(name.path.file_name)
val body = HTML.text(snapshot.node.source)
html_context.html_document(title, body)
else {
resources.html_document(snapshot) getOrElse {
val title =
if (name.is_theory) "Theory " + quote(name.theory_base_name)
else "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(name.path.file_name)
val body = make_html(elements, (_, _) => None, snapshot.xml_markup(elements = elements.html))
html_context.html_document(title, body)
/** PDF LaTeX documents **/
/* document info */
abstract class Document_Name
def name: String
def path: Path = Path.basic(name)
override def toString: String = name
object Document_Variant
def parse(name: String, tags: String): Document_Variant =
Document_Variant(name, Library.space_explode(',', tags))
def parse(opt: String): Document_Variant =
Library.space_explode('=', opt) match {
case List(name) => Document_Variant(name, Nil)
case List(name, tags) => parse(name, tags)
case _ => error("Malformed document variant: " + quote(opt))
sealed case class Document_Variant(name: String, tags: List[String]) extends Document_Name
def print_tags: String = tags.mkString(",")
def print: String = if (tags.isEmpty) name else name + "=" + print_tags
def latex_sty: String =
tags.map(tag =>
tag.toList match {
case '/' :: cs => "\\isafoldtag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case '-' :: cs => "\\isadroptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case '+' :: cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
sealed case class Document_Input(name: String, sources: SHA1.Digest)
extends Document_Name
sealed case class Document_Output(name: String, sources: SHA1.Digest, log_xz: Bytes, pdf: Bytes)
extends Document_Name
def log: String = log_xz.uncompress().text
def log_lines: List[String] = split_lines(log)
def write(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): Unit =
write_document(db, session_name, this)
/* SQL data model */
object Data
val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key
val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key
val sources = SQL.Column.string("sources")
val log_xz = SQL.Column.bytes("log_xz")
val pdf = SQL.Column.bytes("pdf")
val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_documents", List(session_name, name, sources, log_xz, pdf))
def where_equal(session_name: String, name: String = ""): SQL.Source =
"WHERE " + Data.session_name.equal(session_name) +
(if (name == "") "" else " AND " + Data.name.equal(name))
def read_documents(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String): List[Document_Input] =
val select = Data.table.select(List(Data.name, Data.sources), Data.where_equal(session_name))
db.using_statement(select)(stmt =>
stmt.execute_query().iterator(res =>
val name = res.string(Data.name)
val sources = res.string(Data.sources)
Document_Input(name, SHA1.fake(sources))
def read_document(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String, name: String): Option[Document_Output] =
val select = Data.table.select(sql = Data.where_equal(session_name, name))
db.using_statement(select)(stmt =>
val res = stmt.execute_query()
if (res.next()) {
val name = res.string(Data.name)
val sources = res.string(Data.sources)
val log_xz = res.bytes(Data.log_xz)
val pdf = res.bytes(Data.pdf)
Some(Document_Output(name, SHA1.fake(sources), log_xz, pdf))
else None
def write_document(db: SQL.Database, session_name: String, doc: Document_Output)
db.using_statement(Data.table.insert())(stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = session_name
stmt.string(2) = doc.name
stmt.string(3) = doc.sources.toString
stmt.bytes(4) = doc.log_xz
stmt.bytes(5) = doc.pdf
/* presentation context */
object Context
val none: Context = new Context { def enabled: Boolean = false }
val standard: Context = new Context { def enabled: Boolean = true }
def dir(path: Path): Context =
new Context {
def enabled: Boolean = true
override def dir(store: Sessions.Store): Path = path
def make(s: String): Context =
if (s == ":") standard else dir(Path.explode(s))
abstract class Context private
def enabled: Boolean
def enabled(info: Sessions.Info): Boolean = enabled || info.browser_info
def dir(store: Sessions.Store): Path = store.presentation_dir
def dir(store: Sessions.Store, info: Sessions.Info): Path =
dir(store) + Path.explode(info.chapter_session)
/** HTML presentation **/
/* maintain chapter index */
private val sessions_path = Path.basic(".sessions")
private def read_sessions(dir: Path): List[(String, String)] =
val path = dir + sessions_path
if (path.is_file) {
import XML.Decode._
list(pair(string, string))(Symbol.decode_yxml(File.read(path)))
else Nil
private def write_sessions(dir: Path, sessions: List[(String, String)])
import XML.Encode._
File.write(dir + sessions_path, YXML.string_of_body(list(pair(string, string))(sessions)))
def update_chapter_index(browser_info: Path, chapter: String, new_sessions: List[(String, String)])
val dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(browser_info + Path.basic(chapter))
val sessions0 =
try { read_sessions(dir) }
catch { case _: XML.Error => Nil }
val sessions = (SortedMap.empty[String, String] ++ sessions0 ++ new_sessions).toList
write_sessions(dir, sessions)
val title = "Isabelle/" + chapter + " sessions"
HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + " (" + Distribution.version + ")")),
HTML.chapter(title) ::
(if (sessions.isEmpty) Nil
sessions.map({ case (name, description) =>
val descr = Symbol.trim_blank_lines(description)
(List(HTML.link(name + "/index.html", HTML.text(name))),
if (descr == "") Nil
else HTML.break ::: List(HTML.pre(HTML.text(descr)))) })))))))
def make_global_index(browser_info: Path)
if (!(browser_info + Path.explode("index.html")).is_file) {
browser_info + Path.explode("isabelle.gif"))
File.write(browser_info + Path.explode("index.html"),
File.read(Path.explode("~~/lib/html/library_index_header.template")) +
File.read(Path.explode("~~/lib/html/library_index_content.template")) +
/* present session */
val session_graph_path = Path.explode("session_graph.pdf")
val readme_path = Path.explode("README.html")
val files_path = Path.explode("files")
def html_name(name: Document.Node.Name): String = name.theory_base_name + ".html"
def theory_link(deps: Sessions.Deps, session0: String,
name: Document.Node.Name, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Tree] =
val session1 = deps(session0).theory_qualifier(name)
val info0 = deps.sessions_structure.get(session0)
val info1 = deps.sessions_structure.get(session1)
if (info0.isDefined && info1.isDefined) {
Some(HTML.link(info0.get.relative_path(info1.get) + html_name(name), body))
else None
def session_html(
resources: Resources,
session: String,
deps: Sessions.Deps,
db_context: Sessions.Database_Context,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
verbose: Boolean = false,
html_context: HTML_Context,
elements: Elements,
presentation: Context)
val info = deps.sessions_structure(session)
val options = info.options
val base = deps(session)
val session_dir = presentation.dir(db_context.store, info)
Bytes.write(session_dir + session_graph_path,
graphview.Graph_File.make_pdf(options, base.session_graph_display))
val documents =
for {
doc <- info.document_variants
document <- db_context.input_database(session)(read_document(_, _, doc.name))
} yield {
if (verbose) progress.echo("Presenting document " + session + "/" + doc.name)
Bytes.write(session_dir + doc.path.pdf, document.pdf)
val view_links =
val deps_link =
HTML.link(session_graph_path, HTML.text("theory dependencies"))
val readme_links =
if ((info.dir + readme_path).is_file) {
File.copy(info.dir + readme_path, session_dir + readme_path)
List(HTML.link(readme_path, HTML.text("README")))
else Nil
val document_links =
documents.map(doc => HTML.link(doc.path.pdf, HTML.text(doc.name)))
Library.separate(HTML.break ::: HTML.nl,
(deps_link :: readme_links ::: document_links).
map(link => HTML.text("View ") ::: List(link))).flatten
val theories: List[XML.Body] =
var seen_files = List.empty[(Path, String, Document.Node.Name)]
def entity_link(props: Properties.T, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Tree] =
(props, props, props) match {
case (Markup.Kind(Markup.THEORY), Markup.Name(theory), Position.Def_File(thy_file)) =>
val node_name = resources.file_node(Path.explode(thy_file), theory = theory)
theory_link(deps, session, node_name, body)
case _ => None
sealed case class Theory(
name: Document.Node.Name,
command: Command,
files_html: List[(Path, XML.Tree)],
html: XML.Tree)
def read_theory(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Theory] =
if (verbose) progress.echo("Presenting theory " + name)
for (command <- Build_Job.read_theory(db_context, resources, session, name.theory))
yield {
val snapshot = Document.State.init.snippet(command)
val files_html =
for {
(src_path, xml) <- snapshot.xml_markup_blobs(elements = elements.html)
if xml.nonEmpty
yield {
if (verbose) progress.echo("Presenting file " + src_path)
(src_path, html_context.source(make_html(elements, entity_link, xml)))
val html =
make_html(elements, entity_link, snapshot.xml_markup(elements = elements.html)))
Theory(name, command, files_html, html)
for (thy <- Par_List.map(read_theory, base.session_theories).flatten)
yield {
val files =
for { (src_path, file_html) <- thy.files_html }
yield {
val file_name = (files_path + src_path.squash.html).implode
seen_files.find(p => p._1 == src_path || p._2 == file_name) match {
case None => seen_files ::= (src_path, file_name, thy.name)
case Some((_, _, thy_name1)) =>
error("Incoherent use of file name " + src_path + " as " + quote(file_name) +
" in theory " + thy_name1 + " vs. " + thy.name)
val file_path = session_dir + Path.explode(file_name)
val file_title = "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(src_path.implode_short)
HTML.write_document(file_path.dir, file_path.file_name,
List(HTML.title(file_title)), List(html_context.head(file_title), file_html))
List(HTML.link(file_name, HTML.text(file_title)))
val thy_title = "Theory " + thy.name.theory_base_name
HTML.write_document(session_dir, html_name(thy.name),
List(HTML.title(thy_title)), List(html_context.head(thy_title), thy.html))
HTML.text(thy.name.theory_base_name) :::
(if (files.isEmpty) Nil else List(HTML.itemize(files)))))
val title = "Session " + session
HTML.write_document(session_dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + " (" + Distribution.version + ")")),
html_context.head(title, List(HTML.par(view_links))) ::
html_context.contents("Theories", theories))
/** build documents **/
val session_tex_path = Path.explode("session.tex")
def tex_name(name: Document.Node.Name): String = name.theory_base_name + ".tex"
def document_tex_name(name: Document.Node.Name): String = "document/" + tex_name(name)
class Build_Error(val log_lines: List[String], val message: String)
extends Exn.User_Error(message)
def build_documents(
session: String,
deps: Sessions.Deps,
db_context: Sessions.Database_Context,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
output_sources: Option[Path] = None,
output_pdf: Option[Path] = None,
verbose: Boolean = false,
verbose_latex: Boolean = false): List[Document_Output] =
/* session info */
val info = deps.sessions_structure(session)
val hierarchy = deps.sessions_structure.hierarchy(session)
val options = info.options
val base = deps(session)
val graph_pdf = graphview.Graph_File.make_pdf(options, base.session_graph_display)
/* prepare document directory */
lazy val tex_files =
for (name <- base.session_theories ::: base.document_theories)
yield {
val entry = db_context.get_export(hierarchy, name.theory, document_tex_name(name))
Path.basic(tex_name(name)) -> entry.uncompressed
def prepare_dir1(dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant): (Path, String) =
val doc_dir = dir + Path.basic(doc.name)
Isabelle_System.bash("isabelle latex -o sty", cwd = doc_dir.file).check
File.write(doc_dir + Path.explode("isabelletags.sty"), doc.latex_sty)
for ((base_dir, src) <- info.document_files) File.copy_base(info.dir + base_dir, src, doc_dir)
File.write(doc_dir + session_tex_path,
base.session_theories.map(name => "\\input{" + tex_name(name) + "}")))
for ((path, tex) <- tex_files) Bytes.write(doc_dir + path, tex)
val root1 = "root_" + doc.name
val root = if ((doc_dir + Path.explode(root1).tex).is_file) root1 else "root"
(doc_dir, root)
def prepare_dir2(dir: Path, doc: Document_Variant): Unit =
val doc_dir = dir + Path.basic(doc.name)
// non-deterministic, but irrelevant
Bytes.write(doc_dir + session_graph_path, graph_pdf)
/* produce documents */
val documents =
for (doc <- info.documents)
yield {
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("document")(tmp_dir =>
progress.echo("Preparing " + session + "/" + doc.name + " ...")
val start = Time.now()
// prepare sources
val (doc_dir, root) = prepare_dir1(tmp_dir, doc)
val digests = File.find_files(doc_dir.file, follow_links = true).map(SHA1.digest)
val sources = SHA1.digest_set(digests)
prepare_dir2(tmp_dir, doc)
for (dir <- output_sources) {
prepare_dir1(dir, doc)
prepare_dir2(dir, doc)
// old document from database
val old_document =
for {
old_doc <- db_context.input_database(session)(read_document(_, _, doc.name))
if old_doc.sources == sources
yield {
Bytes.write(doc_dir + doc.path.pdf, old_doc.pdf)
old_document getOrElse {
// bash scripts
def root_bash(ext: String): String = Bash.string(root + "." + ext)
def latex_bash(fmt: String = "pdf", ext: String = "tex"): String =
"isabelle latex -o " + Bash.string(fmt) + " " + Bash.string(root + "." + ext)
def bash(items: String*): Process_Result =
progress.bash(items.mkString(" && "), cwd = doc_dir.file,
echo = verbose_latex, watchdog = Time.seconds(0.5))
// prepare document
val result =
if ((doc_dir + Path.explode("build")).is_file) {
bash("./build pdf " + Bash.string(doc.name))
else {
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("bib") + " ] || " + latex_bash("bbl") + "; }",
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("idx") + " ] || " + latex_bash("idx") + "; }",
// result
val root_pdf = Path.basic(root).pdf
val result_path = doc_dir + root_pdf
val log_lines = result.out_lines ::: result.err_lines
if (!result.ok) {
val message =
cat_lines(Latex.latex_errors(doc_dir, root) ::: Bibtex.bibtex_errors(doc_dir, root)),
"Failed to build document " + quote(doc.name))
throw new Build_Error(log_lines, message)
else if (!result_path.is_file) {
val message = "Bad document result: expected to find " + root_pdf
throw new Build_Error(log_lines, message)
else {
val stop = Time.now()
val timing = stop - start
progress.echo("Finished " + session + "/" + doc.name +
" (" + timing.message_hms + " elapsed time)")
val log_xz = Bytes(cat_lines(log_lines)).compress()
val pdf = Bytes.read(result_path)
Document_Output(doc.name, sources, log_xz, pdf)
for (dir <- output_pdf; doc <- documents) {
val path = dir + doc.path.pdf
Bytes.write(path, doc.pdf)
progress.echo("Document at " + path.absolute)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("document", "prepare session theory document", Scala_Project.here, args =>
var output_sources: Option[Path] = None
var output_pdf: Option[Path] = None
var verbose_latex = false
var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
var options = Options.init()
var verbose_build = false
val getopts = Getopts(
Usage: isabelle document [OPTIONS] SESSION
Options are:
-O DIR output directory for LaTeX sources and resulting PDF
-P DIR output directory for resulting PDF
-S DIR output directory for LaTeX sources
-V verbose latex
-d DIR include session directory
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-v verbose build
Prepare the theory document of a session.
"O:" -> (arg =>
val dir = Path.explode(arg)
output_sources = Some(dir)
output_pdf = Some(dir)
"P:" -> (arg => { output_pdf = Some(Path.explode(arg)) }),
"S:" -> (arg => { output_sources = Some(Path.explode(arg)) }),
"V" -> (_ => verbose_latex = true),
"d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose_build = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
val session =
more_args match {
case List(a) => a
case _ => getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose_build)
val store = Sessions.store(options)
progress.interrupt_handler {
val res =
Build.build(options, selection = Sessions.Selection.session(session),
dirs = dirs, progress = progress, verbose = verbose_build)
if (!res.ok) error("Failed to build session " + quote(session))
val deps =
Sessions.load_structure(options + "document=pdf", dirs = dirs).
if (output_sources.isEmpty && output_pdf.isEmpty) {
progress.echo_warning("No output directory")
using(store.open_database_context())(db_context =>
build_documents(session, deps, db_context, progress = progress,
output_sources = output_sources, output_pdf = output_pdf,
verbose = true, verbose_latex = verbose_latex))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.8 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.