(* Title: Pure/Tools/rail.ML
Author: Michael Kerscher, TU München
Author: Makarius
Railroad diagrams in LaTeX.
signature RAIL =
datatype rails =
Cat of int * rail list
and rail =
Bar of rails list |
Plus of rails * rails |
Newline of int |
Nonterminal of string |
Terminal of bool * string |
Antiquote of bool * Antiquote.antiq
val read: Proof.context -> Input.source -> (string Antiquote.antiquote * rail) list
val output_rules: Proof.context -> (string Antiquote.antiquote * rail) list -> Latex.text
structure Rail: RAIL =
(** lexical syntax **)
(* singleton keywords *)
val keywords =
Symtab.make [
("|", Markup.keyword3),
("*", Markup.keyword3),
("+", Markup.keyword3),
("?", Markup.keyword3),
("(", Markup.empty),
(")", Markup.empty),
("\", Markup.keyword2),
(";", Markup.keyword2),
(":", Markup.keyword2),
("@", Markup.keyword1)];
(* datatype token *)
datatype kind =
Keyword | Ident | String | Space | Comment of Comment.kind | Antiq of Antiquote.antiq | EOF;
datatype token = Token of Position.range * (kind * string);
fun pos_of (Token ((pos, _), _)) = pos;
fun end_pos_of (Token ((_, pos), _)) = pos;
fun range_of (toks as tok :: _) =
let val pos' = end_pos_of (List.last toks)
in Position.range (pos_of tok, pos') end
| range_of [] = Position.no_range;
fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _))) = k;
fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x))) = x;
fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _))) = false
| is_proper (Token (_, (Comment _, _))) = false
| is_proper _ = true;
(* diagnostics *)
val print_kind =
fn Keyword => "rail keyword"
| Ident => "identifier"
| String => "single-quoted string"
| Space => "white space"
| Comment _ => "formal comment"
| Antiq _ => "antiquotation"
| EOF => "end-of-input";
fun print (Token ((pos, _), (k, x))) =
(if k = EOF then print_kind k else print_kind k ^ " " ^ quote x) ^
Position.here pos;
fun print_keyword x = print_kind Keyword ^ " " ^ quote x;
fun reports_of_token (Token ((pos, _), (Keyword, x))) =
map (pair pos) (the_list (Symtab.lookup keywords x) @ Completion.suppress_abbrevs x)
| reports_of_token (Token ((pos, _), (String, _))) = [(pos, Markup.inner_string)]
| reports_of_token (Token (_, (Antiq antiq, _))) = Antiquote.antiq_reports [Antiquote.Antiq antiq]
| reports_of_token _ = [];
(* stopper *)
fun mk_eof pos = Token ((pos, Position.none), (EOF, ""));
val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _))) = true
| is_eof _ = false;
val stopper =
Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_pos_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
(* tokenize *)
fun token k ss = [Token (Symbol_Pos.range ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss))];
fun antiq_token antiq =
[Token (#range antiq, (Antiq antiq, Symbol_Pos.content (#body antiq)))];
val scan_space = Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
val scan_keyword =
Scan.one (Symtab.defined keywords o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
val err_prefix = "Rail lexical error: ";
val scan_token =
scan_space >> token Space ||
Comment.scan_inner >> (fn (kind, ss) => token (Comment kind) ss) ||
Antiquote.scan_antiq >> antiq_token ||
scan_keyword >> (token Keyword o single) ||
Lexicon.scan_id >> token Ident ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_string_q err_prefix >> (fn (pos1, (ss, pos2)) =>
[Token (Position.range (pos1, pos2), (String, Symbol_Pos.content ss))]);
val scan =
Scan.repeats scan_token --|
Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ "bad input")
(Scan.ahead (Scan.one Symbol_Pos.is_eof));
val tokenize = #1 o Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper scan);
(** parsing **)
(* parser combinators *)
fun !!! scan =
val prefix = "Rail syntax error";
fun get_pos [] = " (end-of-input)"
| get_pos (tok :: _) = Position.here (pos_of tok);
fun err (toks, NONE) = (fn () => prefix ^ get_pos toks)
| err (toks, SOME msg) =
(fn () =>
let val s = msg () in
if String.isPrefix prefix s then s
else prefix ^ get_pos toks ^ ": " ^ s
in Scan.!! err scan end;
fun $$$ x =
Scan.one (fn tok => kind_of tok = Keyword andalso content_of tok = x) ||
(fn [] => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut end-of-input was found")
| tok :: _ => (fn () => print_keyword x ^ " expected,\nbut " ^ print tok ^ " was found"));
fun enum1 sep scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat ($$$ sep |-- !!! scan);
fun enum sep scan = enum1 sep scan || Scan.succeed [];
val ident = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = Ident then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
val string = Scan.some (fn tok => if kind_of tok = String then SOME (content_of tok) else NONE);
val antiq = Scan.some (fn tok => (case kind_of tok of Antiq a => SOME a | _ => NONE));
fun RANGE scan = Scan.trace scan >> apsnd range_of;
fun RANGE_APP scan = RANGE scan >> (fn (f, r) => f r);
(* parse trees *)
datatype trees =
CAT of tree list * Position.range
and tree =
BAR of trees list * Position.range |
STAR of (trees * trees) * Position.range |
PLUS of (trees * trees) * Position.range |
MAYBE of tree * Position.range |
NEWLINE of Position.range |
NONTERMINAL of string * Position.range |
TERMINAL of (bool * string) * Position.range |
ANTIQUOTE of (bool * Antiquote.antiq) * Position.range;
fun reports_of_tree ctxt =
if Context_Position.reports_enabled ctxt then
fun reports r =
if r = Position.no_range then []
else [(Position.range_position r, Markup.expression "")];
fun trees (CAT (ts, r)) = reports r @ maps tree ts
and tree (BAR (Ts, r)) = reports r @ maps trees Ts
| tree (STAR ((T1, T2), r)) = reports r @ trees T1 @ trees T2
| tree (PLUS ((T1, T2), r)) = reports r @ trees T1 @ trees T2
| tree (MAYBE (t, r)) = reports r @ tree t
| tree (NEWLINE r) = reports r
| tree (NONTERMINAL (_, r)) = reports r
| tree (TERMINAL (_, r)) = reports r
| tree (ANTIQUOTE (_, r)) = reports r;
in distinct (op =) o tree end
else K [];
val at_mode = Scan.option ($$$ "@") >> (fn NONE => false | _ => true);
fun body x = (RANGE (enum1 "|" body1) >> BAR) x
and body0 x = (RANGE (enum "|" body1) >> BAR) x
and body1 x =
(RANGE_APP (body2 :|-- (fn a =>
$$$ "*" |-- !!! body4e >> (fn b => fn r => CAT ([STAR ((a, b), r)], r)) ||
$$$ "+" |-- !!! body4e >> (fn b => fn r => CAT ([PLUS ((a, b), r)], r)) ||
Scan.succeed (K a)))) x
and body2 x = (RANGE (Scan.repeat1 body3) >> CAT) x
and body3 x =
(RANGE_APP (body4 :|-- (fn a =>
$$$ "?" >> K (curry MAYBE a) ||
Scan.succeed (K a)))) x
and body4 x =
($$$ "(" |-- !!! (body0 --| $$$ ")") ||
($$$ "\" >> K NEWLINE ||
ident >> curry NONTERMINAL ||
at_mode -- string >> curry TERMINAL ||
at_mode -- antiq >> curry ANTIQUOTE)) x
and body4e x =
(RANGE (Scan.option body4) >> (fn (a, r) => CAT (the_list a, r))) x;
val rule_name = ident >> Antiquote.Text || antiq >> Antiquote.Antiq;
val rule = rule_name -- ($$$ ":" |-- !!! body) || body >> pair (Antiquote.Text "");
val rules = enum1 ";" (Scan.option rule) >> map_filter I;
fun parse_rules toks =
#1 (Scan.error (Scan.finite stopper (rules --| !!! (Scan.ahead (Scan.one is_eof)))) toks);
(** rail expressions **)
(* datatype *)
datatype rails =
Cat of int * rail list
and rail =
Bar of rails list |
Plus of rails * rails |
Newline of int |
Nonterminal of string |
Terminal of bool * string |
Antiquote of bool * Antiquote.antiq;
fun is_newline (Newline _) = true | is_newline _ = false;
(* prepare *)
fun cat rails = Cat (0, rails);
val empty = cat [];
fun is_empty (Cat (_, [])) = true | is_empty _ = false;
fun bar [Cat (_, [rail])] = rail
| bar cats = Bar cats;
fun reverse_cat (Cat (y, rails)) = Cat (y, rev (map reverse rails))
and reverse (Bar cats) = Bar (map reverse_cat cats)
| reverse (Plus (cat1, cat2)) = Plus (reverse_cat cat1, reverse_cat cat2)
| reverse x = x;
fun plus (cat1, cat2) = Plus (cat1, reverse_cat cat2);
fun prepare_trees (CAT (ts, _)) = Cat (0, map prepare_tree ts)
and prepare_tree (BAR (Ts, _)) = bar (map prepare_trees Ts)
| prepare_tree (STAR (Ts, _)) =
let val (cat1, cat2) = apply2 prepare_trees Ts in
if is_empty cat2 then plus (empty, cat1)
else bar [empty, cat [plus (cat1, cat2)]]
| prepare_tree (PLUS (Ts, _)) = plus (apply2 prepare_trees Ts)
| prepare_tree (MAYBE (t, _)) = bar [empty, cat [prepare_tree t]]
| prepare_tree (NEWLINE _) = Newline 0
| prepare_tree (NONTERMINAL (a, _)) = Nonterminal a
| prepare_tree (TERMINAL (a, _)) = Terminal a
| prepare_tree (ANTIQUOTE (a, _)) = Antiquote a;
(* read *)
fun read ctxt source =
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt (Input.pos_of source) Markup.language_rail;
val toks = tokenize (Input.source_explode source);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (maps reports_of_token toks);
val rules = parse_rules (filter is_proper toks);
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (maps (reports_of_tree ctxt o #2) rules);
in map (apsnd prepare_tree) rules end;
(* latex output *)
fun vertical_range_cat (Cat (_, rails)) y =
let val (rails', (_, y')) =
fold_map (fn rail => fn (y0, y') =>
if is_newline rail then (Newline (y' + 1), (y' + 1, y' + 2))
let val (rail', y0') = vertical_range rail y0;
in (rail', (y0, Int.max (y0', y'))) end) rails (y, y + 1)
in (Cat (y, rails'), y') end
and vertical_range (Bar cats) y =
let val (cats', y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat cats y
in (Bar cats', Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
| vertical_range (Plus (cat1, cat2)) y =
let val ([cat1', cat2'], y') = fold_map vertical_range_cat [cat1, cat2] y;
in (Plus (cat1', cat2'), Int.max (y + 1, y')) end
| vertical_range (Newline _) y = (Newline (y + 2), y + 3)
| vertical_range atom y = (atom, y + 1);
fun output_rules ctxt rules =
val output_antiq =
Antiquote.Antiq #>
Document_Antiquotation.evaluate (single o Latex.symbols) ctxt #>
fun output_text b s =
Output.output s
|> b ? enclose "\\isakeyword{" "}"
|> enclose "\\isa{" "}";
fun output_cat c (Cat (_, rails)) = outputs c rails
and outputs c [rail] = output c rail
| outputs _ rails = implode (map (output "") rails)
and output _ (Bar []) = ""
| output c (Bar [cat]) = output_cat c cat
| output _ (Bar (cat :: cats)) =
"\\rail@bar\n" ^ output_cat "" cat ^
implode (map (fn Cat (y, rails) =>
"\\rail@nextbar{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "" rails) cats) ^
| output c (Plus (cat, Cat (y, rails))) =
"\\rail@plus\n" ^ output_cat c cat ^
"\\rail@nextplus{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n" ^ outputs "c" rails ^
| output _ (Newline y) = "\\rail@cr{" ^ string_of_int y ^ "}\n"
| output c (Nonterminal s) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "nont{" ^ output_text false s ^ "}[]\n"
| output c (Terminal (b, s)) = "\\rail@" ^ c ^ "term{" ^ output_text b s ^ "}[]\n"
| output c (Antiquote (b, a)) =
"\\rail@" ^ c ^ (if b then "term{" else "nont{") ^ output_antiq a ^ "}[]\n";
fun output_rule (name, rail) =
val (rail', y') = vertical_range rail 0;
val out_name =
(case name of
Antiquote.Text "" => ""
| Antiquote.Text s => output_text false s
| Antiquote.Antiq a => output_antiq a);
"\\rail@begin{" ^ string_of_int y' ^ "}{" ^ out_name ^ "}\n" ^
output "" rail' ^
in Latex.string (Latex.environment "railoutput" (implode (map output_rule rules))) end;
val _ = Theory.setup
(Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw_embedded \<^binding>\<open>rail\<close> (Scan.lift Args.text_input)
(fn ctxt => output_rules ctxt o read ctxt));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.25 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.