/* Title: Pure/Tools/server.scala
Author: Makarius
Resident Isabelle servers.
Message formats:
- short message (single line):
- long message (multiple lines):
Argument formats:
- Unit as empty string
- XML.Elem in YXML notation
- JSON.T in standard notation
package isabelle
import java.io.{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter,
import java.net.{Socket, SocketException, SocketTimeoutException, ServerSocket, InetAddress}
object Server
/* message argument */
object Argument
def is_name_char(c: Char): Boolean =
Symbol.is_ascii_letter(c) || Symbol.is_ascii_digit(c) || c == '_' || c == '.'
def split(msg: String): (String, String) =
val name = msg.takeWhile(is_name_char)
val argument = msg.substring(name.length).dropWhile(Symbol.is_ascii_blank)
(name, argument)
def print(arg: Any): String =
arg match {
case () => ""
case t: XML.Elem => YXML.string_of_tree(t)
case t: JSON.T => JSON.Format(t)
def parse(argument: String): Any =
if (argument == "") ()
else if (YXML.detect_elem(argument)) YXML.parse_elem(argument)
else JSON.parse(argument, strict = false)
def unapply(argument: String): Option[Any] =
try { Some(parse(argument)) }
catch { case ERROR(_) => None }
/* input command */
type Command_Body = PartialFunction[(Context, Any), Any]
abstract class Command(val command_name: String)
def command_body: Command_Body
override def toString: String = command_name
class Commands(commands: Command*) extends Isabelle_System.Service
def entries: List[Command] = commands.toList
private lazy val command_table: Map[String, Command] =
(Map.empty[String, Command] /: Isabelle_System.make_services(classOf[Commands]).flatMap(_.entries))(
{ case (cmds, cmd) =>
val name = cmd.command_name
if (cmds.isDefinedAt(name)) error("Duplicate Isabelle server command: " + quote(name))
else cmds + (name -> cmd)
/* output reply */
class Error(val message: String, val json: JSON.Object.T = JSON.Object.empty)
extends RuntimeException(message)
def json_error(exn: Throwable): JSON.Object.T =
exn match {
case e: Error => Reply.error_message(e.message) ++ e.json
case ERROR(msg) => Reply.error_message(msg)
case _ if Exn.is_interrupt(exn) => Reply.error_message(Exn.message(exn))
case _ => JSON.Object.empty
object Reply extends Enumeration
def message(msg: String, kind: String = ""): JSON.Object.T =
JSON.Object(Markup.KIND -> proper_string(kind).getOrElse(Markup.WRITELN), "message" -> msg)
def error_message(msg: String): JSON.Object.T =
message(msg, kind = Markup.ERROR)
def unapply(msg: String): Option[(Reply.Value, Any)] =
if (msg == "") None
else {
val (name, argument) = Argument.split(msg)
for {
reply <-
try { Some(withName(name)) }
catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => None }
arg <- Argument.unapply(argument)
} yield (reply, arg)
/* handler: port, password, thread */
abstract class Handler(port0: Int)
val socket: ServerSocket = new ServerSocket(port0, 50, Server.localhost)
def port: Int = socket.getLocalPort
val password: String = UUID.random_string()
override def toString: String = print(port, password)
def handle(connection: Server.Connection): Unit
private lazy val thread: Thread =
Isabelle_Thread.fork(name = "server_handler") {
var finished = false
while (!finished) {
Exn.capture(socket.accept) match {
case Exn.Res(client) =>
Isabelle_Thread.fork(name = "client") {
using(Connection(client))(connection =>
if (connection.read_password(password)) handle(connection))
case Exn.Exn(_) => finished = true
def start { thread }
def join { thread.join }
def stop { socket.close; join }
/* socket connection */
object Connection
def apply(socket: Socket): Connection =
new Connection(socket)
class Connection private(socket: Socket) extends AutoCloseable
override def toString: String = socket.toString
def close() { socket.close }
def set_timeout(t: Time) { socket.setSoTimeout(t.ms.toInt) }
private val in = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
private val out = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
private val out_lock: AnyRef = new Object
def tty_loop(): TTY_Loop =
new TTY_Loop(
new OutputStreamWriter(out),
new InputStreamReader(in),
writer_lock = out_lock)
def read_password(password: String): Boolean =
try { Byte_Message.read_line(in).map(_.text) == Some(password) }
catch { case _: IOException => false }
def read_message(): Option[String] =
try { Byte_Message.read_line_message(in).map(_.text) }
catch { case _: IOException => None }
def await_close(): Unit =
try { Byte_Message.read(in, 1); socket.close() }
catch { case _: IOException => }
def write_message(msg: String): Unit =
out_lock.synchronized { Byte_Message.write_line_message(out, Bytes(UTF8.bytes(msg))) }
def reply(r: Reply.Value, arg: Any)
val argument = Argument.print(arg)
write_message(if (argument == "") r.toString else r.toString + " " + argument)
def reply_ok(arg: Any) { reply(Reply.OK, arg) }
def reply_error(arg: Any) { reply(Reply.ERROR, arg) }
def reply_error_message(message: String, more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Unit =
reply_error(Reply.error_message(message) ++ more)
def notify(arg: Any) { reply(Reply.NOTE, arg) }
/* context with output channels */
class Context private[Server](val server: Server, connection: Connection)
extends AutoCloseable
context =>
def command_list: List[String] = command_table.keys.toList.sorted
def reply(r: Reply.Value, arg: Any) { connection.reply(r, arg) }
def notify(arg: Any) { connection.notify(arg) }
def message(kind: String, msg: String, more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Unit =
notify(Reply.message(msg, kind = kind) ++ more)
def writeln(msg: String, more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Unit = message(Markup.WRITELN, msg, more:_*)
def warning(msg: String, more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Unit = message(Markup.WARNING, msg, more:_*)
def error_message(msg: String, more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Unit =
message(Markup.ERROR, msg, more:_*)
def progress(more: JSON.Object.Entry*): Connection_Progress =
new Connection_Progress(context, more:_*)
override def toString: String = connection.toString
/* asynchronous tasks */
private val _tasks = Synchronized(Set.empty[Task])
def make_task(body: Task => JSON.Object.T): Task =
val task = new Task(context, body)
_tasks.change(_ + task)
def remove_task(task: Task): Unit =
_tasks.change(_ - task)
def cancel_task(id: UUID.T): Unit =
_tasks.change(tasks => { tasks.find(task => task.id == id).foreach(_.cancel); tasks })
def close()
while(_tasks.change_result(tasks => { tasks.foreach(_.cancel); (tasks.nonEmpty, tasks) }))
{ _tasks.value.foreach(_.join) }
class Connection_Progress private[Server](context: Context, more: JSON.Object.Entry*)
extends Progress
override def echo(msg: String): Unit = context.writeln(msg, more:_*)
override def echo_warning(msg: String): Unit = context.warning(msg, more:_*)
override def echo_error_message(msg: String): Unit = context.error_message(msg, more:_*)
override def theory(theory: Progress.Theory)
val entries: List[JSON.Object.Entry] =
List("theory" -> theory.theory, "session" -> theory.session) :::
(theory.percentage match { case None => Nil case Some(p) => List("percentage" -> p) })
context.writeln(theory.message, entries ::: more.toList:_*)
override def nodes_status(nodes_status: Document_Status.Nodes_Status)
val json =
for ((name, node_status) <- nodes_status.present)
yield name.json + ("status" -> node_status.json)
context.notify(JSON.Object(Markup.KIND -> Markup.NODES_STATUS, Markup.NODES_STATUS -> json))
override def toString: String = context.toString
class Task private[Server](val context: Context, body: Task => JSON.Object.T)
task =>
val id: UUID.T = UUID.random()
val ident: JSON.Object.Entry = ("task" -> id.toString)
val progress: Connection_Progress = context.progress(ident)
def cancel { progress.stop }
private lazy val thread = Isabelle_Thread.fork(name = "server_task")
Exn.capture { body(task) } match {
case Exn.Res(res) =>
context.reply(Reply.FINISHED, res + ident)
case Exn.Exn(exn) =>
val err = json_error(exn)
if (err.isEmpty) throw exn else context.reply(Reply.FAILED, err + ident)
def start { thread }
def join { thread.join }
/* server info */
val localhost_name: String = ""
def localhost: InetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(localhost_name)
def print_address(port: Int): String = localhost_name + ":" + port
def print(port: Int, password: String): String =
print_address(port) + " (password " + quote(password) + ")"
object Info
private val Pattern =
("""server "([^"]*)" = \Q""" + localhost_name + """\E:(\d+) \(password "([^"]*)"\)""").r
def parse(s: String): Option[Info] =
s match {
case Pattern(name, Value.Int(port), password) => Some(Info(name, port, password))
case _ => None
def apply(name: String, port: Int, password: String): Info =
new Info(name, port, password)
class Info private(val name: String, val port: Int, val password: String)
def address: String = print_address(port)
override def toString: String =
"server " + quote(name) + " = " + print(port, password)
def connection(): Connection =
val connection = Connection(new Socket(localhost, port))
def active(): Boolean =
try {
using(connection())(connection =>
connection.read_message() match {
case Some(Reply(Reply.OK, _)) => true
case _ => false
catch {
case _: IOException => false
case _: SocketException => false
case _: SocketTimeoutException => false
/* per-user servers */
val default_name = "isabelle"
object Data
val database = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/servers.db")
val name = SQL.Column.string("name").make_primary_key
val port = SQL.Column.int("port")
val password = SQL.Column.string("password")
val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_servers", List(name, port, password))
def list(db: SQLite.Database): List[Info] =
if (db.tables.contains(Data.table.name)) {
db.using_statement(Data.table.select())(stmt =>
stmt.execute_query().iterator(res =>
else Nil
def find(db: SQLite.Database, name: String): Option[Info] =
list(db).find(server_info => server_info.name == name && server_info.active)
def init(
name: String = default_name,
port: Int = 0,
existing_server: Boolean = false,
log: Logger = No_Logger): (Info, Option[Server]) =
using(SQLite.open_database(Data.database))(db =>
db.transaction {
Isabelle_System.chmod("600", Data.database)
list(db).filterNot(_.active).foreach(server_info =>
db.transaction {
find(db, name) match {
case Some(server_info) => (server_info, None)
case None =>
if (existing_server) error("Isabelle server " + quote(name) + " not running")
val server = new Server(port, log)
val server_info = Info(name, server.port, server.password)
db.using_statement(Data.table.insert())(stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = server_info.name
stmt.int(2) = server_info.port
stmt.string(3) = server_info.password
(server_info, Some(server))
def exit(name: String = default_name): Boolean =
using(SQLite.open_database(Data.database))(db =>
db.transaction {
find(db, name) match {
case Some(server_info) =>
while(server_info.active) { Time.seconds(0.05).sleep }
case None => false
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("server", "manage resident Isabelle servers", Scala_Project.here, args =>
var console = false
var log_file: Option[Path] = None
var operation_list = false
var operation_exit = false
var name = default_name
var port = 0
var existing_server = false
val getopts =
Usage: isabelle server [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-L FILE logging on FILE
-c console interaction with specified server
-l list servers (alternative operation)
-n NAME explicit server name (default: """ + default_name + """)
-p PORT explicit server port
-s assume existing server, no implicit startup
-x exit specified server (alternative operation)
Manage resident Isabelle servers.
"L:" -> (arg => log_file = Some(Path.explode(File.standard_path(arg)))),
"c" -> (_ => console = true),
"l" -> (_ => operation_list = true),
"n:" -> (arg => name = arg),
"p:" -> (arg => port = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"s" -> (_ => existing_server = true),
"x" -> (_ => operation_exit = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
if (operation_list) {
for {
server_info <- using(SQLite.open_database(Data.database))(list)
if server_info.active
} Output.writeln(server_info.toString, stdout = true)
else if (operation_exit) {
val ok = Server.exit(name)
sys.exit(if (ok) 0 else 2)
else {
val log = Logger.make(log_file)
val (server_info, server) =
init(name, port = port, existing_server = existing_server, log = log)
Output.writeln(server_info.toString, stdout = true)
if (console) {
using(server_info.connection())(connection => connection.tty_loop().join)
class Server private(port0: Int, val log: Logger) extends Server.Handler(port0)
server =>
private val _sessions = Synchronized(Map.empty[UUID.T, Headless.Session])
def err_session(id: UUID.T): Nothing = error("No session " + Library.single_quote(id.toString))
def the_session(id: UUID.T): Headless.Session = _sessions.value.getOrElse(id, err_session(id))
def add_session(entry: (UUID.T, Headless.Session)) { _sessions.change(_ + entry) }
def remove_session(id: UUID.T): Headless.Session =
_sessions.change_result(sessions =>
sessions.get(id) match {
case Some(session) => (session, sessions - id)
case None => err_session(id)
def shutdown()
val sessions = _sessions.change_result(sessions => (sessions, Map.empty))
for ((_, session) <- sessions) {
try {
val result = session.stop()
if (!result.ok) log("Session shutdown failed: " + result.print_rc)
catch { case ERROR(msg) => log("Session shutdown failed: " + msg) }
override def join { super.join; shutdown() }
override def handle(connection: Server.Connection)
using(new Server.Context(server, connection))(context =>
"isabelle_id" -> Isabelle_System.isabelle_id(),
"isabelle_version" -> Distribution.version))
var finished = false
while (!finished) {
connection.read_message() match {
case None => finished = true
case Some("") => context.notify("Command 'help' provides list of commands")
case Some(msg) =>
val (name, argument) = Server.Argument.split(msg)
Server.command_table.get(name) match {
case Some(cmd) =>
argument match {
case Server.Argument(arg) =>
if (cmd.command_body.isDefinedAt((context, arg))) {
Exn.capture { cmd.command_body((context, arg)) } match {
case Exn.Res(task: Server.Task) =>
case Exn.Res(res) => connection.reply_ok(res)
case Exn.Exn(exn) =>
val err = Server.json_error(exn)
if (err.isEmpty) throw exn else connection.reply_error(err)
else {
"Bad argument for command " + Library.single_quote(name),
"argument" -> argument)
case _ =>
"Malformed argument for command " + Library.single_quote(name),
"argument" -> argument)
case None => connection.reply_error("Bad command " + Library.single_quote(name))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.46 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.