(* Title: Pure/pure_thy.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Pure theory syntax and further logical content.
signature PURE_THY =
val old_appl_syntax: theory -> bool
val old_appl_syntax_setup: theory -> theory
val token_markers: string list
structure Pure_Thy: PURE_THY =
(* auxiliary *)
val typ = Simple_Syntax.read_typ;
val prop = Simple_Syntax.read_prop;
val tycon = Lexicon.mark_type;
val const = Lexicon.mark_const;
val qualify = Binding.qualify true Context.PureN;
fun mixfix (sy, ps, p) = Mixfix (Input.string sy, ps, p, Position.no_range);
fun infix_ (sy, p) = Infix (Input.string sy, p, Position.no_range);
fun infixr_ (sy, p) = Infixr (Input.string sy, p, Position.no_range);
fun binder (sy, p, q) = Binder (Input.string sy, p, q, Position.no_range);
fun add_deps_type c thy =
val n = Sign.arity_number thy c;
val typargs = map (fn a => TFree (a, [])) (Name.invent Name.context Name.aT n);
in thy |> Theory.add_deps_global "" ((Defs.Type, c), typargs) [] end
fun add_deps_const c thy =
val T = Logic.unvarifyT_global (Sign.the_const_type thy c);
val typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy (c, T);
in thy |> Theory.add_deps_global "" ((Defs.Const, c), typargs) [] end;
(* application syntax variants *)
val appl_syntax =
[("_appl", typ "('b \ 'a) \ args \ logic", mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000)),
("_appl", typ "('b \ 'a) \ args \ aprop", mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000))];
val applC_syntax =
[("", typ "'a \ cargs", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_cargs", typ "'a \ cargs \ cargs", mixfix ("_/ _", [1000, 1000], 1000)),
("_applC", typ "('b \ 'a) \ cargs \ logic", mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999)),
("_applC", typ "('b \ 'a) \ cargs \ aprop", mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999))];
structure Old_Appl_Syntax = Theory_Data
type T = bool;
val empty = false;
val extend = I;
fun merge (b1, b2) : T =
if b1 = b2 then b1
else error "Cannot merge theories with different application syntax";
val old_appl_syntax = Old_Appl_Syntax.get;
val old_appl_syntax_setup =
Old_Appl_Syntax.put true #>
Sign.del_syntax Syntax.mode_default applC_syntax #>
Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default appl_syntax;
(* main content *)
val token_markers =
["_tfree", "_tvar", "_free", "_bound", "_loose", "_var", "_numeral", "_inner_string"];
val _ = Theory.setup
(Sign.init_naming #>
Old_Appl_Syntax.put false #>
[(Binding.make ("fun", \<^here>), 2, NoSyn),
(Binding.make ("prop", \<^here>), 0, NoSyn),
(Binding.make ("itself", \<^here>), 1, NoSyn),
(Binding.make ("dummy", \<^here>), 0, NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("proof", \<^here>)), 0, NoSyn)]
#> add_deps_type "fun"
#> add_deps_type "prop"
#> add_deps_type "itself"
#> add_deps_type "dummy"
#> add_deps_type "Pure.proof"
#> Sign.add_nonterminals_global
(map (fn name => Binding.make (name, \<^here>))
(Lexicon.terminals @ ["logic", "type", "types", "sort", "classes",
"args", "cargs", "pttrn", "pttrns", "idt", "idts", "aprop", "asms",
"any", "prop'", "num_const", "float_const", "num_position",
"float_position", "index", "struct", "tid_position",
"tvar_position", "id_position", "longid_position", "var_position",
"str_position", "string_position", "cartouche_position", "type_name",
#> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default (map (fn x => (x, typ "'a", NoSyn)) token_markers)
#> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default
[("", typ "prop' \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "logic \ any", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "prop' \ any", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "logic \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"),
("", typ "prop' \ prop'", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"),
("_constrain", typ "logic \ type \ logic", mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)),
("_constrain", typ "prop' \ type \ prop'", mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)),
("_ignore_type", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("", typ "tid_position \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "tvar_position \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "type_name \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_type_name", typ "id \ type_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_type_name", typ "longid \ type_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_ofsort", typ "tid_position \ sort \ type", mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)),
("_ofsort", typ "tvar_position \ sort \ type", mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)),
("_dummy_ofsort", typ "sort \ type", mixfix ("'_' ::_", [0], 1000)),
("", typ "class_name \ sort", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_class_name", typ "id \ class_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_class_name", typ "longid \ class_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_dummy_sort", typ "sort", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"),
("_topsort", typ "sort", Mixfix.mixfix "{}"),
("_sort", typ "classes \ sort", Mixfix.mixfix "{_}"),
("", typ "class_name \ classes", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_classes", typ "class_name \ classes \ classes", Mixfix.mixfix "_,_"),
("_tapp", typ "type \ type_name \ type", mixfix ("_ _", [1000, 0], 1000)),
("_tappl", typ "type \ types \ type_name \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "((1'(_,/ _')) _)"),
("", typ "type \ types", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_types", typ "type \ types \ types", Mixfix.mixfix "_,/ _"),
("\<^type>fun", typ "type \ type \ type", mixfix ("(_/ \ _)", [1, 0], 0)),
("_bracket", typ "types \ type \ type", mixfix ("([_]/ \ _)", [0, 0], 0)),
("", typ "type \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"),
("\<^type>dummy", typ "type", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"),
("_type_prop", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("_lambda", typ "pttrns \ 'a \ logic", mixfix ("(3\_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)),
("_abs", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("", typ "'a \ args", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_args", typ "'a \ args \ args", Mixfix.mixfix "_,/ _"),
("", typ "id_position \ idt", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_idtdummy", typ "idt", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"),
("_idtyp", typ "id_position \ type \ idt", mixfix ("_::_", [], 0)),
("_idtypdummy", typ "type \ idt", mixfix ("'_' ::_", [], 0)),
("", typ "idt \ idt", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"),
("", typ "idt \ idts", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_idts", typ "idt \ idts \ idts", mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)),
("", typ "idt \ pttrn", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "pttrn \ pttrns", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_pttrns", typ "pttrn \ pttrns \ pttrns", mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)),
("", typ "aprop \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"),
("", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "var_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "\"),
("_aprop", typ "aprop \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "PROP _"),
("_asm", typ "prop \ asms", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_asms", typ "prop \ asms \ asms", Mixfix.mixfix "_;/ _"),
("_bigimpl", typ "asms \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("((1\_\)/ \ _)", [0, 1], 1)),
("_ofclass", typ "type \ logic \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "(1OFCLASS/(1'(_,/ _')))"),
("_mk_ofclass", typ "dummy", NoSyn),
("_TYPE", typ "type \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "(1TYPE/(1'(_')))"),
("", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("", typ "var_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Mixfix.mixfix "\"),
("_strip_positions", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("_position", typ "num_token \ num_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "float_token \ float_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_constify", typ "num_position \ num_const", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_constify", typ "float_position \ float_const", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_index", typ "logic \ index", Mixfix.mixfix "(\unbreakable\\<^bsub>_\<^esub>)"),
("_indexdefault", typ "index", Mixfix.mixfix ""),
("_indexvar", typ "index", Mixfix.mixfix "'\"),
("_struct", typ "index \ logic", NoSyn),
("_update_name", typ "idt", NoSyn),
("_constrainAbs", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("_position_sort", typ "tid \ tid_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position_sort", typ "tvar \ tvar_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "id \ id_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "longid \ longid_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "var \ var_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "str_token \ str_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "string_token \ string_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_position", typ "cartouche \ cartouche_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"),
("_type_constraint_", typ "'a", NoSyn),
("_context_const", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"),
("_context_const", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"),
("_context_const", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"),
("_context_const", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"),
("_context_xconst", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"),
("_context_xconst", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"),
("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"),
("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"),
(const "Pure.dummy_pattern", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"),
("_sort_constraint", typ "type \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "(1SORT'_CONSTRAINT/(1'(_')))"),
(const "Pure.term", typ "logic \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "TERM _"),
(const "Pure.conjunction", typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("&&&", 2))]
#> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default applC_syntax
#> Sign.add_syntax (Print_Mode.ASCII, true)
[(tycon "fun", typ "type \ type \ type", mixfix ("(_/ => _)", [1, 0], 0)),
("_bracket", typ "types \ type \ type", mixfix ("([_]/ => _)", [0, 0], 0)),
("_lambda", typ "pttrns \ 'a \ logic", mixfix ("(3%_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)),
(const "Pure.eq", typ "'a \ 'a \ prop", infix_ ("==", 2)),
(const "Pure.all_binder", typ "idts \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("(3!!_./ _)", [0, 0], 0)),
(const "Pure.imp", typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("==>", 1)),
("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "..."),
("_bigimpl", typ "asms \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("((3[| _ |])/ ==> _)", [0, 1], 1)),
("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Mixfix.mixfix "...")]
#> Sign.add_syntax ("", false)
[(const "Pure.prop", typ "prop \ prop", mixfix ("_", [0], 0))]
#> Sign.add_consts
[(qualify (Binding.make ("eq", \<^here>)), typ "'a \ 'a \ prop", infix_ ("\", 2)),
(qualify (Binding.make ("imp", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("\", 1)),
(qualify (Binding.make ("all", \<^here>)), typ "('a \ prop) \ prop", binder ("\", 0, 0)),
(qualify (Binding.make ("prop", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("type", \<^here>)), typ "'a itself", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("dummy_pattern", \<^here>)), typ "'a", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"),
(qualify (Binding.make ("Appt", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof \ 'a \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("AppP", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof \ Pure.proof \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("Abst", \<^here>)), typ "('a \ Pure.proof) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("AbsP", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ (Pure.proof \ Pure.proof) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("Hyp", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("Oracle", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("PClass", \<^here>)), typ "('a itself \ prop) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("MinProof", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof", NoSyn)]
#> add_deps_const "Pure.eq"
#> add_deps_const "Pure.imp"
#> add_deps_const "Pure.all"
#> add_deps_const "Pure.type"
#> add_deps_const "Pure.dummy_pattern"
#> Sign.parse_ast_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_parse_ast_translation
#> Sign.parse_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_parse_translation
#> Sign.print_ast_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_print_ast_translation
#> Sign.add_consts
[(qualify (Binding.make ("term", \<^here>)), typ "'a \ prop", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("sort_constraint", \<^here>)), typ "'a itself \ prop", NoSyn),
(qualify (Binding.make ("conjunction", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop \ prop", NoSyn)]
#> Sign.local_path
#> (Global_Theory.add_defs false o map Thm.no_attributes)
[(Binding.make ("prop_def", \<^here>),
prop "(CONST Pure.prop :: prop \ prop) (A::prop) \ A::prop"),
(Binding.make ("term_def", \<^here>),
prop "(CONST Pure.term :: 'a \ prop) (x::'a) \ (\A::prop. A \ A)"),
(Binding.make ("sort_constraint_def", \<^here>),
prop "(CONST Pure.sort_constraint :: 'a itself \ prop) (CONST Pure.type :: 'a itself) \\
\ (CONST Pure.term :: 'a itself \ prop) (CONST Pure.type :: 'a itself)"),
(Binding.make ("conjunction_def", \<^here>),
prop "(A &&& B) \ (\C::prop. (A \ B \ C) \ C)")] #> snd
#> fold (fn (a, prop) =>
snd o Thm.add_axiom_global (Binding.make (a, \<^here>), prop)) Proofterm.equality_axms);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.