/* Title: Tools/Graphview/mutator_dialog.scala
Author: Markus Kaiser, TU Muenchen
Author: Makarius
Mutator selection and configuration dialog.
package isabelle.graphview
import isabelle._
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy
import javax.swing.JColorChooser
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder
import scala.swing.{Dialog, Button, BoxPanel, Swing, Orientation, ComboBox, Action,
Dimension, BorderPanel, ScrollPane, Label, CheckBox, Alignment, Component, TextField}
import scala.swing.event.ValueChanged
class Mutator_Dialog(
graphview: Graphview,
container: Mutator_Container,
caption: String,
reverse_caption: String = "Inverse",
show_color_chooser: Boolean = true)
extends Dialog
title = caption
private var _panels: List[Mutator_Panel] = Nil
private def panels = _panels
private def panels_=(panels: List[Mutator_Panel])
_panels = panels
container.events +=
case Mutator_Event.Add(m) => add_panel(new Mutator_Panel(m))
case Mutator_Event.New_List(ms) => panels = get_panels(ms)
override def open()
if (!visible) panels = get_panels(container())
minimumSize = new Dimension(700, 200)
preferredSize = new Dimension(1000, 300)
private def get_panels(m: List[Mutator.Info]): List[Mutator_Panel] =
m.filter({ case Mutator.Info(_, _, Mutator.Identity()) => false case _ => true })
.map(m => new Mutator_Panel(m))
private def get_mutators(panels: List[Mutator_Panel]): List[Mutator.Info] =
panels.map(panel => panel.get_mutator)
private def movePanelUp(m: Mutator_Panel) =
def moveUp(l: List[Mutator_Panel]): List[Mutator_Panel] =
l match {
case x :: y :: xs => if (y == m) y :: x :: xs else x :: moveUp(y :: xs)
case _ => l
panels = moveUp(panels)
private def movePanelDown(m: Mutator_Panel) =
def moveDown(l: List[Mutator_Panel]): List[Mutator_Panel] =
l match {
case x :: y :: xs => if (x == m) y :: x :: xs else x :: moveDown(y :: xs)
case _ => l
panels = moveDown(panels)
private def removePanel(m: Mutator_Panel)
panels = panels.filter(_ != m).toList
private def add_panel(m: Mutator_Panel)
panels = panels ::: List(m)
def paint_panels()
panels.map(x => {
filter_panel.contents += x
filter_panel.contents += Swing.VGlue
val filter_panel: BoxPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {}
private val mutator_box = new ComboBox[Mutator](container.available)
private val add_button = new Button {
action = Action("Add") {
new Mutator_Panel(Mutator.Info(true, graphview.Colors.next, mutator_box.selection.item)))
private val apply_button = new Button {
action = Action("Apply") { container(get_mutators(panels)) }
private val reset_button = new Button {
action = Action("Reset") { panels = get_panels(container()) }
private val cancel_button = new Button {
action = Action("Close") { close }
defaultButton = cancel_button
private val botPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
border = new EmptyBorder(10, 0, 0, 0)
contents += mutator_box
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(10, 0))
contents += add_button
contents += Swing.HGlue
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(30, 0))
contents += apply_button
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(5, 0))
contents += reset_button
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(5, 0))
contents += cancel_button
contents = new BorderPanel {
border = new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)
layout(new ScrollPane(filter_panel)) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
layout(botPanel) = BorderPanel.Position.South
private class Mutator_Panel(initials: Mutator.Info)
extends BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal)
private val inputs: List[(String, Input)] = get_inputs()
var focusList = List.empty[java.awt.Component]
private val enabledBox = new Check_Box_Input("Enabled", initials.enabled)
border = new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)
maximumSize = new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 30)
background = initials.color
contents += new Label(initials.mutator.name) {
preferredSize = new Dimension(175, 20)
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Left
if (initials.mutator.description != "") tooltip = initials.mutator.description
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(10, 0))
contents += enabledBox
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(5, 0))
focusList = enabledBox.peer :: focusList
case (n, c) =>
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(10, 0))
if (n != "") {
contents += new Label(n)
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(5, 0))
contents += c.asInstanceOf[Component]
focusList = c.asInstanceOf[Component].peer :: focusList
val t = this
contents += Swing.HGlue
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(10, 0))
if (show_color_chooser) {
contents += new Button {
maximumSize = new Dimension(20, 20)
action = Action("Color") {
t.background =
JColorChooser.showDialog(t.peer, "Choose new Color", t.background)
focusList = this.peer :: focusList
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(2, 0))
contents += new Button {
maximumSize = new Dimension(20, 20)
action = Action("Up") {
focusList = this.peer :: focusList
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(2, 0))
contents += new Button {
maximumSize = new Dimension(20, 20)
action = Action("Down") {
focusList = this.peer :: focusList
contents += Swing.RigidBox(new Dimension(2, 0))
contents += new Button {
maximumSize = new Dimension(20, 20)
action = Action("Del") {
focusList = this.peer :: focusList
focusList = focusList.reverse
def get_mutator: Mutator.Info =
val model = graphview.model
val m =
initials.mutator match {
case Mutator.Identity() =>
case Mutator.Node_Expression(r, _, _, _) =>
val r1 = inputs(2)._2.string
if (Library.make_regex(r1).isDefined) r1 else r,
// "Parents" means "Show parents" or "Matching Children"
case Mutator.Node_List(_, _, _, _) =>
for {
ident <- space_explode(',', inputs(2)._2.string)
node <- model.find_node(ident)
} yield node,
// "Parents" means "Show parents" or "Matching Children"
case Mutator.Edge_Endpoints(_) =>
(model.find_node(inputs(0)._2.string), model.find_node(inputs(1)._2.string)) match {
case (Some(node1), Some(node2)) =>
Mutator.Edge_Endpoints((node1, node2))
case _ =>
case Mutator.Add_Node_Expression(r) =>
val r1 = inputs(0)._2.string
Mutator.Add_Node_Expression(if (Library.make_regex(r1).isDefined) r1 else r)
case Mutator.Add_Transitive_Closure(_, _) =>
case _ =>
Mutator.Info(enabledBox.selected, background, m)
private def get_inputs(): List[(String, Input)] =
initials.mutator match {
case Mutator.Node_Expression(regex, reverse, check_parents, check_children) =>
("", new Check_Box_Input("Parents", check_children)),
("", new Check_Box_Input("Children", check_parents)),
("Regex", new Text_Field_Input(regex, x => Library.make_regex(x).isDefined)),
("", new Check_Box_Input(reverse_caption, reverse)))
case Mutator.Node_List(list, reverse, check_parents, check_children) =>
("", new Check_Box_Input("Parents", check_children)),
("", new Check_Box_Input("Children", check_parents)),
("Names", new Text_Field_Input(list.map(_.ident).mkString(","))),
("", new Check_Box_Input(reverse_caption, reverse)))
case Mutator.Edge_Endpoints((source, dest)) =>
("Source", new Text_Field_Input(source.ident)),
("Destination", new Text_Field_Input(dest.ident)))
case Mutator.Add_Node_Expression(regex) =>
List(("Regex", new Text_Field_Input(regex, x => Library.make_regex(x).isDefined)))
case Mutator.Add_Transitive_Closure(parents, children) =>
("", new Check_Box_Input("Parents", parents)),
("", new Check_Box_Input("Children", children)))
case _ => Nil
private trait Input
def string: String
def bool: Boolean
private class Text_Field_Input(txt: String, check: String => Boolean = (_: String) => true)
extends TextField(txt) with Input
preferredSize = new Dimension(125, 18)
private val default_foreground = foreground
reactions +=
case ValueChanged(_) =>
foreground = if (check(text)) default_foreground else graphview.error_color
def string = text
def bool = true
private class Check_Box_Input(txt: String, s: Boolean) extends CheckBox(txt) with Input
selected = s
def string = ""
def bool = selected
private object Focus_Traveral_Policy extends FocusTraversalPolicy
private var items = Vector.empty[java.awt.Component]
def add(c: java.awt.Component) { items = items :+ c }
def addAll(cs: TraversableOnce[java.awt.Component]) { items = items ++ cs }
def clear() { items = Vector.empty }
def getComponentAfter(root: java.awt.Container, c: java.awt.Component): java.awt.Component =
val i = items.indexOf(c)
if (i < 0) getDefaultComponent(root)
else items((i + 1) % items.length)
def getComponentBefore(root: java.awt.Container, c: java.awt.Component): java.awt.Component =
val i = items.indexOf(c)
if (i < 0) getDefaultComponent(root)
else items((i - 1) % items.length)
def getFirstComponent(root: java.awt.Container): java.awt.Component =
if (items.nonEmpty) items(0) else null
def getDefaultComponent(root: java.awt.Container): java.awt.Component =
def getLastComponent(root: java.awt.Container): java.awt.Component =
if (items.nonEmpty) items.last else null
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.