Spracherkennung für: .sig vermutete Sprache: Abap {Abap[123] [0] [0]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
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(* Copyright (c) 2001 Joe Leslie-Hurd, distributed under the BSD License *)
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signature Normalize =
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(* Negation normal form. *)
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val nnf : Formula.formula -> Formula.formula
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(* Conjunctive normal form derivations. *)
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type thm
datatype inference =
Axiom of Formula.formula
| Definition of string * Formula.formula
| Simplify of thm * thm list
| Conjunct of thm
| Specialize of thm
| Skolemize of thm
| Clausify of thm
val mkAxiom : Formula.formula -> thm
val destThm : thm -> Formula.formula * inference
val proveThms :
thm list -> (Formula.formula * inference * Formula.formula list) list
val toStringInference : inference -> string
val ppInference : inference Print.pp
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(* Conjunctive normal form. *)
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type cnf
val initialCnf : cnf
val addCnf : thm -> cnf -> (Thm.clause * thm) list * cnf
val proveCnf : thm list -> (Thm.clause * thm) list
val cnf : Formula.formula -> Thm.clause list
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.120 Sekunden