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<chapter id="using-macros">
<title>Using Macros</title>
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<para>Macros in jEdit are short scripts written in a scripting language
called <firstterm>BeanShell</firstterm>. They provide an easy way to
automate repetitive keyboard and menu procedures, as well as access to the
objects and methods created by jEdit. Macros also provide a powerful
facility for customizing jEdit and automating complex text processing and
programming tasks. This section describes how to record and run macros. A
detailed guide on writing macros appears later; see <xref
linkend="writing-macros-part" />.</para>
<title>Other scripting languages</title>
<para>A number of jEdit plugins provide support for writing scripts in
alternative programming languages, like Python and Prolog. Consult the
documentation for the appropriate plugins for more information.</para>
<section id="recording-macros">
<title>Recording Macros</title>
<para>The simplest use of macros is to record a series of key strokes
and menu commands as a BeanShell script, and play them back later. While
this doesn't let you take advantage of the full power of BeanShell, it
is still a great time saver and can even be used to
<quote>prototype</quote> more complicated macros.</para>
Macro</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+m C+r</keycap>) prompts for a
macro name and begins recording.</para>
<para>While recording is in progress, the string <quote>Macro
recording</quote> is displayed in the status bar. jEdit records the
<para>Key strokes</para>
<para>Menu item commands</para>
<para>Tool bar clicks</para>
<para>All search and replace operations, except incremental
<para>Mouse clicks in the text area are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
recorded; use text selection commands or arrow keys instead.</para>
Recording</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+m C+s</keycap>) stops
recording. It also switches to the buffer containing the recorded macro,
giving you a chance to check over the recorded commands and make any
necessary changes. When you are happy with the macro, save the buffer
and it will appear in the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu. To discard the
macro, close the buffer without saving it.</para>
<para>The file name extension <filename>.bsh</filename> is automatically
appended to the macro name, and all spaces are converted to underscore
characters, in order to make the macro name a valid file name. These two
operations are reversed when macros are displayed in the
<guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu; see <xref linkend="organizing-macros" />
for details.</para>
<para>If a complicated operation only needs to be repeated a few times,
using the temporary macro feature is quicker than saving a new macro
<para><guimenu>Macros</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Record Temporary
Macro</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+m C+m</keycap>) begins
recording to a buffer named <filename>Temporary_Macro.bsh</filename>.
Once recording of a temporary macro is complete, jEdit does not display
the buffer containing the recorded commands, but the name
<filename>Temporary_Macro.bsh</filename> will be visible on any list of
open buffers. By switching to that buffer, you can view the commands,
edit them, and save them if you wish to a permanent macro file. Whether
or not you look at or save the temporary macro contents, it is
immediately available for playback.</para>
<para><guimenu>Macros</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Run Temporary
Macro</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+m C+p</keycap>) plays the macro
recorded to the <filename>Temporary_Macro.bsh</filename> buffer.</para>
<para>Only one temporary macro is available at a time. If you begin
recording a second temporary macro, the first is erased and cannot be
recovered unless you have saved the contents to a file with a name other
than <filename>Temporary_Macro.bsh</filename>. If you do not save the
temporary macro, you must keep the buffer containing the macro script
open during your jEdit session. To have the macro available for your
next jEdit session, save the buffer
<filename>Temporary_Macro.bsh</filename> as an ordinary macro with a
descriptive name of your choice. The new name will then be displayed in
the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu.</para>
<section id="running-macros">
<title>Running Macros</title>
<para>Macros supplied with jEdit, as well as macros that you record or
write, are displayed under the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu in a
hierarchical structure. The jEdit installation includes about 30 macros
divided into several major categories. Each category corresponds to a
nested submenu under the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu. An index of
these macros containing short descriptions and usage notes is found in
<xref linkend="macro-index" />.</para>
<para>To run a macro, choose the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu,
navigate through the hierarchy of submenus, and select the name of the
macro to execute. You can also assign execution of a particular macro to
a keyboard shortcut, toolbar button or context menu using the
<guimenuitem>Macro Shortcuts</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Tool
Bar</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Context Menu</guimenuitem> panes of
the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem>
dialog; see <xref linkend="global-opts" />.</para>
<section id="organizing-macros">
<title>How jEdit Organizes Macros</title>
<para>Every macro, whether or not you originally recorded it, is stored
on disk and can be edited as a text file. The file name of a macro must
have a <filename>.bsh</filename> extension in order for jEdit to be
aware of it. By default, jEdit associates a <filename>.bsh</filename>
file with the BeanShell edit mode for purposes of syntax highlighting,
indentation and other formatting. However, BeanShell syntax does not
impose any indentation or line break requirements.</para>
<para>The <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu lists all macros stored in two
places: the <filename>macros</filename> subdirectory of the jEdit home
directory, and the <filename>macros</filename> subdirectory of the
user-specific settings directory (see <xref
linkend="settings-directory" /> for information about the settings
directory). Any macros you record will be stored in the user-specific
<para>Macros stored elsewhere can be run using the
<guimenu>Macros</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Run Other Macro</guimenuitem>
command, which displays a file chooser dialog box, and runs the
specified file.</para>
<para>The listing of individual macros in the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu>
menu can be organized in a hierarchy using subdirectories in the general
or user-specific macro directories; each subdirectory appears as a
submenu. You will find such a hierarchy in the default macro set
included with jEdit.</para>
<para>When jEdit first loads, it scans the designated macro directories
and assembles a listing of individual macros in the
<guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu. When scanning the names, jEdit will
delete underscore characters and the <filename>.bsh</filename> extension
for menu labels, so that
<filename>List_Useful_Information.bsh</filename>, for example, will be
displayed in the <guimenu>Macros</guimenu> menu as <guimenuitem>List
Useful Information</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para>You can browse the user and system macro directories by opening
the <filename>macros</filename> directory from the
<guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>><guimenuitem>jEdit Home
Directory</guimenuitem> and
Directory</guimenuitem> menus.</para>
<para>Macros can be opened and edited much like ordinary files from the
file system browser. Editing macros from within jEdit will automatically
update the macros menu; however, if you modify macros from another
program or add macro files to the macro directories, you should run the
<guimenu>Macros</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Rescan Macros</guimenuitem>
command to update the macro list.</para>
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.