(* Title: Tools/try.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
Manager for tools that should be tried on conjectures.
signature TRY =
type tool = string * (int * string * (bool -> Proof.state -> bool * (string * string list)))
val tryN: string
val serial_commas: string -> string list -> string list
val subgoal_count: Proof.state -> int
val get_tools: theory -> tool list
val try_tools: Proof.state -> (string * string) option
val tool_setup: tool -> unit
structure Try : TRY =
type tool = string * (int * string * (bool -> Proof.state -> bool * (string * string list)));
val tryN = "try";
(* helpers *)
fun serial_commas _ [] = ["??"]
| serial_commas _ [s] = [s]
| serial_commas conj [s1, s2] = [s1, conj, s2]
| serial_commas conj [s1, s2, s3] = [s1 ^ ",", s2 ^ ",", conj, s3]
| serial_commas conj (s :: ss) = s ^ "," :: serial_commas conj ss;
val subgoal_count = Logic.count_prems o Thm.prop_of o #goal o Proof.goal;
(* configuration *)
fun tool_ord ((name1, (weight1, _, _)), (name2, (weight2, _, _))) =
prod_ord int_ord string_ord ((weight1, name1), (weight2, name2));
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = tool list;
val empty = [];
val extend = I;
fun merge data : T = Ord_List.merge tool_ord data;
val get_tools = Data.get;
val register_tool = Data.map o Ord_List.insert tool_ord;
(* try command *)
fun try_tools state =
if subgoal_count state = 0 then
(writeln "No subgoal!"; NONE)
get_tools (Proof.theory_of state)
|> tap (fn tools =>
"Trying " ^ space_implode " "
(serial_commas "and" (map (quote o fst) tools)) ^ "..."
|> writeln)
|> Par_List.get_some
(fn (name, (_, _, tool)) =>
case try (tool false) state of
SOME (true, (outcome_code, _)) => SOME (name, outcome_code)
| _ => NONE)
|> tap (fn NONE => writeln "Tried in vain" | _ => ());
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>try\<close>
"try a combination of automatic proving and disproving tools"
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep_proof (ignore o try_tools o Toplevel.proof_of)));
(* automatic try (TTY) *)
fun auto_try state =
get_tools (Proof.theory_of state)
|> map_filter (fn (_, (_, auto, tool)) => if Options.default_bool auto then SOME tool else NONE)
|> Par_List.get_some (fn tool =>
(case try (tool true) state of
SOME (true, (_, outcome)) => SOME outcome
| _ => NONE))
|> the_default [];
(* asynchronous print function (PIDE) *)
fun print_function ((name, (weight, auto, tool)): tool) =
Command.print_function ("auto_" ^ name)
(fn {keywords, command_name, ...} =>
if Keyword.is_theory_goal keywords command_name andalso Options.default_bool auto then
{delay = SOME (seconds (Options.default_real \<^system_option>\<open>auto_time_start\<close>)),
pri = ~ weight,
persistent = true,
strict = true,
print_fn = fn _ => fn st =>
val state = Toplevel.proof_of st
|> Proof.map_context (Context_Position.set_visible false)
val auto_time_limit = Options.default_real \<^system_option>\<open>auto_time_limit\<close>
if auto_time_limit > 0.0 then
(case Timeout.apply (seconds auto_time_limit) (fn () => tool true state) () of
(true, (_, outcome)) => List.app Output.information outcome
| _ => ())
else ()
end handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else ()}
else NONE);
(* hybrid tool setup *)
fun tool_setup tool = (Theory.setup (register_tool tool); print_function tool);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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